The Real Suspect Episode 6


The Real Suspect Episode 6

Alhaji Dangida who was known in the estate as Mr. G walked down the stairs from his apartment and came out viewing the whole compound wearing an all white agbada and a local cap.
”Kei!!! This is a lovely day” Alhaji Dangida said and moved on to his car. He opened the door of his car but stopped and looked towards the direction of Mr. Kehinde’s door.

”Oooooh.. Let me go and see my neighbours.” He said and locked the door of the car. He walked directly to their door, as he came close enough, he began to hear noises as if there was a fight inside. He dinged the door bell severally and Kehinde opened the door wearing just a singlet and a black trouser
”Good Morning Mister” Mr. G greeted Kehinde
”Good Morning Sir” Kehinde said blocking the door a bit
”Hope you don’t mind if I come in” Mr. G requested
”No.. No.. You are welcome” Kehinde said and opened the door wide enough for Alhaji Dangida. Mr. G was a bit plumpy man, dark in complexion but has a very nice look. Adesua being the adaptive type, changed her mood to a happy one immediately she saw Mr. G.
”Good Morning Sir” Adesua greeted with a smile
”Arrh!! Madam, good morning” Mr. G reciprocated
”Please have a sit” Kehinde offered him a sit
”Oh.. No… I am in a hurry to rush out but I just said I should say hello to my new neighbours” Mr. G said poiltely refusing the sitting offer
”Oooh.. Eiyaah.. That’s nice of you Sir” Adesua said
”Thank you very much” Kehinde said also
”Well, it’s nothing to thank about. I am called Mr. G” Dangida said adjusting his agbada
”Mr. G?? What’s the G for?” Adesua asked
”Ahhahh.. Adesua, must you know everything?” Kehinde opposingly attacked her question
”No.. No.. I like her question. My dear, G stands for anything G. Global, Generous, Godly and lots more. Name them my dear” Mr. G said boasting about his name
”ooh, I see. Alright” Adesua said
”Alright, I will be on my way now. I’m running late” Mr. G said and began to walk out
”Alright Sir, thank you very much” Kehinde thanked him for his actions as he left
”No Problems. Nice meeting you” Mr. G took a handshake with Kehinde. As Mr. G was about to leave, he remembered the noise he heard when he was coming in
”Ehee.. Walahi!! I can’t forget. I heard noises when I was coming. Hope you were not fighting” Mr. G asked and Kehinde forced a smile on his face
”No ooh.. Fight?? We were not fighting” Kehinde and Adesua said at the same time
”Alright. Enjoy yourselves” Mr. G said and left. Few minutes later, the horn and screeching wheels of his car was heard from the outside.
”You see your life?” Kehinde said to Adesua
”We just came in and the neighbours are about to know us in a bad manner” Kehinde added
”But we were not fighting actually” Adesua said
”I just told you what I saw last night and you are saying that I am lying” Adesua said with a bit loud voice
”It’s alright. I believe you. But you and I know you hate those ladies for nothing” Kehinde said
”I don’t hate anybody chaa!! chaa!! I only hate their characters” Adesua said sitting down on the chair and switching on the television.
”You better start communicating with people” Kehinde said to Adesua and walked into the room

”Mr. Communicator. Better be careful with those ladies” Adesua said and concentrated on the television
”But wait ooh, why is Kehinde not believing me anymore??” Adesua asked herself
”Since we came to this Lagos eeh, he has changed” She said again
”Hmmm.. I won’t let anyone snatch my Kehinde from me ooh.. Never!!” Adesua said and concentrated on the television again. Few minutes later, Kehinde walked out dressed up in a black suit and a brief case in his hand. He walked pass Adesua without saying anything
”Ehee.. So, it has gotten to that. You no longer talk to me while going out eeh” Adesua said
”It’s alright” She added but Kehinde paid deaf ears. He opened the door and walked out. As he walked out, Adesua walked to the window to watch him from there.
Kehinde, not feeling to happy about his said Aggresive and life petching wife walked to his car adjusting his car. On opening his car, he heard someone calling from afar. He raised his head and saw Clara running up to him
”Good Morning Sir” Clara greeted Him
”Morning my dear” Kehinde replied
”I learnt you parked in newly” Clara said
”Yes dear” Kehinde replied
”Alright, just came to say welcome” Clara said and shook hands with him.
”Thank you my dear” Kehinde said and entered his car. He horned for the gateman to open the gate, but as Musa was opening the gate, Betty ran out in an all black attire.

”Excuse me.. Excuse me..” She shouted severally and Kehinde wind down his screen
”Yes, good morning” Kehinde greeted
”Can you just drop me off, I’m out of fuel in my car” Betty pleaded
”I ain’t got much time my dear. I’m late” Kehinde said but Betty pleaded more…


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