CASSANDRA Chapter 12 – Nike investment




        I'm so sorry we just found out that your friend's kidney was punctured by the knife that was used to stab him. I'm sorry we didn't find out on time. Thank God he hasn't left the hospital yet, it would have been fatal and life threatening. For now he is out of danger and we have to keep him here for a while to keep a close eye on him.

George heaved a heavy sigh blowing air out from his mouth. Then he smiled and wiped the tears that fell from his eyes... You almost scared me to death with your face doctor..

Thank God…
Thank God my man is alive George said softly, while Cassandra hugged him in happiness smiling and shedding tears of Joy..

 But doctor will he be needing a kidney transplant Cassandra asked untangling herself from George. 

I don't think he will need a kidney transplant because of the depth of the wound wasn't much. But like I said, we will keep a close eye on him for a while to see the latest development. He needs lots of rest to heal. So you can't see him for now the doctor said and walked out.

 You can go back home and rest sir, I'll stay back and look after him Cassandra said to George with a smile. 

 George shook his head from left to right. Let me tell you a story he said taking a seat and tapping on the empty space for Cassandra to seat on too. 

  I came from a very poor home just like you. Many years ago , I was tired of staying in the village so I decided to go hustle in the city. I was still very young and back in the village, I thought city was so easy and I will be rich so quick. 

When I got to the city with the little savings I had, I struggled a lot just to eat. Nothing was working for me. I go days without eating any solid food. Out of depression, I was crossing the road and didn't notice the speeding vehicle coming towards me. Someone pushed me off the road and the car knocked him down instead. Thank God the car reduced it's speed which made him not to get bruised. 

He stood up and lifted me up like I was his brother. He asked me what the problem was and why I had to cross the road like I wanted to commit sûc*de. To be sincere Cassandra, that was what was on my mind. 

I told my story to Ernest who had saved me and he told me to follow him to where he stayed. He was staying alone in a room. He told me I was free to stay with him while we hustle like brothers. You see why I can sacrifice my life just for Ernest to live? 

That man struggling in the is not just your hero, he's mine too. I don't know where I would have been without Ernest. 

  He would look at me and say, Man to make it in life, we need to be hardworking, consistent, focused and honest. So you can call me "Ernest who is Honest" and I'll call you George of the jungle. I run after him back then when ever he calls me George of the jungle.

 By the time George was done telling his story, tears was rolling down both his cheeks and that of Cassandra. Cassandra was so emotional remembering also all Ernest had done for her. 

As the days rolled by, Cassandra and George took it as a responsibility to see to it that Ernest received the treatment and right care. They took care of him with so much love.

 Ernest recovered faster than expected and back strong on his feet. He was discharged from the hospital. When Ernest got home that afternoon, surprisingly a call came into Cassandra's phone. It was her company calling to resume as they really needed her. 

Cassandra was so happy that she didn't loose her job.

Can we go on a date tonight to celebrate? Ernest asked Cassandra stretching out his hand to touch hers. Cassandra drew her hand closer, Ernest grabbed it and drew her closer to himself.

Yes... I've been waiting for this forever now Cassandra whispered into the ears of Ernest. 

Ernest drew his lips closer to that of Cassandra in a bid to kiss her. Then he withdrew himself immediately..

I gotta go get my clothes ready he said smiling and taking few steps backwards. 

Cassandra stared at Ernest as he walked out in Joy.

Within few minutes, they were ready to go. They left the house for a date night. 

When they arrived, Ernest gave orders to the waiter. Few minutes talking, the waiter came with a bottle of wine and glass cups. 

Ernest just kept staring at Cassandra without saying any word. Cassandra was getting shy already, he went down on his knee and asked her with a smile holding a ring out…


Cassandra covered her face with her two hands. Then gave him her left finger saying...

I want to be yours forever.. The place was filled with emotions and those who saw them started clapping for the to be couple....

 Jaxon and his guys were charged to court. Jaxon pleaded not guilty saying he wasn't the one that had stabbed Ernest. Just like it was planned, all the guys told the court that it was Jaxon who had stabbed Ernest. The court sentenced Jaxon to few years imprisonment because of multiple charges labelled against him.

Ernest went to see his parents to present them his wife to be. Ernest’s parents loved Cassandra also at first sight. She was so humble and jovial. The few days they spent in the village, she treated Ernest’s parents like they were hers. After the approval from Ernest’s parents, they left to go see Cassandra’s parents.

 When Cassandra came back to the village, many people couldn't recognize her. She had become more beautiful and wore the aroma of riches. Cassandra recognized some of her classmates who were still in the village. The one who had told her she won't see the four walls of the university dropped out because her father died and no one could continue training her in school.

Mr and Mrs Ekene were so happy seeing their daughter looking so happy and beautiful. They thanked Ernest for everything he has done for them and their daughter. Ernest told Mr and Mrs Ekene of his intentions to get married to Cassandra. 

 They accepted just like they have been waiting for him to say the word...

Wedding bells were ringing…

Cassandra the intelligent and best student more than five years ago was now a graduate and getting married to a rich man. The wedding took place at Cassandra’s village. Ernest’s parents and other rich distant friends of Ernest came to grace the wedding making it the talk of the village.

After the wedding , Ernest told Cassandra they would be going for a honeymoon. When they got to the location, Ernest told Cassandra he will be back while she makes herself comfortable inside the room.

 Cassandra entered into the room, she kept her bag. She saw a flower placed inside the room. She carried it up smiling. She turned back only to see Ernest standing at the door with a glass of wine. He had already removed his shirt..

  When did you plan all these? I didn't know you can be romantic Cassandra asked looking surprised and smiling sheepishly. 

 Why are you still putting on your dress Ernest asked and poured the wine on Cassandra. Cassandra ran after him around the room in love..


Nike investment 👑

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