BENEATH THE CROWN Chapter 15 - Ruchinablog


I cried profusely while lying on the king's bed. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. "What went wrong? How did this happen?" I asked myself. If anyone had told me this would happen to me, I would never have believed it. "What will happen to me now? How can I bear this shame? How will my parents feel?" I questioned myself.

The king walked into the room with two guards following closely behind him looking at me with disgust in his eyes. “Take her away from this room this instant and let her stay in the maid’s quarters from now on. No maid shall be assigned to her,” said the king to his guards. I had no objections because there was nothing to prove my innocence right now.

I walked out of the room with the guards as they stared at me with disgust in their eyes. As I walked down the hallway, the king’s cabinet members stared at me, some with pity and others with disgust. I saw my father, who was the king’s adviser, holding my mother as she cried profusely. My father refused to look at me as I walked past him.

My mother walked up to me and landed a slap on my face, “Shameless girl, a prostitute. You have finally disgraced us, haven’t you? Are you finally happy now?” she shouted.

“Mom, please believe me. I saved myself for the king,” I said to her.
“Do I look like a fool? Why was there no blood on the cloth brought by the king?” she asked me, tears rolling down her eyes. “I never raised you to be a liar. How can you still lie to my face?” she questioned.

“Mom, please believe me,” I shouted, holding her tightly with tears rolling down my eyes.

“SHUT UP!” shouted my father. He walked up to us and pulled my mother into his arms. “I don’t have a daughter like you. Henceforth, you are no longer my daughter, and I want nothing to do with you,” said my father as he looked me in the eye and then turned around to leave.

“Dad, please don’t do this to me. Believe me, I saved myself for the king,” I cried, falling to the floor as my heart broke, watching my parents leave without sparing me a glance.

“Stand up,” the guards shouted as they pulled me to my feet and dragged me toward the maid’s quarters. They pushed me into an empty room and looked at me with disgust before laughing and shutting the door tightly.

I dragged myself to the bed, where I could cry myself to sleep, wondering how I got to this point, how things had turned out like this for me.

My name is Amanda. This is my story.

Written by ruchinablog

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