ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 141 – 143 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 132 - 133 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 141 by dy9ty7

Clement go to the exit, where the girls were made to climb the ladder upward in twos and some policemen and medical team members were ready to lift them up and walk them into the main house to be treated and attended to.
They had made series of headways in the quest to escape, about twenty two of this girls had safely left the underground while about twenty three were still hovering around the ladder.
“I need three men.” He said and at once returned to the door that was restricting the the terrorist entranc to where they were.
On getting there he found the two men he left to engage the terrorists in gun battle dead on the floor.
“Engage then for as long as possible.” He said to the newest three and the started shooting.
The terrorists wanted to break the door at all cost, while the policemen were trying to deny then entrance to close in on them. For the next five minutes, Clement shuffled between checking on the girls who had all ascended the ladder into the main house and engaging the terrorists. Now is the right time to move, they had three mintes before the terrorists can break the door, while they will use a minute to reach the ladder point and in two minutes they are sefely back on earth.
He knew it was a difficult thing to do, considering the fact that in two minutes, the underground cover will slam shut.
“Lets get out of here.” He said to the two guys and at once, they tagged along the dark tunnel until they were directly under numerous flshlights.
“Come on Clement.” The head of the medical team urged.
At once, he lifted his left leg and dropped in on the ladder, in a flash, he was safely back on earth, immediately, the other two guys climbed the ladder too, but before they could get help from the officers outside, the covering slammed shut and they fell back into the underground where the remaining terrorists had closed in on them.
Clement concluded that their own chapter of life had finished even though he felt bad that he called them to follow him, but if he had called someone else, whoever he called will definitely suffer the same fate.
Clement was successfully led into Mr Ayo’s residence where some of the rescue girls were recieving first aid treatment. The only thing he noticed was their number.
“Where are the other?” He asked the medical team leader.
“Some of them died after they arrived here. You know the trauma and the effect it is having on their health.” She explained.
“How many of them died?” Clement asked.
“About ten.” She replied.
“Can you imagine. You mean you were here and ten children died? It would have been much better if you weren’t here at all.” He said angrily.
She had worked with Clement for many years and she knew how passionate he was about human life, especially children and women. He sometimes exeeds his limit to make sure accident victims are well attended to. Everyone knew him to be someone who loves the opposite gender and passionate about them, which was why he still doesn’t handle cases that has to do with female criminals, because he can’t bring himself to hurt them.
“Clement, I need to give you the antidote. You already inhaled the gas.” The lady said changing the topic.
“What antidote again?” He asked, it was obvious he had almost forgotten about the gas which was mistakenly released by Sylvester which led to Edgar’s death.
“But, am afraid Clement, this gas will affect your lungs.” The lady said as she covered his nose with a rubber nossle and asked him to inhale deeply twenty times as she injected him on the arm.
“How do you mean by affect my lungs?” He asked after the nossle had been removed from his nose.
“You already inhaled the substance twice today which is above the maximum to be consumed in a year. The chemical contained 75.1%…” She was explaining when he cut her short.
“Go straight to the point, I am not interested in the composition of the chemical.”
“Okay. Like I said, the chemical is likely to affect your lungs and you know what that mean? You breathing will kind of be affected too.” She explained.
“Affected, as in Asthma right? Or cancer?” He asked calmly.
“It all depends, we’ll have to run a test on you. You know Asthma is heriditary, so we’ll try and know if you have it in your lineage before we conclude.” She explained.
He was finding it hard to understand what she was saying. Why will he have lungs problem at this time when he just had his first child. Does that mean he will die?

After spending about one hour with Tolani in the hospital, she left with Darasimi. The two girls laughed the whole journey from the hospital to the main road where they went their seperate ways.
Even though Tolani only opened her eyes, she didn’t say a thing, her eye balls were just roaming around the whole ICU, she couldn’t speak but she knew something was not right. She couldn’t place where she was, but she knew she was not supposed to be there(in a hospital) on a good day.
The doctor said she suffered memory loss as a result of the gunshot which was a little bit close to her neck, thereby tests further revealed that a certain cord connecting to the brain has been affected, but could be patch up. Even though the chances of her regaining her lost memory was slim.
Dolapo was not convinced of the Doctor’s theory because at some point, Tolani set her eyes on her(Dolapo) and the next thing that happened was her eyes becoming wet. Tears trickled out of her eyes as she kept looking at her for the next five minute, without saying a thing or blinking away. Dolapo knew she didn’t loose her memory, even if she did, it was a part of her memory that was affected.
A few minutes later, the cab she boarded came to a halt in front of St Battaihas private hospital and she walked into the big hospital after paying the cab man. She made a first stop at the waiting room where she exchanged pleasantries with some of the nurses. She had become friends with them, she remembered how she chatted with them until late in the night the previous day where she exchanged contacts with them.
“Nurse Martha, how has been your day?” She had asked the self acclaimed most senior of them all and at the same time Doctor Rapheal’s favourite among them all.
“My day has been good. How was exam today?” Martha asked.
“Exam was good.” She replied and she made for the stairs.
“Very soon now, you too will become a corper.” Martha said smiling.
Then she remembered, Chidinma who came into Lagos this morning. She excused herself from the ‘aproko’ nurses whom from the one hour she spent gisting with them the previous night, she knew the kind of person they are.
They talked about everybody connected to the hospital, right from the two senior doctors to the two student doctors and the patients. The only patient they didn’t gossip about was Rachel and that was because she(Dolapo) was there with them.
She entered the ward to see an almost full house. Rachel was seating on her bed, while Chidinma was standing near the window, two ederly people whom she guessed was their parents sat on the two available chairs. The woman has the baby in her hands.
“Good afternoon.” She greeted going down on her knees.
“Dolapo, how are you?” Rachel asked.
Their parents turned to face her and acknowledge her presence with a nod and a smile.
“Who is she?” She could hear the woman whisper to Rachel.
Rachel smiled and whispered back.
Dolapo carefully walked toward the bed and said ‘hi’ to the baby before exchanging pleasantries with Chidinma. Rachel was still whispering with her parents and the moment her mother said something, her countenance changed from the former smiling face to a frown.
She turned to look at Dolapo who had her eyes fixed on her. She was suprised to see the change in Rachel’s countenance, no doubt they were talking about her. Was her dressing provocative? She asked herself.
“How are you feeling now?” She asked like the little sister that she was.
“Fine.” Rachel snapped.
“What about those abdominal pains?” She asked.
“I already replied you. Fine.” Rachel said, anger visible in her eyes.
What has she done to desrve this? Did anybody report her? Were the questions bothering her heart. She looked at Chidinma, but saw that she was looking sad too, maybe because of how she(Dolapo) was being treated.
Then the door into the ward opened, and Kelvin walked in with a sexy lady tagging along behind him.
“My brother in law, welcome.” Rachel greeted.
“Rachy, congratulations.” He said sharply.
“Welcome aunty.” Rachel greeted the lady who bent down a bit as sign of respect. Something Chidinma detest alot.
The lady was no other person than Sandra Oselu, the international model.
“Excuse us.” She heard Rachel say.
She didn’t say anything not until she heard Rachel scream her name.
“Dolapo, excuse us.”
She reluctantly walked out of the house. She waited a few seconds to eavesdrop and she heard Chidinma protest.
“Rachel, why are you treating the poor girl like that?”
“I asked her to excuse us, she is not a member of the family.” Rachel replied.
She could hear Chidinma protest again.
“What about…?” She knew she was referring to Sandra.
“Keep you mouth shut or I send you out of here too.” Rachel had scolded her and everything died down.
Hot tears tricked down her cheeks. Was she being rejected again? She knew it had something to do with Rachel’s parents.

Two black buses were hired to help transport the girls out of Mr Ayo Okorie’s residence as requested by the state government and driven to the governor’s office.
Clement picked his car key and walked towards his car, and as expected, the journalist were all over him.
“You are Inspector Clement right?” One of the journalist asked putting his recording device close to Clement’s mouth.
“Yeah.” Clement replied.
“Tell us about your recent success in there.” Pressman two asked.
“There was really nothing much to talk about. Its not really the grand success everyone was anticipating, our main target is to stop insurgency and today’s success is just the tip of the ice bag.” He replied.
“We learnt there was an underground, how did you discover it?”
He was begining to get irritated, their questions were just so off point. Is this what they intend to put on the news tonight? Then they must be joking.
“A female detective discovered it.” He replied and unlocked his car door.
“One last question sir, what’s her name?”
“Ngozi Obiora.” He replied and hopped into his car, then he realised he couldn’t shut the car door. Some powers were preventing him from shutting the door. Then he saw about ten hands holding the door firmly.
“Any chances that Maleek has been killed?” Another journalist asked.
Stupid questions asked by stupid people, only God knows what our universities are producing these days, in terms of students graduating.
“I don’t know Maleek, he is always on mask. Our main target now is Danger-kelv.” He ignited the car and drove off.
The journalists were all beaming in satisfaction, at least they have gotten what they wanted from the man of the moment. In one quick dash, they were standing in front of the medical team leader, asking her questions too.
His phone vibrated as he manouvered his way along the busy road, he wonder why young drivers will be driving at 20km/hr, aren’t they time conscious?
He checked the sender of the message but the number wasn’t listed on his phone, moreso, it wasn’t a Nigerian phone number with the dialing code. His curiousity got the better of him, the message that greeted him was not what he was expecting, but he loved it because he felt challenged that moment.
He knew Khal corp sent the message and instead of being afraid, he felt ready to go any length in defeating the heartless organization.
A thought flashed accross his mind as he drove on as he had seen in films where the main character who was interested in serving his country by restoring peace would in the end loose his family. What’s the gain if you provide security for millions of people and you can’t protect your wife and kids? He knew protecting them will require first sending them out of the country, Ukraine would be a nice idea afterall, but language will be a problem.
Dolapo was sitting alone outside the hospital watching as patients were being carried into the various wings on the hospital, how she wished she had studied nursing, she just loved how the nurses comported themselves and did their jobs dilligently, but their ‘aproko’ nature is a major turn off as far as the nursing job is concerned. Its like, they offer a course on that while in school too. But its too late, she’ll be a graduate in a few days and she is happy with what she is studying.
Her mind flashed back to Rachel and her outburst. What could be wrong with her? Why the sudden change? She was not like this when she entered the hospital a few minutes ago, but the moment her parents whispered something to her, she changed. Change they say is a gradual thing, but in this case, this was the most fasted revolution she had ever seen.
Her problem now is what Rachel’s parent said about her, she was sure they talked about her. It not like she was dressed provocatively or indecently. So what on earth could be the problem?
When she thought she had found a new family to live with, she was yet again rejected. Life has been dealing her massive blows from the day she was born.
Then she saw them all walk out of the hospital, Kelvin, Sandra, Chidinma, Rachel and her baby with Rachel’s parent. Akpan whom she had not seen all day came around and collected the few bags and dropped them in the car trunk. Kelvin said somethings to Rachel before he left in his car with Sandra.
“You can take a bike with this and meet us at home.” Rachel said hopping into the car as well as Chidinma who couldn’t talk, maybe for the fear of their parents. Their parents too entered the car and Akpan drove them off.
As she made to leave, she could hear a mocking sound from behind, and turning back she saw Doctor Rapheal laughing silently.
“Let me drive you.” He said still laughing.
She held back the tears and ran out of the hospital.

Chief Obi Patrick was getting ready to jet down to Lagos. He had finished his official assignment in Abuja three days ago, but stayed behind to handle some unofficial assignment for the president and then attend to his concubines.
The president walked through the grass lawn which was well decorated with flowers towards the aircraft landing behind the presidential villa. The landing could only house a private jet at a time or a chopper.
“What do we do about this son of yours?” The president asked.
“Seriously, I don’t know. I had Maleek sent him a threatening message five times in the last wo weeks but till now, he hadn’t responded to any, maybe he will step down, we don’t know.” Chief Patrick explained.
“Do you suggest we eliminate him?” The president asked.
It was no new thing to do, Chief Patrick had personally ordered the killing of so many politicians, their sons or wives, maybe this is payback. He concluded.
“His wife just delivered. That’s why I am rushing over to Lagos.” Chief Patrick replied.
“Regardless of anything, I was Lagos thrown into unrest, then there would be no election in Lagos come next year and that gives me the favourable odds to win.” The president explained.
“You are back in the office for the second term your excellency, be rest assured.” He said.
“I know, but we need to disrupt peace in the South-west so that in the end, there will be no election come next year in that region. A state of emergency will be announced on Monday as soon as the Senate agrees.” The president explained.
“I think the state of emegency would be better. Let millitary administrator take over and dissolve all politically elected office holders in the state. The police will become powerless and Maleek will intensify his rate of attack.” Chief Patrick said.
This time, they had reached the presidential jet which was to transport Chief Obi Patrick back to Lagos.
“Talk to your son, we both know Maleek won’t hesitate to wipe him off.” The president said.
Chief Patrick climbed the steps into the aircraft and five minutes later, it took off. The president’s last word kept haunting him as the plane soared higher into the sky.
Rahmon was in the gym with his boys, all of them working out in a bid to keep fit.
“Boss, when last did you speak with this girl, Janet?” One of his boys asked.
“Its been a while, but I assume she is in Ukraine already.” Rahmon replied.
“She is not, its either she has been arrested for that fast one on Sandra Oselu or killed. You know she has nothing to defend herself.” The guy explained.
“So what do you suggest?” Rahmon asked.
“I’ll say we should send two men to her house to find out.” The guy replied.
“You should be able to do that. I’ll talk to Don to be on a lookout for her.” Rahmon said and continued what he was doing.
“I am not in support of you involving Don. That guy is a back stabber, I don’t trust him.” The guy replied.
“Don is my man. We’ve been together for many years now, he left because he couldn’t play the blackmail game with me, he wanted more action.” Rahmon explained.
“You are the boss. I can’t convince you.” The guy replied and walked out of the gym.
And there could be an element of truth in what this guy said. He thought, but he knew Don dare not tamper with something that belongs to him, but he remembered he didn’t tell Don about Janet.
Its high time he visited Don and talk things with him.
“You have a visitor boss.” Another of his boys came into the gym and announced.
Rahmon waved him off, after which he exited the gym.
“Good day Rah.” The said visitor greeted.
“Take a seat.” Rahmon said.
The guy sat and waited for Rahmon to sit down before he state his mission.
“Oh! I don’t sit down when a stranger visit me. What do you want?” Rahmon asked.
“I came from Don’s end.” He replied.
“He sent you to me?” Rahmon asked.
“No, he has Janet in custody. Victoria vicky pulled the job and Janet mentioned you as her boss. Vicky is after you.” The guy explained.
Rahmon’s heart thumped faster per millisecond. If Victoria Vicky should be after him, then he needed to move faster so she doesn’t catch up with him. But everyone knew Vicky to be a planner before action. He knew she’d probably spend a week planning how to attack him, then he could attack her unawares within those one week.
“Why did you decide to tell me this?” Rahmon asked.
“Don wants to kill us, but I escaped.” Her replied.
“Your offence?”
“We raped her.” He replied.
Rahmon’s face twitched in anger.
“Wait for me, I’ll be back.” He said and walked out of the living room.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 142 by dy9ty7

It was all celebration in Clement’s house as well wishers trooped in to catch a glimpse of the new baby and congratulate the mother. Some of their nieghbours in the estate and some distant relatives and family friends.
Chidinma was busy in the kitchen with the cooking when Dolapo walked in.
“Dollyp.” Chidinma said smiling.
“Weldone.” Dolapo said gloomily, as it was obvious that she was sad. Who wouldn’t be? After being subjected to maltreatment in the hospital.
“Thank you.” Chidinma replied trying to sound casual and jovial.
“What can I help you with?” Dolapo asked already moving to the sink where the dishes were arranged, awaiting cleaning. She picked the napkin, added a little water and dish-washing paste and started cleaning, after which she’ll rinse with clean water.
Silence enveloped the kitchen as the two ladies concentrated on what they were doing. Chidinma was trying to engage Dolapo in conversation, but her sad and gloomy face said it all. It was evident she wasn’t interested in a conversation at present.
“Dolapo, I am going to the supermarket when I am done with the cooking. Do you mind coming with me?” Chidinma asked.
“I’d have loved going with you, but I have a lot to do.” Dolapo replied.
“Come one, its the supermarket at the entrance of the estate, moreso, Akpan will drive us so we’ll be back in thirty minutes.”
“I am not going. What if…?” She asked and kept quiet.
“What if what?” Chidinma asked.
Dolapo quietly walked out of the kitchen abandoning what she was doing.
Should she call Clement and explain to him? That will be stupid of her, what if Clement pick up a quarrel with his wife? Then she’ll be labelled as the one who caused the quarell. No she won’t be a party to that.
Akpan walked up to her where she was seated on the bonnet of one of the cars in the compound.
“Dolapo, what’s the problem? Why the tears?” He asked.
She quickly rubbed the tears off her eyes and faced Akpan.
“There is no problem?” She replied.
“But you are crying now.” He said.
“No, I am not.” She snapped.
Akpan looked at her intently, as if to read the lies and pretence in her but couldn’t.
“I wanted to ask you why you didn’t come in the car with us from the hospital?” He said.
“I quickly went to pick something in school.” She lied.
The visitors had all left and Rachel was in her room with her mother.
“All you have to do is talk your husband into sending her away or better still rent an apartment for her, because I don’t know when you became helpers.” The elderly woman said.
Rachel who had developed dislike for Dolapo the moment her mother made a shocking revelation at the hospital.
“She is a woman and she will one day poison you and snatch your husband.” The elderly woman said.
“She is a nice girl, but since you said she is capable of doing these things, then I think I have to act fast.” Rachel replied.
“Did you say she once slep in the house with only your husband at home?”
Rachel nodded.
“Do you know if something took place between them?”
Rachel shook her head in negative.
“That said it all. The girls of nowadays can go any length to get what they want especially when it comes to the issue of men. Be wise and talk to your husband.” The elderly lady explained.
Rachel sat transfixed, can Dolapo do this to her? Certainly no. She is not a desperate girl and she has not shown desperation since she came to live with them. Thank God she hadn’t told her about her fling with Doctor Rapheal, that would have been an advantage for her in poisoning Clement’s mind, but she overheard one of her discussions with Rapheal. She need to act fast and make sure she is out of the house.
How could she have been fooled all these while thinking her husband was helping the girl, she had always thought there is more to it.

Clement alighted from his car and headed into the station. The junior officers saluted him as he walked in, he returned their gesture.
“Welcome Oga Clement.” A policeman at the counter said.
“Thank you.” He replied.
Just then the commissioner of police walked into the waiting room with his goons, the Supritendent of police and the Assistant supritendent. News of Clement’s arrival had reached them and they wanted to honour him by coming out to welcome him.
He threw salute at them and they returned it.
“Congratulations Inspector.” The commissioner said.
“Thank you sir.” Clement replied.
They chatted loudly and laughed like a laughing gas was exposed to them.
Ngozi had heard them chat and she traced their voice to the waiting room.
“Clement, you are welcome.” She said.
“Yeah.” He replied indifferently.
“If you don’t mind, you can join us at the club over a bottle of wine to celebrate this success.” The ASP retorted.
Clement smiled. It was no new thing for the police chiefs to visit a club after every work day. But they spen many hours at the club on fridays and saturdays. There was a bar down the street which was nicknamed ‘police bar’ because it was mostly patronized by the policemen in the area. At every given hour, there would always be a policeman or two in the bar, but after the close of work, you could see about twenty policemen enjoying and washing away the stressful day at work.
Clement has always made sure he doesn’t visit the bar, since he was transferred to the headquarters, he only visited the bar once, which was when he drove his newly bought Honda CRV and decided to celebrate with his colleagues at work.
“I would have loved to join you, but as you all know, my wife just put to bed and I need to be with her.” He replied.
“I know there will always be a ‘but.’ Anyways, we’ll celebrate in your absence but make a toast with your success.” The ASP said.
Clement excused himself and walked into his office which he shared with other policemen.
He said a few word of prayers before he dropped his weapon on the table and sat down, the air condition was in full swing blowing like it was programmed to do.
“Clement, I was greeting you but you ignored me.” Ngozi said standing before him.
“Why won’t I ignore you? Ngozi what’s your problem?” He asked.
“Clement you can’t understand.” She replied taking her seat.
“What is it that I can’t understand? Ngozi, you left home in the middle of the night to only God knows where. You slept two nights out.” He asked.
“Clement, Tobiloba slapped me, he maltreated me.”
“You caused it. He asked you not to break the law but you were adamant. Let me see how you want to achieve that.” He said.
“Was that why he slapped me?”
“Was that enough reason for you to leave home late at night? You didn’t pick your calls, you shut out everybody. Anyways, I have no problems with you sleeping out, its between you and your fiance. But he said something and I’ll want you to do something about it.”
Ngozi looked at him expectantly.
“He said just because he was acting like a fool doesn’t mean you should see him as one. He felt very bitter about it, and you know what it means if things go astray between you two? Your wedding is five weeks away.” Clement explained.
Her heart began to beat faster and she could hear the sound herself.
She knew how fatal it would be if she looses her fiancee, with their wedding five weeks away, invitation cards has been distributed to people and preparation is even in full swing, how would people take the news, the wedding has been cancelled. She never bargained for that before God sent her to earth, she would have to settle things with Tobiloba, but will she be able to tell the truth?
Maleek was seated on his giant throne addressing his council of chiefs while Hakym stood in between the great Maleek.
“But where the hell is Danger-kelv?” He asked.
Even though he had spent the majority of his life in Sudan, his home country, his brief stay in the States, one could hear the American accent in his voice, but it was evident he wasn’t American. He spoke with the accent because when you are in Rome, you behave like the Romans.
“He excused himself.” Hakym replied.
“I think this boy is taking us for granted. Who executed the job?” Maleek asked.
Everyone in the corp knew how elated Maleek was anytime he was told Kelvin executed or killed a particular target.
“I did.” Hakym replied.
His face fell in disappointment. But all the same, the desired result was achieved.
“You can go.” He said to Hakym who bounced out of the hall.
“So what next?” His second in command asked.
Just then a large screen came on, showing the face of Chief Obi Patrick.

Chief Obi Patrick was in his study, his laptop opened before him, showing the faces of about twenty people in a hall and a man wearing a mask was seated at the topmost corner of the hall.
“Good afternoon, Chief.” The man in mask said.
“Ah! Maleek, afternoon.” Chief Obi Patrick replied.
“Hope no problem? You called today.” Maleek said roaring, all in the name of laughter.
“I just met with the president.” Chief Patrick replied.
Maleek and everyone in the hall adjusted on their seats eagerly anticipating what Chief Patrick had to say.
“He said, a state of emergency would be declared in Lagos as well as other south west states, provided you storm them with your mighty arms.” Chief patrick explained.
“I think its about time I speak to the president one on one. A presidential jet should be sent to me this time tomorrow, I’ll like to see him.” Maleek said.
“That’s impossible. You can’t see the president. Its either you relay your messages to him through me or nothing.” Chief Obi said.
Maleek kept his eyes glued to the large screen which was displaying Chief Patrick as he conversed with him. No one could see his reaction to the as a result of the mask concealing his face, but they knew he was no comfortable with the arrangement.
“Can you do me a favour?” Maleek asked.
“Go on.”
“Talk to your son. He is overstepping his boundaries.” Maleek said.
“What did he do?” Chief Patrick who has been expecting something like this asked. He knew sooner or later, his heroic deeds at stopping khal corp will put him into trouble. But hearing this from Maleek, he knew he must have done something unforgivable to the corporation.
“He led a team of policemen and invaded Mr Ayo Okorie’s residence for a second time. But this time, a secret which has been in the house for over two decades, the underground.” Maleek explained.
Chief Patrick himself could remember the underground and how they had used it during their full time crime days as illegal smugglers. The underground was carefully dug underneath Mr Ayo’s house and it after thousands of Kilometres it stopped inside a an abandoned building very closed to the Nigeria/cotonou border which served as their store house back then, but now housed the khal corp.
Anbody who broke into the underground had every chances to arrive at the khal corp, the underground connects to the room directly opposite the great hall which served as Abdul Maleek’s office in the underground too.
“I wii talk to him.” Chief Obi patrick said assuringly even though he knew his son would never listen, but they could get him transferred to the north or the southern part of the country.
Rahmon walked back into the living room with two of his boys.
“That’s him.” He said pointing to the guy seated on the couch.
The two guys seized him and lifted him.
“Please what’s my offence? I did nothing wrong.”
Sensing maybe Rahmon decided to attack him because he thought he had come to tell him lies.
“I am not lying to you. In fact, I can describe the girl. Her name is Janet.” he screamed as he was being led out of the house. Unfortunately for him, no one could hear his screams, the closeste house to Rahmon’s mansion was about ten houses away. In between the two houses were lands which have not yet being developed and building still under construction.
“When next you return to this world, provided you got the opportunity to return which I doubt because, God doesn’t give second chance to sinners like you. Make sure you control that thing between your legs, it must not be used anyhow, especially when it comes to the special ones like Janet. Guys, slice his throat.” Rahmon said and walked into the house.
He knew that was the end for him. How he wished he had stayed behind to let Don kill him, even though he knew he won’t because Janet had pleaded with him not to, but he was sure to get humiliated. Don could order him to walk around the house naked for a week which would serve as comic relief to everyone in the house, assuming it was an all guys situation, he won’t mind, but with the presence of Janet, he’ll definitely feel embarrassed.
So this was how he will end his once promising life? He started saying his last prayers, with the hope of being recieved in heaven amid funfare.

Clement drove into his compound later in the evening very tired and worn out. As he lazily alighted from the car, there was only one thing on his mind, which was to enter the house, take his bath and sleep.
“Welcome oga.” Akpan said running towards his boss car.
“Akpan, how you dey?” Clement asked.
Suprised to see his boss speak in pidgin, which has been the order of the day since his wife put to bed.
“Oga, I dey o.” Akpan replied leaning against the car.
“See you tomorrow.” He said and walked towards the main house.
He was taken aback when he saw Dolapo sitting on a chair in the verandah.
“Dolapo, what are you doing here?” He asked.
“Welcome sir.” She said going on her knees.
“Yeah, thank you. Why are you sitting all alone here?” He asked.
“Nothing. I just felt like sitting alone.” She replied smiling.
Thank God he didn’t notice her gloomy face which has since been replaced with smile.
“Don’t stay long outside, okay?”
she nodded her head slowly and watched him as he bounced into the living room. How she wished, everyone on earth could be down to earth like Clement, how she wished everyone could be as nice as this, this world would definitely be a safe place to live.
“My in-law.” He exclaimed as he walked towards his mother-in-law who was eating at the dinning table, alongside Chidinma.
“My son, how are you?” The woman asked all smiles.
He settled on the empty chair beside her and chatted with her for a while.
“Is my wife in?” He asked.
“Where else do you want her to be?” His mother in law asked and they all laughed.
But he noticed something was not right. If they are just eating dinner and Dolapo was seated outside, does that mean, she has no share in the food or she doesn’t want to eat.
“Chidi, what of Dolapo? Has she eaten?”
“Erm, she said she’ll eat when she is ready.” Chidinma lied.
Who would eat amidst tension? When you are seated opposite and enemy in an eatery, no matter how delicious the food may be, it won’t just go into your mouth.
“Okay.” Clement said and walked into the room where his wife and the baby was.
“You see that’s what I am telling you. There is something going on between them” the elderly woman said.
“Mama, there is nothing between them, I trust Dolapo and I trust Uncle Clement. He was only helping her and it was normal to ask if she has eaten because it looked odd that we are eating here and she is outside.” Chidinma replied.
“You are still a child. I have seen so many things, even before you were born. I just hope Rachel listen to me.”
“She is listening to you already, at least, you have her under control and she is ready to make life difficult for the girl.” Chidinma said.
Right from when they were young, their parents has always been dominating their lives and making decisions for them. They told them what department to join in secondary school, the university to apply for, the course, even the kinds of friends they moved with. Rachel has always been the their prey, she does whatever her parents want her to do, but Chidinma who spent the majority of her teenage life as a tomboy. She lived like a man, fought like a man, did everithing like a man. Their parents had little or no control over her decision which till today still made Rachel the favourite child.
“I am only doing what I think is the best for my daughter.”
“What you think? So you are not even sure?” Chidinma asked laughing.
“I am very sure. The girl was implanted by the devil so she can destroy the happiness in this family.”
“Mum, I believe you’ll go to your husband’s house very soon. Will you teach Rachel how to live her marital life? Will you tell Uncle Clement what to do to keep his family intact?” Chidinma asked.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that.” Her mother said hitting her fist on the table.
Chidinma’s anger reached its limit that moment as she dropped her cutlery and stood up.
“Where to?” Her mother asked.
“I am done eating.” She replied.
“My friend sit down there and finish up your meal. Have you forgotten you are an ulcer patient?”
She reluctantly sat down and picked up her cutleries. Even though she was angry, she still had to eat.
“Weldone ma.” Dolapo greeted as she walked accross the living room towards the visitor’s room which she was expected to share with Chidinma.
She was sure, the woman didn’t reply, but Chidinma said something about dinner which she ignored.

Rahmon walked into the living room where five of his boys were seated all dressed up and evident they were going out.
“Are you guys set?” He asked.
“Yes boss.” They replied in unison.
He led the way out of the house and hopped into a waiting black Toyota while the rest of the guys entered a hilux bus and they drove out of the compound with one place in mind, Victoria Vicky’s residence.
Matilda was begining to lose interest in the assignment she was asked to handle. How on earth could someone with his right senses keep twenty four hours surveillance on an individual who was a suspect by mere speculation and not caught in any illegal activities. She couldn’t place why someone would be suspected because she visited a criminal, she could just be in a wrong place at the wrong time. She was not tottally convinced of Victoria’s innocence, because she had outsmarted her once and the way and manner which she conversed with her showed she actually know a lot about the system.
Maybe she should just prepare a fake report emphasizing Victoria’s innocence, but Sergeant Mike actually reported Vitoria to Clement. And as junior officers in the force were made to understand, a level four or Bronze level officer will only pick interest in any case because they are sure of it. It was also believed that in every five lies that a bronze level officer in the police, FBI or the SSS said, there must always be an element of truth, if not more.
Could sergeant Mike be lying? Maybe they just wanted to test her knowledge, but on a second thought, the way Clement had spoken to her on phone the day he gave the assignment told her he was passionate about either the lady, Victoria, the house she lived in or her relationship with criminals.
Then she saw two vehicles came to a halt a few metres away from her car. A black toyota and an hilux bus.
She carefully switched off the car stereo which was solemly playing a soft music before the arrival of the vehicles. From her point, she knew these men meant no good for whoever they came accross because the way they are dressed and the looks on their faces said it all.
She grabbed her gun and tucked it in the hip holster ready for some action. Then she saw it, a bag was opened before them where each of the men picked a weapon of two each, after which they crossed over to Victoria’s residence.
Victoria was lying on a three seater couch as she watched a philipean romance series. He mother had since gone to bed and she was all alone by herself watching the film which said everything about high school romance and heartbreaks. How she wished she had a guy to show her love. But who would love a criminal, but now that she had dropped those old habit, she expect the Mr Right to show up soonest.
Just then she saw a man’s shadow run past the window of the dinning room which was adjoined to the living room and directly adjacent to the couch on which she was lying down. Then it happened, there was power outage.
She stood up, walked to the window to check if it was all over the estate, but to her suprise, only their apartment was affected, then she knew something was wrong.
She could hear the sound of someone trying to break the kitchen door, and that was all she needed before she flew into her room and with one swift yank, she opened her wardrobe and picked her guns which she was yet to dispose, and awaited the arrival of whoever was trying to break into the house.
But the main problem was the darkness.
Matilda who had carefully succeeded in crossing to the other side of the estate road where Victoria’s apartment was without being spotted by the two men manning the ouside gate with their weapon ready for some action.
She lurked behind the fence to know what would happen after the power supply into the house had been disconnected.
She was half scared and half excited, scared because she didn’t know how she could handle seven able bodied men without hitches and excited because, this would be her first real action.
She just hoped she would be successful, but she was confident of one thing, she won’t die.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 143 by dy9ty7

The guy who was trying to break the kitchen door succeeded in opening it and he carefully walked in. Mere looking at him as he expertly manouvered his way towards the dinning area, one would think he had lived all his life in the apartment to the extent that he could walk without colliding with anything in the dark.
He walked into the living room, after which he unlocked the front door from withing, he slid itopen and Rahmon walked in with three other guys, fully armed and mean looking.
“Where is she?” Rahmon asked.
“She was here by the time I was breaking the door. I guess she has gone into hiding.” The guy who broke into the house through the kitchen door replied.
“But she possibly can’t be outside this compound?” Rahmon asked.
“Not at all. There are only two ways into the house, this and the kitchen door.”
“You and you, go into that room and bring whoever you find her to me, you, go into the second room and bring whoever you find. You, go upstairs and check if anybody is there.” Rahmon instructed as he sat down on one of the couches.
Matilda successfully scaled through the fence and crept slowly towards the kitchen door which by now was opened. She carefully walked into the kitchen with the aid of her pin-flashlight. She hid behind the tall refrigerator inside the dinning area and watched on from there. With the aid of the bright moonlight in the sky, the little illumination in the living room made it possible for her to make out the outline of a man sitting on a couch.
Victoria was hiding behind her opened door by the time the guy asked to fetch her out came in. With little or no stress, she dragged him suddenly from the back, rested his head on her chest and squeezed life out of him. She carefully placed him on the bed and covered him with the duvet, she returned to the back of the door awaiting the next person to walk into the room. A little while later, she could hear the sound of another guy coming towards her room, she stayed put and allowed him walk towards her bed where his dead colleague was, thinking it was Victoria.
“1 2 3 go.” She said as she flung herself from where she was hiding against the guy, but by sheer luck, she missed him as she collided with the standing fan beside the bed.
Luckily for her she grabbed the fan before it could reach the ground and she used it to her advantage by hitting the man with it, but it was ineffective, considering the weight of the fan.
The man who had fellen on the bed removed his gun and tried corking it, but Victoria was already lying on him and struggling to get the weapon off him, she could feel something stiring in the man’s groin and she knew what it was. She distracted him by grabbing his member through the trouser and pulled in violently, but it seemed not to be working to her advantage, the guy was already trying to removed another weapon but Victoria had placed her gun close to his stomach.
“God, I don’t want to do this.” An off she pulled the trigger. The gun went off even though the close proximity between the tip of the pistol and the target reduced the sound of the gun, but someone in the living room or even outside the gate would hear the sound.
She quickly picked up her gun and and went into hiding, just when she heard that familiar voice.
“Vv, I salute your bravery. You already killed two of my men, but in the best of your interest, reveal yourself now or I kill your mother.”
It was Rahmon’s voice. Even though she didn’t know much about him, she knew he was a very dangerous man who won’t stop at nothing except he achieved him aim. And another thing is, he doesn’t repeat himself.
It would be very stupid of her to let him have her mother. She knew that for whatever reason Rahmon was here, it has to do with her and her alone. Bringing her mother into this will be disastrous because not only will he kill her(mother), he’ll kill her(Vicky) too.
Victoria walked out of her room towards the living room and just then, the light flickered on. Rahmon was on his feet, his right leg on her mother’s tommy.
“Rahmon, stop it. You have no business with her.” She screamed at him.
Rahmon smiled and dropped his leg.
“What do you want from me?” Victoria asked. Even though she was scared, she was not going to show it. Her worst nightmare was Rahmon.
“Vv, why are you after me? Is it because you knew I am always afraid to come against you, you now want to take that to your advantage?” He asked.
Realising what he was talking about, she said;
“Rahmon, I am not after you. I didn’t accept the offer. I can never come up against you. Moreso, I no longer do that kind of job.”
Rahmon laughed again, but this time he had reached his limit, he eye had turned red.
“What’s this?” He flashed her phone to her face.
She forgot to take her phone with her when she left the living room and he had seen the bank alert notifying her of Sandra’s payment.

“You know you could have collected more than this from Sandra. Maybe five million or more. This is too small for you to come after Rahmon, the great.” He said kicking her mother.
She wanted to attack him that moment, but she knew she can’t take four men out at a time.
“Aaaaah! Remove it and try it on me.” Rahmon said mockingly.
Victoria reluctantly removed the two pistols she had on her and dropped them on th table.
“On your knees.” He commanded.
She silently went on her knees and looked at Rahmon with hatred that could kill.
But could this be payback time? She had been killing to make money for three years now and just today that she vowed never to kill again, she was being threatened with death. And death himself was standing before her. ‘The great Rahmon.’
But if God really wanted to pay her back, the time shouldn’t be now. She was three years into the system while Don and Rahmon collectively are over a decade into the system.
She could remember the number of families she had killed just for fun because she has been paid. She could remember how the wives begged not to get their husbands killed, how the children begged not to get their fathers killed. How everyone begged her.
“Aunty please don’t kill our daddy. He has not paid our school fees.” A little girl of about five years old begged.
With one swift movement, she aimed the gun at the little girl and pulled the trigger. Subsequently, she pulled the trigger on every member of the family present, thereby wiping out a family of five at once.
The voices came haunting her as she covered her ears with her hand and wept.
“Vicky, I am killing your mother and nothing will happen.” Rahmon said.
“No no, Rahmon. You can’t kill her, she has no business with you. Remember, I do.” She said with tears in her eyes.
Rahmon laughed so hard that his men joined him in laughter.
“You killed two of my men. You’ll pay, and you’ll die.” He said.
She looked as his men smiled away. On a good day, none of his men could look at her in the face, no to talk of attacking her. Even Rahmon will only attack her just to keep his pride. As much as she feared him and as he admitted just now, she is his worst nightmare and vice versa.
“Guys, set to work.” Rahmon said to his men who grabbed Victori at once and placed her on the three seater couch.
Her nightie was raised up to her tommy.
“Rahmon, what are you doing?” She asked weakly as the two guys manipulated her.
She was begining to blame herself for making the vow to stop being an assassin. How she wished she was still actively in the system, because it seemed the vow had weakened her and her fighting spirit.
She manged to turn her face to the side and saw Rahmon hitting her mother very hard all over her body. By now, one of the two men was already molesting her as the laughed at her misfortune.
How she wished the so called messiah would just return for the second time and save her from the hands of these men.
Just like a dream, she saw a lady cept out from behind the fridge in the dinning area with a gun in hand. She smiled happily.
Matilda knew what she wanted to do and she had made the plans. Backup was already on the way, but she didn’t want to do things alone for the fear of making mistakes.
But then the men started molesting Victoria and the backup was not yet in place. When she could take it no more, she was forced to come out of hiding.
She pulled the trigger on Rahmon who held his arm in pain and before the men molesting Victoria could wear their trousers or pick their guns, Matilda had already shot them on the head. Victoria scrambled up and hit Rahmon violently and let him fall to the ground. She quickly picked a pistol from the ones lying on the table and corked it.
A hand on her shoulder told her, she must not pull the trigger. Matilda secured his two hads with a cuff and awaited the arrival of the backup team.
A few minutes later, sirens were heard and Victoria had every reason to smile. She quickly hugged Matilda and wept on her shoulder.
“You saved my life.” She whispered.
“A bloody cop that I am.” Matilda replied and they both laughed. That was the phrase she used when she met her in the afternoon.

Dolapo woke up the next day being a saturday, she said her morning prayers and walked into the bathroom to wash her mouth. She returned a few minutes later to see Chidinma just waking up.
“Dolapo.” Chidinma called.
“Good morning,” Dolapo greeted as he redressed her side of the bed.
“How was your night?” Chidinma asked.
“It was good and yours?” Dolapo replied.
“Good. At least, I slept well.” Chidinma said.
Then she remembered that as much as she tried to sleep well the previous night, she didn’t sleep well. The worms in her stomach were enough reason for her to be sleep eluded. She would have returned to the dinning to eat her dinner after Chidinma and her mother had left, but the moment she entered the room she slept off, and by the time hunger was having its toll on her, it was around 2am in the morning, and all she could do was to grab a loaf of bread and eat with jam since the food prepared had lost its taste as a result of the cold that had descended on it.
“What do you plan doing today?” Chidinma asked after she had finished saying her prayers.
“Nothing, even though I had plans of visiting my friend in the hospital and spend some time with her.” Dolapo said.
“I’ll love to go with you. Hope you don’t mind?” Chidinma replied.
“No I don’t.”
Dolapo thought about it, even though she didn’t have the means to transport herself to the hospital. She will at least visit the bank to make some cash withdrawals, and from there go to the bank.
“I’ll be back, let me go and greet uncle Clement before he leaves for work.” Dolapo said working out of the room.
Chidinma slipped into the bathroom after she had left.
Clement was at the dinning by the time Dolapo walked into living room.
“Dolapo, good morning.” Clement greeted.
“Good morning sir.” Dolapo greeted strolling accross the living room towards the dinning where Clement was helping himself with tea and bread.
“How was your night?” He asked.
“It was good sir. Is Aunty awake?” She said.
“No, she is still in bed.” He replied.
Just then, Rachel mother came out from the second visitor’s room.
“Good morning ma.” Dolapo greeted.
She ignored her greeting and walked towards the dinning.
“Uncle, I’ll see you later.” She said and walked out of the room.
“Good morning grandma.” Clement greeted.
“Morning my in-law.” The woman replied sitting down opposite him.
After the event of the previous night, a whole night security was provided for Victoria and her mum, as ordered by Matilda who led the police team and the ambulance away.
The living room and Victoria’s room were still messy and filled with blood, the two women were led upstairs which was filled with rooms which had never been in use.
Victoria couldn’t sleep all night because she knew sooner or later, she’ll be arrested after thorough investigation.
There was a knock on the gate which opened a few seconds later by the police guarding them and moments later, another knock sounded on the door downstairs which was subsequently opened.
A minute later, a knock sounded on the door of the room which she was with her mother. She stood up, covered herself with a wrapper and walked towards the door.
“Good morning Auntie, sorry to disturb your sleep. You have a visitor downstairs.” The policeman said.
“A visitor, who could that be?” Victoria asked.
“Come see for yourself.” The policeman said and led the way downstairs.
On reaching the landing, a young lady was standing in the living room with two uniformed police officers.
“Good morning ma.” Victoria greeted.
“Morning. I am Detective Ngozi, your attention is needed at the police headquarters.” The lady said.
Her heart flew into her mouth. How will her attention be needed a few hours after she was molested? Can’t they just left her recover from the trauma? Though she wasn’t affected by the act, shhe has gone through series of hard ways, she had learnt things the difficult way, she is a strong woman. But her attention being needed could be for her to write a statement concerning the attack or being charged for something else.

Kelvin walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied on his body, but he was not too forgetful to not to wear his singlet. Sandra was lying down peacefully in her sleep.
He carefully put on his clothes and grabbed his car keys.
“Where are you going baby?” Sandra asked.
“I am off to work.” He replied.
Sandra sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes with her palm.
“You are always going to work and you’ve never for once told me the kind of job you do. Maybe you are a farmer, a taxi driver or a terrorist…” She said.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” He asked raising his voice, the moment he heard her say something about being a terrorist.
“I was only joking.” She said moving closer to him.
“Better don’t do such jokes with me again.” He said stepping aside.
“I have the right to joke with my husband. But Kelvin, tell me the job that you do. Aren’t you proud of it?” She said.
He was begining to suspect her. Maybe she knew something that he was not aware of. Or her feminine instinct was giving her hints, maybe she was just joking like she said.
“I’ll take you to my place of work very soon. Okay?” He said pulling her out of bed and holding her in a warm embrace.
“Is that a promise?” She asked.
“Yeah.” He replied.
A few minutes later, he drove out of her compound into the busy Dolphin estate road. His heart gave a loud thud the moment he drove past Mr Ayo Okorie’ls residence, the teeming population of press men and women and the presence of security agents was enough reason to put fear in him. He knew quite alright that the residence has been invaded once as led by Sylvester, which was why Mr Ayo fled and has since been living inside Khal corp, for it to be invaded for a second time, something has to be wrong. He pulled his car up and alighted, he approached an onlooker.
“Good morning aunty.” He said.
“Good morning.” The lady replied.
“Please what’s going on here?” He asked.
“The police invaded this house and accessed an underground from which they released over forty-five young girls who were Nigerian and citizens of other neighbouring African countries.” The lady explained.
“Sister, please don’t be angry o.” He said.
“No problem.” The lady assured.
“Do you by chance know the names of the policemen who invaded the house?” Kelvin asked.
“How am I supposed to know that? But when I listened to the news yesterday evening, a police inspector was speaking with the reporters, I think his name is Clement or something. He also said something about a female officer who detected the underground. Ngozi.” The lady explained.
Unemployment is really a problem Ngieria of today. If a lady between ages, twenty three and twenty seven could be up as early as seven thirty in the morning and was watching the how things were done at a crime scene, a time when she should either be in school if she is still a student at twenty three of at work.
“Are you sure about their names?” He asked.
“I am not sure about the policeman’s name, he may not be Clement, but his name starts with the letter ‘C,’ but the other female officer, I can never forget because my name is Ngozi too.” The lady replied.
He looked at the lady intently and the way she was smiling. Did he ask for her name? Nigerian girls will always want you to know their names.
“Hope no problem Uncle?” She asked.
“No, not at all.” He replied.
The lady, obviously bored with the coversation walked away to catch more interesting things. Maybe she expected him to say a different thing, maybe a can-I-take-you-out-on-a-date conversation.
He removed his tow hands from his pocket and strolled to the other side of the road where his car was parked.
Now, everything was becoming clear to him. If Clement was truely the one who led the police into the underground, then he must have been tipped off by Ngozi who discovered the underground.
He needed to speak with Ngozi as fast as possible.
He picked up his phone and dialled her number.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 141

–to be continued–

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Atitebi Oluwakemi
2 years ago

Am loving every bit of the story
But the updates is taking too long