THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 6 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 6 – Bella writes



“Is this some kind of joke to you cause am definitely not finding it funny” I Asked feeling angry

How dare he come here and say all this to me

“Am serious Mitchell,I want us to be official now,Am ready to get married to you” He said

“But am not,I don’t want to marry you” I said aghast

Just yesterday he had told me that he was happy that I finally said the word,Breaking him free and now today He is telling me this

“You were quite willing to do so in the past, What changed now?” He asked

“Everything okay,for one I don’t love you anymore,You made sure any feeling I had for you disappeared and I can’t marry you because youve been tainted by so many whores,I wouldn’t like to be infected” I said wanting to get him angry

At least if he is angry, He would walk out of Here and tell me to go hell.

“I might have indulged in affair Mitchell but when I tell you that am very clean You’ve got to believe it” He said

“Well I do not want to and please Leave my house, Have told you want I want and that is to stay away from me,I won’t be marrying you,Not now or ever” I said and began to head towards the house

He got to me and pulled me by my arm “Mitchell are you turning me down?” He asked surprised

“Of course I am, I don’t want to get married anymore” I said

“Is there someone else? Have you fallen for someone else?” He asked

“I would have love to,To find someone better than you but I can’t” I said

“Because you still love me ” He said having a smile on his face

I felt so angry,How can he even ask me that question

“Because I don’t want anyone in my life,Especially a guy like you ” I said,Hoping he would get angry at my words and leave

But instead of doing so, He pulled me back into his arms

“Let me go!” I yelled up at him

“Stop struggling, People are watching and I won’t let you leave me looking like a fool Mitchell”

“I came here to move our wedding day forward Mitchell and nothing and no one will stop that” He said suddenly looking so angry

I knew that I had pushed him so far with what I said last and I knew that he was angry

And now more than ever, Have fuelled his passion for wanting the wedding to take place

“Now act like a loving Fiancee besotted with her future husband, I might have been foolish in the past and I might have taken your love for granted but now my eyes is fully open now,I want my future wife in my life and no one will stop me from getting that,Not even you” He said and pulled me suddenly into his arms

I struggled but he held me tight “stop struggling,your parents are watching us,So its either you accept me hugging you or I kiss you” He whispered into my ears and immediately I stood rigid in his arms

“That’s a good girl” He said and pulled me closer to him

“So now that you both have finally decided to bring the wedding forward,What date are we setting it to” Mitchell mom asked as She and her husband came to us

“As soon as possible and when I say as soon as possible, It could be in a week time” He said holding unto my waist

I starred at him,Surprised that he would pick a very early date

“Wow,You really don’t want to waste much time Your majesty” Mitchell father said

“I certainly don’t want Mitchell love for me to dwindle and I don’t want her meeting someone else and swooning over him”

“We have waste enough time already,its time I claim What’s mine” He said starring at me

‘ What’s mine’ hearing him call me his certainly made me feel strange

No one have ever been interested in me,not even my family,They have never made me feel like I was one of them and now a total Stranger is calling me his,This certainly is crazy,Really crazy.

We all went back in and the lordship himself stayed longer than expected

I would have sneak up to my room but the darn guy kept me beside him by holding unto my hand

He stayed for a while and when the food had been cooked and was just waiting for us to eat

He accompanied us to the dinning room

While his food was put in his front like some royalty, I stared at him

A guard came forward and ate a bit from the food and when he was sure that there was nothing in it, He nodded to the king

And then he began to eat,I watched them act this play and I thought them as fools

“Really? Are we that desperate that we are going to poison you” I said suddenly

“Can’t take a risk,Am the king after all” He said giving me a smile

I looked up and saw the pleading look on the face of Mitchell parents, They were eager to please him and were begging me to do the same

Until we ate finish I kept quiet and then we all went outside to send him off

“When have picked a date,I will surely let Mitchell know” He said starring at them

“We will be expecting Your majesty” Mitchell father said bowing

I was about to go back in when He pulled my hand and asked me to walk him to his car

Feeling so frustrated and tired of having to keep up with this farce, I went off with him

“You look angry?” He said

“Who wouldn’t? I told you yesterday that I do……..” I couldn’t finish my word because he bent his head and kissed my lips

I tried pulling away but his arms were now around me and stood in his arms letting him do whatever he want

He let me go reluctantly and stared at me

“Yesterday is yesterday, Today is Today, And Today have decided to marry you and nothing and no one will stop me from accomplishing that” He said caressing my face and then he let go and got into his car and it sped off

This is the second time that he would kiss me

And I won’t deny, A part of me like the kiss, While another doesn’t

And that is what is getting me scared,I need to leave as soon as I can, if he can’t find me here on his next return then there would be no marriage and that will save me sometime to find the Forbidden book and leave this forsaken place.

The sooner I escape the better, I went back in and began to take necessary stuff

Things I will need while being on my own

Taking the back pack and also Mitchell money I sneaked out of the house and I would have made it there unseen but Sarah caught me

“My Lady,Where are you going?”

“I can’t stay Sarah,I need to leave” I said

“But You can’t leave like that”

“I don’t want to marry the king anymore but he won’t just leave me alone ,This is the best way that I can think of” I said

“It isn’t the best way for anything,Let’s go back in and we will talk about it” She said but I pushed her hands away and I ran off

“I must leave,Its the only way” I said and ran out of the gate

A taxi was just passing by and I had the chance to get into it before anyone came out to stop me

I just hope that they don’t find me easily

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