MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 5 – 7 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 5 by Jackie

“Here, try to eat something.” I told dad and gently placed the tray on his thigh.
I opened the dish while he stared intently at me.
It’s about a week after his surgery and I guess he’s fully strong now. not that strong but okay.
The past few days had been horrible for me. I had to work long hours take care of the family at the same time.
I was already loosing weight and was gradually fading and as if it’s not enough, Brian keeps on reminding me of our deal.
I know that he already has, a right to me now but shouldn’t take it slow. he doesn’t expect me to just rush off and get married to him.
Ben on the other hand, had started applying for jobs and going for different interviews.
maybe he has had a change of heart or probably feels like everything would be on his shoulder once I’m gone so he has to prepare for the worst.
“thank you Ciara. your mom told me everything that you did. thanks for not letting me die” he tells me and I slowly nod

“Thanks for also giving me a, place to call a home” I say and noticed the perplexed look on his face.
“you don’t need to worry, mom told me everything. but it’s alright. I mean I’m literally bad luck and I’ll be changing that very soon. I’ll leave so that you don’t have to face more hardships that my presence may cause for you” I tell him without any form of expression.
he held my hand “having you wasn’t a, mistake Ciara. you are everything and more than what we ever hoped for”
“you’re saying that now because you’re alive. I’m sure that if you were dead then, you would haunt me for eternity. you won’t be saying all this to me” I tears trickled down my cheeks “but it’s okay. I’ll be fine. if there’s anything I’ve learnt so far is that you can’t have everything you wished for”
“Ciara” he calls me
“she told you about everything right? about the deal I made for you to survive? I have to get married to a man who doesn’t love me. After everything I wished for myself, this had to happen. I had to take this risk because of the love I have for a family who considers me as nothing. I have to work for long hours just so that we could have a decent meal and I did all that for nothing.” I say wiping my tears
“Please don’t cry Ciara.”
“just eat and have your medicines. I would’ve cooked you something different but the doctor said you can’t have any hard meals until you’re completly okay” I tell him
“Ciara” he calls but I ignore and walked out of his ward to be replaced by mom.

I got a call from Brian Telling he how far he’s planned our marriage and future together. All lies.
But can I actually say that anymore. A deal is sadly, a deal.
I took a cab to work with the sole purpose of quitting. cause if I eventually get married to Brian, he won’t let me do the things I love, he’s gonna restrict me from everything and before that happens, I have to take the first step so that it doesn’t hurt later.

I told Darren I was quitting and when he, asked for a reason, I just couldn’t give him a straight forward answer.
“you don’t like to work here anymore? are you kidding me Ciara. you love your job more than anything, it’s your dream to work in a radio station and now you’re saying this?” he asked
I gave a, weak smile
“I wish I could tell you everything but sadly I can’t. so sorry. I’ll get in touch if need be. thanks for everything” I tell him and placed my bag on my shoulder. I quickly opened the door and walked out so that Darren doesn’t see the tears that were forming in my eyes.
I went home and quickly locked my door and cried my eyes out.
I wanted to take my stuff but Brian forbade me from doing so “everything has, to happen the way I want it. you’re my puppet now Ciara” he keeps on telling me. I wish I could go to the cops and make a complaint but that will only make it worse since Brian has a lot of power.
so I just dropped the idea.

I later got a call from Ben telling me that dad would be discharged today so I quickly set to work to cook dinner.
I cleaned up and set the table.
I was able to cook something good with my little savings. At least they should have one decent meal to remember me by.
Some minutes later, Dad came home accompanied by mom and Ben.
All through dinner, he was trying to make small talk but I didn’t want to listen. he’s better I keep my distance from him cause I’ll be leaving his house soon enough.
when everyone finished having their meal, I quickly cleaned and ate mine from the kitchen then I washed up the dishes.

I had, my bath and changed my clothes.
I later went outside to sit down on the wooden porch and fixed my eyes on the stars.
Somehow I thought, what if wishes were real?
“Hey can’t sleep” Ben asked lightly tapping my shoulder. I quickly wiped my tears and said “yeah somehow”
he smiles and sat down next to me.
“how’s dad”
“he’s okay. already asleep. I know you’ve been avoiding him” he tells me and I glance at him
“I don’t have a choice”
“who wouldn’t. you have a good heart Ciara. it took me a while to notice but now I have. you tried to pick up the pieces of our broken family even though we never tried to make it easy for you” he tells me and I couldn’t help but cry.
“it wasn’t easy at all”
“yeah I know. getting married to Brian was something you never wanted. I mean you literally sing praises about the guy you wanted ever since you were five?” he teased
“shut up” I playfully hit him on his arm and he let out a low laugh.
“I know what you’re capable of Ciara. you can do it. I’m always right by your side so you’re not alone.” he tells me and I smile
“thanks for believing in me”
“check this out” he said and caught a firefly in his Palm shutting it tight so it doesn’t escape
“remember what grandma used to say before she passed” he asked and I gave a puzzled look
“can you see it” he asks showing me his clenched fist
“No it’s tightly shut”
“exactly. but one day, no matter what happens” he paused and opened his hands letting the firefly go. “he’s gonna fly free” he tells me “you’re gonna fly free Ciara, no matter what happens” he adds
I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck hugging him tightly.
“I love you Ben”.
” it’s alright sis. I love you too. now have some sleep ” he said and I nods
We stood up and walked inside, and after saying goodnight to Ben, I shut the door to my room and went to bed.
Maybe Ben was right.
I don’t know what might happen but I do believe that one day I’ll be free to fly… Again!

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 6 by Jackie

it was 3:00am in the morning when I heard a low chuckle.
who could that be at this hour?
I tried to ignore but it didn’t stop. I guess it was Brian. but why isn’t he asleep?
I later heard a, deep voice followed by a girly giggle.
I quickly stood up and made my way to the living room.
immediately I arrived, I saw Brian perfectly seated on the couch with a blonde hair girl on his thighs.
they were too engrossed in their romance to notice my presence in the room.
Brian is cheating on me?

I mean, not that I didn’t expect it but we just got married, it’s not even up to twenty four hours and a girl is already swaying her boobs at him.
Couldn’t he at least wait for just one day before doing this.
I felt so irritated, it’s so gross. I’ve never seen a, guy making out with a girl before. and for the first time I’m seeing it happen, it was my husband with another woman.
i coughed and they turned to look at me.
“Oh hi Ciara. care to join us?” he asked with a smirk
The blonde hair girl who i assumed was probably drunk raised her head and gave me a stare. then turned to face Brian.
“who is she love” she asked Brian
love? really?
“just a help doll” he said biting his lower lip in a, seductive manner
“A help wearing that?” she asked pointing at my outfit.
I took a good look at myself. what is wrong with my clothes?
“just forget about her. we should probably get back to business” he said and hungrily kissed her lips.
I couldn’t watch so I rushed to the room and slammed the door.
Some minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.
I stood up to open it.
“Get out. Janelle and I want to make out in here” he said and she giggled
“but I sleep here” I tell him
“I know but it’s my house and I make the rules. so leave” he yells at me
I quickly took a sleeping bag and a pillow. I was about to head out when he called me.
“you can stay here and watch if you want to Ciara. it won’t be fun being out there by yourself”
“I’m fine thank you” I say and walk away.
I enter the next room which I assume was the guest room and slept on the couch.
I tried to shut my eyes but it was damn impossible. The moans and screaming kept me up all night. I just turned and tossed on my bed till the noise died down before I could have some sleep.

In the morning, by five, I woke up from bed and had my bath. I quickly changed into a floral gown and made my way out of the bedroom.
I glanced at Brian’s room and it was tightly shut.
I guess they were sleeping after their intense love making early this morning.
I sighed and walked to the living room. it was messy. Bottles all over the floor, and clothes on the couch.
I can’t believe that Brian is such a heavy drinker.
I quickly picked his clothes and mopped the floor.
it’s such a big house and I wonder why he doesn’t have any cleaners or maid. maybe he fired them so I would die doing all the chores by myself.
After cleaning, I set out to the kitchen to make breakfast when I heard the doorbell ring.
I dropped the flour in my hand and went to open the door.
“Hello” she greeted immediately she saw me. it was an old woman in her late fifties.
“Hi” I greeted with a smile “can I help you?”
“Are you boss’s new wife?” she asked and I nod.
“good morning ma’am” she said
“it’s okay. you can call me Ciara. I’m way too young for that” I say and she gave a light chuckle. “do you live here?” I ask
“not really. I work here” she said
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize. come in” I say and quickly stepped aside for her to enter.
“Looks like the living room is already cleaned up” she said scanning through the entire house.
“yes. I just finished that. come on I’ll help you make breakfast” I say and she followed me down to the kitchen.
I took the vegetables to chop them but she said “let me help you with that”
“no I will do it. you should probably rest” I tell her and she sits down.

I finished making breakfast and served them on the table.
“wow smells divine. you are such a good cook. did you attend any chef program?” she asked and I giggled.
“then I would be very rich by now don’t you think? no I didn’t. i learned from my mother”
“boss is very lucky to have a wife like you. smart, beautiful and a great cook” she compliments
“go on. i thrive on flattery” I say making her laugh
she stopped laughing when we heard giggling coming from the stairs. I guess they were up.
“Penny” Brian called and rushed to hug the lady. I gave a wry smile. Brian was fully dressed so I assumed that he’s ready for work. thank goodness I made breakfast on time. Janelle was dressed up too. I wonder what kind of work she does. maybe a sex worker who enjoys sleeping with men that doesn’t have a committed relationship with them. why do I care? it’s not like Brian and I have a committed relationship as well.
“naughty boy. what are you up to this time?” she tells him playfully hitting her cheeks.
“I’m starving” Janelle, the blonde hair girl said and sat down. just then I notice Penny roll her eyes at her.
Brian Sat down too.
I rolled my eyes and headed up to Brian’s room.
“Wow Penny. it’s delicious. you’ve really outdone yourself this time” he said
“I didn’t cook that. your wife did.” she said and just then I shut the door. I didn’t want to hear anything after that.

Brian’s room was just like a kid’s playground. clothes all over the place, The bed was scattered. it was like a hurricane visited here last night.
I quickly cleaned up and headed out.
Once I got to the dining room, they were no where to be seen. just Penny doing the dishes in the kitchen
“Where are they?”
“off to work. Ciara you amaze me”
“I do. how?” I ask dishing some food for myself
“how could you let Brian bring in another woman to your house?” she ask
“let’s not go there penny. I’m not complaining about it. that’s half my problem. he’s free to do what he wants” I tell her
“Ciara… ” she start off
“penny. I don’t care alright. my marriage to Brian was not based on love. it was a mistake. I wonder if his parents didn’t give the proper upbringing” I say sitting down
“Brian didn’t actually grow up with his parents. I raised him. his parents were too busy for him so he was under my care”
“I didn’t know”
“he wasn’t really like this and I wonder why he’s changed so much. I believe you were married to Brian for a reason Ciara” she tells me

“No there is no reason penny. no reason at all” i say and put a pancake into my mouth.
“Brian is a sweet child Ciara. I raised him so I know. you just haven’t met that side yet” she tells me, her voice so sweet and calm
“well he’s sour enough for me. he restricts me from everything. this isn’t just the marriage I hoped for Penny. it isn’t at all” I say picking on my food
“have faith my child. not everything is as bad as it seems.” she assures me
“Brian is as bad as it seems. do you know who that girl is?” I ask Penny. not sure why I did though.
“you mean Janelle? she’s his personal secretary. they usually work together until she started becoming intimate with him.” she tells me
“I guess she has the hots for him”
“Maybe but that doesn’t matter anymore. Brian is married to you and you’re his wife now.”
“on paper” I correct her “it was actually a deal I had to make to save my father so our relationship has no meaning or value. he doesn’t love me and I don’t love him.” i say and quickly stood up “thanks for doing the dishes penny”
“it’s alright Ciara” she say and I giggle.
I head straight to my room to have some sleep. I really don’t want to argue the issue with Penny cause I’m more than convinced that Brian Will never love me and neither will I.
I tried to call my parents but I realized that Brian smashed my phone so I wouldn’t be able to.
I just dropped the idea and got on my bed to rest for a little while…

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 7 by Jackie

I woke up from my bed and walked straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water. “Penny?” I call when I didn’t notice her presence in the room. where could she have gone? “Penny?’ I call again
” Over here Ciara ” she responded from the living room
“there you are. I thought you were asleep or something” I say sitting next to her. “sleep well?“
” yeah but the bed is too soft compared to what I used to sleep in” She let a low laugh
“you’ll get used to it”
“I sure hope so” i say and she switches on the TV.
“Ciara can I ask you a question?” penny asks and I turn to look at her.
“when was the last time you and Brian became intimate with each other?”
it came as a, shock
“Intimate? what kind of intimacy?”
“you know being together alone… like let’s say having sex”
I blinked twice
“No penny. never. Geez being intimate with Brian is the last thing I’ll ever do. He’s not my type of guy to begin with. I mean someone who loves everything in skirt” I say like I’m gonna puke in the next minute or something. yuck!
“He could change you know… ”
“penny, why do you keep on insisting?” I cut her off “Brian was and will never be the man you thought he was. he’s a horrible snake filled with deadly venom. one bite and you’re gone, trust me. just the thought of him makes me sick”
“Brian?” she asked feeling confused
“you just haven’t met the guy penny. maybe he hid it from you and pretended to be someone he’s not.” I say and shifted on my seat.
“You can change him Ciara”
“How? he hates me and I do too. he irritates me. I don’t want to have anything to do with the guy and I’m perfectly sure Janelle can do better, don’t you think?” I ask tilting my head to one side
“Alright. let’s make dinner on time cause I’ll be leaving soon” she tells me
“why can’t you stay. if you leave then I’ll be stuck all by myself with Brian. please stay” I beg
“Sorry but I can’t. so sorry Ciara” she apologize
“don’t worry, I’ll make dinner myself”
“can you manage?”
“sure. I can do it. it’s not really hard you know”
“thanks Ciara” she says and I smile. I shifted my gaze back to the TV show. it was actually the first time I was watching the TV because we don’t have one at home. and even if we did, I usually spend most of my time working so

I never really sat down to enjoy a good show but thanks to Penny cause now I have.
By five Penny told me she was leaving so after walking her outside, I returned home and went to the kitchen to cook dinner. Brian would be back any minute I guess and I don’t want him to cut my head off.
I finished making dinner and served them, Brian walked in afterwards with a shopping bag in his hands. he went shopping? why?
I didn’t bother to ask it out loud so I just pretended like I didn’t see him.
“Here,” he said throwing the bag at me
“why are you giving it to me? what’s in it?” I asked feeling startled by his behavior
He growled “change into that. we’re going out” he tells me before sitting down on the couch
“going out? to where?”
“don’t ask me stupid questions Ciara, I make the rules and you follow, have you forgotten that? now get dressed” he said with a very serious face
“I demand to know where you’re taking me, you can’t just expect me to get dressed and follow you like a guard dog without asking questions. I believe I have the right to do so. what if you want to kidnap me?” I ask almost yelling
“You are a guard dog Ciara. you’re not supposed to ask questions and if I wanted to kidnap you, I’d do that instead of marrying you don’t you see. now stop making me talk much and get dressed” he snapped
“I don’t want to” I say. I could notice the rapid rise and fall of his chest. I knew I was getting him angrier by the minute.
“don’t make me break you Ciara” he threatened. and the worse part is that he could do anything he says
“isn’t it better that way? break me so that you won’t have to deal with me anymore” I yell and turned to make my way to the room when he said
“I can’t believe that Ben has a new job. it would be so much fun watching him get fired” he said and I quickly turned to look at him
“what are you trying to say?” I ask but he only smirks and walks up to me.
“Nevermind. I’ll make sure he gets fired, that way, your parents would go back to the miserably life that they once had. I know your weaknesses Ciara so it’ll be foolish of you to do something stupid so get dressed” he said eyes becoming red all of the sudden. Fuck you Brian! he was right. my family is my greatest weakness. I can’t let Ben loose his job because of one useless place that Brian is about to take me. He needs the money to feed my family and it’ll be selfish of me to put my interests first before my family’s.
Ben has, really been a great brother before I got married to Brian. I’m willing to compromise or should I say sacrifice so he could keep his job.
I shut my eyes for a while before opening them again. somehow I wish that this was all a dream cause I’m really not living my fantasy.
“Alright. I guess you won. I’ll do it” I say and open up the bag. He shopped for a gown, heels and a box which I assume had a jewelry inside.
This is expensive. Even my savings for ten years won’t be able to get any of this.
I quickly brought out the gown. it was a short handless gown. I can’t wear this. a dress like this would expose parts of my body that I want to be discreet.
“I can’t wear this” I blurt out
“well you have to. it’s a company party and everyone would be expecting my wife to look great” he tells me. At least he finally told me where we’re going.
“So you expect me to dress up like a whore? in front of people. sorry but I’ll pass.” I roll my eyes and threw it on the couch
“pick it up Ciara”.

” I can’t wear that. that is not my kind of dress. you know what? maybe you should’ve told Janelle to go with you. I’m sure she won’t mind wearing a lingerie to impress you” I click my tongue
“You’re going with me. don’t test me Ciara”
“you don’t even like the fact that we’re married and everyone knows that you’re a flirt so you don’t have to hide anything. it shouldn’t bother you that much if you take me and I’m cool with the fact that you should take Janelle.” I say and it got him really pissed off. he dipped his hand into his pockets and brought out his cellphone. he dialled a number and placed the device on his ear.
“Hello. this is Brian, Brian Salter. do you happen to know any Ben Smith working with you?” he asked staring intently at me
“don’t do this Brian” I beg
he placed the device on loudspeaker
‘yes sir, he’s just a new employee that started working here recently ” the voice from the other end of the line said. I felt the fresh tears trickle down my cheeks. I raised my head to look at Brian who was smiling uncontrollably.
“I’ll get back to you Mr Halowel” he said and switched off the phone.
“so Ciara Salter. would you get dressed or would like me to finish that phone call?” He ask.
I didn’t respond. I just picked up my clothes and proceeded to the bedroom to get dressed.
I had my shower and applied some lotion.
I sat down in front of the mirror to apply my makeup.
then I wore the dress.
What would people think of me if they saw me in this!?
Although the dress gave me a new look. it brought out all my curves that was hidden and exposed my cleavage and thighs. I sighed “I’m doing this for you Ben.” I said to myself and tied my hair into a messy bun, letting some fall on my face. then I wore the heels and the jewelry.
I hope I don’t fall in these cause I’ve never worn a heel in my entire life. I was used to wearing slippers.
i took one glance at the full length mirror before finally stepping out of my room.
My heels gently tapping the floor as i walked.
i got into the living room but Brian was busy on his phone to notice me.
“I’m ready” I say and he turned around almost dropping his cell phone. He was clad in a black suit too. are we going to a Black party?
I could tell he was surprised. I’m also surprised. I can’t believe I’m pulling off the new look.
“Great let’s go” he said walking out the door and I followed him to the garage. he opened the door and I got in then he turned around and took the wheel.
“Now when we get there, try to blend in with the others, don’t act like someone who hasn’t been to a party before alright”
“Geez I haven’t been to any party before so you could’ve saved yourself the trouble by taking Janelle” I scoff
“The party was thrown by my parents so they’ll expect you to be there and not Janelle” he explains
“so am I some kind of leverage? you use me to get what you want?” I ask with disgust
I hissed.
He started the engines and pulled out of the building.

About half and hour, we arrived at the party which I assume was his company.
He stepped out and opened the door for me.
“So you can be a gentleman when you want to huh!?” I say and stepped out. I folded my hands across my chest and stood still. The company was massive and the decoration was pretty expensive.
“Hi Brian” A lady called. I could tell without looking that it was Janelle. penny was right. she works here.
she kissed his lip and flung her arms around him.
“I’m so glad you’re here” she tells him. I’ve seen worse than this so I can’t be affected. I mean they literally had sex on my matrimonial bed so what’s new?
She pulled away and glanced at my direction. I guess she was surprised to see me dressed like this. so glam like a doll.
“has mom and dad arrived yet” he asked with excitement.
“No. I was trying to tell you that they won’t be able to make it so they said you should take care of everything” Janelle said and I noticed Brian’s face turn sour. I guess he was really trying to impress his parents and that’s why he insisted on taking me here. Penny was right, his parents never really had time for him. But that’s not my problem.
“Great. you should’ve just left me at home.” I blurt out and he gave me a deadly stare.
“let’s go inside Brian and have some fun. don’t worry I’m here for you” she said taking his hand in hers
“You can’t leave me here?” I half yell
“yes I can”
“But you have to at least take me home and come back to finish your party” I suggest but he seemed uninterested
“You’re staying.”
“so what am I supposed to do while you’re away?” I ask
“watch my car till I get back” he winked at me and Janelle ended up laughing
“Brian this is so not fair”
“I know” he said before finally walking inside the building.

I stopped outside for about an hour or two.
I was already feeling tired. I can’t believe he left me out here. he’s Brian so I’ll believe it.
As if it wasn’t enough, there was a thunderstorm followed by a lightening bolt. it’s going to rain anytime soon. I need to take cover.

Fuck you Brian” I cursed under my breath and ran up the staircase to the front door.
The rain finally began to pour and I started feeling cold all of a sudden.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder
“Hi pretty” a guy who I assumed was from the party said to me
“Hi” I gave a faint smile. I held my arms together
“Feeling cold?” he asked but I didn’t respond.
“Let’s have a seat over there. the lights would be enough to make you feel warm” he suggested, pointing at a building opposite Brian’s company and I nod. he seemed nice and less scary unlike Brian.
I followed him there and we both sat down. I know I shouldn’t be sitting down here but no one gives a fuck about me so I have to take care of myself.
He took off his jacket placed them on my shoulders.
I caught a waft of his Cologne. so nice.
He ordered for two bottles of wine and we were served
“I can’t have any of that.” I protest
“don’t worry, it’s not alcohol. just a mild drink. trust me” he tells me and pours into my glass.
i quickly had a, sip. gosh it was so good.
I quickly gulped all down my throat without tasting.
“it’s good” I compliment and he pours more for me.
We drank for close to an hour, talking about stuff, work life and personal personal life. I was becoming tipsy by the minute.

I started laughing and talking things that didn’t really matter.
“Brian” I call out
“who’s Brian” he asks and I look at his face. my vision was already becoming blur.
“My husband” I blurt out
“Are you two divorced?”
“No we just got married recently” I say rolling my hair round my fingers. damn what’s wrong with me. “He’s a very bad guy. he doesn’t love me.”
“are you serious. which guy in his right state of mind won’t love a girl like you. you’re extremely beautiful and perfect in every way” he says and I giggle
“can you do me a favor?” I ask
“Anything” he replies sharply
“tell that to Brian when next you see him” I say and he chuckles
“you’re wasted pretty”
“I’m perfectly fine aren’t I” I say trying to stand up but I fell back to my chair
“Alright I get it I’m drunk” I say hitting my face with my palm. what’s wrong with me? what’s happening?
“Let’s go inside. it’s freezing out here” he says taking my arms. he pulled me out of my seat and drew me closer to him.
“I don’t want to go. Brian?” I call again
“alright I’ll take you to Brian OK?” he say and I nod
“Okay” I say and follows him inside. He quickly bolts the door, once were inside.
“Where is Brian?” I ask but he doesn’t respond. he only moves closer to me
“You’ll see him really soon.” he, said in what sounded almost like a whisper.
He holds my waist and pushes his self on me. Then placed his, hand on my thigh.
I quickly realise what he was up to and pushed him away forcefully.
“Get away from me” I yell
“You can’t fight it doll” he says and comes close
“Don’t you dare, touch me” I say and pick up a vase close to me but he quickly caught me and threw it away.
I made for the door but he held my waist and threw me on the bed.
“Oh lord!” I say trying to get up but he pushes me down.
He took off his clothes and reached for my dress.
I don’t want to be raped and I’ve never dreamt of loosing my innocence in this manner.
“Please let me go” I beg but it all fell on deaf ears as be tried to pull off my clothes
“BRIAN!!!” I scream with all my might.
Just then the door flew open and a figure stepped inside. I couldn’t see his face clearly cause I was drunk.
I forced myself to see and I saw Brian standing there staring at me. his eyes were all red.
Thank goodness. it was him. He came for me
“Brian” I call before finally passing out…


To be continued….

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3 years ago

This is super interesting. Eagerly waiting for the next episode

3 years ago

I am loving this story.

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Have been checking for updates nice one authoress..this is the beginning of a new love