I was still in my small hug with Leo before he kissed my forehead and pulled away from the hug..

“okay goodnight” he said, his voice Dry and sad. Not like it was minutes ago.

What if it’s true, what if he’s really keeping something from me.

But he promised me he won’t hurt me, and I’ve given him a trust on that one. I guess

“goodnight” I said and he smiled weakly and head for the door, he glance at me one last time and immediately placed his phone on his ear.

“yeah about what we talked earlier….

I heard him say before he closed the door and I sighed tiredly and plopped down on the bed.

I’m back in being in a relationship, the feeling is mutual, and somehow inside of me, I’m scared. But we do things to move on, cause without moving on there is no life.

That night I soaked my body under the shower before heading to my bed, I decided to call Mason and see how he’s doing but, on second thought I decided not to call him cause he might get emotional hearing from me.. I dropped my phone and dug my face into my pillow thinking about Leo. I love him, I really do. After Richard I thought I’d never feel this way again, but he managed to make me feel like this and that’s why I feel alive again but one thing I’m scared of is getting hurt, I don’t know if our relationship is going to last but I want to give it a go, I want to give it a try and see where it goes. Cause you can never know what lies in front you or what waits in front of you until you decides to give it a try.

That night I slept soundly, immediately folding all my worries at the back of my mind..


The next morning, I woke up before my alarm and I didn’t know why I woke up early, and since I couldn’t sleep I turned off my alarm and decided to call my mom since its been ages I’ve talked to her.

We talked about most things and I told her about being in a relationship again and she asked me if that’s what I wanted and that she’s really happy. Why wouldn’t she be, when she wants me to get married right away.

“love you too mom” was the last word I said to her before hanging up.

I sluggishly got down from the bed and went to take a bath, I wore my casuals and I head to work, and goodness I feel tired.

I got down from the bus and made a little walking before getting to Leo’s house. I pressed in his passcode and walked in.. The house seemed silent and I thought he’d still be asleep,

Maybe I’m too early. I thought, and dropped my bag on the couch and head upstairs to check if he’s still asleep. As I have predict.

I opened the door to his and turned on the lights only to find it empty, could he be in the shower? I thought but there was no sound coming from anywhere, I head down the stairs and called his name.


No reply.

“Leo..” I called again but no reply,

Suddenly the door opened and Leo walled in, “Leo.. I called softly seeing him look tired and he was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. His tired but Charming eyes dart to me and he tried to smile.

“hey, you’re here early, good morning”

“Leo are you okay?” I asked softly walking up to him. “what do you mean, I’m fine” he said stretching his lips into a smile and from the smile you’ll know he’s not okay, it’s not his usual smile and his face is as pale as a ghost.

“you’re not” I said and placed both of my hands on his cheeks,

“tell me, what’s wrong?” I demanded and he covered my hands with his.

“nothing’s wrong” he smiled falsely.

“please Leo, don’t lie to me” I said calmly.

He sighed and his eyes dart from me to the floor, “okay fine, I wasn’t home last night.. But can we talk about this after I shower I feel dirty” he said and I nod and slid my hands away from his cheeks.

“okay I’ll go make breakfast” I assured him.

“thanks” he said, and then laughed,

“what?” I asked.

“all this is heart warming and kind of funny too, it’s like we’re married” he smiled.

“what?” I tilt my head not understanding him.

“you know, you preparing breakfast for the two of us, and me wanting to take a shower, and then we’ll both eat together, isn’t that what married couples do?” he asked and I swallowed my laugh.

“just go take your bath” I stated.

“you just know how to ruin moments, don’t you” he said and I laughed.

He walked upstairs while I walked to the kitchen.

I made breakfast that morning and he made a perfect timing at entering the dining room when breakfast was ready.

We both ate quietly and he still seemed troubled but not as troubled as he was when he first walked in, I remembered harmony’s words yesterday and a sudden heaviness filled my stomach.

“”if you think I’m lying try asking him where his riches come from, I could have tell you that myself but no. The little princess has to find it out from her prince Prince Charming, you have to ask him about it if you don’t want to feel troubled, or actually be troubled“” Harmony’s word ringed in my head and I sighed, I should probably ask him. I have to.

“I want to ask you about something” — “I have to tell you something” we both said at the same time and he sighed.

“okay you go first cause I don’t think I can” he said and I nod and dropped my spoon.

“yesterday, while you were at the super-mart, I met Harmony and she said some things that… I paused and look at him to his curious eyes piercing mine.

“some things like..

“some things that kept bothering me” I stated.

“thing like” he said and leaned his head forward. He’s so curious.

“she said you have this secret which she knows of, that I don’t. And.. And.. The secret’s about your wealth, your riches and the way she said it made it sound bad that it made me feel worried, Leo… I hope it’s not something bad” I said and my voice shook out of anxiousness.

Leo reached for my hand across the table and clasped our fingers together bringing out a heavy sigh.

“that’s why… That’s why you told me to promise you not to hurt you right?.. But don’t worry I won’t ever hurt you..” he said and I watched as his head turned down.

“Pen… I’m a..i.. I.. I smuggle drugs” he said and I gasped.

“you..you’re a drug dealer?” I asked, like.. I don’t even know what to think.

“that’s the secret harmony’s talking about, we just started dating and I don’t want anything to come between us, and I’ smuggle drugs doesn’t make me a drug dealer” he said.

“yes it does, you know thats illegal like everywhere.. What If you get caught,?” I said, my voice shaking like real bad.

“that’s why I’ve been cautious for the past ten years”.

“ten years?? Leo that’s absurd.. How can you do som–

“cause there was nothing for me to do, I had to get rich at all cost I had to make my dad proud even if it means doing stuff like this without his knowledge even after his death, Harmony knew about this and encouraged me to do more ev–

“she encouraged you to do more.. Well I am not like her.. Cause I want you to stop it, you have to quit” I tell him and he sighed “can you let me finish”.

“harmony encouraged me and I continued but after we Broke up for the second time I had a real thought about it, I’ve gotten everything I wanted, wealth. I’ve mange to own a few companies of mine here in Breek and they’re really moving up and then I have you, even though we were not dating when I thought about it, being around you was enough cause you really know how to make someone feel alive, and after thinking about having everything, I Quitted.. Two weeks ago, I canceled every deal I had with everyone, I didn’t want my hands caught up in illegal things so I quitted, and yesterday I had to make it clear to everyone that I’ve quitted cause I have everything I want now and it won’t be smart of me to continue, so I’ve decided to quit and just live on with my life with you in it” he explained and I couldn’t help the small smile that grew on my face.

“that was a smart thought, quitting was the best thing you could ever do” I tell him…

“I know, I want to be a new person for you” he said and gave my hand a little squeeze.

“that’s sweet of you” I smiled.

“but there’s still one thing, Allen… The guy who came here yesterday, he’s still bothering me..” Leo sighed.

“bothering you about what? Is he one of your like.. Dealer friend?” I asked not knowing how to put my words.

“he’s someone I made a deal to, you understand the kind of deal I’m talking about right?”

“like to sends drugs to him?” I asked and he nod bashfully.

“I made this deal to him months ago but later I told him I’ve quitted and I don’t want anything to do with drugs but he kept bothering me not believing me, cause this deal would make him millions of cash and he doesn’t want to loose it but, I cut off that deal, but yet he’s still bothering me, he threatened me once but his threat was like bad music to my ears, he couldn’t do what he swore he would do and now he’s back again with millions of threat but still they all sound like Bad music to me” Leo explained.

“but like aren’t you scared he might actually want to do something to you?” I asked standing up and walking over to Leo. Never letting go of his hand

“scared? Please. That guy’s a looser he can’t do anything” Leo scoffed and I arched my eyebrows at him.

“you never know for sure, he might want to do something to you” I said and he shook his head negatively

“he can’t” Leo pulled my hand making me sit on his thigh.

“don’t be too sure of yourself okay, he might want to do something to harm you and I don’t want that, no one wants that” I said and circled my hand around his neck, resting my forehead on his, our breaths were synchronizing with each others and our lips inches away, his hands slid around my waist and he held them firmly.

“I just want you to know that I’ve changed and that I want to focus on you and only you okay” he said softly, his breath all over my face.

“okay.” I smiled.

“and I’ll never keep anything from you pen I promise, the only thing I’ve been keeping from you minutes ago is that I’ve totally lost my appetite and I don’t know why” he laughed.

“silly” I mumbled.

“can we just stay like this for some time?” he asked. “why not” I replied and his grip on my waist tightened.



since there was nothing to do nowhere to go, no Penelope to talk to or admire I decided to go visit Kirana, she might seem more of an insane person with me but she’s the most sanest person I’ve ever met.

I got to Kirana’s workplace and head straight for her office, yesterday I felt sorry for her when Maxwell told her about his girlfriend. I don’t think she deserves someone like Maxwell, not that he’s not good enough, but she deserves better. Even though Kirana’s mostly rude to people she’s always there for her friends, like she was with me at the hospital and she’s the kind of person who listens to things and tries to make you understand yourself better. So it’s like I’ll be there for her today since she’ll be feeling down about the whole Maxwell thing even though I got rejected by Pen I still feel okay cause I expected it.

I knocked lightly on the door and her loud voice yelled an angry “come in”..

I opened the door and seeing me she rolled her eyes.

“what are you doing here?” she asked standing up from her seat.

“I’m here to see you” I smiled closing the door. She paused and took a good look at me.

“I’m sorry, did I hear you say the word *im here to see you*?” she said and I nod.

“yeah is there anything wrong with that” I asked and she laughed hysterically.

“is there anything wrong with that? Mace don’t tell me you’re crushing on me now that Penelope’s rejected you” she said dramatically, her hand on her chest.

“please Kira don’t make this weird for the both of us” I said and mean it.

“good cause not only will I reject you, I’m gonna murder you, and Now since you’re here you’re going to help me with work, I’ve got loads of work waiting on my desk, and you’re not going to free while you’re here” she said and with a shrug I said.

“fine no problem”

Kirana walked up to me and moved my hair back touching my forehead, “are you sure you’re okay or the Mason I know” she asked.

“what makes you say that” I returned the question removing her hand, slowly.

“cause you suddenly just agreed something with me, when you’re supposed to be arguing with me that’s unlike you” she said and arched her brows at me.

“what’s up with you is it weird for a friend to help out a friend” I asked and let go of her hand.

“it’s weird when it comes to the both of us but I’ll take it.. you can go help out with that files over” she said and pointed to her desk and I did as she said, I helped with a lot of her work while she just bossed me around and it did keep me busy, which made me do more actually, at least it’ll keep me from thinking of pen..


^~^~^~^~^ Leonard`s pov ^~^~^~^~^~^

Pen and I laid on my bed in my room, her head laid on my chest and my head laid on my pillow, we both staring at the ceiling not saying anything, I was enjoying her company but I wasn’t feeling too good. I didn’t know what was wrong with me cause my body didn’t feel the same, it felt weak and a bit dry. Penelope started saying things to me but I wasn’t hearing what she was saying, she sounded so far away and I felt a bit dizzy, I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I haven’t feel like this before..

Recalling from breakfast this morning I remembered not taking anything that would make me feel this way. I didn’t even eat breakfast I lost my appetite after talking to pen about my worries and then she took the food away and we both ended up here.

“Leo.” I heard her voice beside me and manged to see her touching my face.

“Leo are you okay?” her voice echoed in my head but I felt weak to answer and before I knew it everything went blank.



My eyes fluttered open and I saw pen looking at me with a worried look.

“thank God, you’re awake” she said and kissed my forehead. “what happened” I asked and my eyes dart to the other person in the room. Liam.

“you passed out all of a sudden, I was complete shock, I didn’t know what to do I was in complete shock, but then he showed up and helped me wake you up and then called him.” pen said and her eyes dart to my back and I sat up and turned to see a man, he looked so matured and I arched my brows at him.

“I’m doctor Jim,” he smiled at me but my eyes went back to Pen I still feel pretty weak though but but not like before.

“can you tell him to leave?” I tell pen. “but he’s a doct…

“please” I added and she sighed,

“okay doctor Jim can I talk to you outside” pen smiled at him and the doctor nodded while they both walked out of my room with me watching them.

“so how you feeling?” Liam asked me.

“useless” I replied.

“wow, that’s pretty deep” he laughed while I glared at him.

“I’m supposed to be the strong one here not Pen” I said and he shrugged

“things happen you know, but what I don’t really understand is that you don’t get sick easily and now you’re sick to the extent it made you pass out, dont tell me you ate it drank something that’s making you like this” Liam said and I paused and remembered yesterday, I met with Allen and we both had a drink together,, he even ordered the drink from the bar, so I don’t think he could slipped anything in my drink.

Just then pen Walked in and my eyes turned to her

“okay Leo be safe, I’m gonna head out now” Liam said and I nodded while he waved at pen before walking out.

Pen sat down beside me and held my hand. “you’re going to be fine, doctor Jim told me that and he diagnosed you with fever but I don’t think that’s it cause he prescribed this drugs” she said and moved a bunch of pills in front of us and picked one up a particular one.. “and this” she breathed out her fingers rubbing the small cylinder plastic bottle she held.

“this is not for fevers, I’ve seen this before, it’s for poison..” she said looking at the pill bottle sternly.

“don’t tell me you were poisoned” she quickly gasped turning to me

“I wasn’t” I tell her.

“then why would Jim prescribe this pill for you?” she asked

“I don’t know” I shrugged, I was cautious and would know if I Was poisoned. “if possibly you were poisoned, you’re taking this pill instantly” she said removing the bottle cap. And I smiled, she do cares.

I took the pills and put her at ease, I laid on the bed and she laid beside me, and her two hands hugged my arm. “please don’t fall sick” she mumbled

“I won’t, I promise” I chuckled.

We both stayed quiet and I slowly let my hand smoothen her hair and she laughed a bit.

“what?” I asked and she moved her head to look at me.

“stop it, you’re making me feel sleepy” she smiled.

“then go ahead and fall asleep” I tell her.

“but I’m supposed to be watching over you” she mumbled and scooped closer to me.

“see that’s where you’re wrong, even if I’m sick I’ll always be there to watch and protect you”

“don’t be so sure of yourself”.

“you keep saying that, and you know what. I am sure of myself and I’ll forever be okay.” I said and rubbed her cheek while she laughed, I continue to smooth her hair and her before I knew it I began to hear her light and girly snores, she’s asleep.

I smiled as I stared at her sleepy face that held no emotion and I kissed her lips lightly, I am going to love and protect every bit of her cause she’s mine and no one else’s.


ΦΦΦΦ Richard’s pov ΦΦΦΦ

I was at home alone, as usual for the past few days, Olivia hasn’t been talking to me since, after her confession I didn’t know why I didn’t get the idea that she’s in love with me. I wish I can love her back but I can’t force my heart, I still love Pen.. I guess. I’m not even sure of my heart. I sighed and laid my head on the arm of my couch and sighed heavily, my house’s messy and I think I have the strength to make it clean. I feel empty and lonely, I’ve been busy chasing Pen who doesn’t want me anymore and chased away Olivia who managed to love me for my stupid ways. I deserved her ignorance, I kind of missed her though, she’s a good person and yet I toyed with her feelings. I’m such a prick.

I heard the doorbell but I was feeling too down to get it. But I finally got my butt off the couch and head for the door. I opened the door and was surprised to see Olivia, like really surprised. Cause after confessing and crying to me I tried to explain some things to her but she wouldn’t listen to any words I had to say. She said I should get lost and she’ll never ever want to see me or meet someone like me ever again and now I’m just so surprised that she’s here.

“hey, won’t you let me in” she said calmly and held her small hand bag firmly.. “Co..co..come in” I said and opened the door wider while she walked in.

I closed the door and turned to her.

She looked around my room and turned to me, “your room’s a mess” she Said “I know I can see that” I said.

“well good thing I’m here” she said with a bounce and dropped her handbag on the couch and right in front of my eyes she started to arrange my apartment.. “where should this clothes go” she asked as she held piles of my clothes.

“Olivia, you don’t need to he–

“hey I’m the one doing the chores not you and I’m not complaining, so tell me where should this clothes go” she asked in a bossy tone…

“in there” I said and pointed to a basket in my lobby. “hmm” she smiled, and walked away.

She carefully placed them beside the beside the basket and start to fold them and place them in the basket, I just watched her as she made my messy room a living place again and after she was done, she breathed out a “finally” and plopped on the couch. “come sit” she said and tapped the empty space beside her and I obliged to her gesture and sat down beside her, but not too close.

“you must be wondering why I’m here right?” she said and I nod lightly as she glance at me.

“well to cut things short, even though I did say mean things to you about hating you and never want to see you again. I did mean it then but I still just can’t do without you and it’s killing me” she said staring at the floor.

She’s way too straight forward.

“I love you and you know that, and well..well I know that you love Pen, but she doesn’t love you, she’s with Leo Now, they’re together, are you still going to force yourself on her?” Olivia said, her voice changing and I suddenly prayed she doesn’t cry.

“I know it’s hurting you that I still have something for Penn, and I can’t do anything I’ll have to wait for my heart to turn to you” I tell her and she quickly turned to me.

“then I’ll wait, I’ll wait for you anytime, even if it takes a hundred years” Olivia squeaked and I kind of flinched on the inside by her words

“but what if it doesn’t turn to you?” I asked.

“then you’ll make that happen” she said and then stood up.

“Richie.. I haven’t felt like this before and I don’t want this feeling to die cause loving someone is the sweetest feeling of all time, even if you don’t return the love, I want to see you everyday, I want to hold you, I want to cook for you and I want to love you even more” she said and I sighed softly, this girl is something else.

“just how much do you love me” I asked standing up and immediately she turned. “so much than you could ever think of” .


“do you want us to date?” I asked.

“yeah, but.. I. .. Why all of a sudden I thought you didn’t have anything for me, why would you want to date me?” I asked.

“cause I.. cause I’m flattered that you opened up and tell me how you feel, and it’s rare seeing someone love you so much, and I don’t want that to go to waste, even if I don’t feel anything for you now, I’ll Learn to love you Olivia cause you’ve given me so much and it’s the least I can do” I said, and mean it. This is an opportunity for me to love again, cause Pen’s gone and I have to move on, I don’t think I can find someone like Pen and neither can I find someone who’ll love me so much like Olivia and be sure about it, so why not be with her.

“oh my goodness Richie, that means so much to me” she said and hugged me tightly.

My hands slowly moved up and wrapped around her body. She quickly pulled away from the hug and stood on her toe, kissing me. I hesitated for a second and finally let go before reciprocating.



ΠΠΠ Leonard’s pov ΠΠΠ

I laid on the bed still feeling weak with pen on the bed with me, she’s been sleeping for hours and I’ve been awake watching her even though I’m sleepy myself, I just couldn’t sleep cause it feels like closing my eyes it kind of feels like she’s going to disappear.

I tried to stand up but I couldn’t my body felt heavy and I started to feel hot, I pressed my weight on my hand and managed to sit up, shaking pen a bit and immediately she waked up. She’s such a light sleeper, at least we both have something in common.

“oh.. I can’t believe you let me fall asleep” she muffled in her palms and then moved her hair back. She turned to look at me..

“are you okay?” she asked me.

“I’m just feeling a little gloomy and hot on the inside” I replied and she smiled a bit.

“then the pill you took earlier is working, that’s the side effect” pen said.

“how did you know all this?” I asked.

“cause I’m smart” she said playfully and got down from the bed, she looked around for a wall clock and found one..

“oh, it’s late, do you want me to make dinner?” she asked

“it’s okay, I’m not hungry” I said.

“well you have to eat cause you’ll need to take your pills, I don’t want anything to happen to you Leo, not when I’m still breathing” she said and it sweetened my heart.

“okay, I’m hungry all of sudden” I said and she laughed.

“oh well I better start cooking— or, actually there’s still some left overs from breakfast I’ll microwave that and be right back.”.

“but you just woke up, shouldn’t you rest?”

“I’m a woman Leo, and women don’t rest, unlike harmony I’m way responsible.”

“oh really?” I smiled and she nods.

“you’re not only responsible, you’re unique, beautiful, special, you’re one of a kind Penelope. And I love you” I said and she paused and her little smile brightened. “I’m… I’m.. I’ll.. I go make your dinner” Penn stammerd and I smiled at her shyness as she walked out.

** **

Penn came back into the room with a tray in her hand. “here.. Your dinner is served” she said lively and dropped it in front of me.

“you’re amazing” I tell her

“I know” she primped and laughed.

“go on and start eating or your food will get cold”

I carried the spoon and was about about to dip it in his meal but suddenly dropped it. “what’s wrong” she asked.

“I can’t seem to lift up my spoon” I lied “feed me” I continued and she scoffed. “are you kidding me! I can tell when you’re lying Leo”

“I’m not, if you really care about me you’ll do as I say” I said giving her sad eyes.

“you’re such a child” she stated and grabbed the spoon, “open up, cause I’m going spoon full”

I smiled and opened my mouth while she shoved the spoon inside and let out a hysterical laugh.

“this is so weird” she laughed

“what’s so weird about feeding me” I said mouth full..

After eating I took my pills still with pen being all caring and I couldn’t hold on the joy that filled my heart when Penelope said she’s having a sleepover to ‘watch over me’ since I’m still not feeling better. We both talked about a lot of things, I was still feeling weak but Pen’s company made my spirit alive.

That night we both slept peacefully I haven’t slept so well since I was born.


The next morning, I woke up with the sun on my face, my body weakness increased and I was feeling so hot on the inside, I touched my side and noticed pen wasn’t on the bed with me, I forced myself to sit and found a sheet of paper on the bed instead and I picked it up and what I saw really gave me a fright??..

On the paper it said.

//I’ve gotten your girl since you failed to give me what I asked for, and Now you can’t or will have her back or you agree to what I’m asking you, and I don’t think you’ll be able to get her since you’re all weak and useless, it was nice of me to poison you, in such a short period of time, you are so dumb you didn’t realise I did poison you, while you’re being weak and useless I’ll be the one enjoying your girl, you’ll regret ever turning me down. . . ‘Allen//

I threw the paper and gritted my teeth, how dare he.!!!


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