ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 53 – 59 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 4 - 8 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 53 – 59 by dy9ty7

After several minutes of hagling and shouting,
Clement and his boys
succeeded in whisking Darasimi away from the
school campus and the only
help he could afford to render to her sister(the
pharmacy attendant) was
to grant her bail but first, her presence is
needed in the station.
The police vehicle sped into the police
headquarters premises at full
speed and came to a halt just beside the state
commissioner of police
car. Darasimi was led into the police station
amidst staring eyes of
young policemen and women who were
sympathysing with her because they
felt she might be innocent of whatever offence
she was charged with,
while experience officers in the force looked at
her indifferently with
the conclusion that ‘she was one of the
numerous cultists’ but every one
came to the conclusion that she was really a
criminal because Inspector
Clement was not known with uncertainty or
mistakes. A commercial
motorcycle sped into the compound looking as
if there was some sort of
Formula 1 racing or a Nigerian version of tour
the france.
A young lady of about twenty-six jumped
down from the bike and ran
into the police station shouting at the top of
her voice.
“Madam, you never give me money.” The
cyclist said angrily.
“Sorry brother.” She said as she threw some
naira notes at him. The
bikeman bent down to pick his money.
“Madam, keep quiet now or we get you thrown
out of here.” Clement
ordered as he was writing down a report inside
a large paper file.
The lady was forced to keep quiet as she was
walking up and down like
someone who has a relative in labour during
childbirth. If keeping quiet
will make them release her sister, then she’ll
show them she is the
most quietest person ever liveth.
“Discuss with him and your sister will be
released but, she must
report here everyday latest by nine o’clock.
Okay?” Clement said to the
woman before he walked towards the CP’s
office to answer an earlier
Major Aju was seated in the backseat of his
rangrover sport
discussing with his niece, Victoria as the car
drove slowly along the
less busy estate road.
“Victoria, now tell me how you intend to do
this. You are twenty
five already. Do you intend taking Jamb all
over again?” Major Aju
“Daddy, I don’t know what to do.” Victoria
replied with full
sincerity even though she hates to have these
type of discussion. But,
you dare not say no when Major Aju says yes.
“Think about this but don’t tell your mother
about it. I’ll
sponsor your going back to school abroad.
Just pick any country of your
“Okay daddy. Thank you daddy.” She replied
almost hugging the old
man who despise hugging with passion.
On instruction, the millitary man behind the
wheel made a U-turn and
drove in the direction which they had come to
drop Victoria. He only
took his neice out to talk.
Kelvin was working out in the gym when his
phone ran. He cleaned his sweaty body with
the small towel he had around his neck.
“Hello bro.” He said on picking up the call.
“I want you to drive down to my office now.”
Clement said to his younger brother.
“Your office? The police station? Why any
problem?” Kelvin asked.
“I want to send you on an errand. Please don’t
say no.” Clement pleaded and hung up.
Kelvin decided to do his brother a favour for
the first time in ten months. The last time he
did his brother a favour was on his(his
brother’s) wedding day when he chosed to
drive the couple to the airport.
By ten o’clock, Kelvin pulled up in front of St
Battaihas hospital. He got down and walked
into the hospital. Five minutes later, he
walked out with his brother’s wife Rachel.
He opened the passenger door for her and the
heavily pregnant woman hopped in.
“Kelvin please don’t breathe a word to my
husband about what you saw.” Rachel pleaded
as Kelvin swung the car unto the road.
“A secret it becomes. You owe me one on
that.” He replied without having to look at
“Definitely.” She replied.
A black Honda Accord drove behind them.
“Who is that woman beside him?” The driver of
the car asked.
“I don’t know her but am sure she is not
Sandra. He’ll meet with Sandra by 1pm and
its not yet 1pm. Lets stick around for a while
then we’ll strike.” His partner on the
passenger seat replied.
The Honda accord has been on his trail right
from the time he drove out of his father’s

Episode 54

The time was 12:33pm when Sandra Oselu
walked into Lovers and Mix
guest house. All eyes were on her as she
walked towards the counter to
book a table and await Kelvin’s arrival.
She could feel the hundred of eyes boring into
her clothes and seeing
beyond her exposed body parts.
“Hi.” She greeted one of the attendants behind
the counter.
“Good mor….. Good afternoon ma’am. How
may I help you?” The young
guy who was visibly thrown off balance by her
beauty coupled with her
celebrity status.
Sandra Oselu is someone you don’t see more
often at functions or public
places. She enjoys her life on social media in
the comfort of her room.
“I want to make bookings.” She said.
“And to say you are lucky is an
understatement. We have just one
executive rooms left.” The guy replied.
Sandra frowned trying to figure out what the
guy was passing accross.
Fine, she is in a guest house but they have a
opened restaurant beside
the pool which is restricted and is opened on
request and bookings.
“I want to book a table and not a room.” She
replied slightly
raising her voice.
“Am sorry ma’am. Table type please?” The guy
“Table for two.” She replied.
The guy punched her request into the
computer and in a matter of
seconds, her request and bill was printed on a
white paper including the
table number.
Just then a young female attendant walked
over to her colleage who was
attending to Sandra.
“Excuse me ma. You are Sandra Oselu right?”
The lady asked.
“Yes.” Sandra replied.
“Mr Kelvin called to make a booking ahead of
you. Executive lounge,
second floor.” The lady explained.
“He booked a room?” She asked.
“Yes ma’am.” The lady replied flashing a key.
“When he comes, he’ll get the key from you.
Right now, I want to
use the table I booked.” She said and turned
back to walk out of the
booking room where about hundred customers
were waiting to be attended
As she walked towards the exit door, she could
see camera flashes on
her face. This was one of the reasons why she
hated going out.
“Please, can I take a picture with you?” A
young boy of about
fourteen asked.
“No problem.” Sandra replied.
She was suprised when the boy returned with
two elderly people whom
she guessed to be the boys parents and a
young gir.
“Thank you ma. We’ll talke this back with us
to our country.” The
boy’s mother spoke.
“Your country?” She asked to be sure.
“We are from South Africa.” The boy’s father
“This is my twin sister, Tana. My name is
Zana.” The boy said.
Sandra smiled as she walked out of the
booking hall after taking
several pictures with willing Nigerians and
gave over twenty autographs.
Sandra sat down for the next thrity minutes
without a sign of Kelvin
is sight. Not even a phone call from him, he is
not picking his calls.
“What on earth could be wrong with him?” She
asked herself.
Just then she heard the occupants of the next
table making a phone
call which is centred on her.
“The lady, Sandra is here already waiting for
him. He should be here
any moment from now.” One of the guys said
and everything went back to
Sandra knew something was amis.
Kelvin was walking around his room restlessly
and it seemed he was in a kind of distress.
Then his phone rang. He ran to pick it.
“Jay, Sandra is in danger. Drive down to Lover
and Mix. Get her out of this one for my sake.”
Kelvin pleaded.
“Am on it.” The said Jay replied.
On dropping the phone, his second phone
rang. He picked it up at once.
“Bring your sorry Bottom down here now. You
are needed on the newest project. We want to
attack the Port.”
“Am sorry. Am not in the right frame of mind
to carry out or mastermind any attack for
now. Count me out of this.” He replied
defiantly and the line went dead at once.
For the first time in two years, he said NO to
orders from Abdul Maleek’s chamber.

Episode 55
On orders of the state commissioner of police,
Clement and Sylvester
have been ordered to go back and visit Mr
Ayo’s residence for
interrogation. But tthis time, they are allowed
to go with a backup
Clement’s personal car drove in front and the
backup team bus drove
them, about fifty metres apart.
“You guys should park your car at the estate
gate. You can come
after us if we don’t return after twenty minutes
or you see me send you a
message.” Clement said through the
communication device and sped into
the estate.
On getting to the front of Mr Ayo’s residence,
five well built guys
stood before the gate, look menacing and
dangerous. Clement knew, there
is no way they are getting past these men but
he hoped, they won’t be
recognised. Thank God they came in a differnt
car. Clement thought as he
drove past the house just like every other
“Sly, how do we go about this?” Clement
asked his partner who was
still looking at the bodyguards.
“Seriously, I don’t know how we can go past
these mean looking
guys. Moreso, they know us and we won’t be
granted entrance like they
did the first time we were here.” Sylvester
“I think I have an idea.” Clement informed.
“Yes? Lets hear it.” Sylvester urged him on.
“I think I have an idea.” Clement informed.
“Yes? Lets hear it.” Sylvester urged him on.
“I think we should keep a watching on these
men out here because I
have a feeling they are up to something. Its
not like they knew we’ll
come back. I think their standing out here has
a significance which we
can’t afford to overlook.” Clement explained.
“So, are you trying to say we should spy on
them from a distance?”
“Exactly. Now you get my point.”
“Don’t you think it is risky and time
consuming. In few minutes,
they’ll come asking why we parked our car
here without moving it. Our
staying here is quite suspicious.” Sylvester
“I have done this before. I’ll surely get out of
this.” Clement
said assuringly.
“Maybe. But it doesn’t work where I came
from.” Sylvester replied.
Clement chosed to ignore his last comment
because he is not in the
mood for debating over Nigeria’s security and
the western countries
security system. The two men decided to keep
a watchful eye on Mr Ayo’s
boys but first they had to order the backup
team to hold on a little
until they are told to do otherwise.
Kelvin was restless in his room, now that the
love of his life is in
danger and outside is unsafe for him because
two different teams are
after his life. A few minutes ago, one of his
boys told him some guys
were laying ambush for him at Lovers and Mix
guest house, and knowing
the danger that comes with it, he quickly told
Sandra to get out of
there to avoid stories that touch. He knew its
all Viktor(the driver)
Few minutes later he recieved a call from
Abdul Maleek(CEO of Khal
Abdul corp) second in command requesting
his immediate presence at the
corporation which he refused to honour. He
knew there are two options
left for him, get back onto the good books of
Maleek or face the music.
Just then his phone rang, he quickly picked it
up and checking the
screen, he knew it was Jay.
“Jay, how far?” He asked impatiently.
“Boss, your girlfriend is now safe in the
comfort of her home.”
Jay replied.
“Thank you very much Jay. How about those
guys spying?”
“I downed them on the run. Even though
things got out of hand. I
just pray no one saw me, but the police are
currently after me.” Jay
“You have no problem. Drive towards my
house, I’ll extract you from
your car and we’ll write it off. I owe you that
one.” Clement said.

Episode 56

Kelvin descended the stairs hurriedly in a bid
to reach the garrage
within a second.
“Uncle Kelvin, where are you going?” Rachel
whom after being
discharged from the hospital was brought to
her father-in-law’s
residence to spend the weekend.
“I want to meet a friend at the end of the
street.” Kelvin replied.
“When are you coming back?” She asked.
“I won’t take long. Maybe in thirty minutes. At
worst an hour. You
have something for me?”
“Yes. We need to talk.” She replied.
“Ok. I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll be back before
you know it.” With
that he turned the door knob and rushed out
of the house.
He fetched his phone from his pocket as he
walked towards his car.
“Jay, where you dey?” Kelvin asked.
“I am three minutes away from your street.”
Jay replied.
Kelvin hopped into the car and switched on
the ignition.
“The next gas station you come accross. Drive
inside and request to
use the restroom. I’ll drive in and pick you
up.” Kelvin said as he
backed his car out of the gate.
“Ok. I’ll do just that.” Jay replied.
Kelvin knew this could be dangerous and life
threatening, but he knew
he can’t afford to loose Jay at this period. Jay
has been his personal
bodyguard for years and he has saved him
countless times even at the
expense of his own life. He has no cause to
worry, if Jay was arrested,
he won’t be mentioned but, he still need Jay
very close to him. At least
for the next couple of weeks.
Kelvin drove into the gas station and saw
Jay’s car parked in front of
the gas station. Its a part of the plan.
He brought his car to a halt and got down, he
walked towards Jay’s car
and tossed an object underneath the car. He
walked into the gas
“I need to use the restroom please.” He
“Go in sir, your first turning by the left. You’ll
see them.” One
of the pump attendants replied.
“Thanks.” He murmured as he walked towards
the mini mart. He
brought out his phone and dialled Jay’s
Just then a police bus drove into the gas
“Get down everybody. Who owns this car?”
One of the policemen asked
pointing to Jay’s car.
“He is inside using the restroom.” The pump
attendant who gave Kelvin
the description replied since she was the
closest to the entrance.
“Lets go in guys.” The same policeman said
and ran towards the
mini mart.
Kelvin succeeded in getting to Jay and the two
of them proceeded into
the manager’s office. They forcefully led the
manager into one of the
restrooms and the two of them proceeded to
walk outside.
“Stop right there. You are under arrest.” The
police leader said.
“Who are you?” another of the policemen
“I am the manager.” Jay replied.
“We are very sorry sirs.” The leader of the
police team said as
they all proceeded towards the restroom.
Just then there was a blast outside. A car got
blown off thereby
causing pandemonium. Kelvin and Jay used
that golden opportunity to get
outside and escape in Kelvin’s car.
“That was close you know.” Jay said heaving
a sigh of relief.
“Very close.” Kelvin replied maintaining a
straight face, a lot of
things running through his dangerous mind.
“You are not going back with this car, are
you?” Jay asked.
“Trust me. I am going back with it and I won’t
be spotted.” Kelvin
replied confidently.
“How do you intend to do that?” Jay asked.
“Very simple. You know I already promised to
drive you down to Ore?” Kelvin asked.
“That promise will change right about now. I’ll
drop you in the next gas station, the manager
there knows what to do. Then I’ll drive to
Ibadan from where I will enter Lagos through
a different route. And we both know it will take
at least three hours before they begin to
mount roadblocks and car checks.” Kelvin
“Respect boss.” Jay said saluting Kelvin.
Kelvin swung the car off the road into the gas
“Take this. The manger knows what to do. And
please be on low key while you are in Ore. A
car will be sent to you next week friday then
you can enter Lagos.” Kelvin advised.
“Alright. And thank you for getting me out of
this.” Jay said shaking hands with him as he
opened the door and got out of the car.
“Thanks for saving Sandra. My regards to the
manager. Alex is his name.” Kelvin said as he
ignited the car and sped out of the gas station
unto the expressway.
“Ibadan, here I come.” He smiled as he
matched the accelerator thereby increasing his
intial speed to over 200km/hr.

Episode 57

Abdul Maleek stood next to his giant chair
and was addressing his
council of chiefs.
“Did you say Danger-kelv refused to take this
job?” The Sudanese
terrorist asked.
“Yes sir. He asked to be freed on this one and
said we should pass
this to another member.” One of the men
seated before him replied.
Maleek kept quiet for some seconds thinking
of how best to handle the
situation. The constitution of the corporation
says any corp member who
says no when a duty is being assigned to him
should be eliminated. But
Kelvin is too dare and precious to be wasted
in that manner.
“Do you think our own Danger-kelv could be
so brave to say that to
us?” Maleek asked.
“Danger-kelv as far as I am concerned is one
of our most bravest and
straightforward assets here. He stand by his
words and I have never
seen him regret any of his actions.” Another of
the men replied.
“But I don’t think a Danger-kelv in his right
frame of mind could do
that.” Maleek said persuasively.
“I am also an advocate of that fact.” One of
the men said.
“Me too.” Another person added.
About five to six of the ten men supported
Maleek’s conclusion.
“Since the majority carried the vote and Kelvin
is one of our most
priced assets, I think we should give him the
next twenty four hours to
get back to his normal mindframe. If he give a
call, fine and if doesn’t
then we’ll be left with no other choice that to
do our worst.” The
second in command to Maleek said
conclusively and everyone accepted the
They all waited for the next item to be
“When was the last time we recieved police
reports from Habeeb?”
Maleek asked.
“The last time he was contacted, he claimed
he has been demoted and
transferred to handle a case concerning the
incesant killing among the
students of the state’s university.” The second
in command spoke.
“And there is no way he can influence this?
What a flimsy excuse
from Habeeb.” The third in command replied.
“He claimed he tried to influence the people in
authority but the
officer in charge of the two cases(university
killing and terrorists
attack) will have non of that.” The second in
command advocated for
“Who is the officer in charge?” A young
member of the sitting asked.
“Inspector Clement Obi-Patrick.” The second in
command replied.
“Clement Obi Patrick!!!” Maleek murmured
under his breadth three
times. He gave a wicked smile.
Clement and his partner Sylvester have both
been seated in the car for
almost an hour without any major or
suspicious movement around Mr Ayo’s
residence. The bodyguards manning the front
gate remained rooted in the
spot and they did nothing except that they
recieve calls occassionally
and they conversed, even though a distant
Clement and Sylvester
couldn’t hear them.
Just when Clement wanted to fall asleep like
Sylvester, one of the
bodyguards came and knocked on the car
window. Clement was forced to
reduce the volume of his music player as he
wind down the glass.
“Yes? How may I help you?” Clement asked.
“You’ve been here for almost an hour, if not
more. Your being here
is suspicious and for the safety of the
occupants in this neignourhood,
I’ll advise you to leave.” The bodyguard said.
Sylvester slowly opened his eyes and turned to
see one of the mean
looking guys standing at the driver’s side
“If our being here is suspicious, then your
being there is also
suspicious. Moreso, this is a government road
and you can stay for as
long as you want to stay, so far there is no
parking restriction or
whatsover.” Clement replied on realising that
this particular bodyguard
didn’t know him or has seen him before.
“Are you quoting the law for me?” He asked.
“If that’s the best you can interprete then so
be it. But am not
moving my car from here unless I finish what I
came here to do. So
please excuse me and get out of here.”
Clement replied.
The bodyguard gently walked away suprising
both Clement and Sylvester.
Just then a big truck entered the street at a
very high speed.
“Sly, can you see that?” Clement asked.
“Perfectly well. I think you should contact the
backup team.”
Clement brought out his communication
device and radioed the backup
team leader who gave him a shocking news
saying they went after a
criminal who killed two men at the entrance
into Dolphin estate and on
getting to the gas station where the criminal
took cover, a car reported
to have belonged to the criminal was blown
off and the criminal escaped
when everybody was attending to the car.
“I guess we’ll be doing this alone.” Sylvester
said immediately the message was relayed to
him. The two men said their last prayers and
walked out of the car.
Sylvester walked towards the house in front of
which their car was parked and knocked on
the gate while Clement remained in the car.

Episode 57

Sylvester knocked on the big iron gate. The
pedestrian gate was opened
a few minutes later by a uniformed
“Good afternoon.” Sylvester greeted.
“Yes? How may I help you?” The gateman
“How want to see your oga.” Sylvester replied.
“My oga no dey o. Him dey vacation for
Miami.” The gatekeeper
“What of madam?” Sylvester asked.
“Small madam follow am but big madam dey
“Please I need to see her.”
“Who are you by the way?” The gateman
Sylvester removed his identification card and
flashed it to his face.
“A cop? Come right in.” The gatekeeper said
opening the gate wider
for him.
Sylvester walked into the compound and he
was wowed with the sight he
beheld. This is the dream compound he has in
mind. About seven exotic
cars were parked ranging from Mercedez benz
G-wagon, Range rover sport,
Range rover evoque, Aston martin, to mention
a few.
“Sit down here, madam go comot soon.” The
gatekeeper said pointing
to the chairs arranged under a shed.
A few minutes later a woman in her early
fifties elegantly walked out
of the house and proceeded towards under the
shed where Sylvester was
The two adults conversed for the next three
minutes before Sylvester
told her the reason why he was there.
“Madam, just like I told you earlier, I am a
policeman and the
government wants us to get Mr Ayo, your
neighbour. His gate is being
guarded and entry is quite impossible. So I
though I could gain entrance
from here, since you two share the same fence.
I can just jump over
it.” Sylvester explained.
“This is a difficult thing to do sir. Its
dangerous for our household
here you know.” The woman replied.
“Just this one thing. Mr Ayo is the only way
we can get to the
terrorists terrorizing this state. Please do this
for the government.”
“Okay. Kunle, go and switcho the generator.”
The woman said to the
“Now you have access through the fence, the
barbed wire is safe.”
“Thank you ma’am. Please can I get some
electrical tools?”
The gateman ran to his post and returned with
a small bag, Sylvester
collected the bag and hung it over his
“Goodluck.” The woman who was later
introduced as Alero said to
Sylvester, with the aid of the ladder given to
him succeeded in
getting to the top of the fence and he started
some cutting the barbed
wired and tieing it up again. Just then one of
the security men on
patrol spotted him.
“Hey, what are you doing there?” The guy
“Some electrical maintenance.” Sylvester
replied just then he
dropped one of his tools into the next
compound, Mr Ayo’s.
“Please, could you get that for me?” Sylvester
“Come in here and pick it yourself.”
Sylvester smiled as he managed to overcome
the barbed wires with a few
cuts and jumped into the compound.
“Pick it up fast.” The security man said
Sylvester picked up the screwdriver and
proceeded to jump over the
fence but realised it was way too high for him.
“Please do this last of favours for me. Let me
climb you so I can
be able to connect with the fence.”
The man thought for a while before he
dropped his Ak-47 and walked to
where Sylvester stood beside the fence. In one
quick reflex, Sylvester
kicked the man in the g—n and proceeded
kicking him hard on the head,
the man passed out and lost consciousness.
He proceeded to a small gate which he
hopefully hoped will lead him
to the main compound.
Clement succeeded in gaining entrance into
the compound with little
resistance from the only security man at the
“But this place used to be filled with many
security men. Why the
change?” He asked.
“Did you see a truck drive in a few minutes
ago? They are all
working on the truck.” The man replied.
“But what’s in the truck?”
“Am not in a position to tell you. I think you
should go in and
meet with the big boss.”
“Thank you very much.” He said as he walked
towards the main
“Hey Sly, what’s the situation like over there?”
He asked him in
low tone.
“I’ll get back to you.” Sylvester replied.
Clement walked towards the house and on
seeing a gate which was
slightly opened, he decided to look beyond the
gate which could allow a
vehicle pass through it.
“Hey, that’s not the way.” The man at the gate
Clement suspected something could be going
on behind the gate but that’s not his
headache. As planned, he was to get into the
house and try to get Mr Ayo while Sylvester
enter through the back and try to take out the
The front door was opened by a security who
Clement was quite familiar with.
“You again?” The guy asked but Clement was
quick to drag him into the house and silenced
him. Thank God the man at the gate was not
watching and thank God there was a passage
before the living room.

Episode 58

Clement successfully made the man
unconscious and now that he has
already gained entrance into the house, there
is no going back. He
peeped from the passage to see whatever was
going on the living room
where Mr Ayo was seated in the company of
two men. He strained his ears
to get a thing from what they were saying but
the distance is a major
problem, he couldn’t hear them discuss. He
considered crawling into the
living room and hide behind on the the chairs
but doing that could put
him in trouble as anybody could come
wandering along that part of the
room. He decided to stay put in the corridor
and await an entry or an
Hiscommuniaction device vibrated and he
brought it close to his ear.
“Inspector Clement, Sergeant Smith on the
line. Backup team is on
the way. Copy that?”
“Copy.” Clement whispered.
To his suprise, on of the two men conversing
with Mr Ayo looked back
towards the passage but he couldn’t see him
because the passage is not
directly opposite the living room but on one
side of the room. Meaning
anyone seated on the chairs will be unable to
see into the corridor.
“Do you have a bodyguard there?” The man
asked pointing to the
“Yes. A man is always on ground.” Mr Ayo
“Tight security system. But, its like you don’t
have security
cameras?” The same man asked.
“We have but they are currently disabled for
some reasons best
known to my Chief Security officer.” Mr Ayo
Clement heaved a sigh of relief, that was
close. He thought about his
partner, Sylvester who is somewhere in the
compound, there is no way
they could communicate or carry each other
along. He just hoped that
they continue working in the same line.
Sylvester proceeded towards the main building
as he ascended a
flight of stairs, just then a little girl spotted
“Oh! My God.” Sylvester murmured as he
pleaded with the girl not
to make noise. He beckoned on the girl to
come closer and after a series
of self debate, the girl came to meet him.
“I thought the big boss already asked his boys
to bundle you out?”
The girl asked innocently. She should be
within the age bracket of
sixteen and eighteen.
“Yes he did, but I came back and entered
through the fence here.”
He replied while the girl showed a sign of
“You jumped the fence? As high as it is?” The
girl asked.
“Yes I did. Its my job.”
“Are you a…?” The girl asked.
“No, am not a criminal, I am a cop, a
policeman.” Sylvester replied
knowing what the girl was driving at.
“So you came to arrest the big boss. That is
impossible.” The girl
said with full sincerity.
“Who is the big boss?”
“The owner of the house. I don’t know his
name. We all call him
‘big boss’. The girl replied
“Who are the ‘we’?” Sylvester asked.
“All of us working for him. We are ten in
number when we were
brought in but now we are reduced to six.”
“I don’t get. Please shed more light.” Sylvester
said pleadingly.
“I wish I could but time will not permit me. It
won’t take long
before my colleagues notice my absence in the
kitchen and they’ll come
searching for me. And you know we girls can
be unreasonable at times.
The fact that I didn’t raise an alarm when I
saw you does not mean the
other girls won’t raise an alarm.” The girl
“What’s your name?”
“Yvonne.” The girl replied.
The girl picked up the empty carton of juice
on the floor and
continued walked towards the stairs.
“Please which way is the safest if I want to
get to the main
“This side is safe and its not being guarded
because we girls
always use this side when on errand. But the
men are busy right now.
They are loading a truck from somewhere.”
She replied and made to open a
small iron gate.
“Loading? What is it that is being loaded?” He
asked but was
suprised when the girl ran towards him and
“Guns and bombs.” The girl said and ran away
with full speed.
Sylvester shivered at the mention of guns and
bombs but he knew, he
has no reason to be afraid. He walked towards
the small gate carefully,
this time, he was without his shoes.
Sylvester peeped through the gate and could
see about ten armed men carry suitcases from
the truck into the house.
“This is the last of them all.” The driver of the
truck said shutting the doors.
He shook hands with one of the bodyguards
and hopped into the vehicle with his partner.
Sylvester sprang into action as he attacked
the bodyguard with full force and killed him in
one swift stab on the neck. He carefully
opened the backdoor and slipped into the van
which slowly drove towards the main gate.
The door opened and a young girl walked into
the corridor. Clement quickly pulled her close
and covered her mouth.
“Help! There is an intruder.” The girl
Clement knew he had failed.

Episode 59

Clement knew the only way he could get out
this is to run for his dear
life. But run to where?
He considered running into the living room
and holding Mr Ayo a captive
to enhance his escape but considering the fact
that the man was an
ex-millitant, his powers or strength should not
be underestimated. He
thought maybe running outside in a bid to
escape through the gate was
the best option but what if the gate is locked?
He was thrown in between
two daunting options that one silly mistake
could cost him his life. He
thought about his beautiful wife and his
unborn child. This was not
what he bargained for when he joined the
force as a twenty two year old
police college graduate. He remembered that
memorable day that he
exchange marital vows with his wife, he didn’t
tell her he’ll die just a
year after their marriage. Surrendering is not
an option for him and
death is not his choice. He knew either one
way or the other, he’ll get
out of this. He had so many things running
through his mind as the
bodyguards closed in on him. He thought
about being given a last chance
to make things right between his mother and
father, but right now, the
most important thing in his mind is ‘ESCAPE.’
He walked towards the front door and pushed
it open, he smiled for the
first time in twenty minutes. A vehicle was just
driving out of the
“Stop right there.” The first bodyguard who
got to the corridor
Clement decided to wasted no time as he shot
the bodyguard in the head
and made for the gate.
He ran with full force as the gateman prepares
to lock the gate.
“Stop him right there.” About ten mean
looking guys giving him a
hot chase shouted.
The guy at the gate was left contemplating
weather he should let the
man go out and he too join the race or better
still, throw himself on
him. He chosed the former as he joined the
Clement proceeded towards his car, just in
time when one of his
pursuers fired a shot towards him. Thank God
he didn’t lock the car
doors the other time. He thought as he
hurriedly hopped behind the wheel
and in one swift movement he sped off as
gunshot trailed his car. Even
though the car was not bullet-proofed, he
prayed in his mind that his
tyres shouldn’t be hit and he had every reason
to be thankful to God,
because as far as the car is concerned, it is
still moving and no traces
of the tyres posing any iminent problem.
He sped on behind the van in which
unknowingly, his partner Sylvester
His communication device beeped and he
unclipped it from his waist.
“Clement, if you can hear me. I am inside the
vehicle which came to
supply firearms. Contact the backup team and
let them trail behind. Copy
that?” Sylvester said.
“Copy that.” Clement replied.
He continued driving behind the van and he
used that opportunity to
contact the back up team which immediately
swung to action. Suddenly,
Clement’s vision began to get blurr and he
couldn’t see the road
properly. Just then he realised he has been
bleeding in the arm. He
swerved the car off the road and parked by
the roadside. A few minutes
later, he blacked out.
Dolapo and Tokunbo were just returning from
“Seriously, am farmished and am not sure
there is anything to eat in
that room of ours.” Dolapo said.
“So what do you suggest? I have spaghetti in
my room we can just
cook and eat.” Tokunbo asked.
“I was thinking maybe we could go to a
fastfood joint and have our
lunch instead of stressing our tired self by
setting up to cook.” Dolapo
“But why are you so forgetful? Don’t tell me
you are quick to
forget that Sergeant Robert said we should
shy away from public places
for now.”
“Who is even after our lives? As far as I am
concerned, I have no
business with whoever is behind the killing
and therfore I can not be
killed by anybody.”
“Are you saying Hadiza, the gentle girl had
business with the
killer? And Chioma too right? What of Dayo,
your own sister?” Tokunbo threw questions at
Dolapo kept quiet and continued walking.
“Why are you silent?” Tokunbo asked a few
minutes later turning to face a crying Dolapo.
“No, don’t do that here. People will want to
make stories out of it. We are in public. And
am sorry about what I said.” Tokunbo said
hugging her.


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3 years ago

Nice job…..

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Honestly this story is captivating, oh no inspector clement..i hope he gets help