A Wish Episode 26 – 27 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A WISH Episode 1 by Ebunoluwa Ademide

A Wish Episode 26 ?‍♀


Theme: Sea Dream


“Good..” Harry kissed her before she could greet him. She hit his side gently to break the kiss.

“Greetings..First..” She replied in between the kiss

“Oh Sorry Love” He pinched her cheeks gently. He stepped into her room. Harry had opted in to a fitted black Jean and navy blue body hugging top that showed off his well built shoulders and sculpted chest.

“I can see you are ready for another date” she teased him

“Yes i enjoyed yesterday’s date” he said


“Hmm..So Miss hurry up and let’s go”

“I need to take a shower”

“You woke up late..”

“I slept late last night” she reminded with a wink

They’d slept around 1:45pm yesterday. Harry had insisted that they visit many places together and they did. And when they arrived he requested that they cuddle and talk and play a love Game before going to bed.

A beeping sound interrupted Harry when he was about to talk. It was his cellphone.

“I’ll be right back” She headed for the bathroom

“Hello Mom” He Said

“How are you doing? Isobel asked

” I’m fine…you?”

“I’m good..where is Ephyra? I haven’t heard from her since she came to my office”

He didn’t want to tell her Ephyra was unconscious in between.

“Hmm..she’s very..very busy at work”

“Helping you out with the preparation of the show?”


“Well I’m coming to the agency today to see you” she said

Harry closed his eyes

“Can’t you wait till Saturday? She would be at the show”

“No I want to see the both of you. We need to talk”

Harry knew her visit was going interrupt their date.

“I’ll let her know you are coming over”

He said

“Bye” she ended the call

“Hey love mom’s coming to the office today!” He said loudly

Ephyra grunted

“I’ll be waiting outside okay?” He said

“I’ll be out soon” she answered

Then he moved out of the room




“Wow! You look perfect!” Isobel said when she entered Harry’s office. Harry hugged her before moving back to the single couch Ephyra sat on. They’d canceled their date for that day just to welcome Isobel. And she arrived late at the agency.

“Good Day Ma” Ephyra greeted

“How are you doing Ephyra?”

She smiled at Ephyra

“I’m fine..thanks”

“Well I can see that..and I was told that you haven’t used the cheque I gave to you” She said

Ephyra exchanged glances with Harry. Oh! She had forgotten that she had a $1M cheque.

She remembered where she dropped it. It was in a handbag in her closet.

“Actually Mom we planned to visit the bank but we are so tied down with work here”

“It’s her money..not yours” Isobel said with a raised eyebrow

“Well.. except..you guys are together now”

Ephyra looked at her

“I mean you are both in love so what’s stopping you from starting a family together. You’d make a perfect couple”

Harry looked at Ephyra. He wanted a life with her but that was impossible. He held her hand in his.

“We’re together” Harry spat

Isobel shot them a surprised look

“Is that true Ephyra?”

“Yes mom we’re dating now. And we planned to go on a date until you called in that you wanted to see us”

Harry answered before Ephyra could say anything.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Isobel wasn’t happy that she’d interrupted their plans.

“I would have come around tomorrow” she said with a frown

“I tried telling..”

“Your first date?” She cuts him off

“No..second” Harry answered

“Oh! I like that son!” She clapped excitedly

Ephyra coughed

“Are you okay?” Harry asked


She coughed again

“I think I’ll just get water” she stood up and moved out of the room.

Mother and Son Drama! She wanted to be alone. If she stayed a bit longer in there then she would end up crying.

Isobel leaned forward

“You should plan to meet her family” she said

Harry cleared his throat

“So we can know the next step to take..”

“What’s the next step after meeting her family?”

“You’ll take her to the altar”

“Ah! Not so fast mom. We’re taking things slowly. There’s no need to rush”

“Well I’m sick and tired of staying alone in that Mansion. I want grandchildren”

He said soberly

“How many grand kids do you want?” He teased

“Three..or four”

“And you want Ephyra to be the mother of my children”

“Of course!” She exclaimed

“Don’t worry we’ll get married very soon and have children. And then you’ll be a Grandma” he said

Hoping things would just happen the way he’d just said it. He could imagine the smile on his mom’s face at the sight of a baby in her hands.

“I’ll leave now so you can go on your date” she stood up



“I’m so tired” Ephyra said as she pull off her shoes and flopped down on the couch. They just came back from the cinema.

“Well today was Fun!”

He handed her a glass of water. She sat up and collected it.

“Thanks” she gulped down the whole glass and dropped it on the tray on the table.

Tomorrow is the Fashion Runway taking place at his agency to show his models to the world and promote RRC wares.

“Let’s go to bed early so I won’t wake up late tomorrow”

“Yeah you are right”

She stood up and he did the same thing.

“Wait..not so soon Love” he grabbed her upper arm and pulled her to himself.

“Well since we’d be very busy tomorrow and we might not get to talk to each other.. So I definitely want ten minutes with you”  He said

she noticed his eyes did a slow crawl to her lips. She tapped his chest.

“I need to rest” she said

“Five minutes” he said

And he was bending over to kiss her when she said

“I need to go to bed..alone”

He stopped and raised his head

“Did I say anything about going with you?”

“No..but you were thinking it” she accused

“Was I?”

“Well..it looked like it”

“I looked like I was thinking about going to bed with you”

How had she gotten into this?!

“Yes..you did” she said

And how was she going to get out of it?!

“Maybe you just thought that was what I was thinking because that’s what you were thinking”

Harry said without missing a beat

He was right!

“I..I..I..think.. I’ll just..Say good night”

She stuttered

She found a smile on his face when she looked at him. And before she could think of everything. He came closer and kissed her.



She dreamed she was by the beach. She sees a little boy crying by the sea shore with his legs in the Sea.

“Excuse me?”

He looked at her

“Help me my People are in trouble” he said

Ephyra glanced around to see his people but she saw no one. They were alone on the beach.

“Your people? Where are they?”

“Down there..” He pointed to the Sea

“Beneath the Sea lies my kingdom and my people dwell in the Sea. They are in trouble! They need your help! Please Save them!”

She looked down at him. Then she caught a glimpse of his magnificent tail in the Sea.

“Come with me!” He sobbed

She stepped backward

“No I can’t..”

“Why? But you belong to my kingdom”

“No! I belong to the Human World!” She screamed

“You’re wrong. Please Save us! He’s Alive” he cried

“Who is Alive?” She asked

“Come back home”

He went deeper into the Sea

“Hey! Who is alive?!” She said loudly but he was already gone.

“Ephyra!” Someone screamed. She looked back and she was transported under to sea. She saw a little merman crying with his palms on his face. She went to him.

“Hey what’s wrong?” She questioned

He didn’t respond

“Can you hear me?”

He looked at her

“Save me..” He sobbed

“Save -“

He disappeared before she could finish her statement. She looked around the sea to find him until she saw the ugly Creature.

The Greatest MERENEMY!


And she gasped in Fear

“Scylla is Alive!” He roared


She swims away quickly to Save herself.

She woke up panting,drenched. Harry was by her side looking at her.

“That was one hell of a nightmare you were having” he said softly

It had been one hell of a nightmare!

“I was about to wake you up”

Does she know she screams? He wondered

Maybe she doesn’t know. It scared the hell out of him,waking up to see her head turning back and forth screaming. Noooo!

Sweat pouring out of her.

“I’m..so..sorry” she whispered struggling for air.

Ephyra’s eyes shifted wildly under her eyelid scanning the dark room. Seeing something terrible.. As Scylla!

“Do you want to tell me about it?” He asked

“No..no..I can’t..not now please” she said shakily

She got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to empty the content in her mouth Into the toilet.

“Scylla is Alive!”

His roar echoed in her head

 What does that mean?

Oh no! It shouldn’t be what she was thinking!

The Nightmares about Mermaids in the lake,getting trapped in a Sea trap,Mermen pleading with her to return home. Was it because Scylla was alive under the Sea? She wondered

The bathroom door opened and Harry popped his head in.

“Are you okay?”

He held her hair up and switched on the tap to sprinkle water on face.

“Sorry” He said

Ephyra calmed a bit


“Okay now?”

She nodded

They both walked back to the bedroom.

Harry climbed into her bed.

“Come here” He said

“I..can’t..sleep” she replied

“Let’s give it a try”

She went to him and he pulled closer. She was held by the lulled of his warmth,shuddering as she came up against his body.

“Calm down and relax” he murmured

“Thank you” she said

He kissed her hair.

“Close your eyes my love” he mumbled, his thumb lightly grazing her eyelids. Her eyelid felt heavy. She felt secure with him close. His soft voice whispering and she fell asleep.




A WISH Episode 27 ??‍♂

Theme: Save Me


She opened her eyes and saw him sitting beside her drinking an orange juice.

“I got you some too” he said

She looked

A glass of orange juice on the drawer beside the bed. She sat up and rested her head on the headboard.

“Here..” He gave her a glass

“Thanks” she murmured

She drank from the glass and gave it back to him.

“You don’t want to talk about it?” He asked

Ephyra closed her eyes. She felt weak as she recalled the Nightmare.


A tear slid down her chin as she knotted her hands together.

“Hey..tell me about the Nightmare” He Said as he wiped her tear

“I..have..to..go..back” she whispered unsteadily

He rested her head on his chest

“They need me in my world. Scylla is Alive” she sobbed

She couldn’t stop the tears. She didn’t want to leave Harry Jones but not with Scylla alive under the Sea probably tormenting her Father’s kingdom.

“Who is Scylla?” he asked

“The Sea Monster”

“He’s alive?”

Harry asked with a frown

She nodded

“So you have to go back there to save your people and also return Neifion” He said

She nodded

“I’m sorry” she cried

“I understand”

He was heartbroken. He knew she would leave anytime soon. He had to be strong for her. He thought as he blinked back tears. He wasn’t happy that she was leaving him.

Ephyra lasted two minutes in tears before she calmed and said

“I can’t go with you to the agency”

“Why?” He asked

She didn’t respond

“You are leaving today?” He panicked

Harry drew back to look into her eyes

“No” she said


“I need to find out if Scylla is truly alive” she said

He studied her expression to see if she was telling him the truth. He couldn’t read anything in her eyes.

Her expression was Sad.

“Please don’t go now…not today” he murmured

And she nodded

He thought of staying at home to be sure that she won’t leave today.

“You can’t miss your show” Ephyra said as if she had read his mind

“Believe me I’ll be here waiting for you” she assured him

His eyes on her face studying her. Then his gaze moved to her lips. His Lips crashed on hers and she took him in eagerly. His tender and soft kisses breaking her bones, bringing more tears to her eyes.


Harry reluctantly left home to the agency that morning. Ephyra reassured him that she would be at home waiting for him.

She grabbed a bathrobe and moved out of the house. She walked to the sea and came out of her clothes. She entered into the Sea and went deeper for complete transition. The wave of power rippled up her body and her tail appeared. She went farther into the Sea.

The sea wasn’t responding to her call. She sensed it was Sad when she got to the center. A mackerel fish passed by and she made a sound to it. The fish stopped and turned it tail to her so she could relate with it. She closed her eyes and listened

“Scylla is alive!”

Sh heard it again. She trembled in fear. The fish was from her Sea. Another sound from her and the fish went away. Scylla is Alive!

She continued into the Sea. She closed her eyes and she heard another sound. Ephyra recognized it.

A shark was approaching. These creatures go absolutely nuts when they get a whiff Of a mermaid underwater. She hid behind a sea rock until the shark moved away. Then she began to sing to the Sea as she swims higher and back to the shore navigating the Sea.

“I am a fair Mermaid ??‍♀

Singing under the Sea ?

I would sing to myself the whole day  ?

I would sing and say to the Sea ?

Who is it that loves me? ? And who loves me not?  ?

Oh Sea! ?

A rich and strange Deity! ?

Mysterious in nature!

I am a mermaid ?‍♀

Emerging from the blue waves  ?

With a fresh pink lips ?

And an enchanting ivory breast ? with a splendid hair ?

Falling on my alabaster shoulders. ☺

My eyes have the glow of a star✨ and the flashing fire ? of love ?

I am a fair mermaid?‍♀”

She raised her head above the waters.





“Son what’s going on? I can’t find Ephyra” Isobel said

“She’s not feeling well” he said

“Where is she?” Isobel asked with a concerned tone

“She’s at home”

“You should have taken her to the hospital before coming to the show” she did

“No she’ll be fine”

“Maybe I should go and see her”

“No..no she needs to rest”

He didn’t want her to go to his home. Ephyra might be in the Sea swimming or trying to get information about her world.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes mom why don’t you just relax and enjoy today”

He placed his hand around her shoulder.

“Hey..” He gestured at an executive worker

“Please take my mom to the Hall”

He pushed her gently and turned towards the dressing room

“Everything’s ready?” He asked

“Yes.. The make up artists are working on the Models” Ria said


He glanced around the room. And he brought out his phone to check if he has missed a call from Ephyra but none.


In the late afternoon, she wanted to change, clean up and prepare dinner before Harry’s arrival. She got up and strode towards the porch. She decided that she would spend three days with Harry and then return to her world. She would definitely erase her traces from his memory, so he wouldn’t think about her. She would be gone forever and Harry would move on with his life like she never existed in the Human world.

She unlocked the door and stepped in. Suddenly she heard a crash in the kitchen..like someone was there. Ephyra jumped in fear when she heard the sound. And slowly,she motioned towards the kitchen.

“Harry..” She called out

No response

Her heartbeat accelerated as she got closer to the entrance. She gasped in shock and fear when her gaze fell on the shattered glasses on the floor.

She looked up. A man was there. She trembled in fear.

He had searched the kitchen?

How did he come in?

She wondered

She looked at the window, it was broken.

He came in through the window.

“Hello” he said with a grin

Ephyra stepped backward and he moved closer

“I couldn’t find you at Goldmynes show so I decided to come look for you here” he said

“Wh..who..are..you?” She panicked

He laughed

Her eyes scanned the room to see if she could grab anything to protect herself. He was getting close to her.

“You are so..beautiful” he said

His eyes inspected her from head to toe. Her eyes widened when he brought out a pen knife.

“Don’t try to run..” He said as they slowly moved out of the kitchen. She was afraid

She thought of a way to save herself.

“Stop” he ordered when they got to the sitting room. He stared at her seductively. He moved closer to her and placed the knife by her side.

“Try to do anything silly..and I’ll put this right in your side”

His hand came up and closed around her face Hard.

 She was terrified and she stood immobilized.

Steel? The knife was made of steel,piercing her with it no matter the size would definitely destroy her completely. Mermaids are always mindful of coming in close contact with a steel. Once stabbed, It takes a long period to heal completely as a mermaid.

She tried to think of what to do,imagining what was going to happen to her.

“It’s wild..how you turn me on now” he said


His hand held her captive. She shook her head,her eyes started getting blurry from tears that sat there threatening to spill. Disgust and fear filled her as the man dragged her against him so abruptly, knocking air out of her lungs.

“Dynamite body” he said,his right hand holding the knife by her side and the left still so tight around her jaw she could scarcely open her mouth. She wanted to beg him to go away or scream for help!

No one was around!

He brought her head forward,the strength in his one hand overpowering her. She tried to strain away despite the fear of the steel by her side but he kept her coming forward,then clamped his mouth on hers. His tongue pushing into her mouth. She shoved at him but it was like trying to push down a mountain. He didn’t even sway under the impact. She struggled from him but suddenly the knife turn at her side and she screamed in pain. He let her go and she staggered back from him,gasping.

“It was just a scratch” he grinned wickedly

She looked at her side,blood staining the white bathrobe. Her eyes went to the door which was slightly opened, she could get to the door,run outside..but he would follow her.

“Take off your bathrobe” he snarled

His eyes determined

She shook her head back and forth as she moved backward.


He blocked the path to the door

“Come on!”

She shook her head violently

He advanced towards her. She was getting out of focus with the pain in her side.

How could this happen?

Her side hurting!

“I’ll just make you take it off!”

He pointed the knife at her

“No..no..please” she panted

He stopped. His dark and wild eyes stared at her.

“Okay..maybe we don’t need this now” he tucked the knife back in it place on his body. Then he leaped through the air between them,his arms grabbed her bathrobe,ripping it,pulling at it,getting it open while she tried to twist away,pushing at him using every ounce of her strength to push him off. She hit his chest with her fist,ignoring the slight bleeding from her side and then she pulled his ear. He stopped and slapped her across the face. So hard her head snapped around then she hit the floor banging the back of her head. He punched her as he knelt down above her,yanking at her bathrobe and almost exposing her breasts she caught a handful of his hair and pulled so hard as she could. He slapped her again trying to raise the bathrobe up from her waist. She closed her eyes and heard a zipper. She opened her eyes and saw him exposed.

He wanted to take advantage of her!

No she wouldn’t let him do that to her! Bastard!

She forcefully raised her knees and kicked him. She moved away quickly. He yelped in pain with his hands between his legs.

“You cocky bastard! Pervert!”

She hissed

Tears set in his eyes as he struggled on his feet. He turned away and zipped his jeans. She reached for the knife behind his Jeans but he caught her and pushed her away. She hit the floor again and he stood over her with the knife. She swayed when he almost dropped it in her chest. She didn’t know why he wanted to kill her or who had sent him over to this place.

“Bitch!” He grunted

She could see the anger in his dark eyes.

He straightened and went forward. And when she was about sidestepping him the knife went straight into her stomach.

She couldn’t move

“This is for rejecting me”

He pushed it in once more

“And for taking what doesn’t belong to you”

He gritted

Her eye fell on the knife. He stepped back and marched to the door,flung it open and went bounding down the stairs. And Gone.

She stood for several moments trying to catch her breath, her heartbeat wild. Her hands dropped to the knife and shakily she pulled it out. A sob erupted out of her mouth,then another. She was hurting all over!

Slowly she moved to the couch to get her phone. The pain was horrid,she placed her hand on the wound,blood gushing out,staining the white robe. Her face burning where he’d hit her,crying her chest hurting.

She dialed Harry’s number – first ring – Second… Her vision became blurry and she knew that she was losing consciousness yet again


She heard his voice on the third ring.

“Ha..” She couldn’t speak

“Hello Ephyra” he said

His voice clear now

“Sa..ve…me” she managed to say

And in a slow motion she fell to the ground and blacked out.

A WISH Episode 26 – 27

To Be Continued……
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