ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 129 – 131 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 111 by dy9ty7

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 129

Deoye’s arm was healing gradually
as the days rolled by, thanks to
Doctor Rapheal’s indefatigable
efforts at restoring him arm to
normal and relieving him of the pain. Doctor
Rapheal spends at
least an hour with Deoye
administering drugs to him even
though they couldn’t speed up the
recovery rate since he wasn’t on
admission. Doctor Rapheal claimed he needed
to undergo a certain surgery to
restore his left hand but he has to
go to a hospital and going to a
hospital exposes him and being a
wanted criminal, he couldn’t gamble that.
“How are you feeling this
morning?” Don asked his cousin as
he puffed out smoke from the cigar
he was dragging.
“Much better.” Deoye replied trying to lift his
hand on his own.
“Does that mean you are joining us
in the gym later in the day?” One of
Don’s boys asked.
“Gym? Not at all. I dey mad?”
They all bursted into laughter. A lot of things
was going through his
mind, one knews had reached him
that Scorpion has been arrested
according to Desmond’d gossip
blog. He was also following the
examination time table and knowing what
time Dolapo has her
exams, he was well aware that she
now has a group of policemen
driving her to where ever she
wants to go. But as far as he is
concerned, there is no reason why he should
be detered or afraid of
the police. But on a second
throught, was it not because of this
same policemen that he ran aways
from his hostel?
“Is Raph coming today?” One of Don’s boys
asked directing the
question to the boss.
“No he is not. He has a delivery to
handle and according to him, it
involves the theater. But he’ll be
here on his way home to give Deoye the pain
killing injection and
energizer to enable him finish up
his asignment tomorrow without
pain.” Don replied. His last sentence
kit Deoye like a blow in the gut.
He wasn’t expecting his last assignment to
come this close,
considering the fact that the last
outing he had almost ended in a
disaster, he was shot in the arm.
And when he was begining to
regain his lost strength, his controller came
up with the news
that he’ll be wrapping up his
assignment the following.
“Its a daylight thing.” Don said
further suprising everyone in the
room. No one dare challenge him, they
have no business with whatever it
is that was going on. It was
Deoye’s business and he should
face it squarely. All they needed to
do was go with him incase things get out of
A sharp knock sounded on the
“Are we expecting a visitor?” Don
asked looking at the suprised faces
of everyone in the room. They all shook their
heads in the
negative. “Get your guns.” Don
“Come in.” Don said and
immediately, the door swung open
and Victoria walked into the living room.
They all did the sign of cross as
they tucked in their guns.
“Hello guys.” Voctoria greeted as
she strolled into the living room
smiling. “Hey!”Don replied.
Victoria stopped smiling
immediately she noticed their
drawn faces.
“Am I disturbing anything?” She
asked sitting beside Don. The guys all one
after the other
stood up and filed out of the living
room while Deoye limped after
“What brings you here?” Don
asked when he was sure that the guys were all
well out of earshot.
“I want to stop this job.” She
“Which job?” Don asked.
“Do I have any other job? I want to
stop what I am doing, I need to get a new life
before it is too late.”
Don bursted out laughing and
rubbing his beard.
“And why will you want to stop?”
“Remember the failed operation
we had inside Anthony estate where we were
paid to assasinate
a certain Mr Tony but we got a
wrong address and ended up in a
policeman’s house. That policeman
is my elder brother, but because I
was on mask, he couldn’t recognise me and
coupled with the
fact that its over ten years since we
met last. Just last week, I say my
second brother Kelvin in Sandra’s
house. They are both dating. So
how does it sound, I am working for Sandra as
an assasin and she is
dating my brother. What picture
does that potray?” She explained.
“I understand you perfectly and
you know I put your feelings first
in everything. But the problem now is Sandra’s
assignment. We’ve
spent the money, what do we do?”
Don asked.
Afterall, Don was understanding.
“I’ll finish the assignment. I am
going after Janet tonight and everything is
gonna end.” She
She later went to the kitchen and
prepared a sumptous meal for
everyone, the guys all ate hungrily,
its been a while since they ate a homemade
food. She does this
once in a while even though she
wasn’t dating Don or any of the
guys. But as the only surviving
female member of the gang, she is
their wife.

“So tell me all I need to know
about Khal corp.” Clement said to
Jay who was sitting on his bed
with a handcuff restricting his
movement. He looked from Clement who was
the questionaire to Ngozi who was
either recording or writing down
all that he has said.
“The is nothing to tell you. I know
nothing about khal corp or whatever and I will
never know
anything about it.” Jay replied
“Do you know Danger-kelv?”
Clement asked.
“What is Danger-kelv?” He replied after which
he bursted into
laughter probably mocking
Clement. This singular act infuriated
Clement and he punched him twice
in the face.
“Clement, take it easy. He could pass out
again, you know he is still
weak.” Ngozi said pleadingly.
Clement still wonders what Ngozi is
doing in the force, she has a very
fragile heart and could burst into
tears when she needed to be strong and
fearless. She could let a
criminal escape because she hate
to see people suffer which was
why she doesn’t handle
questioning or getting
informations out of criminals. “And so?”
Clement asked.
“He could pass out again and we
needed informations from him as
fast as possible. Go slowly with
him.” She added.
Clement turned to face him in annoyance.
“Tell me what you know about
Khal corp, tell me about Danger-
kelv and tell me how we can get
him.” Clement said lifting Jays head
to be level with his as he bent down.
Jay spat the blood in his mouth to
his face.
“Bastard!” He said.
Clement staggered backward like
and acid has just been poured on him. He
rushed towards him with
one thing in mind, punch him till he
passes out. But a force was holding
him back, he knew who it was, but
he was ready to do what he has in
mind. Just then the door opened and
Doctor Rapheal walked in.
“Oh! You are here.
Congratulations.” He said strtching
forth his hand.
Clement ingnored him as he wiped his face
with a hankie and sat
down on the only available chair.
“The nurses actually told me the
police are here. My mind told me it
has to be you, so I decided to come
and congratulate you. Have you gone to see
her?” Doctor Rapheal
What is this one talking about?
Gone to see who? Were the
questions running through his
mind. “What are you talking about
Doctor?” He asked.
“Tell me you don’t know Rachel
has put to bed.”
He wanted to punch the doctor for
using such an expensive punchline on him but
he has to
confirm afterall, she ought to be
due the following week.
“Which Rachel are you talking
about?” He asked.
“Your wife. She arrived this morning and we
completed the Ceaserian.” Rapheal
Clement was forced to look at
Ngozi who also wore a suprised
expression on her face. “Where is she?”
Clement asked.
“Ward eleven second floor.”
Clement hurried towards the door
and yanked it opened angrily, he
raced out of the room with Ngozi
on his heels.
Janet just finished packing her
travelling boxes and she sat down
in the living room anxiously
waiting for 7pm when she was
expected to drive to the airport, her flight was
scheduled to take off
by 8pm. Then her phone rang for
the upteenth time, it was Frank.
“Hello Jane, you promised to call
me back but you didn’t.”
“Sorry dear, I have been busy all day. Are you
still coming?” She
“yeah. So what time should I
come?” He asked.
He must not know she was leaving
the country, she must not even give him signs
that she was
“Come around four o’clock.” She
He professed his love for her three
days ago and promised to visit her new
apartment, she granted his
request to visit her knowing fully
well that she was travelling out of
the country. All she needed to do
was send the address to him
around 4pm when she knew it will be difficult
to come with the police,
even if they had plans of coming
later in the night or some other
day, they’ll meet her door locked.
“I’ll send the address when am
done here.” She said. She could hear him gave
a loud scream of

The mood inside the ward was
tense, Clement had his fists
clenched as he breadthe in and out
to release his anger gas.
Ngozi carried the cute little girl in her hands
as she sang to her ears.
Clement tried as much as possible
to look at Rachel in the eyes, his
eyes fell on his baby and he smiled
out of reflex, thereby cooling his
nerves and his anger dying down. The baby
was cute afterall and he
admitted it himself, she took the
beauty from him and her mother,
but the stark resemblance between
the baby and the mother was
there. “Sweetheart am sorry.” Rachel said
for the upteenth time.
Clement moved closer to her bed
and sat down beside her sleeping
“Do you realise that what you did was very
dangerous?” Clement
“I just wanted to suprise you.” She
“What if things go wrong? Do you
think I’ll ever forgive you?” “I know things will
never go
wrong.” She replied confidently.
He has so many things he wanted
to say, because it still beat his
imagination why his wife will enter
the labour room without informing him and to
say the delivery
involved a ceaserian section in the
“Congratulation darling.” He found
himself saying and that was the
end of it. Ngozi handed the baby over to him
and he said some things to her in
his local dialet.
“What is that you are saying.”
Ngozi asked.
Clement ignored her until he finished whatever
he was
whispering into the ears of the
“Am explaining to her that I am
her daddy and daddy is a
policeman.” He replied and they all bursted
into laughter, Rachel
smiling weakly.
Just then the door into the ward
opened and Dolapo stolled in
carrying a food basket.
“Am I missing something?” She asked as she
dropped the food on
the nearest bedside table.
She exchanged looks with Rachel
and she smiled.
“Congratulations sir.” She said to
Clement. “Thank you dear.”
Clement spoon fed his wife for a
minute before he announced his
“I’ll be back in the evening.” He
assured. Doctor Rapheal chosed that second
to enter the ward. Clement bent
down to kiss his wife then he
walked towards the door. He could
see the jealousy in Rapheal’s face.
But why should he be jealous? He owned his
The euphoria of becoming a father
has beclouded Clement’s desire to
restore peace in the country. He
was all smiles as he led Ngozi downstairs, the
reason why he
was at the hospital remained
“Clement.” Ngozi called.
Clement only turned to face her.
“What will happen to Jay?” She asked.
“We’ll come back to question him.”
He replied.
“Have you forgotten that the earlier
the better. We need to get the
necessary informations that will be helpful in
our investigations. And
we’ve got no time to waste.” She
Clement looked at his partner for a
while, then a smile ran accross his
face. “Here, you can question him.” He
said throwing his car keys at her.
He was in no mood to listen to the
crazy story of a criminal, while with
the recent happening, he couldn’t
bring himself to asking questions at this time
of happiness.
“How do you intend to go back to
the office? I mean are you going to
take a cab?” She asked.
“I’ll drive Rachel’s car.” He said as
he returned to Rachel’s ward to pick the car
Ngozi eased herself into the ward
where Jay was lying with eyes
open and hands and legs cuffed to
the bed posts. “Hey.” She said approaching
He snapped out of his reverie and
faced the lady before him.
Immediately She sat down, she
went into a deep slumber as she tired
reminiscing an event that
took place many years ago,
probably seventeen.
The moments they have been
waiting for finally presented itself, its almost a
week since they started
their barbing business and only
two people had patronized them.
Today brought the greatest smiles
to their faces as the gate into
Deoye’s residence opened and one of his boys,
a well built handsome
boy of about twenty-two or twenty
three came out dressed in a
basketball jersey and a short.
He approached the newest barber
shop, the aura of power all over him.
“Abeg I want make my hair.” He
said as he peeked his head into the
In three minutes, everything was
set, the generator running, the clipper working
just the way it
shoud work.
“Guys, I know sey you be town
guys too.” The guy began.
The two barbers exchanged looks
and they looked at Mike who was lying on a
bench like a typical shop
owner who allowed his apprentice
attend to the customer.
“We be town guys o. We just felt
like going lowkey for a while.”
Mike replied. The guy smiled.
“Abeg, this hairstyle enter school?”
The guy asked.
“Which school be that? It depends
on the class the school places
itself.” Mike asked. “LASU.” He replied.
The three men exchanged looks,
LASU again?

AGO. It has become a traditon for a
young Ngozi, then a nine year old
girl to sleep in her parents room at
night. She was the apple of her
parent’s eyes as well as the apple
of God’s eye as the children pastor in her
church will say then.
“Where is Nwankwo?” Her mother
had asked her father.
“Woman, I should ask you that
question.” The always angry Mazi
Obiora replied. Mazi Obiora was a father that
is not
to be joked with, a farmer that is
not to be taken for granted, a
traditional Chief that is not to be
overlooked during council
meetings with the Igwe unless you want to see
the other side of him.
Then the front door creaked open,
the time was eleven o’clock in the
dead of the night. Mazi Obiora tip
toed to the living room in the dark
and switched on the lights immediately he got
Nwankwo his sixteen year old
wayward boy froze in fear.
“Nwankwo where are you coming
from?” Mazi Obiora asked his son.
“Papa, I went to play football and I decided to
play with Samuel before
coming home.” Nwankwo replied.
“You went to play football? At
night? Or has the Igwe erected
light stand at the village field?” His
father asked. “No papa.” He replied.
“Who is Samuel?”
“You don’t know Samuel? My
friend, the son of the Reverend
Father.” He replied.
“Oh! Samuel, that good boy with good
characters.” Mazi Obi
He knew his son can never be
friends with the Samuel of a boy.
This same Samuel came to report
his son the other day claiming he called him
names because of his
devot christian life. He knew his
son doesn’t make friends with
boys who cannot play football, and
of all the teenagers in the village,
Samuel is the only one who doesn’t play
football. Even the girls can
play better than him. The Samuel of
a boy is busy preparing for life
after secondary school, he has
plans of going to the University in
the nearby city of Calabar. “What are you
doing in Mama
Nkechi’s night stand?” Mazi Obi
asked shocking his son and at the
same time his wife.
Everyone knew Mazi Obi to be a
regular patronizer of the bear palour, but he
doesn’t drink
himself to stupour. He visits the
place once or twice a week,
spending at least one hour in the
bear palour, drinking palm wine
and pepper soup and other times, bottled
beers. Other day, Mazi
Omenka will only buy what he
wants to buy and come back home
to consume them, other chiefs are
regular patronizers too.
“That is the route to the parish.” Nwankwo
“With Mama Nkechi’s daughter,
Chidera and this good for nothing
son of the palmwine tapper?” His
father asked.
He knew his father had caught him red
handed. If truly he was caught
by his father as at the time he was
with Chidera, then he was in a big
trouble, because that moment was
when he was handling with the
girls and eating her lips, after which
the girl sneaked some
marijuana for them and they took
drags and left.
“My son is sleeping around with
girls that has no future other than
inherit their mother’s brothel. My son is
smoking. I will kill you
today.” Mazi Obiora said removing
a cutlass and a horsewhip.
And that was it. That was the
encouragement he needed, he has
been looking for an opportunity to leave the
village in search of
greener pastures and as God
would have it, someone has
promised to take him to Lagos.
And now is the time to go to Lagos.
In a flash, he sped out of the house that night
but never returned.
That was the last of him that Ngozi
ever saw as a kid. But the stark
resemblance with their father was
still there, his broken teeth too.
And a big scar below his left eye are enough
to recognize him. BACK TO THE PRESENT She
hugged her brother after so
many years and everything took
and emotional swing. She cried on
his shoulder while he shed tears of
“Baby, you will have to help me.” Jay said.
So he still remembered she loved to
be called baby as a kid.

“I’ll see what I can do.” She replied.
If this will be the last favour she’ll
do for her brother or her family, then she was
ready to go to the
extreme to get him out of this

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 130

Ngozi drove back to the station
with mixed feelings, she was
happy and at the same time sad.
Meeting her lost brother after
roughly seventeen years is a thing
of joy to her and meeting him in a situation
such as this is enough
reason for her to be sad. First she
had to relay this good news to her
parents who have concluded that
they had lost Nwankwo(Jay) for
good. And her father once said he would only
die a happy and fufilled
man if he find his son before his
death, and not only that in an
envious position. Maybe as a
successful business tycoon or a
politician with a beautiful wife. The question
now is will Mazi
Obiora die a happy man.
“Hello Mama.” She greeted as she
turned off the ignition of the car.
“Hello Nne, how are you?” Her
mother asked over the phone. “I am fine. How
about papa?” She
“He is fine. Taking his afternoon
rest.” The woman replied.
The two women discussed for a
while, about Ngozi’s traditional wedding which
will hold in a six
weeks time much to Ngozi
annoyance. She expertly changed
the topic from anything that relate
to Tobiloba or their wedding.
“Mama, I saw Nwankwo today.” She burst the
There was silence at the other end.
Ngozi just hoped her mother had
not fainted. But the sound of her
hard breadthing told her she was
processing the news. “Nwankwo! My son?” Her
“Yes mama. I just left his place
now.” She replied. Was the hospital
his place?
“We are coming to Lagos tomorrow.” The old
woman said
happily. By the word ‘we’ Ngozi
knew she meant herself and her
husband(their father)
“Mama, don’t bother yourself. We’ll
come there before the week runs out. I
promise.” She said.
“Is he married? What does he do
now? How did you meet him?” She
threw loads of questions at her
daughter who didn’t know which
one to answer first. Even though she had no
answer for the
questions, except she wants to lie.
“Mama, we’ll talk when we come
home. I have to go.” She said and
ended the call.
She swung the car back on the road and drove
off deep in
thought. Now she had promised
her mother that she’ll come home
with her brother before the end of
the week. And this brother of hers
was a criminai in detention, how will she pull
this through? Maybe
Clement would help her afterall.
Abdul Maleek kept on angrily at
two of his men who were bowing
down in front of his throne inside the great
hall which served as his
“You should have told me you
can’t do the job.” Maleek said.
“Sorry boss. We’ll get it done this
week.” One of the two men replied. This
response infuriated Maleek to
the extreme as he stood up angrily
and descended the stairs to meet
the men on the landing.
“I gave you a week to eliminate
two people. You couldn’t. And to say these
people are women. It will
take Hakym twenty four hours to
kill them both without trace.
Danger-kelv will pull it through in
few hours.” Maleek said using his
hand to pull one of the two men to their feets.
“You know what? You just blew
your only chance to cement a place
in this corporation. Remember we
are running a very large payroll
and we want to cut it to the minimum. People
have to die and
you’ll serve as example to the
others.” “No mistakes when the
great Maleek gives an assignment
to you.” He said holding the man
by his collar and tightening his grip.
He released two quick shots to the
second man who was still on his
knees and wasn’t expecting the
bullet to be fired at him.
“Squeeze life out of this bastard here.” He said
to one of the security
men at the door who came over
and dragged the other man away.
Without being told what to do,
another two men came in and
exited the room with the dead body which laid
on the floor.
“Get Danger-Kelv and Hakym on
the job.” He said as walked into his
inner chamber without another
The question on everybody lips now was, will
Danger-kelv be
willing to do this, considering the
fact that one of the women in
question was his brother’s wife.
Maybe he’ll swap with Hakym
afterall, he taking Sylvester’s wife and Hakym
taking Clement’s wife.

She was anxiously waiting for the
arrival of Frank. He had called her a
few minutes ago and she wasted
no time in sending her address to
him. She planned spending one hour
more at home before driving down
to the airport where she’ll board a
plane to Turkey and then Ukraine
where she planned to live and
school. The sound of the gate being
opened alerted her. Of all the
occupants of the apartments in the
compound, only three people have
cars, the landlord who returns
home after midnight, one of the tennants, a
bachelor who was also
a nightcrawler and herself. Any
other car driving in this moment
must belong to a visitor.
A few minutes later, the much
anticipated knock sounded on the front door
and she wasted no time
in walking towards the door.
“Am coming.” She said as she
turned the key twice and turned
the door knob.
A smiling Frank stood before her looking
handsome and
“Hi.” He said.
“Come in.” She said stepping aside
to let him enter. With hands in his
pockets, he walked into the living room.
“Take a sit.” She said pointing to a
nearby couch, he wasted no time
in settling on the chair.
“A nice place you have.” He
complimented. “Oh! Thanks. I did the interior
decor myself.” She bragged.
“You are pretty good at it.” He said
as he looking into her eyes with
neither of them blinking or looking
away. They both seemed to be communicating
with their minds
and only the one with a strong
mind can hold on for long. She
looked away.
“What can I offer you?” She asked,
even though her fridge was not stacked with
drinks, she still had a
few fruit juice, something she had
learn to love from her time
working for Sandra Oselu.
“Anything will do.” He replied.
From her time working for Sandra, she had
served Frank drinks many
times and she knew his favourite,
but in the absence of his favourite,
she had to get his second
favourite, something he ask for
anytime he comes visiting his cousin.
She returned after a few seconds
with a bottle of Soda.
“So tell me. What do you do now?”
He asked three minutes later.
She sighed deeply. “I run a beauty shop and
decoration by the side.” She
“It must be a profitable business
for you to have put up a place such
as this.” He said. “You know am just starting
the scratch. Its quite profitable but
you need to establish yourself
permanently then customers will
come.” She replied.
Maybe he has an idea of what she did to
Sandra. But come to think of
it, he would have heard about it,
considering the fact that he saw
her leaving. Maybe he is here on
Sandra’s instruction. But they’ll be
suprised to meet and empty house the next
time they come around.
Victoria led the way as Don
followed her closely out of the
“I need to go now. Frank already sent me
Janet’s address.” She said
to him as they both stood side by
side leaning against Victoria’s car, a
Honda CRV belonging to her
“Do you mind if I drive you?” Don asked.
“No I don’t but don’t bother
yourself.” She replied.
He knew it, she will always decline.
“So will you call me once you are
done?” He asked. Just then one of his guys
strolling into the house.
“Where are you coming from?”
Don asked.
“I went to make my hair.” The guy
replied pointing to the barber shop opposite
the gate. Don looked at
the shop for confirmation.
His eyes turned in their socket
immediately he was Mike in the
shop but he waved it off.
“He certainly can’t be the one. He looks baber-
ish.” He concluded
The guy walked into the house
while Don continued his
conversation with Victoria.
“Talk to you later.” She said hopping behind
the wheel.”
“Alright. Goodluck.” He said as she
started the ignition and drove off.
Don gave one last look at the
baber shop before walking into
the compound.

Doctor Rapheal stood beside Rachel’s bed, looking at her and the bay with contempt. He hated her that moment and felt tempted to kill both the mother and the baby, but what does he stand to gain at the end?
He gave Rachel an angry look and understanding what it means, Rachel turned to Dolapo who was playing with the baby inside her cot.
“Excuse us.” Rachel said to her.
Dolapo wanted to ask why they needed to be excused. But she concluded that the doctor wants to run some examination of her, but on a second thought, the doctor came empty handed without any equipment and anybody whose sense of observation is still intact will notice something is not right.
The doctor has been looking all gloomy since Clement showed up and he has been acting all strange. But it doesn’t concern her. She walked out of the ward.
Confirming that Dolapo is out of earshot, Rapheal spoke.
“Now that you’ve delivered, what will happen to us?” Rapheal asked.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. There was no us.” She replied.
Rapheal smiled, she seemed to be getting courage from somewhere he couldn’t fathom.
“I know you’ll say there was no us. But what about us that kissed the other time? Remember we almost had sex if not for your bulging tommy.” He said smiling mischievously.
She was left wondering why some people have no shame whatsoever that they feel comfortable talking about their secret affairs with someone else wife.
“Rapheal, please let me be. I have sealed my marriage with this baby. Please let us pretend as if there was never something between us.” She said pleadingly.
“That’s impossible. Everyone in this hospital knew something was on between us. They even questioned the paternity of your child, but I am less concerned. I can father someone else child.” He said confidently.
“Rapheal, there is no way things will continue between us. Or I’ll be forced to report you to my husband.” She threatened.
“How do you intend to do that? Are you that shameless? Tell you husband you had a short fling with your doctor. This is the twenty first century, secrets like this are kept for life.” He said as he started closing in on her.
She flinched on her bed as she tried sitting up, but the instruction of the doctor says that she should avoid sitting up or doing anything stressful till the stiches will be removed.
“What are you trying to do?” She asked.
“You just watch me.” He said bending down.
She knew it, he was trying to kiss her. He knew she will become weak in her struggles if he managed to plant a kiss on her lips. She knew she could put up no resistance whatsoever if he gets to kiss her. She was not ready to allow that.
Twwwwwaaaaaaaccckkkk! She had registered the outline of her palm on his cheeks.
“You slapped me?” He said rolling the sleeves of his shirt.
“You forced me to, Rapheal, don’t do anything funny.” She said, almost at the verge of crying.
The door burst opened and Dolapo walked into the ward.
“If you’ll please respect yourself, please get out of here now.” Dolapo said to Rapheal who was still shocked at the burst in.
“What if I don’t what will you do?” Rapheal asked eyeing her.
“You’ll be suprised. Is this how you harass every patient of yours?” Dolapo asked.
Rapheal knew exchanging words with Dolapo will be his greatest undoing. She was yoruba while he was from the east, Yoruba people, especially girls have razor mouth. He was not ready to ridicule himself.
He shrugged before walking out of the ward angrily.
Dolapo herself was suprised at her wonder woman outburst. Not even in her wildest dream, she never thought she could do something like this. Maybe she was under influence of something.
“Am sorry ma. That’s how those young doctors behave.” She said to Rachel who looked away at once.
She knew Dolapo must have overheard her conversation with the Doctor. Meaning she’ll begin to see her as a wayward kind of woman who has no respect for the marital vows binding her marriage.
Her greatest fear was Dolapo reporting her to Clement.

–to be continued–
All ye Yoruba girls in the house, abeg no vex o. We both know you have no razor mouth, but the line has to go that way. Am a proud Youruba boy, so I dare not bad mouth my people.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 131

Immediately Victoria drove off Mike gave some instructions to his partners in the barbing business.
“Lets go after her.” Mike said.
“But why? You know she might not be one of them.” One of the two detectives asked.
“I quite agree with you but, you know she might lead us to these guys.” Mike explained.
“That doesn’t lead us anywhere.” Detective two replied.
“Lets go.” He said hurriedly walking out of the shop, closely followed by detective one while detective two stayed behind in case anyone wants to barb their hair.
Luckily for them, Victoria was a gentle driver, maybe because the road was bad and full of pot holes. She was carefully manoeuvering her way avoiding the port holes.
They ran after her car and just before she swung unto the main road, they got to the junction where their car was parked. The two men hopped in and followed her closely but unsuspiciously.
Janet was begining to get impatient while Frank was trying to buy more time. He had sent messages to both Sandra and Victoria with Janet suspecting nothing, while Janet was giving him all manners of attitudes telling him he had overstayed his welcome. And Frank who knew this is his only chance to redeem himself before his cousin was trying all he could to buy more time.
He had tried everything he could and he seemed to be running out of ideas. Then he remembered their last conversation a few days ago.
He smiled as he stood up and walked towards her on the three seater couch where she was seated.
“Janet.” He called.
She raised her head from the phone she was pressing and frowned at him.
“I love you.” He said.
She was taken aback by what he just said but hide her suprise and eyed him angrily. Frank on his part had already spoken before he realised the gravity of what he just said. It was true that he loved her, and he had already told her about it on phone, which was why she sent her address to him so that they can talk about it, even though she knew it will never work. She was travelling to Ukraine and cannot keep a relationship here in Nigeria, because she was unsure of when her next visit would be.
Frank gave her some of his student-fling punchlines and he could see her eyes turning in their sockets while he made sure there was no slip up. He knew he had captured her heart when she opened her mouth to speak and nothing came out.
“I love you too.” She said and just like a magnetic pull, he was on top of her and kissing and caressing her like his life depended on it. He knew he had bought enough time for a late coming Victoria, but while she was yet to come, he made a vow to savour the feeling and pleasure that came with the romance.
She moaned as he worked his magic on her small framed body, he tried to take things slow, a lesson he had learnt when he was much younger. He only worked on her lips and caressed her small through the cloth.
After roughly five minutes of kissing, they broke free and gasped for breathe.
“I love you.” She said happily.
“I love you too.” He replied sincerly.
He felt the urge to tell her about Sandra’s plan for her, but he knew he’d loose his life. He concluded that he’ll talk to Sandra later to let her go while they seize her properties and the money in her account.
She now felt safe in his arms and decided to tell him about her intended travel.
“Baby, I am travelling out of the country this evening.” She said.
She couldn’t place the look on his face, maybe he was suprised, sad, happy about the news.
“When is your flight?”
“8pm.” She replied.
“You just got your flight cancelled.” A voice said from outside.
He knew it, Victoria was around afterall.
The knob turned and the door creaked open. A beautiful lady of about twenty four strolled in casually, she was fair in complexion, 5′ 6″ in height. She shut the door behind her and faced Janet.
“Who are you?” Janet asked.
“You duped you boss of eight million naira and you want to know who I am.”
She looked from the lady before her to Frank who kept a straightface like he was not in the room with them.
“Now move.” Victoria said removing a 9mm revolver from the small bag hunged on her shoulder.
“Frank do you know about this?” Janet asked crying.
“Don’t make me use this thing on you.” Victoria warned as she tucked the weapon in her bag and followed her out of the house.
They both hopped into Victoria’s car which was parked outside the gate, and drove off.
“Did you see that?” Mike asked his partner.
Just then Frank drove out of the compound taking the opposite route to the one Victoria took. What suprised him the most was Victoria’s attitude, she ignored him while they were in there, but anyways, he had succeeded in cleaning his name.
“Follow her.” The detective said to Mike who ignited the car and followed Victoria

Victoria was driving at a very top speed with Janet seated beside her weeping.
“Please let me go.” Janet pleaded.
She ignored her and concentrated on the road, just then her phone rang. Checking the name of the caller and the picture, it displayed Madam Alice, her mother.
“Hello Mum.” She said.
“For the past three days, you’ve not shown up at home. Where the hell are you?” Her mother asked angrily.
“Mummy, I am just with my friends.” She replied.
“You are with your friend with my car! Anyways, I know you are on the road right now. I expect you to be home before 7pm.” Madam Alice said and hung up.
She already had plans of going home today, but didn’t bargain a seven o’clock homecoming.
“Does your mother know you do this kind of job?” Janet asked.
Without looking at her, Victoria used the back of her hand to slap her.
“You don’t talk to me like that. The instruction given to me was to lock you up in the trunk. But I allowed you to sit here with me, know what you say to me. Okay?”
Janet held her cheeks, at the verge of crying. She nodded her head slowly.
She gently swung the car off the main road and slowly manouvered her way through the untarred road that connects with Don’s house.
“Where are you taking me?” Janet asked.
“Just wait till we get there.”
She removed her phone and dialled a number, telling whoever it is that was on the other end of the line to come and open the gate for her. Suprisingly, the gate has been opened by the time she drove in and immediately the gate was shut.
“Vickylicious vicky.” The guy who opened the gate said.
“Get Don for me.” Victoria said frowning.
The guy rushed into the house and returned a few seconds later with Don and one other guy.
“Welcome dear.” Don said.
She ignored his greeting and opened the car door.
“Here is she. Sandra will see her here.” She said.
Don nodded her head affirmatively, it was the initial plan for Sandra to come and see her in Don’s residence where her final punishment will be served to her.
“Take her in boys.” Don instructed.
One of the guys stepped forward, grabbed her by the, as small as it is and dragged her out of the car. She screamed in pain.
“And tell them. They must not touch her, you can see she has no bruise, let Sandra meet her in whole.” Victoria said.
“I thought the boys will have fun with her till death. Why the change in plan?” Don asked. He was begining to get irritated by her new found attitude, she now acts like she owned the world. You want to opt out of the gang, why not do it in a gentle way? And to say he had given her the freedom to leave without any hassle, he was begining to have a rethink about the whole issue.
“Sandra wants her complete. When she comes, she’ll tell you what to do.” She replied as she shut the passenger door and rounded the car to the driver’s side.
“Somebody, open the gate.” She said as she hopped into the car and turned on the ignition.
Don nudged one of his boys to open the gate for her. She sped out of the compound like she was being followed.
“Where is the other girl?” The detective asked.
“I should ask you. It seemed like she has dropped her with those guys.” Mike replied watching her drive past them and taking the turn onto the main road.
“Are we to follow her?” The detective asked.
“No, we’ll end up loosing at both ends. Lets see what these guys are up to.” Mike said getting out of the car.
“We sneak into their compound.” He replied.
The two men walked the remaining distance to their shop while strategising how best to handle the case at hand.

Rachel couldn’t look at Dolapo in the face, she felt ashamed of all her actions over the past month and her secret affair with Doctor Rapheal. She has been weighing up her chances, maybe to beg her so that she won’t report to her husband or pretend like nothing was wrong.
Dolapo was busy taking the pictures of the baby with her phone and showing it to the mother.
“How about this?” Dolapo asked showing her the latest picture she took.
“Its cute.” Rachel replied.
“I’ll use it as my display picture.” Dolapo said smiling like she just won a jackpot.
“Send it to my phone.” Rachel said.
“Where is it?”
“Its somewhere over there.” Rachel replied pointing to the trolley that stood beside the baby cot. Dolapo picked the phone and unlocked it, she mistakenly touched the screen and a messaged popped up.
“Oh! You have a message.” Dolapo said handing her phone to her. She already caught a few words from the message content, no doubt, it was sent from Doctor Rapheal.
When Rachel was done reading the message she dropped the phone beside her.
“I am yet to send the picture.” Dolapo reminded her.
“Don’t worry.” She snapped.
For the past one week that she has been living with Clement and his wife, she hasn’t for a minute felt bad or sad except when the thoughts of her friend came flashing, and Rachel was always quick to console her, same with Clement. They are the best family she could ever pray for, even though she knew it was only for a limited time. People will start talking about her, most especially friends and relatives of Rachel, and she’ll be sent out so that she doesn’t snatch her husband.
The way Rachel replied her shocked her and her countenance changed. Rachel herself knew she took it hard on her but it wasn’t her fault.
She left the baby’s cot. “I’ll be back.” Dolapo said and walked out of the ward.
For the first time in three weeks, Barrister Benson spent the whole day at home with his wife. He promised her a romance filled day and he has almost fufilled his promises. From the moment he woke up in the morning after a se.x filled night, he proceeded to the kitchen and made her breakfast, he fed her after which they both went to the bathroom to take their bath, something they haven’t done in months, the last time they took their baths together was the day their honeymoon ended. After their baths, Benson cleaned the house like he promised, cleaned the electronics, cleaned their room and even the kitchen while his wife inspected his works.
After which they both went into the kitchen to prepare his own breakfast, it was fun spending the whole day with his wife while she today realised that in her husbad’s aggressive body, there lies a gentleman who could win the heart of a lady.
She felt loved that minute and just like they just got married.
They were both in the kitchen again this evening getting prepared for their dinner when Benson excused himself to use the restroom.
His two phones laid on the kitchen cabinet. Its been months since she touched his phone, not even to listen to songs. She didn’t know he had two phones, she knew he uses one, but didn’t know when he bought the second one that now serves the business purpose.
She picked up his personal line, it was passworded, she tried unlocking it but it proved abortive, she picked the business line, even though it was passworded, she guessed and she unlocked it with the name of his law firm.
When she was about giving up on checking the phone, she saw them. A picture that looked uncountable to her, a picture that broke into bits and looked a million pictures before her, a picture that shattered her heart, a picture that destabilize her breathe. There was her husband lying half unclad with popular model, Sandra Oselu on a bed, covered with a duvet which was almost slipping off Sandra’s body, her boobs were visible.
She never thought her husband could cheat on her. She knew he had the tendency to keep relationship outside their marriage but never thought he could cheat on her with Sandra. He was her lawyer for crying out loud.
And that was how a day which began with happiness ended with sadness.
How she wished she didn’t even check his phone at all.
How he wished he didn’t listen to his wife’s plea to spend the day with her.

ALL IN A CIRCLE Episode 124

–to be continued–

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2 years ago

Oh pls ngozi do not implicate yrself oooh, Jay is wanted. I just hope all those evil guys are caught already