Dora And The Water god! Episode 33 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god!

Episode 33

… “In 7 days time!” I repeated and he nodded.

“What’s so special with this number 7 ? Neon’s father asked me to return him to the river in 7 days time, and here you are using the same number 7. Is there something I should know about it?” I asked with a grin.

He laughed out so hard, even grabbing his stomach.

“Don’t tell me you’re sc@red already, or are you?” He quizzed giggling.

“No your highness, I am not. I’m just curious to know ” I said feigning a smile but deep down I was somehow sc@red of what would eventually play out on that same day.

I left the palace to my place and as soon as the guards and the maids set eyes on the baby and I, they took to their heels. I called each of them by their names but none answered, and then I went back to the palace to tell the King what just happened and immediately, he ordered the town crier to announce round the village that the King wanted to see and talk to everyone about a very important issue, and people gathered in no time.

The King started by telling everyone who I was, and that henceforth anyone who run away from the baby and I would be excommunicated for months. People started grumbling as soon as they heard the King, also talking to each other in whispers.

When the King was done, I left there to my place and the guards and maids started walking slowly into my room, apologizing for their actions but I told them that I had forgiven them, and that it wasn’t their fault.

I couldn’t wait for the 7 days to come, infact I counted hours, minutes and even seconds but the 7 days wasn’t forthcoming.

On the 4th day, something mysterious happened.

I was still sleeping that early morning in my room when one of my maids started banging on my door. I jerked up all of a sudden with my heart almost jumping out of my mouth out of fe@r, and I started panting heavily, also looking around.

“Who… who is there?!” I summoned some courage to ask.

“It’s me! There’s something I want to tell you!! Please open up!!!” She exclaimed and as soon as I heard her voice, I jumped out of bed and I went straight to the door and unbolted it.

“The baby!!!” She said, pushing me aside as she dashed into my room and immediately, my eyes traveled to where the baby was lying beside me on the bed but he was nowhere to be found.

“The baby! where is he?” I asked pointing at the bed and staring at my maid.

“That’s why I’m here. One of the guards and I went to fetch some herbs from the nearby bush when we saw an old man dressed in white, with grey beards and grey hair. We had to hide behind a tree as soon as we saw him and he walked past us. I was wondering who it was and was going to ask the guard if he knew who he was when he told me that it was the same man who had changed form from the baby the day you all were returning into the village, and that it was your baby”

“What?!” I screamed.
“Where did you see him?”

“That bush path near the market” She said, and I pushed her aside and ran out of the house in search of him while she ran after me but we couldn’t find him there.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite’s.

We both walked from house to house in search of him, describing to both young and old what he looked like just Incase they came across him somewhere but no one seemed to have found him.

After like an hour, we were exhausted and famished so we decided to return home so my maid could at least eat something while I go to the king to tell him what was happening, and also to ask him if he knew the baby’s whereabout, and we decided to follow the back road and lo and behold, the old man was there. Some children gathered around him while he gave them whatever they asked for, while some wanted cars and big houses but he told them that as soon as they clocked 20 their wishes would come to pass on its own.

After standing there and watching them for a few minutes, I walked up to them and as soon as the old man saw me he smiled.

“We have combed almost everywhere around the village in search of you” I said.

“You shouldn’t have bothered to look for me, I would have returned home even without you looking for me” He said.

“Grandpa, can you make it rain? the heat is too much and the villagers have been praying for rain for a few days now.” A boy about 8 years old said, and I stood there smiling sheepishly at his question.

“Yes, we are tired of fetching water every morning too from the river” Another said folding his arms with a squeezed face.

“You want rain?” The old man asked and the children screamed “Yes ” in chorus.

“If you do, now run home and go inform your mothers to wash their containers so they can fill them up with water” He said with a grin, and the children ran home screaming excitedly and that day, it rained heavily for hours.

The 7th day finally came, I was dressed in my best clothing and also dressed the baby in one of the clothes I bought from the market for that special occasion.

We all gathered at the river including the King and the Queen in company of some of the guards.

I never knew that the Queen could sing so well. She sang and danced in tears and when she could no longer continue with the performance, I decided to continue with the show and Neon appeared as soon as I started to sing.

I sang melodiously and everyone started dancing, including the baby who later had no choice but to change form into the old man and when I was done, I was rewarded with three precious stones by the old man, the Queen and the King.

Well, the old man made it known to me that he was no longer going to return home with me, and that I should make a wish.

“What wish ” I asked, already in tears.

“Have your father back to life, or the little girl from the future. Which would you choose?” Asked the old man…

To be continued.

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

©️ Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites
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