THE HUNTER Episode 15 – Olowojesiku Deborah

THE HUNTER - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

THE HUNTER by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Episode 15

Mrs. Amadi paced the living room angrily, she wished Chinwe was still a young girl whom she could beat sense into. She was a wife of a very wealthy man, she didn’t just rely on her husband’s wealth, she made her own money by selling gold to the high and mighty in the society. Chinwe was her only surviving child as she lost her first child to typhoid. She had bragged to her friends that she will ensure her daughter will not settle for a man who doesn’t have money.

When her daughter brought Ben home as her husband, she was enraged when she realized that he wasn’t stinkingly rich and to worsen the situation, his parent died. Mrs. Amadi tried everything possible to break their relationship but Chinwe stood her ground with the claim that Ben was God’s will for her. Being her father’s favorite, she was able to get her father’s permission to marry Ben and that was how she was able to get married to Ben.

Chinwe landed in Nigeria the following day and instead of going to her parent’s home, she went to search for Ben. She went to his best friend who claimed to have lost contact with him after losing his phone.

Chinwe was devastated when she shouldn’t get any information about where her husband was. She kept praying and asking God for mercy after the Holy Spirit opened her eyes to the role she played in destroying her home. The Holy Spirit revealed to her as the woman of the home that Rita was on a mission to destroy her home but because she didn’t want to be in the black book of the pastor, she kept it to herself. She refused to inform her husband hence, she allowed the HUNTER into her beautiful home and it was destroyed in her presence, and to think she was even the one used to destroy her home.

With the realization of how things went wrong, Chinwe refused to return to Canada, she decided to join her father’s business while searching for her husband. She was able to explain things to her father and the understanding man told her to do what she feels was right.

Eight months later, Chinwe had still not seen her husband but she didn’t relent in her search. One morning, Chinwe had to go with her father to a meeting organized for CEOs. It was the first time she would be attending such and she decided to enjoy herself to the fullest. Before leaving that morning, Chinwe muttered a word of prayer and went with her Dad to the scheduled location.

Things were going on so well at the meeting with Chinwe enjoy every bit of it. All of a sudden, the MC invited the fourth speaker to come give his speech and surprisingly, the fourth speaker turned out to be Ben looking handsome with wealth smelling all around him. Chinwe was shocked where she sat, she was devoid of emotion at that point because she didn’t know if she was to cry or laugh. Her search was over but a lot of questions were running through her mind. Questions like, Was he in a relationship? Will he accept me back?

Immediately the meeting came to an end, Chinwe found her way to where Ben was. She was shocked to see him sitted amid great CEOs, it was obvious he had become a CEO but how that happened was something she didn’t know. Ben was engaged in a conversation with a young CEO when he heard his name, he turned to see who called him and was stunned to see Chinwe. She tried apologizing for all that happened between them and asked if they could still work things out but he walked away from her.

Chinwe: (running after him) Ben, I know I messed up but I won’t let you go again, I am very sorry

Ben: (turned to face her with pain and anger written all over him) Why did you come back? Was it because you suddenly discovered I am rich?

Chinwe: not that my love

Ben: I am not you love, we are no longer legally married.

Ben continued walking away till he got to his office, Chinwe followed him into his office, she was shocked at how beautiful his office was, far more beautiful than her father’s office. It was then Chinwe realized that the location of the meeting was his company.

Chinwe: (quickly knelt before) Ben, I wasn’t in my right senses. I was under manipulation, there are things you need to know.

Ben: Chinwe, you need to leave here, please. There is nothing between us again.

Chinwe: Ben, I can’t do without you

Ben: Do you know your mom released dogs on me the day I came to beg you for another chance? You know, I came back to plead with you even after you got me locked and beaten for a crime I knew nothing about, I was beaten by one of your dogs and if a good Samaritan hadn’t helped me to the hospital on time, I might have probably been dead.

Chinwe: Haaa, I didn’t know anything, I relocated to Canada in fact, I came back immediately I got to know the truth about all that happened to us.

Ben: Chinwe, leave before I push you out. I am not in the mood to talk to you plus, I have a lot of work to do.

Chinwe: can I talk some other time?

Ben: Please, leave abeg.

Chinwe had to leave before Ben do something she wouldn’t like. Looking at him, she could see that he was a man who was hurt but then, she was ready to correct all her wrong deeds. After she left, Ben sat on his chair and allowed his tears to flow freely, he had been hurt and broken, in all that happened, there was no one to comfort him. He remembered how he took a loan to start his own business after the divorce but couldn’t repay on time, his business was closed down and he was thrown into the police cell, he remembered the torture and beating.

He went through all these, came out of the police cell, struggled to pay the loan, and finally made a name for himself. After he had gone through all these, Chinwe now showed up claiming to be sorry. He tried to move on but the Holy Spirit didn’t let him even when it was obvious one of the ladies loved him just too much. After crying for hours, the Holy Spirit dropped a word in his heart.

Holy Spirit: Son, it’s time for you to enjoy. Listen to what she has to say to you when she comes next. My peace and joy I give to you.

Immediately after listening to the Holy Spirit, Ben felt a kind of peace in his body, soul, and spirit. He wiped his tears and slept on his three-seater chair to help him get better.

Three days later, Ben was working on his system when his secretary informed him that a lady was looking for him, Ben asked her to bring in the lady only for the lady to turn out to be Chinwe. Ben was shocked to see her again, of course, he knew she would come back but he wasn’t expecting her so soon. Another thing that surprised him was that she brought food for him, how she knew he hadn’t eaten was something he didn’t know.

Chinwe: Good afternoon, Ben. Trust you are doing fine today!

Ben: Sure, thanks.

Chinwe: I am sorry for barging in like this but I just can’t get you off my head. I won’t deny the fact that I missed you so, I decided to take the day off and come spend time with you. Guess what! I cooked for you.

Ben: Hmmm!

Chinwe: Ben, please, allow my wrongs. Yes, you’ve gone through so much in life and I feel bad that I added to your pain when I was supposed to be your support system.

Ben: (tears suddenly dropped from his eyes) What do you want from me?

Chinwe: Rita actually destroyed our home, it was revealed to me in a revelation before we allowed her in but I hid it away from you because I didn’t want to offend the pastor. She is now in Christ and sent me a message confessing her wrong deeds. She also made me promise her that I would come back to you.

Ben: Rita??

Chinwe: yes, my love. She manipulated me to do all I did. Babe, we can still make this work.

Ben: I don’t think I am ready for another heartbreak, Chinwe

Chinwe: let’s keep this aside for now. You need to eat and please, don’t reject my food.

To be continued.

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