AMARACHI THE BEAUTIFUL POOR CHILD Episode 16 By Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor


AMARACHI THE BEAUTIFUL POOR CHILD (And Her Journey to Destiny-Discovery) By Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor


Amarachi felt that she’d be missing classes, so she went back to school and left Akunna in the hands of the Doctors, nurses and family members so that recuperating girl wouldn’t lack anything.
Dave travelled for a business trip that was to last for about two days, so he wasn’t even around to fulfil his dream of getting that ring into Amarachi’s finger, though he still wanted to make it public before his friends and cohorts.
It was a strange morning for everyone to see Uremma show up in school after many weeks of missing classes.
People gathered around her but she didn’t talk to anyone. She was just moody and depressed.
The fashionista didn’t even have any makeup on her because it seemed she’d passed through a lot in the hands of her dad.
Amarachi was tipped off with the information by Osisioma’s informant that Uremma was back to school.
Osisioma was still having grudges against her rival but still kept it in check because of her promise to Amy to be of help. At least she knew that it is not good to hurt an animal that she wouldn’t be able to eat. Even if a man can’t help a friend, at least he shouldn’t hurt them. Those were guiding principles that made Osisioma still not go on with the rival game of the riches she’d spent much time playing with Uremma.
That morning was a joyous moment for Amy even though she was afraid to approach her with the notion that she may not be the same Uremma that she was.

It was even surprising to everyone that Uremma didn’t come to school in her car but took a cab. Some bodyguards were seen around the school, so it wasn’t even easy for people to come closer to Uremma.
Amarachi was disturbed but had to create a diversion so that those hefty men that got the students unsettled would disappear or give her the chance to talk to Uremma.
Amarachi contacted Chibunna (the most intelligent guy in the economics department) to help out with the deal. Chibunna already got the message and line of action, even though he knew the price of such risk.
The two macho men were busy hovering around like birds, with their eyes fixed at Uremma’s position in the Mass communication department where she was. Their eyes were fixed at the distress girl’s direction like the eye of the eagle on a prey.
Not minding his slender stature, Chibunna went straight on one of the guys and poured some sand on him. The macho guy was surprised at this because he couldn’t explain why the young man did that. He suddenly rushed at Chibunna but he was almost slithery to be caught.

The other macho guy’s attention was caught by this, so he joined his counterpart to either settle or beat up Chibunna. As this went on, attention of the either students were aroused. The school anti-cult and security suddenly gathered too and many students encircled the scene to defend their fellow student; whether he was at fault or not.
Amarachi suddenly rushed to Uremma’s class and tried to pull her up but the girl was so afraid and shivering as if she’d been broken.
“Babe, you need to follow me immediately because no one is monitoring,” Amy said as she fidgeted, trying to make her reason with her. As Amarachi dragged her, she kept her gaze at the fight scene to ensure that the bodyguards were still being distracted.
“They must know,” she said meekly and looked through the window and saw that many students were gathering, “what’s happening?” she asked looking so disturbed.
“It’s my friend fighting with your bodyguards just to create a diversion for you to escape,” Amy said hastily, “come now so that this boy’s effort in helping out wouldn’t be in vain. I’m sure he’d be hurt in the process, but we’re doing this for your freedom. Come with me now!” she yelled, to get the reality of the situation into her senses.
As if she’d be hypnotised but suddenly got her senses back, Uremma quickly sprang up from the seat and followed Amarachi, even her handbag dropped but she left it and bolted with her.
As they were running, they saw one of the guards who seemed to have noticed that the entire fight was staged. He started rushing towards them.
The escaping girls pulled off their shoes and continued running until they got to the end of the hallway of the academic block where they couldn’t escape or jump from the window being that they were women and couldn’t take such risks.

As they fretted with the conviction that they’d been caught, the two girls were surprised that Professor Nwoko suddenly opened the entrance door to his office and beckoned them in.
They rushed into his office and he closed the door quickly behind him.
“Come quickly, and follow the exit door into the bush!” Prof said and rushed to the exit door, unlocked it and the girls disappeared immediately from there like a mirage.
Professor Nwoko quickly went back to his seat and continued looking into his lecture note even though he wasn’t reading or studying but pretending.
All of a sudden the door of his office was forcefully opened and he looked up with his owlish glasses hanging on his nose. He peered at the young men that badgered his reading serenity and got up out of anger to face them.
“Sorry, sir, it was a mistake,” the macho guys apologised and left, leaving the professor’s office door wide open.
“The door, please!” Prof Nwoko angrily snarled, making one of them to come back and shut the door.
“Sorry for interruption,” he apologised and left like a shot.
The professor smiled and nodded, and then went back to his seat, hunched over his books and continued studying for his next class.
When the bodyguards went back to meet Chibunna and query him in connection with the escape, the guy was gone; though with slight bruises on him as a result of the fight.
Amarachi took Uremma to her house for safety to ensure that she wouldn’t be hurt. Even though she was afraid of being followed but no one did because her actions in stealing Uremma from the auspices of the bodyguards were expertly and swift; hence, unnoticed.
Getting to the compound, Amy quickly pulled over, rushed to Uremma, and held her by the arm. She dragged her into the apartment for safety.

They were both barefooted since they left their shoes behind while on the escape route and in need to run faster away from the monsters.
Uremma sat down and was busy observing the beautiful apartment. She was battling with plethora of thoughts inside her because she couldn’t fathom how Amarachi the poor girl turned to be the celebrity and famous rich girl.
First of all, Amy offered her a glass of water and then dished out a sumptuous meal to bid her welcome into her hospitable home.
Uremma still couldn’t find the words to appreciate her for the rescue or even ask questions about why she was helping her even after all she did for her.
“Come to the dining table,” Amarachi invited but Uremma kept looking so dazed and surprised, “Baby,” she called this time, making her feel so loved and moved to tears, “I think you need to stop staring at me and come for lunch. You look famished and weak,”
Uremma happily got up as if a sudden liveliness crept into her. She quickly went to the dining table still barefooted the way they both came in.
Amy got new pink Gucci slippers for Uremma but she pushed it aside. “I think I’m okay like this. I love the sweet feelings I get from being barefooted on this classy apartment, “your house is so cute, and I feel some connection to you as if we’ve been friends even before we gained admission into the university,”
Amy’s mind flashed to the trance she woke up from in the clinic. She was still looking at Uremma but couldn’t ask her about the purported mark on her head since she’d seen it already on Akunna’s head. Even though she was eager to check Uremma’s mark or ask her some questions concerning that, she was still afraid of how she’d feel if she has it too.
‘Would that make three of us sisters? But Ego Oyibo made it known to me that I had just one sister, but she died’ Amy thought as she looked absently at Uremma.
Many thoughts rumbled in her head but she had to just face them, one after the other.
“The food, please,” Amarachi reminded her, calling her attention to the sumptuous meal waiting for them.
Uremma smiled and settled for the meal. She was still perplexed but surprised that Amy was being the best friend she never had, not minding what she did to her in the past.
They started enjoying the meal. In obedience to eating etiquette, they all ate without discussion, just some periodic furtive gazes at each other with lots of questions written all over their faces, and the lips full of speeches. They had to rush the mean just to have time to talk about what had been happening in their lives for so long.
After munching the food ravenously, Uremma was so happy that she finally had a good meal.
The girls were still glued to their seats waiting for who would be the first to break the long silence.

“Uremma,” Amy said after some minute’s silent rehearsal within her, “I certainly want to…”
“You’re next on his list but he doesn’t know you in person but he knows a lot already,” Uremma broken in, “the message you got, inviting you to the bridge wasn’t from me,”
Amarachi was shocked at hearing that. Her face shrunk into deep thoughts as she kept imagining what could have happened to her if she acted impulsively without Osisioma’s help as she did. Out of great fear for the dreadful thoughts, she shrugged and kept snapping her finger with bewilderment.
“No wonder the message warned me against Dave,” Amy said, and then turned to Uremma and held her and said, “I don’t know how to say this but…”
“Don’t worry, I have nothing with Dave anymore,” Uremma cut in, making Amy surprised that she knew, “I’ve tried as much as I could to keep him in the past because my friendship with him was characterised by carelessness, immorality and dubiousness…”
“But I should have told…” Amy broke in but Uremma held firm to what she was saying.
“You don’t need to,” Uremma said and caressed her with care, “you’re like a sister to me and I think that you and Dave are best together because I was just a kind of bedmate and playmate with him but since you met him, he’d been a different guy,”
Amarachi was just perplexed and wowed because she felt the soberness and prudence in Uremma’s tone as she was poised to ensure that the two new love birds kept flocking together.
“Aren’t you jealous at all?” Amy asked; looking a kind of confused, I mean…”
“I needn’t deny it. I was deeply jealous and ready to hurt you a couple of weeks back,” Uremma interjected cleverly as her eyes remained affixed to Amy’s gentle gaze, “I got a golden gun from daddy and was ready to visit his house at GRA after getting the rumour from a little bird that you and your mom are residing there. It was Dave’s bodyguards that stopped me, and being that I respect the guy, I calmed myself down but I still didn’t give up my homicidal mission. Then Harry, Dave’s younger brother accosted me and talked senses into me. If not for Harry I must have been dead too because I planned on a mass homicide and suicide,”
Amarachi suddenly withdrew her hand from her touch and placed them on her head. She was sunk deep in thoughts as she reminisced on the vividness of the dream she had about Uremma killing them all with the stainless gun as well as committing suicide that ended her life.
At this point, Amy was fully assured that her dreams were revelatory; especially thinking about Akunna’s death in her dream and the revelation about the black mark.
Reflexively, she grabbed Uremma with force to search through her hair to locate the mark.
Uremma struggled thinking it was a fight but was surprised when Amarachi freed her with fear, and then fell on the floor with grave shock.

Uremma was so disturbed by that, so she rushed at Amy and held her up, and then made her sit. “What’s the matter, please?” she asked and started pulling off Amy’s top thinking that she was fainting but Amy stopped her.
“I had a terrible dream that you killed me, killed Dave and then put a bullet through your head, and what you said now confirmed it was a revelation,” Amarachi said as she pulsated with a heavy breath, “I also dreamt of Akunna telling me to check the back of your head to see a mark that is hidden in your hair. I just checked and it was there too,”
Uremma became startled at this point because she never knew she had any black spot or a mark on her head. She dug into her hair to locate the mark but unfortunately it was impossible for her to see her head.
“What are you insinuating, Amy?” she asked looking tensed, “what about the mark. Is it of any significance?” she asked curiously and continued digging into her hair in search, but unfortunately, she couldn’t see it except another does.
“She said I have it too,” Amarachi finally revealed, getting Uremma shocked. “But I haven’t checked mine but have checked Akunna’s head and it’s there,”
“Now, let me be your eyes,” Uremma said and quickly checked around to see if she could see the mark on Amarachi but she didn’t. “I’m confused, but you just confirmed your dreams come through, but you don’t have it,” she still checked severally in detailed way but saw nothing.
“I don’t know anything anymore,” Amarachi replied feeling dejected and dispirited.
Not seeing the mark became a puzzle to Uremma, and more confusing to Amarachi because she believed it should be there.
“What then was the message of the dream supposed to communicate?” Amarachi asked rhetorically but meditatively.
Amy was so weak at this point because she almost thought that either Akunna or Uremma was supposed to be her lost sister by it ended up being that none was.
“So what about the mark?” Uremma asked, looking confused as she craved for answers to get the ambiguity of the moment cleared but Amy had no clue of what to reply because the dream simply revealed a mark but not the connection. The puzzled continued.
“I used to think you were my lost or dead sister,” Amarachi answered in low spirit and melancholy. “But apparently, I was just having wishful thoughts,”
“Oh, I now get it,” Uremma said and pulled her closer into an embrace as they remained sitting on the floor while Amy’s head rested on her lap, “but was this why you’ve been helping me out all these while?”
Amy shook her head in negation but still felt that some dots aren’t connecting as she envisaged, making the mystery indecipherable.

“I…I…” she said but couldn’t just talk.
“I don’t know if the question sounded offensive,” Uremma said apologetically, “but…”
“It wasn’t,” Amy answered and got up, “can you now tell me your resolution about your ordeal with your dad or even the reason why he’s after me too?”
Uremma wasn’t privy to any of the needed information, just that she overheard her dad and her men communicating about the importance of Amy’s destiny to him even though they haven’t met her before.
“I have no answer to these,” Uremma replied and went to the couch while Amy still got stuck in her standing position with her hands akimbo.
“My dad simply said that you have the blood of your mom inside you and you’re so important to him even more than I was to him. Since I stopped being useful by denouncing the frat, your importance became inevitable; hence, the need to capture you by either hook or by crook,”

“I think it’s time for us to revolt against Ozo Odenjinji,” Amy said and braced herself for the worst, in case the fight erupts, “this is a revolution and nothing can make me stop until I take a deep pound of flesh from him and his group. I must revenge the death of Mkpulumma. Nothing would ever stop me,” Looking audaciously into Uremma’s eyes, she asked: “are you with me in this?”
Uremma got up from the couch, went to her and touched her by the shoulder; signifying solidarity and unity of purpose. “Sure, I am with you,” she responded with a nod, “but I’m yet to know who Mkpulumma is,” she queried demanding some answers.

“Mkpulumma was my mom,” she replied with tears in her eyes, “and it was your dad that killed her,”
Uremma became shocked and fell on the dining chair.


To be continued…

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2 years ago

Am back, deal with them all Amy..I hope yu get the justice you want