Dora And The Water god! Episode 14 – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams

Dora And The Water god! - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Dora And The Water god.

Episode 14

… “Stop!!!” I exclaimed, moved closer to him after he paused and I stared closely at the necklace he had on his neck.

“Please don’t be offended. Where did you get this necklace on your neck?” I asked, pointing at it.

“Oh, this?” He asked, pointing at it.

“Yes” I replied, nodding my head in curiosity.

“Ermmm… A woman sold it to my mother”

“Sold this?” I quizzed with mouth agape.

“Yes. Is anything the problem?”

“No, nothing” I said feigning a smile.

“Do you know how much it was bought?”

“Ermm… It’s not too expensive. She mentioned 1 million naira but my mother gave her #30k and she happily collected it.”

“What?! Please who is your mother?”

“I am not from this village, I’m from the neighboring village” He said with a smile and then looked into my eyes all of a sudden.

“What’s the matter? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“Nothing ” I replied immediately, waving both hands.

“You know what? Let’s just go ” I said already walking past him.

“No, wait” He said, and I paused.

“If you like it I can give it to you ” He spilled and started taking it off.

“No please, I… I actually don’t… I don’t want it. It just looks like one I used to have, but I no longer have it though “

“No it’s ok, you can have it” He said, already stretching it forth.

“You mean it?” I asked, so surprised.

“Yes you can “

I reached for it and I took it from him.

“Thank you ” I said with teary eyes.

“But, what about your Mom? What if she asks you where it is?”

“Nah, you don’t have to worry about my Mom” He said with smiles.

“Shall we?”

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites.

“Oh, yes please. So sorry for the delay” I said.

I kept staring at the necklace on our way, wondering if it was actually my stepmother that sold it to her or someone else.

When we reached home, I quickly took the bag from him and I thanked him so much for helping me carry my load. He bade me farewell but I told him to sit so I could offer him something but he refused, and said he was going to come visit some other time.

As soon as he turned to leave, my stepmother came out of the house and was shocked on seeing him.

“Dale, what are you doing in my house?” She asked, screening him from head to toe.

“Ah Mama, good day ma” He greeted on bended knees.

“Good day. Or, are you here to see my daughter?” She asked smiling.

“Ermmm… actually ma, I was on my way home when I saw your daughter carrying this bag on her way from the market, so I decided to help her with it” He replied with a smile.

“No, I don’t mean her, she’s my stepdaughter. I mean my biological daughter. She’s inside the house, should I call her out for you?”

“Oh, never mind ma, that would be some other time. I must leave now ” He said and then waved at me.

I turned swiftly to go into the kitchen when I heard his voice again.

“Sorry, I didn’t ask you of your name “

“Dora. My name is Dora”

“Ok, Dora. See you some other time ” He said and I replied with a smile.

My stepmother could not even wait for him to leave. As soon as he stepped out, she cleared her throat.

“Excuse me please, how and where did you meet him?” She probed with a hand on her waist.

“But, he just told you how we met” I said.

“Are you ins@ne? Are you referring to me? Is that how you talk to me now?”

“Mama I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disrespect you. But he just explained exactly how we met”

“You must be a f00l. Who knows if he’s not the one responsible for your pregnancy? P0ssessed being.” She spilled staring sc0rnfully at me.

“Mama please, he’s not. ” I said turning to leave.

“I don’t want to see you in my kitchen please, and don’t touch either my pot or my utensils with those m!serable hands of yours”

“Mama please don’t do this, I’m famished “

“That’s your business. Carry those things you bought out of my kitchen “

“But this is my father’s kitchen, and most of these things here belong to my late mother if I can remember ” I said.

“I give you two minutes to get out of my sight. I know you’re p0ssessed and there’s no way one can discipline you any longer. But I’m begging you, get out of my kitchen. You can d!e of hunger for all I care” She said and then left for the living room.

I became so confused what next to do, that I started to shed tears.

I picked up the polythene bag and then I decided to pass through the back door into my room instead of the front door.

All of a sudden, I saw a well made fire by my window with 3 brand new pots beside it. I paused, wondering why my stepmother decided to come make a fire by my window.

And then, the little girl appeared.

“There you go. That’s fire, and those are pots. So prepare whatever you want to eat” She said with a smile…

To be continued.

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