Money Over Love Episode 4 by Jones Kwesi Tagbor

Money Over Love Episode 1

Money Over Love Episode 4

© Jones Kwesi Tagbor
All Rights Reserved

In order to impress the family, I put in much effort when it comes to work. As you already know, I went through hard training from my infant stages. As early as 6am, I had finished with majority of the works in the house and would be waiting for the rest of the people to wake up so that I clean their rooms respectively. The next was to find out from my Boss or madam which car they will be using for the day so that I clean it.

They have five cars but the children were not permitted to use any of them. Gradually, I could sense it that I was really impressing them. Anytime Vero visited, a new dress was assured. She actually clothed me very well to the extent that you will never know I was a house keeper. Junior was almost like a brother to me. He was their last born and my responsibility was to make sure that he was not late for school. He affectionately calls me “Efo” meaning brother.

Exactly three months of my stay in the house, everything moved on well. Vero came around one evening while both parents and Junior were not around. As usual, their father traveled for a business meeting whilst her mother went for a funeral with Junior at their hometown. Precious who followed directly after Vero was a boader in a High school and I was yet to see her in person. Kreee!!! Kreee!!! Kreee!!!!

The main gate doorbell rang continually for three times. To be sure of time, it was around 8:30pm and who was this person looking for at this time? I asked myself.

“Hold on am coming” I said and rushed to the gate. What I saw that evening, you need to see it for yourself because I can’t tell you into deep. You know I was a village boy coming into town so I hardly see some of the things town people do. I realized we were just local village champions back in my village. Someone says travel and see. Come to town and see more swag.

It was Vero behind the gate. She was dressed in a very provocative dress leaving almost all her front mechanical defenders well heaped and glaring into my face. I felt a movement in my “man” immediately. I realized a raise of my flap. I was struggling to make it sleep but it was eager to raise its head. I pushed it in-between my thighs and moved skillfully.

“This is a high class lady and with someone like me who had never stepped my foot into the classroom before. Am not sure I can handle this lady. What a beauty.” I said to myself as I welcomed her. She was fair in complexion with a round flexible shape. She has a bit of body and kept her natural hair long. The most disturbing part was when she gave me that killer look.

Me: you.. you… you are welcome madam. I stammered.

Vero: Thank you but how many times should I tell you not to call me madam? By the way how are you doing?

Me: Sorry about that. Am more than fine this evening. But why did you preferred coming late today?

Vero: The vehicle I took delayed me that’s why. Besides I was busy so I couldn’t set off very early.

Me: But I believe you are aware no one is around.

She said yes as we climbed the staircase to her room. I helped her with her bag.

Vero: Yes am aware they are not around but am here to keep the house in their absence. I’m not feeling very well too so I took some two days sick leave.

Me: oh okay.

I placed her bag on her locker in her room and asked permission to leave. She asked me to get her water to drink of which I did. I also used the opportunity to thank her for all the good things she has been doing for me. I left to my post afterwards.

After few minutes, Vero called me to come over to her from. When I knocked, she said the door wasn’t locked so I should come in. She was standing in front of her dressing mirror and asked me how she looked. I told her she looks beautiful and sexy. The looks were unbearable again when I gave her that complement. “Do you like what you are seeing?” She asked turning herself round for me to see her shapes well.

“Sister Vero please what do you mean by what you just said?” I asked. This lady has some type of look that most men cannot withstand. I couldn’t say anything again after that look. She moved towards me and stood right in front of me. She was looking directly into my face seductively. I could read every bit of line that was about to get activated. She held the color of my shirt and straightened it.

The seduction was very high this time. I just couldn’t imagine what exactly was coming over her that evening. She was highly aroused to the extent that she couldn’t do anything to control herself. The next thing I saw was she removed her top and was left in her Bra. My power as a man got filled with blood and became very hard and strong. Seriously speaking, I was afraid of the aftermath of that particular adventure so I pushed back. She moved passed me and locked the door behind us. The environment was also very quiet so you could clearly hear the sound of the door locking two times. She came back and held me from behind. Opened my buttons and broke the long silence in the room.

Vero: Makafui, seriously speaking I fell for you the very first day I met you on the bus. You’ve demonstrated the quality of a caring man I need. That day, I was very disturbed but no one noticed it than you. I overhead you asking what my problem was but I didn’t respond. People I thought could know it when my mood changes could not even see. Makafui I love you. She held me very tight and almost finished opening my button.

Me: so can you tell me what exactly your problem was that day?

Vero: my guy who took my pride away from me and promised marriage to me has impregnated another lady and this time around, acts like he knows me no more. The worse part is that I aborted a pregnancy which belonged to him all in the name of fake love. We finally broke up that very day that was why I was worried.

This time around she was shedding tears as she talked. I turned to face her and gave her a hug and was asking her to stop crying. She cried like a baby but I tried to calm her down. Her sexual arousal was not a normal one. She was using it as a defense mechanism to avoid pains of her broken heart.

Issues of this sort need to be handled with care. When things like this happens to a lady, you as a guy need not take advantage of the situation and do what she demands of you. As a responsible guy who will like to win the full trust of a lady in this state, you need not take advantage, instead you need to calm her by encouraging her to understand that all was not lost so she would get a better replacement.

She will turn to respect you and even love you more. This is because at this state, they feel hopeless and cheated. Some may even start to have some anxiety disorders or better still, severe situation that can lead to depression which can make them do things they wouldn’t have done if they were to be normal. If they gain their consciousness back and realized you took advantage of them, they may hate you for life. So your responsibility is to control yourself and act appropriately.

Don’t think I was aware of all these that I am telling you now. I fell a victim and had learnt from it. My situation was very difficult though. In the process of talking to her to calm down, she rather had an increased feelings for me. I don’t know if the counsellor will call that client transference. She loosed the zip on her trouser and asked me to close my eyes. She then said I should open. Oh my words! Everything was off this lady.

Quickly I had a flashback of what the voice told me in my room. ” ….try to make a good decision on your way because you will come across a lot of things. Your decision determines your success. Rise up and move… ”

As I was thinking about how to control the situation, Vero was becoming more vivacious and succulent. I was lost and didn’t know what to chose. Either to satisfy my strong and long harboured sexual desire or satisfy my super ego and small integrity left in me. To be honest, the animal part of a person most times override the moral part so Vero fell a pray that evening. I was carried off by the hairy erotic and glamorous beauty standing in front of me tolly naked. Everything happened on the woolen carpet. I actually gave out my best performance that evening. After thirty minutes of continues labour, we both became extremely tired and slept on the carpet till the following morning. Around 6:30am, we were still not awake.

Peeee!!! Peeee!!! Peee!!!!

“Hey Makafui, Daddy is back wakeup.” Vero said to me. I jumped like a cat gauging a pray. I got to the door and opened the gate.

” Where have you been? I’ve been blowing my horn for some time now. ” said father.

Me: Eermm! Daddy sorry I was arranging some one or two things in the room that’s why I couldn’t hear you earlier. I saw Vero looking at us through the window but her father didn’t noticed it. I helped her father to the room. He looked tired so as soon as he entered, he went to take his shower. I quickly arranged things in the hall and made sure everything was in its place.

Foolishly, I left the key to my room in Vero’s room. You need to pass through the hall before going to vero’s room and Daddy has also come to sit in the hall watching his news paper review after his bath. My phone was also in the room so there was no way I could call Vero to bring me the key.

“Makafui!!” Daddy called. I ran to attend to the call only to see Vero also sitting in the hall with my keys. Her father asked me to sit down.

“So far how many months have you done with us?” Daddy asked . “please three and few days sir.” I responded. “OK but why is your key with vero?” He asked. “Oh thank you. I was actually looking for it, I didn’t know where I left it after cleaning the hall.” I lied. His phone rang and received the call. Vero was looking directly into my face making me to suspect something dangerous ahead of me.

Has the secret been revealed? What is going to be the faith of Makafui in that house? Will he regret what happened?

To be continued

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5 years ago

How can I get the full episode of money over love