Episode 5

The next day, I went to the club after thinking about what Dave said and made a decision to give it a trial.

At first, the bartender was skeptical about giving me the information I needed but after bribing him with a few naira notes, he succumbed and told me all I needed to know about the dancer.

According to him, her English name is Tessy while her native name is Nmesoma. She is from the Igbo tribe and comes to the club every Thursday to dance for money, which I knew already.

I asked of her age, family and educational background but he seems not to know, so I let it slide but I made sure to get her house address from the bartender before leaving the club.

I drove in my car that evening searching for the address location, and asking for directions from people I came across.

God knows that if not for Angie’s request and Dave’s suggestion, I won’t have embarked on this kind of stress.

After driving for a while, I was finally able to locate the neighborhood but it wasn’t what I had expected.

It was an undeveloped neighborhood which I did not even know existed in town until today.

I looked around wondering if I am truly not going to regret this decision I made, at some point I began having second thoughts about pushing through with it.

But then I remembered that I had less than three days before the surgery commence on Monday.

So I held myself as I walked to the wooden door and knocked on it gently while asking

” Knock! Knock! Please is anyone in? Hello!”

Almost immediately, a female voice answered from behind the door

” Yes! who is there? Lisa, babe is that you?”

” No, it isn’t Lisa, my name is Tony.. I am here to see a lady by the English name Tessy” I answered hoping that whoever was inside, would open up already

” I am Tessy.. please which Tony? From where?” The female voice probe further

” I hail from Delta State.. I’m one of your dance viewers at the Relieve Club and I got this house address from there too” I said

” why will you get my house address at the club? Is anything the problem?”

” No, everything is fine… I just want to see and discuss with you about something” I answered, already out of patience with the numerous questions

” What’s that you want to discuss with me?” She asked and I lost it completely

” Don’t you think it is rather proper that you open the door, meet your visitor and at least offer him a sit so we talk like adults instead of all this interrogation outside the door” I shouted already pissed with her questions

” So before we were talking like children? And what interrogation are you talking about, does this look like a courtroom?”

” Madam Tessy, please have mercy on your servant and open the door so we sit and talk.. my legs are already sore from standing abeg ” I begged dramatically

There was silence and after a while, the door was opened by the dancer lady who stepped out of the house and began scrutinizing me as though I was a críminal, as handsome as I am.

After she was done with her scrutiny, she looked at me in the face with boldness

” I am Tessy, who are you and why do you want to see me?” Tessy asked still looking at me

” Like I said earlier.. I am Tony Donald from Delta State, I am here to discuss something with you, it’s more of a job proposal” I said exhausted

” Okay.. let me bring you a chair, I’m coming” she said and I breathe out, thankful to God that she finally found me worthy enough to be given a chair to sit.

She brought two plastic chairs and we both sat down side by side, after which I went straight to the point as to why I was at her place, the contract proposal and everything else she needs to know about me.

After everything, I looked at her face to read her mind but her face was unreadable, just blank with no emotions on it

” so now I have told you all that you need to know, are you interested in the job as my hired wife?” I asked still looking at her

” What is the payment involved and how long is the contract meant to last?” Tessy asked calmly

” I will pay you three hundred thousand naira (300k) monthly for the job.. and I think it will last for like three months, hopefully my wife should be home before or by then” I explained

” Okay! did you say a young girl of six is involved?” Tessy asked to be sure

” Yes, my daughter is six years old” I confirmed

” Okay.. but you are yet to tell me why are you lying to her about her mother, to the point of hiring a wife?” Tessy inquired looking at me

Well I’m not surprised at her question, as I kind of observed that she seems to be a very inquisitive person.

” It’s actually personal Tessy.. so tell me are you interested in it or not?” I asked already out of patience

” If it’s for the money alone I won’t accept to play such a game of lying to a child, but then for the child’s happiness and emotional state I will do it” Tessy said while I looked at her in amusement

” You’re doing it for the child’s happiness and emotional state.. so does that mean you don’t need the payment?” I asked sarcastically

” I do need the money no doubt but I have values and principles too .. anyways because a child is involved, I don’t need to be paid that much amount of money, just one third of the payment, 100k from what you are offering is okay by me” Tessy said and I opened my mouth in awe.

She is the first person, a woman for that matter who is turning down a huge sum of money because a child is involved, others would have actually bargained for it to be topped instead of being reduced.

I composed myself and smiled at her as I asked her sarcastically

” are you sure about what you’ve just said?”

” Do I look like I have the time to be exchanging jokes with you?” Tessy answered my question back with a question

Interesting young lady!

” Okay It means we have a deal then.. here is my house address, you can come over tomorrow to meet my daughter and also sign the contract agreement” I said stretching forth a paper with my house address on it

She got it from me and stared at it for a while before replying

” Okay I will be there! Thank you.. you forgot to tell me, what is your daughter’s name?” Tessy asked looking at me

” Angie.. that’s her name” I answered her smiling

” Such a lovely name, I can’t wait to meet her… is she a lover of chocolates and ice cream?” Tessy complimented and asked whilst smiling wildly

” Yes she is.. you seem to be a lover of children, am I right?” I asked impressed

” Yes I am.. so did you leave her home alone?” Tessy asked back

Fortunately I’m already getting getting use to her answering my questions back with a question.

” No, my childhood friend Dave was with her before I left home and he promised to stay with her until I am back… although I know Angie must be missing her daddy by now!” I said

” Yes, that’s how kids and parents bond is suppose to be.. anyways you should get going now as I have a part-time job to get ready for” Tessy said standing up from the plastic chair she sat

” No problem.. we will talk more on the terms and conditions when you come to the house tomorrow.. see you tomorrow then” I said standing up from the chair I sat as I made my way towards my car

” No problem.. see you tomorrow!” I heard her say as I drove out of her neighborhood, promising myself never to come back there again for whatsoever reason.

I was almost driving out completely from her neighborhood when I remembered that I didn’t get her contact, and so therefore had to drive back to her house to get it.

it was when I almost reached her house address, that I realized that I just broke the promise I made to myself few minutes ago

I smiled shaking my head in disbelief, life can be so unpredictable.

Before I could drive into her compound, I saw her coming out of her door well dressed.

She was actually surprised to see me back there, I got down from the car and walked towards her

” Did you forget something?” Tessy asked immediately I reached where she stood

” Yes! I forgot to get your phone number and also your account details so I can send you some money for at least five huge portraits, we will need them around the house pending when the contract will last!” I explained

” Oh okay.. where is your phone?” Tessy asked and stretch forth her hands to get it from me, after which she imputed her phone number and returned it back to me.

She went into the house and shortly afterwards, came out with a piece of paper and gave it to me

” That’s my account details over there.. I will meet a photographer and painter today after work to arrange for the portraits, at least to know if the can deliver it to us between today and tomorrow Sunday!” Tessy said calmly while I looked at her in surprise

” Thank you so much for your understanding Tessy!” I said with all sincerity

” It’s not a problem.. anyways I am running late for work, we can talk later on phone” Tessy said and turned to look her door

As she made to walk out on me, I asked

” Can I at least drop you off as an appreciation?” I asked looking at her expectantly

” No problem as long as it wouldn’t inconvenience you.. thank you” Tessy said and we both walked to my car as I drove out.

We got talking in the car, and I got to know some few things about her.

She is a twenty-four year old university student but had to suspend studies for an academic year, to gather money for her academic fees and other expenses.

She is actually fun and interactive in chats, and I admire that fact that she is a questionnaire.

“Wait o! I think I actually forgot to ask.. what course are you studying in school and which year are you now?” I asked although my mind was already suggesting mass communication or law because she talks like someone who is studying any of those two courses.

And I was confirmed right by her answer to me

” I am studying mass communication.. I am currently in my year three although would have been done with school if not for my frequent suspension of studies!” Tessy said while I bursted out in laughter while controlling the steering wheel.

” Why are laughing? what is funny?” Tessy asked confusion written all over her face

” I laughed because I guessed your course of study right.. your inquisitive and questionnaire personality already sold you out” I said still laughing and she soon joined in the laughter.

Soon afterwards, I reached her part-time place of work, it was a bakery.

I dropped her there, waved her goodbye and drove back home to meet Angie and Dave.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH’S HEART stories)

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