THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 11 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

(A maid in her world👗 A Queen in his world👸)
🌞(when two people from different world meet)🌛
written by Bella writes😊😊😊
Chapter 11✌✌✌
I watched my step mom going back into the house

I can’t believe that they are having a party when they hadn’t seen me for days

Am I that worthless,That they don’t even worry about me

Have seen the way my dad behaves each time Jessie and Cassandra go missing

But when it comes to me his real child,He doesn’t even care.

The door opened, Jessie along with Cassandra came out

“My my my, So the prodigal daughter have finally returned” Jessie said acidly

“To get more money I bet” Cassandra added and they both laugh

“I didn’t come here to talk to you guys,I only here for my father and so please kindly return to your party” I replied to their scathing comment

“Why don’t you just understand that none of us want you here? Dad as you call him,Hasn’t even think about you for a second and we don’t care enough to acknowledge you as our own,So just leave” Jessie said

“You have no right to tell me to leave,This house belongs to my parent,The only one who doesn’t have a right to be here is you and your witch of a mother” I yelled at them

“What? How dare you call our mom a witch?” Cassandra yelled wanting to hit me but I held her hand and pushed her,She staggered fell on the floor

“You bitch!” She yelled at me and at that precise moment My dad and step mom came outside

“What’s going on here?” He asked

“Its Mitchell dad, We only came here to ask her if she will like to come in but then she became violent, Raining insults on us and mom” Jessie lied

“She called mom a witch and pushed me” Cassandra added

“You stupid child!” My step mom yelled at me

“Have been trying to hold this in and its all because your father asked me to but not anymore” She continued bitterly

“Don’t say anything rose” My father warned her

“No I will,She has to know the truth, You see my dear Mitchell, Your the outsider here, You don’t belong in our family and I doubt if you will ever belong”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked

“Your the bastard here okay,Your not his child,Your mother had a lover and that relationship got her pregnant wity you”

On hearing that I felt like my whole world has just crumpled

“And you want to learn the better part,Cassandra and Jessie are both your father daughter because I had them for him,So you see,Your the darn outsider here” She finished

I didn’t want to believe it,I walked towards my dad and held both his hands

“Its a lie right,Am your daughter,Have always been your daughter right?” I asked

He jerked off his hands angrily and gave me loathsome look

“It is the truth, Your darn mother was having an affair and that resulted in you, Haven’t you ever wonder why I never payed more attention to you, its because you remind me of what your mom did to me” He yelled angrily

“That’s a lie,Mom wouldn’t have had a lover, Though I was little,I saw the way she looked at you and that’s with love”

“Or guilt, She felt guilty for what she did and when she died she made me swear to take care of you, You’ve been a burden to me Mitchell” He said

Just hearing him call me a burden made me feel so hurt,That was why he never loved me, Never treated me with care.

“Leave Mitchell,Your old enough to fend for yourself,Leave and never come back” He said and went back into the house

“Serves you right bitch” Cassandra muttered and walked in with Jessie

“Its a pity you had to find out like this but you had to know sooner or later, Your just a bastard,I suggest you go out there and look for your father,That is,If he is still alive” My step mom added and then she went in,Slamming the door on my face

I stood there crying, It just can’t be possible, My mom didn’t cheat on my father, They are all lying.

I wanted to knock on the door when a hand pulled me back

“What are you trying to do? Do you want to beg them?” Luis asked

“They have to tell me the real truth, My dad is my dad Luis,I have……I need……”

“Come out of it Mitchell,They are not your family” He yelled at me

“And how did you know that? You don’t even know them”

“Yes I don’t, But from what have just seen,There is no doubt about it,They are not your family”

Just hearing the words from his mouth made me burst into tears

I knelt on the floor crying hard,Wishing with all my heart that my mom was here to clarify things

Just knowing that the man have considered my dad for so many years isn’t my real dad made me feel so alone.

I have no one again,No one to even comfort me now,I thought crying hard

Just then I felt someone arms around me and I looked up only to see Luis there

Why does it have to be him? Why must he see me this way,Have never let anyone know my true feelings, I smile and pretend that all is well not wanting anyone to feel pity for me but now Luis has seen my true feelings.

I wanted to pull away but he held me tightly and I gave up and seek comfort in his arms

It took a while before the tears stopped and when it finally stopped,I stood up and he let go of me

“Are you okay now?” He asked

“Yes,I am and I will be fine in a matter of days,Have always been alone and Have always taken care of myself,Am strong,I can face any difficulties” I said and that earned me a smile from him

“Look at the time Luis, You’ve got to go back”


“To your world of course,You don’t belong here and the earlier you go back to your world,The better for me” I said

“Won’t you come?”

“My life is here Luis,This is my world,I don’t belong in yours, Neither do you Belong in mine,Now common, I will take you back to the Museum and then we will part ways for good” I said and began to walk off.

He followed me without saying a thing and I was glad for that

We got down and taking the back entrance, we got in without anyone seeing us.

As silently as we could,We went into the room where the book was kept

“This is it,All you have to do now is to open up that book and you will be back in your world” I said

“What will you be doing here?” He asked

“Try to get a job and start again,I do have friends who will help me So don’t worry,Now hurry up and open the book, Am sure that the real Mitchell would have been back and You can continue with your marriage plans” I said

“What if don’t want to continue the marriage plan” He asked

“Why won’t you? That girl loves you,Don’t mess with her anymore and marry her before she lose interest in y…………”

“Come back with me” he said interrupting me


“You have nothing to stay here for,Come back to my world,At least you will have a parents and people who will care for you” He said

“But am not the real Mitchell?’I said

” I shouldn’t be taking her place”

“It won’t matter okay,We aren’t even sure if she is back,If you don’t return you will leave everyone devastated, Including me” He added

“Why you?”

“I wouldn’t have my bride with me anymore” He said staring at me intently

His proposition sound too tempting, Should I just agree?

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