TARASHA Episode 5 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 3 Part 1 & 2 - Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

TARASHA Episode 5 – Oyin Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Tarasha picked up a white napkin to wipe off part of the liquid which poured on her lab coat. She had been in the lab all night, spending hours to set up the lab which she couldn’t complete as she was only able to set up the equipments she needed urgently. The rest of the time was used in manufacturing some of the important tools for her job.

She got up from the seat, holding a syringe in the right hand, she drew in part of the warm mixture from the test tube and injected into a small needlelike metal with a opening only wide enough for the syringe to go through.

She repeated the process several times; each draw by syringe filled ten of the metals. After filling about two hundred, she arranged the metals neatly into two rubber packs which could easily fit into her back pocket. It took her about two hours to complete the process of filling the pins.

Benryl was the name of the mixture she prepared, a drug in the Benzodiazepines class. The manufacture of Benryl began two years back, a result of a research and experiment carried out by her Assassin group in Russia. The drug was made to induce sleep and erase the victim’s immediate past memories of two hours.

She placed the rubber pack on a shelve which she had kept the previously prepared substances.

Her wristwatch beeped, she looked at the screen as it streamed live the recording from the camera she installed in the compound of the house Chief Gab prepared for her. The time was 7am and some of Chief’s men were in the compound, obviously sent by Chief to check on her since she hadn’t spoken to him since the last night and she was expected to move in that morning.

She took off the lab gloves and the lab mask she wore to avoid inhaling the dangerous gaseous substance and walked out to the sitting room. She picked up her phone as she sat on the sofa and  dialed Chief Gab’s phone number.

‘Hello Tarasha, I was about to call you. Where are you?’ the call was answered with no delay.

‘Yes Chief, I knew you would call me’ Tarasha replied with a smirk on her face. ‘Why did you send men to the house this morning’

‘I couldn’t reach you all through last night to inform you about the house but… ‘

‘I was there last night, I already picked up everything I needed from the house. Thank you for providing the laboratory equipment I requested for’

‘Are you the one that tied up your men? And where are you?’ Chief asked with a note of frustration in his voice.

‘What men are you talking about? I didn’t see any of them except the lady cook which I took along with me’ She replied back

‘The guys I provided to work with you were found there this morning tied back to back on two chairs with their eyes blindfolded’ Chief explained. ‘They said a lady tired them up’

‘Chief’ Tarasha spoke after giving a long wicked laugh. ‘I don’t believe you brought those guys to work with me, I took both of them down in just two minutes’

‘What? Those guys are one of the best around town, they’re members of the most notorious gang in the country’

‘Best? You must kidding me and they couldn’t even lay a finger on me while I handled them’

‘See Tarasha, they are not as trained as you, It took us a lot to bring them for you and they’re very good if you would only learn how to use them’

‘No problem Chief, but I don’t want those ones anymore. Bring two other better guys there today, I’ll work with them without testing them’ she concluded and made an attempt to end the call.

‘So when are you coming to the house?’ Chief asked.

Tarasha paused for a while for she replied, ‘I can’t stay in that house Chief, it’s not safe for me. I can only use it as an office for meeting with you or doing some other things’

‘But what about everything I arranged there?’

‘I took all I needed already, just leave the house as it is, I’ll make use of it whenever it’s needed. Let the two new guys wait there for me this afternoon; any other uninvited person I find there would lose his life’ She answered back, issuing a serious warning.

‘Am I free to be there?’ Chief questioned

‘Only stay there if you’re one of the two men that’ll be working with me’ she ended the conversation without giving him a chance to reply.



Tarasha admired the beauty of the reception walls as she sat with another visitor on the sofa, waiting patiently for Dr Hammed. She adjusted the red tie which covered the ID hung around her neck and straightened up her shirt properly.

Dr Hammed came walking by few minutes later, he walked alongside with two other men. They stopped close to the entrance door and concluded their discussion and the men made their way out of the building. Dr Hammed turned and began to walk back when he heard his name. He turned back to see Tarasha walking towards him.

‘Hey …’ He greeted as he saw, he narrowed his gaze trying to recall her name.

‘Samantha Osman sir’ Tarasha quickly helped him.

‘Oh! Samantha, I didn’t know that you were here already’

‘I am sir’ she replied pleasantly. ‘I’ve been here about forty minutes ago’

‘I see, sorry I kept you waiting’ He apologized.

‘No problem sir’ she replied, bending her knee slightly as a sign of respect.

‘Okay, come with me’ he said and led her through a wide corridor.

They walked past several labs before they got to his office which was located close to end of the block. He opened the door and allowed her in before he followed.

‘Welcome to my office’ he said, directing her to the visitor’s seat as he walked past the table to his seat.

‘Thank you sir’ she answered, looking around the office like someone who was admiring the look. She turned to the man and concentrated her gaze on him.

‘Okay, let me see what you have for me’ Dr Hammed said without looking up at her, as he tapped some keys on his computer keyboard.

‘Here sir’ Tarasha brought out a hard cover notebook and placed it on the table.

‘Just a minute’ he said, taking a glance at the notebook, he returned his focus to his computer.

‘Okay sir’

‘I’m just trying to settle the welfare issues for our guests at the conference’ he explained, smiling at her. ‘The two  non African speakers would stay at the governor’s house, so I have to make plans for our African invitees’

‘Oh good’ Tarasha smiled back. ‘What about our minister here? I heard he’s part of the speakers’

‘Yes, he is. He’ll be staying in his Lagos house when he comes over’ he answered her question and picked up the book as he waited for the computer to process a command. ‘So what do we have here?’

‘It’s a research on cancer and how it can be permanently cured ‘ Tarasha explained.

He dropped the book just after opening the cover page only and went back to his computer. He held the mouse and clicked another set of instructions before he picked the book again.

‘Permanent cancer cure?’ He commented as he opened the cover page again.

‘Yes sir, through our local herbs’ she watched as he dropped the book once again and returned to his job on the system.

‘I’m sorry, I just have to resolve somethings’ the Doctor pleaded with Tarasha who just smiled at him.

‘Is it all about the conference?’

‘Yes, I wouldn’t have had time to…’ He couldn’t complete his statement, a Benryl pin was already used to inject the liquid into the hand placed on the mouse. His head fell back with his body into his seat as he slept off.

Tarasha got up quickly for his seat, she brought out a mobile device from her bag and used to confirm if there was any camera hidden from her view in the office. The test indicated negative, there no camera in the room and also no hole through which the happenings in the office can be viewed.

She moved the man’s seat away from the computer and began to work on it, copying some of the files to her flash drive. After about fifteen minute of searching through the rest of the computer files, she was satisfied with the information gotten. She dragged the man closer to the table and placed his head on his hand beside the computer’s desktop.

She got out of the building casually, making sure that she didn’t raise suspicion from any one. She got a cab outside the gate and headed for her office; the house Chief prepared for her.


Benny paced around the floor in the large compound impatiently with his gun in the left hand, waiting anxiously for his new boss, Tarasha. It was the first time he was going to work under a lady. He had worked with several male assassins and thugs who were well feared in the country, but he hadn’t even heard about a powerful female Assassin until when Tarasha showed up. He was the second in command to Don, his immediate former Boss who just transferred him to Tarasha.

Don did not release him to her without hesitating, in fact Don had to think about it for almost thirty minutes before he finally decided to transfer him. Thinking for that long on a small matter as this wasn’t something he had ever seen Don do for the three years he worked with him. But Don’s long thinking moment didn’t come as a surprise to him as he knew he was for sure a great asset to Don’s organization, Nanl gang. He never failed at any task and he always carried out his job within the specified time. He was also very good in convincing and mobilizing other men for tasks.

His transfer didn’t also come as a surprise to him as he saw the angry look on Don’s face when the two guys previously transferred returned that morning looking thoroughly battered. The only reason Don did not ki*ll them after they explained was that he didn’t want to lose another two of his strong men.

He took a look at Cole, the other man transferred with him. Cole was seated on a chair with a anxious look on his face. He also had worked with Don for three years, working efficiently as the best ICT agent and fastest driver. Don had no choice than to release his two favorite men because he couldn’t face the embarrassment of his men being returned again for their inefficiency.

Benny turned suddenly at the sound of Cole’s foot tapped on the floor, he pointed his gun at Cole.

Cole looked at him funnily, ‘you better calm down my friend’

‘Calm down? I don’t want us to disappoint Don, we must not be returned like the other guys’ Benny replied . ‘I want us to be the ones to catch the lady unawares this time around’

‘She said she’ll come in the afternoon, but the time is only thirty minutes past eleven’

‘Yesssss’ Benny stressed the word, staring widely at Cole. ‘Didn’t you hear what the guys said? She told them she was coming by seven in the morning but she caught them while sleeping at midnight’

‘That’s nice dude’ A lady said approaching them. ‘But you don’t catch a trained Assassin by fidgeting all over like you are doing now. You’ve allowed your anxiety gain ascendancy over your attentiveness’

‘Who are you? How did you get in?’ Benny asked as he pointed his gun at her. Cole got up from his seat and brought out his revolver also.

‘How I got in isn’t your concern’ she smiled and extended her hand to them. ‘I’m Tarasha, your new boss’

‘Huh? Tarasha?’ Benny shook his head in disbelief. ‘It can’t be’

‘Tarasha is supposed to be on mask’ Cole added, still pointing his gun at her. ‘Don’t come close or I’ll waste you’

‘I’m working with you guys so it would be stupid use a mask’ she said. She smiled at them sheepishly but in next second sent them sprawling on the floor as she slid towards them and took their legs off the ground swiftly, their guns falling off from them as they landed thunderously.

She got up without any stains on her clothes except her shoes which she cleaned off. She picked up the guns and sat on the chair previously used by Cole leaving the duo on the floor to recover from the attack.

‘Another lesson you ought to learn is not allowing an attack keep you down; what if I was an enemy lying to be Tarasha? Would you still be struggling to stand while I send in bullets through your skulls?’

They got up faster and stood firmly, staring at her like they saw an alien that just landed from another planet. The attack was enough to prove to them that it was Tarasha but the lady sitting before them looked too beautiful and innocent to be an assassin, her voice was also too calm and peaceful

‘Why are you both staring at me like that? Won’t you tell me your names?’ She brought back the two startled men to reality.

‘I’m Be.. Benny and he’s Cole’ Benny stammered.

Tarasha smiled and handed the guns back to them, she walked into the building and they followed her. ‘I will come here always to give you instructions when there is a job, otherwise I’ll only talk to you on phone and on camera’

She walked into the living room and turned on the TV , then she sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and starting searching through the stations with the remote control.

‘Come on, have your seats’ she said to Benny and come who stood beside her like bodyguards on punishment.

They sat reluctantly on the sofa facing hers, she remained silent for some few minutes, busy with the TV after which she tossed the remote control to Cole.

‘So Cole and Benny, I believe you know why you’re here’ She began, sitting up right. ‘We have a job at hand right now and I urgently need a very good driver and someone good on computers’

Cole and Benny looked at each others faces, Benny answered her. ‘We are both good at computers and also fast drivers’

‘Okay, who’s better using computers?’ She asked.

‘The truth is… ‘ Benny replied with a sorry look, he glanced at Cole as he spoke. ‘He’s better at both than I am, but I’m not bad either’

Tarasha smiled, ‘so in what area are you better than him?’

‘I can handle guns very well’ Benny replied with a smile.

‘Is that true?’ She looked at Cole’s face for confirmation.

‘Yes, he was the major hitman in our gang’

‘Okay then, Cole will be in charge of all computer or camera works while Benny would handle the cars and be my backup at operations’ she paused and looked at their faces, they both nodded in confirmation. ‘So when I leave here now, Coke would set up the computer room to his taste while Benny would visit the store rooms for weapons and study them carefully’

‘Okay’ they replied softly, one after the other.

‘Now, one thing you guys have to realize is that you’re working for me and your loyalty should be to me and not your former boss or Chief Gab who brought you here, I just sent him an errand’ She paused and laughed. ‘And then, I hate dishonesty and unpunctuality, I hope you guys don’t have these bad qualities?’

‘No’ they replied in unison this time, Benny shaking his head softly to emphasize hos answer.

‘Good, also note my instructions have to be obeyed always, I won’t share anyone who willfully and unnecessarily disobeys’ the look on her face changed to a serious one as she stood up from the chair. ‘Now pay attention to this serious warning’

The two guys bounced to their feet and followed her as she was motioned towards the exit door, they followed hurriedly expecting to hear her give the serious warning.

She paused and turned back, the look on her face was a contorted one, the guys shivered at  her new look. She stared into their faces and spoke in a harsh voice. ‘Nobody knows who Tarasha is except you two and the maid, the day anyone finds out from you is the day you will breathe last’

They stood still and watched as she walked away, still finding it hard to believe that their encounter with her was real and not a dream. What baffled them most was the ease at which she could switch her mood easily, they wondered what it would be like to work with her.

Benny who had earlier planned to call his former boss and tell him about her, changed his mind and decided to keep mute, his loyalty was to Tarasha henceforth.

The both stood still in silence for a minute after she walked out of the gate. Then Benny turned and muttered some words under his breath, he took off his shirt and threw it on one of the sofas in the living room, revealing his heavily tattooed back.

Cole followed suit, brought out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He stopped at the entrance, stuck the cigarette in his mouth and puffed out the smoke into the air.


*6am, Saturday Morning*

Cole was the first to get up that morning, he opened the door to the room where Benny slept and peeped, Benny was still fast asleep. He closed back the door and continued walking to the parlor, he stopped again after walking a distance. Just at his left side was the computer room which he briefly assessed and arranged the last night.

His countenance changed as he noticed that the door was slightly opened, he remembered locking it with keys the last night. That arouse his suspicion, he pulled out a knife from his left side and walked slowly to the door. He opened and peeped in but saw no one, he walked in carefully scanning through all corners of the room for possible sign of an intruder. He found nothing and walked out of the room.

Benny was already awake and was at the computer room doorstep.

He yawned as he talked, ‘are you working this early already?’

‘No, it’s as if someone came in here. Or did you enter here last night after I had gone to sleep?’ Cole asked, locking the door again.

‘No’ Benny answered, giving Cole a serious look.

‘I locked the place yesterday but found it opened this morning’ Cole continued.

‘Huh?’ Benny moved back slowly, then turned and walked to the weapon store room, the place was locked. He opened to check if everything was in place and he found it to be in order.

‘Nothing here has been touched, maybe you forgot to lock up the place. Sleepy head like you’ Benny mocked as he walked to the living room.

Cole followed behind, ‘ I don’t think so’

‘You …’ Benny paused abruptly and stood up as swiftly as he sat into the chair, he walked towards the window like someone who discovered something.

He opened up the curtain and saw a figure hung upside down on the tree in the compound, she looked towards his direction. He closed back the curtain and turned back, Cole was already standing behind him, trying to have a look outside too.

‘I think she’s is here already’ Benny announced.

‘Huh? Who?’ Cole moved forward and confirmed for himself. ‘Tarasha’

The both straightened up their shirts and proceeded out of the house. Tarasha dropped off the tree when she saw them approaching, she used a towel to wipe her face and hung it around her neck.

Benny licked his lips in admiration, he stared at her exposed thighs below the tight black shorts she was putting on, her tight top only covered her neck to brea$t region and left other parts exposed. Benny wished his eyes could penetrate through the clothes to reveal what was behind.

‘Good morning Tarasha’ They chorused, standing at her front.

‘Good morning’ Tarasha answered, she twitched her lips and gave Benny a stern look. Benny’s body vibrated as his eyes met hers, he knew she had caught him searching her body with his eyes.

‘We got some work to do this morning’ she said and bent down to pick a pistol, a hardballer. She also laced her sneakers properly and proceeded into the house with the two others following closely.

Benny stared at the hardballer in her hand carefully, it looked like one which he had seen among the arsenal last night and arranged carefully. He cracked his brain, trying to remember if he saw the gun in the store that morning.

‘I took this from the store this morning’ Tarasha said with a smile, helping him solve the mystery. ‘And I also used the computers too, I installed a camera there so we can communicate well, at all times’

Benny and Cole looked at themselves in awe, fear surged through their bodies. They also had some form of training but wondered how Tarasha could enter into the house so silently without them waking up. Did she use magical powers to transfer herself into the house? Or how did she enter without making any noise to stir them up?

‘Cole should have noticed my presence, I didn’t lock the door to the computer room, I left it open as a sign to show you that I was around’  Tarasha explained, she walked past the living room and turned to the computer room.

She removed a flat metal from the belt around her waist and opened the door.

‘These locks do not really guarantee security anymore, that’s why places with need of maximum security makes use of cards and fingerprints locks’ she said and inserted her flash drive into a computer she switched on.

‘Only little information required for our first job has been gotten , we need to get more information and put everything else in place’ She began. ‘The job is to waste the Minister of health, Nnamdi Akofor’

‘Nnamdi Okafor’ Cole corrected her wrong pronunciation. ‘What’s the plan? Are we going to Abuja?’

‘No, he’s coming to Lagos. There’s a conference next week Saturday and he’s one of the speakers’ She continued. ‘He has a house in Lagos and he’s going to be staying there when he comes’

‘So are we killing him in his house?’ Benny questioned, folding his hands as he paid rapt attention to her.

‘I don’t know yet, that’s why we need more information’ she answered and looked away to the computer screen. She clicked on an icon and an application opened up. ‘From the data I gathered already, the official selected by the SSS to be in charge of the Minister’s security was Segun Kayode’

‘Segun Kayode sounds familiar’ Cole interrupted, trying to recall where he knew the bearer of the name.

‘The Segun Kayode I know works with Officer James, they’re on the same CID team’ James added confidently. ‘But they work on criminal cases, I wonder why Segun is involved in this one’

‘The position of the officers in charge does not matter to us, what would determine our success is if we play our roles very well’ Tarasha said and faced Cole. ‘Canyou work with this application?’

‘Yes, I’ve used it several times already but not for any major job, I only played around with it’ Cole replied.

‘Okay, hummm…’ She brushed a finger on her lips and thought about something briefly. ‘The man’s house is located at 4/6 Alex Street, Ikeja. Your job is to survey the place and locate all the security cameras around the area with that App’

She stood up from the seat and motioned Cole to sit down. She watched and smiled as Cole began to operate the software without struggling.

‘Benny and I will start a physical survey of place today’ she tapped Benny at the back. ‘You’ll pick me up at Gravl avenue by 10am’

‘Alright, no problem’ Benny swallowed as he replied, ‘I’ll go get prepared at once’

‘Ermm, I think you guys need a cook here, don’t you? Or have you eaten this morning?’ Tarasha asked thoughtfully. ‘You can get one for yourself, but make sure you pick the right person.’


** 10am **

Segun and his men stood up from their seats immediately they sighted the minister approaching with his two bodyguards. They walked closer to welcome them, one of Segun’s men collected a small luggage from the short bodyguard.

‘Officer Segun Kayode sir’ Segun displayed his ID card and bowed in respect to the minister.

‘Oh officer!’ Nnamdi Okafor exclaimed cheerfully, extending his hand to Segun for a handshake. ‘How are you doing?’

‘Fine sir, how was your flight?’ Segun asked smiling.

‘Wonderful’ the man replied and looked around like someone searching for something.

Segun was quick to figure out what he searched for and he pointed out before the man asked, ‘the car’s over there sir’

‘Ok, Beautiful’ Chief Nnamdi smiled and nodded. The party journeyed the short distance to where the cars were parked.

Segun and one of the Chief’s bodyguards sat in front of the jeep while the minister sat at the back. The rest of the party took the other car and followed closely behind.


‘Welcome Boss’ Cole greeted, standing up as Tarasha walked gently in with Benny.

‘Thank you’ Tarasha answered, she took a glance at the fried rice Cole was eating and then dropped a USB device on the table. ‘We planted the tracker on the Jeep as they made their way into the airport. You’ll monitor their movement when you’re done with your food’

Cole covered his food and stood up at once, ‘I’m done already, I’ll just tell Aisha to pack away the left over’

‘Huh?’ Benny made an unnecessary sound as he opened back Cole’s food and threw the remaining meat into his mouth distracting Tarasha and Cole.

‘Sorry’Benny apologized, he gulped down a cup of water and hurried after them to the computer room.

‘I think he’s on his way to the pharmacy’ Cole said aloud after a minute, he pointed at a blinking green light moving on the map displayed on the screen, as the GPS tracking receiver App opened.

‘Ok, he’s working according to the schedule. I remember Dr Hammed told me…’ Tarasha joined in, she paused and recalled her last meeting with Dr Hammed.

**flashback: 25.11.2030 **

‘Good morning sir ‘ Samantha greeted, smiling as she took her seat in Doctor Hammed’s office.

‘Good morning Samantha’ he replied, smiling back. ‘I saw your book here on Friday and I was told by the receptionist that you came. So why didn’t you wait to see me?’

‘Sir?’ She narrowed her eyes as she stared at him in surprise. ‘I was here and we met’

‘We met? No, we didn’t. The only thing I saw here was your book in my office’ The Doctor returned the surprise look, which later turned into a frown.

‘Sir? I was here, right in your office. You told me you were a little bit tired and needed to rest, that I should return today’ She refuted.

‘Oh! I did that?’ The look on the doctor’s face changed to a confused one.

‘Yes, you don’t remember?’

‘Off course I remember’ Dr Hammed aloud, making a futile attempt in using a smile to cover up his confusion.

Tarasha chuckled.

‘I really had to sleep that day because I used a particular new drug’ He added a lie.

‘Oh! I see’ She smiled. ‘So have you gone through my work now?’

‘Yes, I did go through it but I noticed that the research is not completed yet and does not hold any valid conclusion’ he answered.

‘I’m about to complete it sir, I just thought I should share it with you so that you can help me further…’

Dr Hammed’s phone rang, he motioned Tarasha to stop talking before he picked the call.

After speaking for about a minute, he ended the call and got up hurriedly. ‘Sorry, I have to go check something now, if you like you can wait here or come back later’

‘No problem sir, I’ll come back’ She replied and got up from the seat, proceeding towards the door.

‘Please, I think I need your help’ the Doctor called back. ‘Can you help bring this bag along to where I’m going?’

‘Of course sir’ she smiled and hurriedly collected the bag from him. The Doctor carried another bag and led the way.

They took the elevator and headed for the tenth floor, continuing with their discussion as it moved

‘I’m taking this to the conference room where we’re having a meeting on Thursday and Friday before the conference’ he said.

‘Wow! I believe it’s a meeting with the speakers’ Tarasha guessed.

‘Yes you’re right. On Thursday we have a meeting with the country’s minister of health and the commissioner and the company’s board’ He continued as they stepped out of the elevator. ‘And on Friday we have a meeting with all the speakers including the foreign guys’

‘Good… ‘ Tarasha said as they walked on to the room.


‘It was then I planted the bug in the conference room. So keep monitoring them Cole, we might get helpful information from their meeting’ Tarasha concluded with Cole and turned to Benny who stood with his arms folded and his back rested on the wall. ‘The real job begins this evening two hours before the Ghanian minister arrives’

‘Yes, I know. I’m prepared already’ Benny added confidently.

‘But where’s your cook?’ Tarasha asked, raising a brow. ‘Didn’t you tell her she’s gonna work with it us?’

‘Yes, let me get her’ Benny walked out of the room and returned a minute later with Aisha.

‘Good morning’ Aisha curtsied.

‘Hey! I heard you’re a very good cook?’ Tarasha replied on a lighter mode.

‘Yes, I try’ Aisha replied back smiling.

‘Good’ Tarasha smiled, she surveyed Aisha’s from head to toe with her eyes and asked, ‘do you use guns at all? In case there’s any need to’

‘Yes, I do. I’m not a novice, I also go on little operations’ Aisha answered.

‘Okay, we’re working as police officials for this operation. “We” includes me, Benny and you, Cole’s main job is here. We will get everything we need by this evening’ Tarasha explained. ‘Our job is to secure Ghana’s  minister of health and escort him to Chief Nnamdi Okafor’s house when he lands in Nigeria’

Aisha’s mind was filled with questions as she listened, she waited for Tarasha to stop before she voiced out her concern. ‘I’ve been briefed already about the job but I don’t understand our main mission there, are we taking the job as real police officers?’

‘No, we’ll take care of the police officers assigned to the minister first. Your job there would end immediately we get to Chief Nnamdi’s house and  you’ll return here immediately’

‘So what’s the real…’ She stopped abruptly, the look on Tarasha’s face warned her against asking any more question.

‘They’re in the pharmacy now’ Cole spoke aloud, diverting their attention to him. ‘The car is no more in motion’

‘Okay, just call me once the meeting starts’ Tarasha got up from her seat and walked out of the room.

Aisha stared at Benny’s face inquisitively for a moment, she hissed and walked away when he stared back at her, pretending not to understand what she wanted.

Benny laughed loudly, watching her backside bounce as she went away, he patted Cole on the back and took a seat beside him.

‘This girl doesn’t know we’re working with someone different now’ he made jest of her. ‘She was expecting me to tell her something the Boss has hidden from her’

‘Don’t mind her’ Cole added. ‘We already gave her the rules here, she’ll have herself to blame if she messes up’

‘She won’t mess up, she’s not a kid’ Benny assured.

** Two hours later **

‘Have they discussed anything useful to us yet?’ Tarasha walked into the room, fixing her gaze on the screen, the Derl Pharmacy meeting transmission was on.

‘Not really’ Cole answered, ‘but I still think you need to hear what they’re up to’

‘Okay’ Tarasha took a seat beside Benny and listened carefully.

‘… all of these monies would be paid into your account directly and you have to transfer our own share to us within seventy two hours later’ Dr Umaru was seen explaining. Six men, neatly dressed in suits were seated at the edge of the long conference table, the minister of health was seated at the middle of the table.

‘That’s no problem’ Nnamdi Okafor replied. ‘What I’m saying is we should calculate the money now, so that there’ll be no arguments when the money is shared’

‘The total is about one billion naira’ Dr Umaru began breaking down the figures. ‘In organizing the conference, we used only a hundred million out of the three hundred million the Federal Government gave us for it’

‘That’s just two hundred million, where did we get the rest from?’ The inquisitive Lagos state commissioner put in.

Dr Umaru cleared his throat and continued, ‘we were given five hundred million for Lee Cho’s products but we are only paying one hundred and fifty million for it. We’re only buying half of the required quantity and Lee Cho is giving us at a subsidized rate. Ken Benson is also giving us his drugs at a subsidized rate, we’re getting four hundred million from his own deal’

‘That makes it nine hundred and fifty million naira’ Nnamdi put in, he stared at Dr. Umaru suspiciously. ‘I was expecting much more than this’

‘That’s all, this administration is so tightfisted’ Umaru added again. ‘Not everything we requested for was given to us’

‘It’s okay, let’s determine everyone’s share right now…’ Chief Nnamdi was saying

‘Wow!’ Tarasha distracted the other viewers, thinking aloud. She turned to Benny and asked, ‘is this not the same minister that everyone speaks of as incorrupt?’

‘He is’ Benny answered softly, looking baffled. ‘I’m as surprised as you seeing that he also involves himself in dubious deals’

‘Our country is really messed up,  even the most trusted ones are corrupt too’ Cole joined.

‘Well, I think your country people would love to see this video later. Make sure you keep a copy’ She instructed, standing up from her seat. ‘And also take note of any other information that may be useful for us’

Tarasha who was already bored walked away, leaving the Cole and Benny to watch the rest of the shocking revelation.


‘It’s time to leave guys’ James motioned his team members at exactly five pm. He got into the first car, a Bently Jeep with a stout officer who sat at the driver’s seat, while the other four officers , two males and two females got into the Camsol. 

The stout man started the car engine and mumbled some words to James before they led the way out of the station compound, the Camsol followed behind.

The minister’s plane was expected to arrive in Nigeria by six pm, but it was just few minutes after five pm when James commanded his team to leave for the airport. Though the distance of the airport to the station wasn’t much, it only took fifteen minutes to drive there, James like every professional insisted on arriving the airport and getting settled very early before the minister arrives.

They had just gone a few distance away from the station when James’ phone rang, he discovered that it was a call from one of his team members who was in the other car following them. He glanced back and couldn’t find the Camsol behind them anymore, several cars had come in between them now.

‘Where are you? Why are you guys driving slowly?’ James inquired.

‘I think one of the tyres is bad sir’ the officer replied. ‘I think something sharp pierced it on the road’

‘You guys should fix it and join us at the airport as soon as possible, is that clear?’ James ordered.

‘Yes sir’ the reply came in a faint voice, the call ended.

James and his partner continued to the airport without them, they arrived at the airport not more than ten minutes after.

Before they came out of the car, James called back to find out where the rest of his men were. He got a negative reply, no progress had be made, instead more fault had been discovered in the car.

Officer Segun’s call came in when they got to the arrival hall,at exactly thirty minutes past five pm.

‘Hello Sege’ James hailed, addressing officer Segun by his nick.

‘Good day sir’ Segun voice replied cheerfully. ‘We just dropped the minister home now and we’re about to leave’

‘Okay, are you sure he’s not going out to anywhere else today?’ James asked.

‘He’s going nowhere else’ Segun answered with confidence. ‘He returned home early to wait for Honorable Mensah, he was told the plane left Ghana already’

‘Okay, we’re in the airport already to wait for him’

‘Ok sir, I just thought I should tell you I’m leaving’

‘It’s alright, just remember the job continues tomorrow. You should be with him whenever he’s going out officially’

‘Alright sir’ The call ended.

James did not hear anything from the rest of his team members until five minutes past six pm, the same time when the minister arrived, the call came in before the minister came out of the plane.

‘Where are you?’ James demanded angrily.

‘On our way sir, we’ll get to the airport in the next three minutes’ a voice responded shakily.

‘You better do or you’ll be sorry for yourself’ James snapped and cut the call. He was too angry to notice the officer’s shaky voice.

‘Welcome sir, I’m officer James’ Officer James welcomed Mr Mensah, displaying his ID card.

‘Thank you’ the minister replied, flashing his teeth, the stout officer took the man’s small luggage from an airport attendant. ‘Please take me one to Honorable Nnamdi’s house immediately

‘Oh yea sir, this way’ James motioned the man forward, and followed behind, directing the man as they walked. The stout officer hurried to the park to drive the car forward to cut short their guest’s trekking.

As they drove out through the exit gate, James spotted the Camsol car at the entrance, trying to sort out their entrance with the security officials at the gate. The stout driver waved to the driver of the other car and motioned them to turn back and follow their car.

Officer Tunde, driver of the Camsol who was the same person who communicated with officer James through the phone, drove in through the entrance first before making a u-turn to hollow the exit.

In no time, the Camsol car was following closely at the back of the jeep. James got a glimpse of them through the side mirror, he felt like coming down to discipline the juniors but had to compose himself because of the Ghanaian minister.

They drove into Chief Nnamdi’s compound after twenty minutes, the compound wasn’t a large one, the distance from the gate to the main house wasn’t far.

Chief Nnamdi was spotted sitting under a shade in the compound waiting for their arrival, with one of his guards standing beside him. He smiled on sighting the Ghanaian minister’s car drive in, he stood up from his seat and began walking slowly towards the park.

The Bently Jeep followed the direction  to the car park given by the guards, but the Camsol car made a surprise movement.

The car drove violently straight to Chief Nnamdi’s direction, clearing the two guards who stood before the man, the first gunshot from a uniformed policewoman behind, hit Chief Nnamdi’s personal guard.

Bang! A noise divided the attention of the other guards in the compound, before they could take any step, another explosion hit the house through the gate, creating an opening for the assailants’ escape and killing the armed security men at the gate. Three more gunshots were heard and the Camsol made a turn and sped out unhampered through the destroyed gate.


Cole tucked back the grenade launcher into the bag and threw it at  the back seat. He sighted police officials rushing in their vans to attacked Minister’s house, two of the police cars followed the directions of the escaped Camsol. He selected a rap music album on his car’s music player before he started the car engine and drove out of Alex street.

The plan had worked out perfectly well; Tarasha, Benny and Aisha had left the office to a restaurant beside the police station before three o’clock. From there they monitored the movement of Inspector James’ team via live transmission of the police activities to their tablet device.

Cole had hacked into the police control room server undetected, through a method Tarasha taught him, transmitting the video records in the station to Tarasha’s device.

And the Camsol didn’t just develop any fault, the back tyre was deflated by Tarasha while Benny and Aisha waited for the police officials to come to request for a tyre change at the mechanic workshop compound close to the station. The four officers except the driver were induced into deep sleep and locked inside the mechanic’s shop alongside with the mechanic and his several apprentices. The driver of the car was hypnotized temporarily with a pin pierced into his arm.

Tarasha, Benny and Aisha after repairing the car, disguised and changed into the uniforms of the officers. The officer driving the car was returned to his normal state after the hypnotized pin was removed and forced to continue driving to the airport. He was also forced to keep reporting false information to Inspector James.

Cole did the job of monitoring Inspector James’ movement on the road and reported live to Tarasha, then he returned to Alex street and waited at a reasonable distance to Minister’s house from where he launched the grenade to the gate.

‘Hey, over here’ Cole shouted, motioning his three colleagues who stood at the front of the restaurant beside the police station, after returning from their successful job.

Tarasha, Benny and Aisha hopped into the car, Benny sitting in the front with Cole.

‘Good job Boss’ Cole praised, laughing widely as he pointed to a beard hanging loosely on Benny’s jaw.

‘Damn!’ Benny removed the piece of hair and flung it away.


Everything had happened too fast, it seemed like a dream to James as the police medical team tidied up a total of nine dead bodies in the compound.

It all happened in less than one minute, the Jeep that conveyed him and the Ghanaian minister was not even parked yet when he heard the explosion and gunshot sounds. They narrowly escaped the impact of the grenade, the affected area was just a few metres to the Jeep.

The Camsol car already sped out of the compound before he could rush down from the Jeep. The first thing he did was to ensure the safety of Mr Mensah by taking him far into the house.

Chief Nnamdi Okafor could by no chance survive the gunshots, his personal bodyguard was first taken down. Then two bullets was sent into the minister’s forehead and other one into his chest, he died instantly.

‘Officer James’ An elderly policeman called harshly. ‘You were here when it all happened?’

‘Yes sir’ James replied in low tones, feeling greatly agitated.

‘You were not just here, the assailants came with you’ the man added as he moved closer. ‘You brought them in, they were members of your team’

‘No… Sir’ James stuttered.

‘Nooooo?’ The officer stressed, looking suspiciously at James. ‘You brought the murderers here, you must have known about the plan all along’

Officer James was speechless, he battled within himself to stop tears from dropping off as he watched the Ghanaian minister been taken into another car which was driven out of compound immediately.

‘Are you not the one I’m talking to?’ The elderly officer snapped angrily.

‘Sir, we’ve got the signal back and the cameras are working perfectly well now’ a junior office distracted the elder, trotting towards them with a tablet device in his hand.

‘When did you say the signal went off again?’ the elder turned back to face the junior.

‘It went off by five pm and it returned few minutes ago’ he replied, the sound of his breathing was heard as he spoke.

‘That means it was switched off during the time of the operation?’

‘Yes sir, the cameras didn’t cover nor transmit anything all through. That’s why it took us time to report the incident to the headquarters’ he explained.

‘That means someone close to us must have been involved’ the man said sternly, turning back to James, he landed a slap on his face.

‘I didn’t… ‘ James wasn’t allowed to complete his response, he was handcuffed and carried away in the police van.

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