THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 16 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

(A maid in her world 👗 A queen in his world 👸)
☀️(When two people from different world meet)🌕
Written by Bella writes 🙃🙃🙃
Chapter 16✌️✌️✌️
“Do we really have to go through all this”I asked as he led me to the dance floor

“Its a procedure we must follow” He answered

I couldn’t ask him any more question because he pulled me into his arms

It was way too close,I could smell his cologne and God it smells so good , I thought as I began to move in his arms

If my friends and family were to see this,They would really be jealous, Especially Cassandra and Jennifer,I smiled just wondering how they would look seeing me I. The arms of a very handsome king

“Care to share the joke!”He asked gently

“It’s nothing”I replied

“It must be something for it to have made you smile like that,ever since we made that deal,You hardly smile” He said giving me a worried look

Was he worried about me? I thought still starring at him

He wouldn’t? He is only asking because I look like the real Mitchell,The one he sincerely loves.

“Why would you say that I hardly smile,I did smile and besides how did you see me,we weren’t allowed to see each other until today”I said

“I have my ways”He replied

“My God!!! have you been spying on me”I asked as my eyes widened

He smiled gently,A smile that made my heart flutter

“You look scary when you widen your eyes like that”He said

“Stop teasing me”I replied trying to get control of myself

Why did I feel that way when I saw him smile,What the hell is wrong with me? I thought as I secretly stared at him

The music stopped and we walked back to our seat

“Wow you both look good together”Mitchell mom said when we both took our seats

“Am sure that you didn’t notice us watching because you two were so hooked up starring at each other” She added

Could that be true? Was I starring so much that they all notice

I secretly looked at him, He had a smile on his face, What is he thinking? I thought as I began to eat the food which had been placed on the table by the waiter

The waiter cleared the table and put some crab along with some oysters on the table

The people sitted around our table were all talking and they didn’t notice a thing

With them talking they wont notice if I don’t eat the food

Am allergic to crabs and oysters and just looking at them now made me nauseous

“What are you waiting for Mitchell,This is your favourite,Eat up”Mitchell mom said to me

Well bad luck for me, The Mitchell of this world like this disgusting thing while I hate it

“I will eat mom”I replied gently

If I don’t eat it they will definitely notice that some thing is wrong and I can’t let them notice

Luis mustn’t be disappointed,I thought as I took the crab, About to eat it

“That looks very tasty,Let me eat it”Luis said and immediately he took it from me

I stared at him and he gave me a smile

“Don’t eat it” He muttered gently

So he had notice,I thought smiling gently,I thought he was occupied talking to the head of finance who was sitted beside him

But he saw my distress and he had helped me,How sweet, I thought still starring at him

“We will now move to the next section,Which is the exchange of rings” The announcer said making everyone stare at us.

Luis stood up and held out his hand for me, I took it and we both walked to the front where we were the centre of attraction

“Am not really good at proposing”He whispered

“Am not the one you love, So don’t make it special,Just do what you have to do “I whispered back

“Fine”He said and suddenly he became serious

“Mitchell,I know that weve known each other for a long time now but I never really cherished that,I made fun of the love you felt for me,I tried to push you away but you never left,You never gave up on me and that is something I will hold till my dying days”

“So in front of all our friends and families, I Luis Grand would want you to be my wife,My queen and the one I will always love till my dying days”He asked this question looking so sincere, Sweet and cute

I found myself starring at him, I must have took a while to answer because a guest from the party yelled that I should just accept

“Yes,I will marry you”I replied

He took the ring given to him by one of his escorts and slipped it into my finger

I must really be crazy right? Why the hell do I feel like all this is real? Why does it feel so right and why is my heart beating so fast, Could it be because of him ? I thought starring at Luis who was smiling down at me

This shouldn’t be happening! It shouldn’t!


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