ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 156 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 132 - 133 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 156 by dy9ty7

The time was 9pm and Clement has been trying his best to keep his identity hidden amidst the dozens of soldiers who guarded his father. One thing about them is that, they are not the men of the Nigerian army, but they were dressed in the regular khaki worn by Nigerian soldiers. One thing Clement noticed was that these men didn’t speak much in English and from what he noticed, they didn’t refer to themselves by their names, but the word ‘amigo’ which meant friend in spanish. Clement had taken his time over the night to know how things are being down and he had known quite a lot of things, the soldiers are all men of different ethnicity and by their intonation you’ll know them.

Even though the dominant race is the Fulani while a few Yorubas were there, about three or four including himself were from the east, south east and south south. There were also men from neighbouring country, there was a man who was from Libya, from his khaki, one would know, it had the flag of Libya on it and as the man patrolled the gate, Clement could hear him mutter something that looked like, “Allah bless Ghadaffi.” Clement saw this as a whole new adventure that place him in the hands of death. So many challenges he encountered was the issue of falling asleep at intervals throughout the night. It wasn’t his thing to stay awake all night and even if it was his thing, it simply wasn’t his thing to be on his feet walking around the compound over night in an area where tse tse fly was rampant and other insects.

He was amost spotted to be an enemy when at some point, one of the men came around and asked him a question, Clement almost blurted out that he was a police but realising that his sleepy brain almost landed him into trouble, he quickly replied the man in english incorporated with Igbo. In the next few hours, he would be celebrating his first twenty four hours in the compound. He had planned that his stay in the copound won’t last more than three hours, he discovered that Chief Obi Patrick was at arms length, but he realised that he dare not make the move to arrest his father unless his security details are somewhere sleeping which is impossible. Also, the best time to strik was when the men were preparing their meal which is always roasted meat, but at least about five of those men would still be with Chief Obi Patrick inside the house while all other prepare the meal. He sure needed and outside help before he could make a major move. He thought as he walked towards the back of the house silently and removed a phone he had seen lying on the floor and sent a message to the first number that came to his head, Sylvester. Notifying him of the latest development.


Mike was being led to a waiting van outside the khal corp building with about five men behind him alone. The most suprising thing about the set up was the fact that, his hands were not cuffed or put into any bondage or restriction. He could move freely and therefore, he knew he stood a great chance of escape, because immediately he enters the van, there would be no escape means for him anymore and he can’t risk himself being taken to Freetown in Serial leone. “Wait up everybody. The greatest Abdul Maleek is coming out in a moment.” Immediately, everyone stopped moving as if they were observing a minute silence for the dead or rendering the National anthem. Mike was forced to stop in his tracks and just then, Abdul Maleek walked out of the building with at least twenty five men flanking him all around. Danger-Kelv and Hakym led the entourage while Mr Ayo Okorie walked on Maleek’s right side and a woman whome Mike had never seen and judging from the suprised look on everybody’s face, they had never seen her before flanked Maleek on the left. Just a few metres to the Limo which stood doors opened behind the van which was expected to transport Mike, Abdul Maleek removed his mask for the first time and his men saw what he really looked like with gasps of suprise and smiles all over their face.

A young man from within the entourage moved closer to Maleek and whispered something to him. “What? Clement inside Chief Obi Patrick’s residence? So who do we have here?” He asked angrily. “Where is Danger-kelv?” Meleek barked, but Kelvinwas nowhere to be found. Mike siezed that opportunity to hit the two men who stood beside him, collected one of their gun and did the unexpected, shot straight at Maleek. Immediately, bullets were rained on him but he had miraculously used the vehicles as cover and he was out of the gate at once. He wasn’t sure if his bullet hit Maleek, but he had a feeling, it his him. His vision was getting blurred, then a sharp pain hit him. He had been shot in the thighs.Mike limped deeper into the nearest forest and kept on running in a zig zag motion, but the only thing he noticed was that as he ran, his pursuers were always getting him, then he realised that the blood oozing out of his buttet pierced thigh was leaving behind a trace which his pursuers followed. He was deperate to loose them, yet blood won’t stop oozing out of his thigh and he was was growning weaker every second, he couldn’t move any longer, he can’t afford to be captured once again, because one sure thing it is, DEATH.

He felt the urget to sit down and rest but the fear of the heartless men on his heels won’t let him give it a second thought. He removed his shirt and tied it below the wound, an action that stopped the blood from touching the floor, the blood as it oozed out, it soaked the t-shirt. Now he had ran for about three minute and his pursuers couldn’t trace him any more, he could hear their voices at a distance searching for him and combing every nook and crany of the forest, he knew it won’t take time before they found him, but with the Ak-47 hanging on his shoulder accross his back, he would kill them in scores, therefore, if he was killed in the process, he’ll be recieved in heaven amidst fun fare and a heart warming welcome. Five minutes later, he couldn’t move any further, therefore, he slowly dragged himself until he was seated back rested to a tree and leaves interlocking in such a way that it formed a fence around him. Only a small opening at the front which also was covered with a big oak tree. If anybody would find him here, he would sure be the first person to spot anybody that comes wandering into this part of the forest which is a major advantage for him, but a vigillant person would have seen this unusual hideout from afar and he would have done what every reasonable human would do, something that hunters themselves do, set the place ablaze, but how will he set something that is about hundred yards away ablaze without moving close to it? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Kelvin who had mapped out his escape route some few months back after he realised that the police are gaining more grounds than the khal corp. He had envisioned a day when their will be massive invation by the police and soldiers, if things get out of hand, how will he be able to escape? Not only that, he planned the escape route for both himself, Maleek and some other top officials. But as things were, he is the only one plying the escape route and as far as he is concerned, his pursuers have not yet discovered the big pipe which has been abandoned by the government. It was one of the pipes which was bought by the millitary government in the early sixties according to the date written on it, maybe they planned to use it for water circulation in case the area developed. But its now over fifty years and the area is still undeveloped safe for the tarred pot-hole proned express road that connects to the Nigerian boarder. As he crawled along inside the pipe, he could see used bullets, human bones, pieces of clothes, mostly the uniform of the Nigeria army. No doubt, this pipe served as an hideout for the Nigerian soldeirs during the civil war or some other wars. It was quite evident that the government of the country Nigeria, both present and past are responsible for the emergence of insurgency.

Thousands of abandoned buildings are all over the country, thousands of inhabited forests and bushes, all of these places are used by these dangerous men, the government is doing little or nothing to eradicate the existence of abandoned building, a bill should be passed that every intending house builders should finish the construction of his house within a year and a half. Failure to comply by the law would mean that either government gives such person a loan to finish up his house or they confiscate the house and compesate him/her handsomely. Presently, Kelvin isn’t concerned about the government policy or laws, all he wasnted to do now is destroy the government themselves. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He brought it out and checked the caller, HAKYM. — It was a night to remember for the men of the Nigeria police force, most especially the headquaters, the Area F-command, the Ikorodu command and some other departments of the police offices. Every police officer working at the headquaters were all working overnight and for the first time in about twenty years, the headquarters was filled to the brim.

Officers who are currently on leave had to return to work on emergency and as things were, all hands must be on deck if they are to put an end to insurgency. A senator who spoke with the reported sometimes in the afternoon claimed that the vice president, now the acting president has submitted a bill through one of his aides calling for the declaration of a state of emergency in the South west, most especially Lagos state. Everyone knows what it means if a state of emergency is declared and according to the lawmaker, plenary resumes the following day for the second reading after which there would be consentment from the lower legislative chamber and the state of emergency would be declared. The police force knew they had failed if a state of emergency should be declared and enemies have been forced to become friends, the Lagos state governor who is a member of the major opposition party who is sworn enemy with the former president, the present acting president, the senate president and his deputy and even the police chiefs whom he claimed were all working for the ruling party.

The Governor after the public release of the bill presented on the floor of the house put a call through to the State commissioner of police who pleaded that the police should do everything humanly possible in making sure that Khal copr becomes history, and just some four hours ago around 6pm, the governor sent five new police vehicles to enable them move faster and conviniently in their quest to put an end to insurgency. No politically elected officer wants to leave the office. Even if they are voted out by the masses, the good ones will be reluctant to leave while the bad ones will resort to violence. Sylvester walked out of the commissioner’s office looking confused but his confusion was hidden behind a smile. The junior officers looked up to him for instructions, but unfortunately, he couldn’t give out instructions without consulting a tired Ngozi whom after her revival has been looking dazed and closer to another pass out. “Oga Sly.” A junior officer called. “Yes Joe?” Sylvester replied without slowing down. He continued walking towards the stairs that connect to the ICT facilities upstairs. The officer did a good job by trying to catch up with him. “I learnt you came face to face with a deadly monster in the underground, tell me about it. Is that why Detective Ngozi fainted?” Sylvester’s patience was wearing off gradually and his anger and irritation was returning faster than it normally does.

“Is that the issue now? Everyone is trying to get solution to the problems at hand, you are here asking useless questions. I wonder how you got employed into the force.” Sylvester said walking into the ICT hall while the junior officer reluctantly descended the stairs. Afterall, they(the junior officers) are not being allowed to do anything other than to sit down idly behind the counter all day and go out on patrols. “Sylvester, what’s going on?” Amaka whom after the death of the brilliant Edgar had taken the mantle of leadership. “Nothing much, were are just rubbing minds together with no significant success.” Sylvester replied drawing up a chair from under one of the tables and sat down opposit her after he had greeted other computer analyst with a wave of hand and a smile. “I heard about Ngozi. How is she doing now?” Amaka asked. “She is much better, I guess. Even though she still loved tired, you know? Not that energetic Ngozi that we know, but she’ll come out of it.” Amaka continued whatever she was doing on her computer and passed out various instructions to her colleagues.

“How about Clement? Its over twenty four hours since he left and over nineteen hours since he last picked his calls. What do you think is wrong?” Amaka asked. “No comments for now.” Sylvester replied. Just then Sylvester’s phone beeped. It was an unregistered number, but he still picked it anyways. “Sylvester right?” A female voice asked. “Yeah, please who am I speaking with?” “That’s not important for now. Have you given the box I gave you to Kelvin? Have you used it to get him?” The lady asked. “No.” He replied and the line went dead. He racked his brain, first he replied without thinking, and on a second thtought her realised he just spoke with Becky. A call they had been waiting for in a while with the hope of tracing her location while the coversation is one, now he just blew up another opportunity.

Mike was dabbing his blood soaked cloth on his gunshot wound as he was feeling gross pains, but he dare not cry out, he could feel his skin burning, he could feel hot blood flowing through his veins and when they reached the spot of the wound, the blood will gush out in great abandon like they had been craving for escape or release. He was sure that his veins were still intact, but he couldn’t feel blood flowing to his leg, he couldn’t feel his leg, he tried moving it, but it remained immobile like a log of wood. He needed help, he needed a life saving kit, a first aid kit and emergency attention, but for the next one hour he could get none. Even if he should call his colleagues to send a backup team, they won’t arrive in the next thirty to one hour, yet as much as he felt tempted to call them, his heart broke into pieces when he remembered that he was a runaway hostage with nothing except his clothes, all other things gone. Mike was begining to see stars, he was begining to see what looked like birds flying around a very big chair that is a big a the lad surface, a much more closer look at the bird-like creatures flying, he realised they were angels of God.

Thanks to his parents who had at a very young age introduced him to the word of God by first buying him a picture story book of the biblical account of the creation of heaven and earth and the things that dwell in them, he had seen the pictures of Angels, he saw it clearly in the chapter which was dedicated to the birth of Jesus when God’s angel visited Mary. If not for the pain he was going through, he would have called the angels by their names, he knew Angel Gabriel, he knew Angel Micheal and some other angels but can he recognise them? No. The pain he was feeling was excruciating was one of kind and with the environment he just found himself, he still managed to ask himself if he was dead or still alive. He certainly can’t be dead because from what he had learnt during his years as a student when he was a regular church goer and an usher back in the student’s fellowiship, he had in his first attendance at the fellowship heard the student pastor describe heaven as a place where no pians would be felt, and back then as an unbeliever, he had asked the pastor if he had been to heaven before, but as time goes on, he understood what the pastor was saying.

If he could still feel pains then he is not dead, as a matter of fact, he cannot be dead. He had concluded. But isn’t that Jesus over there, on the right hand side of God? He wanted to stand up and rush over to him and hug him. He had so many things he wanted to ask, why he allowed himself to be killed, why he couldn’t perform miracles to help himself out, but a book in the bible already explained that. The book of John already said God gave him to the world so he can die and wash away our sins and live in us as the holy spirit. He sat down back, thinking of what he would ask him. He spotted him from afar and smiled, he beckoned on him to come closer, but he couldn’t move his leg, the man Jesus pointed his hand at his leg and it healed instantly, he could feel himself walking towards him and just like shutting off a computer his vision became blank and oblivious of his environment, he felt an excruciating pain going through his legs because he was already on his feet walking out of his fenced hideout. “Aaaaaaargggggh!” He moaned loudly in pain. A strong hand covered his mouth and made him sit down forcefully. His heart stopped pumping blood that moment because he thought he has been discovered by his enemies but alas, he was wrong. “No noise.” Kelvin said as he brought out a bottle of water and some other things he could use to treat his wound. – “Lets get out of here.” Kelvin said dragging Mike along with him. Mike stood rooted to the spot not moving an inch, fear was written on his face. The dreaded Danger-kelv who kidnapped him is all of a sudden becoming nice, he would have trusted him if he didn’t know who he is or what he does, but the fact that he knew all lot about him explains it.

Mike felt reluctant to follow him and had it been on a normal day, he would have snatched his hand from his grip and maybe beat him to a pulp, but who does that with a hanging leg? “Come on. You can trust me.” Kelvin said persuasively. “I can never trust a devil like you and am not coming with you. You can as well get a gun and shoot me.” Mike said defiantly. “Watch what you say to me.” Kelvin warned still holding his hand firmly. “And what if I don’t?” Mike asked. “Then you won’t like what I’ll do to you.” And just like he had been expecting that reply, Mike at once freed his hand from Kelvin’s grip and pushed him hard on the chest. “What did you just do?” Kelvin asked. “What does it look like?” Mike replied clenching his fists and ready for a face off. “You don’t touch me unless I ask you to. Okay?” Kelvin said and held his hand once again ready to lead him out of his hideout even if it required force. “Who is there?” A voice asked. Mike frozed on hearing the voice and the owner of the voice flashed his torchlight at the bushes covering them. “Your father. Tell him.” Kelvin whispered to Mike.

“Can’t you hear me? I said who is there?” The person asked once again still keeping his distance because moving closer to the bush might spell doom for him and at this time of the night, one should be wary of things he/she does. “Your father.” Mike replied chuckling. The man was now moving closer to them as rattling of leaves could be heard. “Good evening sir.” Mike who was now standing close to a tree for support greeted the old man who should be in his late sixties or early seventies. “Good evening my son. What are you doing here?” He asked then his eyes darted towards his wound. “I am a policeman….” Mike was saying when Kelvin returned into the hideout and from behind slashed the old man’s throat. “Are you mad? Why did you do that?” Mike asked angrily swinging the AK-47 he collected on his way out of the Khal corp.

Kelvin was able to block it with his hands even though he felt the impact as he squealed in pain. “Why won’t I do that? No one is to be trusted.” Kelvin replied shaking off the pain in his hands. “But you could at least wait and see what he is up to. He might be helpful if we both introduce ourselves as police officers. He could give us a place to sleep in his house.” Mike explain angrily. “Well, I never saw things from that perspective. May his soul rest in peace.” Kelvin said non challantly as he bent down and cleaned his knife on the man’s cloth. “Now lets get out of here.” He said impatiently now dragging a limping Mike along. Mike on the other hand made no attempt to resist him drag but he made sure he did all the job. He made it look like Kelvin was dragging a box who couldn’t make an attempt to walk as it was being pulled meaning the ‘puller’ did all the work. “Man, its better you get a grip on your lazy self or you’ll be spotted.” Kelvin warned, this time they a few step away from leaving the forest onto the untarred road that passed through the forest, a regular route for smugglers and illegal immigrants.

Mike smiled, he had achieved his aim. He just wanted him to complain and he just did.Chief Obi Patrick has been restless right from the time he recieved the message that his son and enemy is inside the same compound with him. It was a few minutes to midnight and sleep seemed to be some distance away from him. On a normal day, he would have gone to bed around 9pm and allowed his security men walk around the compound ensuring his safety such that, even a mosquito couldn’t bite him in his room. Such was the security that was in place, but as things were now, even a million soldiers could not be trusted to do anything reason being that, an enemy was able to sneak into the compound without anyone noticing, and up till this moment, no one knew where he is or what he looked like.

So far, they are yet to spot anybody with suspicious actions, everyone is of the same pack and I dentity, there is no newbie and even if there is one, where will he get the uniform, so they were confindent that Inspector Clement is not already mingling with them even though Chief Obi Patrick is not convinced but what security experience does he have? None. If his security details could assure him of his safety, then, it will be wrong to question them or fault their assurances, all he had to do is listen to them, take necessary precautions as ordered by them, be vigillant if needs be and everything will be fine. ———- Clement carefully walked towards a group of four armed men who were conversing in low tones, but their deep voices won’t allow such, therefore, he could hear them from where he was half patroling and half hiding, they spoke in English, somehow American. They are Ghananians, he concluded. The men noticed his presence but paid him no attention, they continued with their conversation without speaking to him or asking him what he was looking for, afterall, they are colleagues.

“What precaution is being taken as we speak?” He asked five minutes later when he was tired of listening. “Chief’s CSO will be here before noon tomorrow, so he’ll give us the next line of action.” One of them replied. Without invitation, another one chipped in. “But according to what our commander told us, they will embark on a thorough search by daybreak because some section said the policeman is wearing the same uniform with us even though we are not sure.” “How possible is that?” One of them asked as if he knew what was on Clement’s mind. “According to our commander, there is a file containing our pictures and other things, so every officer would be made to remove his uniform and show his identity.” The man explained further. “But that is until the CSO arrived with the file.” He added. Clement knew there was no need to bring any file or pictures for confirmation, mere looking at him, the CSO whom he had lived with right from a teenager would recognise him even in the dark. Meaning he had until now, 11:59pm till 11:59am, twelve hours to get Chief Obi Patrick and arrest him, or get himself killed or abort the mission.

Aborting the mission seemed the best of ideas but he had never failed in any of his attempt to nab a criminal or get them arrested. The only time he failed was two years ago as a sergeant when he had chased an hired assassin into the airport and unknown to him, the assasin had paid some people to smuggle him into a plane, but Clement was denied entrance into the depatures lounge. The assasin succeeded in leaving the shores of Nigeria but Clement made a call to the South African police department, and upon arrival, the man was arrested.

Even though he did a half job, he still go the full credit. “Whoever is mingling amidst us would make it a point of duty to sneak out before the CSO arrives and sneak in after his departure, but we’ll be on a lookout.” The fourth man who looked reserved said confidently. “One of the reasons why I told the commander not to get men from different country. He should have taken the men he needed from just one country, that would enable the men to recognise one another.”

Another man said. “You dey craze. If you boss didn’t make this mistake will I be here?” Clement thought as he walked away. TWELVE HOURS

Early the next morning by 8am, about ten police vehicles drove out of the police headquarters with their siren blaring as the drove along the scanty road. The Lagos state government had the previous night announced a twenty four hours partial curfew in which no vehicle would allowed into the state or out of the sate, while soldiers have been called upon to Mount roadblocks and conduct thorough check on every vehicle that plies the road. Business firms and companies refused to resume for the days work, since everyone is expected to be locked inside their house immediately it is 12noon and on a normal day, especially Thursdays, work starts fully around ten o’clock, so what is the gain of working for two hours? They decided to shut their doors for the whole day while people who cannot do without rendering services and getting paid for an hours opened their shops. The hair salon, the barber shops, fashion designers to mention a few places where the normal day activities are on going, even though on their faces were signs of fear and the readiness to take to their heels at the very first sound of a gunshot or anything that sounds like a gunshot. The first police team consisting of three police vehicles and eighteen police officers including Detective Ngozi, the commander and Agent Sylvester, while the second police team to every officer’s suprise was led by the state police commissioner. It was the believe of the non-force or non police people that the high ranking officers in the force such as the Inspector General, the commissioners, the chief inspectors and the police supritendents didn’t pass through the normal system of promotion. It was rumoured that every high ranking officer in the police force got promoted as a result of a certain quota system which is in favour of his tribe or state or better still, he/she is well connected thereby making promotion very easy. All the high ranking officers know how to do is to report to the station very early in the morning, regardless of the weather, switch on the air condition, even if its snowing, they’ll still turn it on, then sit down all day and at the close of work, a female officer must leave with them to go and warm their beds. A news that went viral some years back was the case of a police commissioner whose house was attacked by armless hoodlums and the police chief who was the only member of his family who has not been held hostage by the hooldums couldn’t scare them off with his gun. He couldn’t even load the gun with bullets, but his colleagues, the state government came to his rescue saying he was shocked which was what affected hum. At the axis into Dolphin estate, the first three police vehicles drove into the estate while the other four vehicles and an ambulance continued driving on the highway. “Sir, your team is expected to move in as soon as we locate the building from our underground position. You’ll be notified of when to move in.” Sylvester who had vowed to help the police on this and hopefully find a suitable time to send a message accross to Hakym notifying him of the police intending attack, but he’ll notify him later which would be very advantageous for the police because the police would have been very close to the corporation before he sends such message then the corp would be in total disorder with the news thinking the police are still thirty minutes away from their location. He checked his pocket, the white box which was given to him by Becky was still there peering at him. He hoped he would be able to use it against Kelvin, but of what use is it? Is it that important to him that he won’t mind coming out of hiding to get it? — Maleek was sitting on a collapsible couch in his private chamber, his top officials were either sitting or standing around his bed, the lady who walked out of the building at the same time with him the previous night was sitting on the bed and an old man dressed in a laboratory coat and stethoscope hung around his neck was checking his health condition. “The drug I gave you should work…”

The old man who would probably be in his mid seventies began but was cut short by an impatient Maleek. “It should work or it would work? I want a drug that will heal this wound within hours. Now get out of here Old Tom.” The old man bowed gently and walked out of the room. “Are you still feeling the pains?” His second in command asked. “Not anymore, you know since the bullet has been removed, I feel less pains, just a few muscle pulls and pains if I touch the affected area or anywhere near it.” Maleek replied. “That’s good.” His second in comman retorted. “You know, we have decided that…” He continued but Maleek once again cut him short by giving a short cough in a way that sounded “hem hem.” “Romina, excuse us.” Maleek said to the lady who rose up, bowed and walked out of the room through a door different from the one Old Tom walked through. The lady, Romina looked twenty four or lesser, but beautiful, light skinned, C-cup bossom size and an average but sexy bum. She looked Liberian, maybe one of the refugees who came to Nigeria during President Charles Taylor’s regime but refused to return to her country after the war or came to Nigeria for a different reason.

“What do you suggest we do concerning Kelvin?” Maleek asked when he was sure that Romina was out of earshot. “I must confess, Kelvin is a formidable opponent. If he decides to work against us, then we have to up our game, remember, he is part of the system, he knows every loopholes. Have you ever sat down to imagine how he escaped? The last time I looked at him, Danger-kelv was standing beside Hakym in front of the boss and in a twinkle of an eye he had slipped and at the same time was out of the compound.

Its a mystery to me.” The second in command explained. “Indeed, Danger-kelv is a formidable opponent, but how do you suggest we charge at him?” Maleek asked carefully placing his bandaged leg on a cushion which was placed on the bed for such purpose. “I believe the fault actually came from you boss. I see no reason why Danger-kelv should be allowed to live among the civillians. He deserved no freedom more than us. He is an asset, everyone knows, he is invaluable, priceless and the best around, but yet, I think your prefrential attitude gave him some non-existent confidence. You can correct me if I am wrong.” Another man, probably the third in command, also seated beside the second in command said with a bow. “I agree with you on this. Kelvin had access with a lot of things that we don’t. He knew every police officer by name, he can identify them while we here couldn’t, we don’t watch tv for the fear of being traced and now Danger-kelv has betrayed the corp, respect to yo sir, you caused it.” Another man said. “I stand to disagree with you on this. The boss has no fault in the issue at hand. While the boss was treating D-K like a prince that he was, did any of us complain? No. Its evident that the boss trusted the boy and in the end he betrayed the trust. The ordinary citizens of Nigeria entrusted their country in the hands of a president, they didn’t know he had a motive of working with the Khal corp, that’s just the point.” One of the men standing said. A smiled escaped Maleek’s lips. “I thing the person who stand to share these blames is Hakym, he knew that D-K brought a different police officer, but he decided to play along for reasons best known to him.” The man continued. Every head in the room turned towards Hakym who blinked weakly. At once Maleek rose up from the bed, picked up a walking stick that was placed beside the bed and hit Hakym hard accross the face with it. Hakym, hit unexpectedly staggered backwards, removed his gun from his hip-holster and held it firmly. “Do it.” Maleek said moving closer to him as he swung the walking stick once again, this time narrowly missing him. At once about three men had hit Hakym and he was now on his knees facing an angry Maleek. “I want Danger-kelv before me before dusk.” He said and limped back to the bed, this time, as a result of stress he just underwent, he would started bleeding once again and the doctor was summoned.Ngozi led a team of seventeen police officers including Sylvester into the underground and carefully thay made their way through the dead bodies that lay on the ground. The odours emanating from the bodies are so offensive they could stop the heartbeat for a second or two.

Ngozi’s heartbeat fought and won a battle against the offensive odour, her heart refused to stop beating, but while they continued beating, it was throbbing faster than normal to an extent that if someone should stand in front of her, he/she would be able to see the bulge in her chest coming out and going in at a very fast rate. She was sure that the blood being pumped out of her heart would have by now flooded her body system, but if things like that happen in human then the emergency units, the veins should swing to action by distributing the blood to all body part. “How far are we to get there?” Someone asked fron behind. “Its not much, or is it? She asked facing Sylvester who shook his head negatively with a disturbed smile. Then they came to the point where the underground was divided into two tunnels, the dark one and the slightly light one. “Now, this is the point. Everybody, switch on your flashlights.” She ordered and tens of flashlights flickered on lighting up the tunnel. “No one speaks as we go in now. Expect the worst, no one knows what’s inside, but any problem you encounter, it would be solved without any problem.” Ngozi said looking at Sylvester for a go ahead. She was sure that even the Inspector General of police won’t mind taking orders from a constable in a situation such as this. The fear of the unknown, expecially after the James turned monster incident. “Now, at the count of three, we all move in and there will be no going back. This tunnel leads to the Khal corp, and this is our only chance to rescue sergeant Mike and also put an end to all these craziness.” Ngozi explained. Everyone is suprised at Ngozi’s newest attitude, she talked less and smiled less. She is now uptight and firm, she doesn’t joke, she is straight to business and gives orders without anticipating protest from the junior officers. No one could explain the reason behind her new found Okonjo Iweala’s attitude or Oby Ezekwesili attitude. “One, two….” Sylvester was saying when loud noises that sounded like footsteps could be heard from behind them, the policemen all stepped aside for about fifteen soldiers led by their commander to come face to face with Ngozi. “I am captain Sanni.” The commander introduced himself.

“Detective Ngozi.” She replied stretching her hand towards him. He ignored the hand and stepped closer with open arms. Like he wanted a hug. Ngozi rudely disappointed him by making a sharp turn to face the tunnel once again. “Let’s go guys.” She ordered and matched off into the tunnel, with Sylvester running to keep up with her, while the embarrassed Captain followed them from behind and the troops took the rear. “In silence please.” Ngozi said when she realised that the soldiers were begining to sing their chants and war songs. Five minutes later, they came face to face with another sets of tunnels, about three in number, all brightly lit. “Which way?” Sylvester asked as if he had envisaged something like this. “I don’t know.” Ngozi confessed looking at Sylvester and Captain Sanni expectantly. “Check the map that you have with you.” Sylvester said. Ngozi was thrown off balance with the request or order or whatever you call it. “I… Err…am…” She stammered looking intently at Captain Sanni who smiled. “You came to pick the map sometimes not too long ago. You were dressed in a night gown, you came with a man, around 9pm. Didn’t you?” Sanni asked. “Then I think you should just present the map and know which way to go.” Sylvester said tucking his gun into his shirt. Ngozi looked on without talking, but her lips were moving, typical of the Chineese who moved their lips about twenty times when talking, but only two words will come out. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mike was pulling his legs so hard that one would think the leg belonged to someone else and he want to remove it from its socket because no right thinking person would treat his own body part like this. Kelvin was squatting beside him pouring a liquid from a black bottle, the liquid which while looking at it looked like water but its effect made it look like a hot one as a result of the steam escaping from his wound, while Kelvin’s activities made it look like a chemical or a drug. Kelvin held a sugar thong in his lef hand as he poured the content of the bottle, he tried using the thong to remove something from his body. Maybe a bullet. “Maybe we should call the police.” Mike suggested. “I must not see any police team around here. If by mistake I see one, then consider yourself dead.” “But why? We need their help, don’t we?”

– After a series of permutations and combination, the police team guessed that they should take the left tunnel and if it doesn’t lead to anywhere, they’ll be back to take the one in the middle or the one on the right when it became clear that they will never see the map even though Ngozi was unable to tell them where the map is or why she came to pick it up. After walking for some five minutes, the soldiers broke into a run, running ahead of the team happily but this time they were not chanting their slogans or war songs. Ngozi was loosing her patience, she just felt like ordering the troup to abort the mission, but as things were, they had come a very long way than to back out. “Stop it!” She screamed, but it was too late, one of the running soldiers had fallen into a deep pit which looked endless as his cries could be heard ad he continued falling to the ground. The pit was digged just in the middle, there was nowhere to pass to get to the other side which was the continuation of the rocky floors. This seemed to be the end of the way for them.

“Let’s try other tunnels.” Captain Sanni said without showing sympathy or anything close to pity for the young man who fell into the pit. A splash could be heard, meaning tham guy had fallen into the water where he was destined to die. The troop left the spot and walked out of the tunnel, they tried the second tunnel which led to a dead end and on the third try, they made a headway by coming face to face with quite a lot of soldiers where a shootout ensued and everyone had to show his/her skills and experiences. Ngozi being the oly femal expertly handled the situation as the commander of the troop, she gave them confidence by shouting some incoherents such as “you can do it guys.” “Its in you.” “No going back, no retreat. Stand back till the very last drop of your blood if needs be.” Luckily for the police team, several iron crates were placed on top the other and they were able to take cover from the crates. “Move in guys.” Sylvester managed to say through his communication device attached somewhere around his shoulder. It was evident that he had contacted the police team that was in place at the Khal corp vicinity. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Klevin had succeeded in making Mike feel relieved a bit even though the burning effect which the chemical left behind was still there but not as excruciating as the gunshot pain. “Do you smoke?” Kelvin asked removing a stick a marijuana or weed from a plate and stretched it to him. “No, I don’t. Do you?” Mike replied. “Not at all. But I drink.” Kelvin replied tucking the plate into his bag. Kelvin removed a loaf of Breat from the same bag and offered some to Mike who declined. “I won’t take some part of it unless you tell me why you loved eating bread.” Mike said. “Well, I love bread because during the last supper, Jesus christ broke a loaf of bread and gave it to his disciples saying it is his flesh. On another seperate account, he fed the multitude with a loaf of bread and two fishes. Now that we have no fish in place, we should manege the bread.” Kelvin explained. “Do you read the bible?” Mike asked curiously. “Not at all.” Kelvin replied and walked out of the large pipe. He returned after a minute or two. “Who called them?” He asked. “Called who?” Mike asked. “The cops.”

IN A CIRCLE Episode 156

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