THE ORDEALS OF NNEOMA Episode 18 – Ayogu Oluchi Eze

THE ORDEALS OF NNEOMA Episode 1 - Ayogu Oluchi Eze


Episode 18


Morris and his mother brought some edibles for Nneoma as they usually do. Nneoma was sitting in the shade eating what they brought for her.

They had entered their vehicle and were leaving when Morris looked back and suddenly tapped his mother.

“Mummy look!” Morris exclaimed, pointing towards the shade where Nneoma was.

“That’s the police, what’s happening?” his mother said looking inquisitive as she slowed down.

“Let’s go and check what’s going on. I don’t want them to hurt that girl, Morris said trying to open the car door.

“No, let’s stay here and watch them. I don’t want to get involved in police matters.”


Morris’s mother then moved the car to a safer part of the road and parked.

Bimbo saw them parking but cared less. Her heart was still racing as she led them to Nneoma.

When they got there, her father rushed and hugged her even though she was hard to recognize. Knowing that she was alive and getting to meet her after some months was enough for him. People were beginning to draw nearer.

Nneoma was looking confused and uncomfortable. The presence of many persons around her was beginning to irritate her. One of the officers asked Stella to come forward ordering the rest to step aside.

“Oya madam give am that thing make she drink,” the first officer commanded

Stella stretched her hand to give her the container of the liquid but nneoma refused to collect it.

“Madam hold her like your child and make her drink that thing,” the second officer suggested.

Stella got closer and wanted to hold her close to her shoulder but she kept avoiding her.

Nneoma became v!olent and wanted to f!ght her.

The men rushed and held her tight. They tilted her head backwards and opened her mouth. Stella started pouring the liquid into her mouth slowly and she was gulping it.

Immediately she finished pouring the liquid into her mouth, the men released her and she was calm for a little while.

She then suddenly started convuls!ng. Everyone watched her without getting close to her. After a few minutes, she became calm.

She suddenly started looking around her. She looked up and saw people gathered around her and was embarrassed and more confused. Her father rushed and held her close to his chest.

“I think she has regained consciousness,” one of the onlookers said.

“Daddy, why am I this dirty? Why are we here? Why are people looking at us?” Nneoma asked looking confused.

As she was asking her father all those questions, he was speechless but tears were dropping from his eyes.

“Daddy, why are you crying? What did we do?”

“Nothing, no-th-ing, my daughter, we did nothing,” Nneoma’s father said amidst tears.

“Please stop crying, everyone is looking at us.”

It was an emotional moment for the father and daughter as some onlookers were shedding tears.

Morris and his mother were also watching.

“Mummy please let’s go and see what’s going on. I think she has regained consciousness, remember she’s our friend.”

“I don’t want to go there.”

“Allow me to go and see her then.”

“Don’t go too close.”

“Ok, I’ll just stay in front of this car and watch.”

Morris then moved down from the vehicle and stood in front of their car watching.

The first officer then picked up his cell phone and called someone.

“Sergeant Gozie, check the details I sent you earlier. Take some men with you to that location and arrest everyone in that house. Go immediately.”

“Yes sir!!!” Sergent Gozie said over the phone.

“To God be the glory,” Bimbo said and turned to leave for her shop.

“Madam, hold it there. You are under arrest,” the second officer shouted.

Bimbo started trembling.

“I have shown you the girl, thank goodness she is back to normal. What then do you want from me again?”

“You k!lled someone!” shouted the officer.

The officer just said it because of the statement she made as soon as she saw them.

“Please oo, is not me. I don’t want to go to jail. Stella is the one who came up with the idea to k!ll her. I don’t even know the woman before.”

“Which woman?”

“Nneoma’s mother.”

“What! What did you people do to my wife?” Nneoma’s father said as he held Bimbo in the throat.

The police Nneoma’s father and calmed him down.

Stella refused to talk.

Bimbo continued talking.

“She gave her a po!sonous inject!on immediately after delivery and she d!ed.”

Everyone shouted.

“Why did she k!ll her?” the officer asked.

“Stella said she wanted Mr. Ike by all means and the only way to achieve that was to k!ll his wife and we were the only ones on duty that night.”

“Why did you keep quiet?”

“I was interested in her babies.”


“Yes, she actually gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.”

“What?!! Where is the boy, did she also kill him?”

“No, see him there, pointing at Morris. We sold him to that lady in the car.”

Everyone shouted and they all gazed at Morris. His mother quickly got out of the car, rushed to where he was and held him close to her chest

“Get the lady immediately,” the first officer ordered his second.

Morris and his mother stood there waiting for the police.


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