WIFE MATERIAL Episode 23 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

WIFE MATERIAL Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 23

When Amara had finished praying, she left for the kitchen to prepare some meals. She had made up her mind to inform her husband’s people about his disappearance in the evening.

She was busy in the kitchen when she heard the sound of the doorbell. She quickly cleaned her hands and rushed to open the door.

Immediately she opened the door, she saw her husband standing in front of the door with a bru.ised and swollen face, looking despondent.

Ikenna immediately went on his knees and started pleading for his wife’s forgiveness, tears rolling down his cheek.

“Baby, I’ve forgiven you. Please get up,” Amara said holding him up.

“What happened to you?” Amara continued as he stood before her.

He started crying without saying a word.

“Let’s go inside please,” Amara said while holding him.

They both went in and sat on the couch in the living room.

“I thank God for bringing you back. I know I was up.set with you but I have forgiven you. We can plan on the best way to raise the child after birth. I know that Sandra’s plan is for me to leave you but I will not. I will stand by you as long as you remain a good man. I have accepted my fate.”

As Amara was talking, it seemed Ikenna wasn’t listening.

He buried his head in sh.ame and was feeling unworthy of her presence.

“I have not been a good husband to you. Please forgive me. Sandra deceived me,” he said gently.

“How?” Amara asked, looking inquisitive and showing much interest.

“The child is not mine.”


“Yes, she knew it wasn’t mine and purposely put it on me.”

“Was she the one that did this to you?” Amara said looking furious.

“It’s the p.olice.”

“My God, she called the p.olice on you.”

“No, she co.mmitted a c.rime and I was unlucky to be there when the po.lice came for her. I only went there to confront her for sending the video to you.”

“Hmmm, which cr.ime did she co.mmit?”

“She connived with Paul and got the real father of the child kil.led. When it was discovered, the police came for her and unfortunately, I was in her house and I was arrested with her. They came with Paul and we all were taken to the po.lice station. My love, I was to.rtured for what I know nothing about.”

“They supposed to tell the police that you weren’t part of them.”

“My dear, these people I called friends refused to tell the p.olice I was innocent. It was the hired as.sassin that even saved me and I was later released. I will tell you the full story later.”

“I’m sorry about the whole thing.”

“Thank you for taking me back. I’ll forever respect you. I am feeling so ash.amed of myself right now. See how I was lured into believing that Sandra was pregnant for me just because of a little pleasure. I’m sorry for all the lies, I’m sorry for ch.eating on you.”

“It’s okay, you need to freshen up first so that you can go to the hospital for treatment.”

“Okay, thanks for taking me back. I’m deeply sorry for all I’ve put you through.”

“It’s okay.”

“How is Junior?”

“He’s still sleeping.”

He then went into the room to freshen up and change.

Later on, he came out and ate food.

His wife carried Junior and they all left for the hospital.

At the hospital, they met the doctor who prescribed some medications for him and as well directed one of his nurses to dress the bru.ises on his face.

They left the hospital afterwards.

Immediately they got home, Amara’s phone started ringing. She checked it and it was her mother-in-law that was calling. She then picked up the call.

“Good day, ma.”

“My daughter, how are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Your husband’s number is not going through, hope everything is alright?”

“Yes mummy, we are fine. His phone had a little fault but he had fixed it. Maybe it’s network.”

“Okay, I just want to hear his voice. I’ll try calling again.”

“Okay, ma.”

She then ended the call.

Ikenna was there watching his wife as she covered up for him.

After that day, Ikenna stayed at home for a few days to recover before resuming work.

Later on, during the weekend, Ikenna took his wife and son out. They had a quality time together.

When they got back home, Ikenna told his wife to start looking out for a helper because he would like her to start working again.

“I need to send your CV to some of my friends,” he said.

“Thank you so much baby for changing your mind. I will go back to my workplace. My line manager had promised to take me back whenever I’m ready to come back.”


“Yes, after all, I didn’t resign.”

“That’s good news.”

Later on, they got a helper who stayed at home to take care of their child and as well help out with some household chores.

Amara happily resumed her job.

Meanwhile, Paul, Sandra and their hired assa.ssin were later sent to j.ail to suffer for the c.rime they co.mmitted.

Alhaji’s wife took full custody of Sandra’s shop and later sold everything in the shop and took the money.

Sandra later gave birth to a baby boy at the p.rison. Alhaji’s family took the child as she continued serving her jail terms.

Amara and Ikenna lived together happily and focused more on building their young family.

As a man, managing a relationship with both your wife and an ex-lover can have serious unintended consequences on your family.

Maintaining a relationship with an ex-lover when you are married can result in constant comparison of your current spouse to the ex-lover. This can create dissatisfaction in one’s marriage.

Appreciate a good wife when you have one, do not hurt her.


I am Ayogu Oluchi Eze


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Chidera Ruleth
Chidera Ruleth
11 months ago

Nice story I really enjoyed it from the beginning to the end, alot of lessons learnt

11 months ago

Beautiful story.

11 months ago

Kudos,more greese