THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 4 by Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 4 by Bella writes

Mitchell POV💭

I head out of the room feeling so angry and disgusted

He didn’t love the real Mitchell and he always treated her bad from what have noticed from him

Even so he shouldn’t be doing that,If it had been the real Mitchell who witnessed that,Am sure that the girl would have felt like dying

Why did she have to fall for a damn womaniser like him,I thought feeling so very angry.

I was still walking off when someone held my hand pulling me back,I turned to find him there starring at me

He had managed to button up his shirt And look like the smart king he is,No one would have thought that just a few minute ago,He was shagging a lady in his study.

“What do you want” I said feeling so angry, seeing his face

“What were you doing in my study?” He questioned and I huffed out angrily

“So no apology right? Your not going to even try to tell me that what I saw inside that house was a lie” I said

“That would be lying to you right? You saw the whole thing” He said

“Yes,Now I know that your nothing but a damn playboy” I said,Fighting for the real Mitchell

I wonder if the real Mitchell would have behaved this way,If she had seen them

“Look I told you already, Am not someone who settled down,Am not ready to marry yet and I won’t stop seeing my female friends” He said

“And do you see me care? Keep all the female friends you want just stay away from me” I said and walked off.


“just stay away from me” For years now have been waiting to hear those words from her and finally now that am hearing it from her,I should be happy right ?

But no I felt strange, I didn’t know what made me go after her

Earlier I had been angry,Angry that she hadn’t been on her seat watching and cheering me on.

She had always been there cheering me in the past before but while I the race started she disappeared.

I got distracted and lost the race,it never happened to me before but today because I had been distracted by her,I lost the race.

I felt so very angry that when the minister daughter almost threw herself at me,I decided to indulge her by taking her to my Study

But I never expected to see Mitchell in my study, She had seen me making love to another and that made me feel somehow.

In the past I could care less but today,I found myself dismissing the girl and going after Mitchell.

And I surely won’t leave her until I know whats going through her head.

She was heading towards the table when I spotted,I ran after her and I was conscious that my guards were following us

Having an Idea when I saw my horse not a distance away.

I whistled and it came running to me,I got on the horse and propelled it forward

Mitchell was still walking off,I could see her with the sexy way her derriere was moving in her black fitted trousers.

Getting to her,I bent and putting my hand on her waist,I pulled her on the horse.

She was a small thing and have always wondered how she would feel in my and now I certainly know how she feel and unwilling to admit it to myself,I find that I like it a lot

“Are you crazy! Put me down!” She yelled at me

Mitchell might get angry at me sometime but she will never call me Crazy or yell at me

I held her tightly and pulled her to me “we are going for a ride,So just sit tight and enjoy” I said smiling at her.


I sat in silence as the horse kept riding us off

Why is he behaving this way? I thought he would be happy to return to his lover when I said my piece to him

So why am I the one on his horse,With his body towering over me and heading to somewhere I definitely don’t know.

“Relax, Your so stiff” He said and pulled me closer to him

“Just take me back ” I said

“Not until we’ve talked” He said


“As far as am concerned, We have nothing to talk about” I said

“Yes we do” He said and he stopped his horse somewhere.

Immediately he came down,the guards who had been following us took the horse away.

I moved as far as I can,I didn’t know why but being close to him made me feel claustrophobic

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked

“You of course” He said

“What about me?” I asked

“You told me just yesterday that you could care less about what I did and then today,Here you are getting angry,What game are you playing at ?” He said

“I meant what I said yesterday and as for today,It just took me by surprise when I saw you and that’s all” I said

“Are you sure? Cause I know that you still feel something for me” He said

“And seeing me with that lady made you so jealous and whenever your in your jealous mood,You tend to do crazy things” He said

“And when you say Crazy things,What are those things” I asked and he laughed

“Are you really asking me that?” He questioned

“Never mind my asking then,Let’s just go back,I think there is nothing for us to say to each other” I said

“Are you sure about that,I do have a lot of things to say to you” he said

“Like what exactly? We have nothing more to say to each other”I said walking off

But he pulled me back and held me close to him

” let me g………”I couldn’t finish my word because he kissed me

I stood passive in his arms,Wondering if am the one being kissed right now

I pushed him away but his hold tightened and he deepened the kiss.

I stopped pushing him and I let him kissed.

Have always thought of how my first kiss will be and who the first person will be and just having it defiled by this womanising king,made me sick


I pushed him and he let me go,Smiling at me

“That was great” He said stroking his lips while I scrubbed at mine

“You pig!” I yelled and saw his guards stiffen

“Don’t act so holy,It was just a kiss” He said

“A kiss which meant everything to me,A kiss which was my first” I said and saw him stiffen

“A kiss which was your first? Are you kidding me”He asked

I realised that I was speaking for myself,I didn’t think the Mitchell of this world would have had her first kiss,I don’t even know a thing about her.

” You’ve had your first kiss already and its from me”He said

“From you?” I asked unsure

“Yes from me,Let’s just say that at that time you forced the kiss on me and now am the one forcing the kiss on you” He said walking towards me,Trying to pull me but I was quick to push him away and feeling so angry,I slapped his cheeks

His guards rushed towards us and with a flick of his hands they moved back

Just how loyal they were to this man,I thought angrily

“You’ve never raised your hand on Me before ,What caused it now?” He asked rubbing his cheek

“That is for you to realise that I want nothing to do with you,If possible forget I exist okay,I might have liked you and did a lot of crazy things in the past for you,That won’t happen again,I don’t want A womanizing pig like you” I said and began to head off

“Is that what you really want?” He asked behind me

It might not be what the real Mitchell wants but as of now I am Mitchell and I don’t want him close to me

“Yes” I said turning to stare at him.

“Fine then,The word have finally come from you and for the record,I also don’t want a boring girl like you” He said and went to his horse and rode off,leaving me to trek while two of his guards stayed to watch over me.

On our way home,I kept on wondering the kind of relationship the king and Mitchell had

Yes Mitchell liked him but he never did,He made it clear with his words and behaviour

But today, Today he kissed me or no he kissed Mitchell.

Was it some sort of joke to him or was he really serious.

Well I will never know because I won’t be seeing him again and he certainly wouldn’t want to see me again.

Sarah had kept shut through the way home,I knew she wanted to ask where I had been off to but she kept her mouth shut

I went straight to room and tried to sleep,For hours I tossed and turned but all I kept remembering was the kiss he gave me

“My first kiss had been ruined” I muttered to myself

The door opened and Mitchell mom walked in

“I heard what happened from Sarah” She said

“Its nothing?” I said

“Are you sure,hope you didn’t pick a fight with the king” She asked

“No mom” I lied

“Good then” She said and was about leaving when I stopped her

I had to know the kind of relationship Mitchell has with the king

“Mom,Can you please tell me what it is about the king,You keep on saying that I must not upset the king,care to explain further” I asked

“Its simple your bethroed ” She said suddenly

“Bethroed?” I asked surprised

“Yes my child,Your bethroed to someone, someone very important” She said

Apart from opening a book and being trapped in a word I know nothing of,now am being told that an bethroed to someone

“Who exactly?” I asked and she stared at me strangely before answering

“The king himself”

So that was the relationship Mitchell had with the king…….I thought as I sat on the bed feeling so sick


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