Who Love Me Most – Season 1 Episode 3

who love me most

Emma:guy how far
they gave themselves an handshake
Chidi:yes (till focusing on his phone )
Emma:non be human being I dey talk to,chidi
Chidi dropped the phone )am all ears.
Emma:you and Facebook, may looking at you could tell me that there’s one little witch that you are chatting with am I right
he gave that look that make it seen he was sure,chidi laugh out loud that you could hear him from afar.

Chidi:why do you call them names you don’t even know them
Emma:that doesn’t mean anything, I know their type you hear mtcheeew.
giving out a loud hisses,chidi was a lover of women,or should I use the word a player,he never really take any girl serious his good looking and money could get any girl begging to have him just for one night.

Chidi:yes sir,I have heard you.
Emma gave that I don’t care look .
Chidi:where have you been I came to your room but you weren’t around, I even try calling you but not available.
Emma sign)yea my phone went off,any problem.
Chidi:you and problem,nothing really I just thought I could have a little chat with you.
Emma:chat,is that so
Emma:I went to Sandra house
Sandra and Emma has been dating for 5years now since their secondary school days,their love was inseparable,every students in the school knows they are together they both find it difficult no to see each other for just one day.
Chidi:how is she
Emman:she is fine,guess what
Chidi confused )what
Emma:when I went to see Sandra, I was in the sitting room waiting for her to dress up cause we were going out,I was just there and blood of Jesus behold an Angel (hitting his two foots down to make it seen real)

Immediately chidi laugh hard so hard that he nearly fall off his bed
chidi:Angel for real
Emma:if you see this girl,if not that I controlled myself only God knows what could have happens to me.
Chidi:you don’t mean it,who is she
Emma:I asked Sandra and she said she is their new room mate
chidi:if this girl is as beautiful the way you are singing about her,you know me
Emma got up laughing and shouting
Emma:bad guy
chidi smile in unpleasant way
Chidi:let me see her first,then leave the rest to me.
Emma:chidi you and women, listen if you see this one you will know that God created a wonderful thing on earth.
Chidi:let me see her,have you seen Godwin and Jude.
Emma:no I haven’t
Chidi:do you have classes later or now.
Emma look at his watch)no not now
Chidi:why don’t we go out am bored at home.
Emma key but bill on you (chidi laughed)yes be
Chidi:no problem
chidi changed his clothes to something better in no second they went out of the room the both went into chidi range rover and drove off.
Back at the village Mrs uche was going to the market singing an igbo song when a car drove passed her and stopped,a short woman,dark in complexion came down from the car she called Mrs uche, Mrs uche turned to see who was calling her to her greatest surprise it was her old time friend who travel out of the country with her husband and children some years back.

Mrs uche :ada is that you
the both hug each other
Mrs uche :look at you (admiring mrs ada Marcus beautiful body)
Mrs Ada Marcus :how have you been
Mrs uche excited )am fine ooooo am the way you left me
Mrs Ada Marcus :my friend, (laughing )but you are looking good.
Mrs uche :when did you came back.
Mrs ada Marcus :last two weeks, I was In Abuja am just entering the village now.
Mrs uche :how is your husband,hope he is fine.
Mrs ada Marcus :he is fine ,he is till in the state’s
Mrs uche h okey and what about your children.
Mrs ada Marcus :they are all okey and where is Amara.
Mrs uche :Amara (smile like a proud mother )Amara is now in the university
Mrs ada Marcus surprised )you don’t mean it
Mrs uche :yes ooooo
Mrs ada Marcus :I have always see her as a bright child.
Mrs uche :we thank God oooo (raising her hands to the heavens ).
Mrs ada Marcus :where are you off too.
Mrs uche :am going to the market to get somethings.
Mrs ada Marcus :let’s enter my car let me drop you.
Mrs uche :if you say so.
Mrs ada Marcus :let’s go
they both entered the car till laughing and talking,Mrs ada Marcus turned back to the direction that Mrs uche was going to and drove off.


It has been some weeks and Amara has adjusted to so many things in the school and in her apartment,there were their more girls that live with her in the flat, Sandra,Annabelle and princess they were all nice to her and made her stay there a lot easier. She was in the sitting room watching movie title “Atlanta season 2″ cause she had no tv in her own room yet , she heard a knock on the door quickly she went and open the door, there stoop Emma and chidi,chidi was looking at her like who just found a diamond in his bag as don’t know what to do with it.

Amara :hi good day (opening the door wide for them to come in)
Emma smiling )good day is Sandra in
Amara :she is inside please you can in (she left the door as soon as she ushered them in).
Emma low tone)I told you,so what do you think.
Chidi amazed)wow,you are so right.
Emma:come on let’s go inside
they both entered the sitting room, Amare was already sited
Emma:you didn’t go to lecture today.
Amara :no I had no class .
Emma:this is my friend chidi (pointing at chidi )
Amare:hi (with a smile )
Emma:I will be in Sandra room,please make my friend comfortable.
Amara key
Emma gave chidi a go ahead signal and walked into Sandra room,chidi Sat on the couch starring at Amara who was concentrating on the movie she was watching.
Chidi:it sees you are enjoying the movie.
Amara :yeah it’s interesting
Chidi:so what’s the name ,I mean your name.
Amara :Amara
Chidi:what a nice name (chidi isn’t good at wooing a girl on like every other girls that always want to be around him but in this case he knows he need to try)you must be new in this school.
Amare faced him)yeah,I just started the school not up to two weeks now.
Chidi:you are beautiful I must confuse, you know that.
Amara smile )I know just where you are driving at but please an not really interested
the word not interested was like a slap to his face but till he has to stand his ground.
Chidi:no,no,no,no I am not driving at that direction, Am only letting you know how beautiful you are,please don’t get offended.
Amara felt bad as she has use the wrong words on him.
Amara :am sorry if I got you wrong, I thought.
Chidi cut in)there’s no problem it’s normal for every lady to feel insecure so nothing is wrong.
Amara :thanks
Chidi:you look just like my friend way back.
Amara:is that so
Chidi:yeah for real
Amara:guys i sometimes don’t understand you people.
Chidi confused )how do you mean.
Amara :nothing am just saying
Chidi h no problem since you said nothing .
chidi wanted to hear all she had to say but he just don’t want to force the word out of her mouth, just about then Emma and Sandra came holding eachother playing like the two love birds that they are.
Emma:my man my man (patting him one his shoulder )
Sandra:chidi hi
Chidi gave Sandra a quick smile
Emma jokefuly)leave chidi oh, he is enjoying himself.
Chidi:please let me be.
Sandra :Amara
Amara :ha
Emma :hope you took care of my friend.
Chidi spoke as Amara wanted to utter a word
Chidi:yes she did ,she did a prefect job
Sandra :I can see that
Chidi:should we start going
Emma:yes (chidi got up ).
Sandra :you guys should take care of yourself.
Emma :are you not seeing me off come on.
Sandra :alright let’s go. (They both laughed)
Chidi:alright nice talking with you.
Amara :the pleasure is mine.
Chidi key bye.
Sandra :am coming.

Amara key
Chidi,Emma and Sandra went outside while Amara continued with her movie.
It was morning, the cry of the birds can till be heard from afar .Mrs uche was sweeping her compound when a car drove into her compound, she was surprised and she stoped sweeping, a young boy on his 20’s came out of the car he was looking smart and handsome too.
young boy :good morning mam
mrs uche :yes good day,may I help you.
young boy :mam, it’s like you don’t recognize me.
Mrs uche try to picture the face but it was till blank
Mrs uche :no I don’t know you and I don’t think we have meant before.
Young boy :it’s me Maxwell.

To Be Continued…

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