THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 20 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

❤️THE ❤️
👑 KING’S 👑
(A maid in her world 👗 A queen in his world 👸)
☀️(When two people from two different world meet)🌕
Written by Bella writes 🙃🙃🙃
Chapter 20✌️✌️✌️
As soon as the plane landed on the island, I couldn’t help but to stare around

“Welcome to CAIN ISLAND”Luis said coming to stand beside me

“It’s really beautiful”I said

“And to think you would have miss seeing this beauty because of your stubbornness”He said

“Its not because of my stubbornness Luis,I didn’t want to come so I won’t constantly remind you of the one you truly love”I said

“Is that why you refused,I thought it was because you hate me for making this deal with you”

“Its not because of that Luis,I thought that if you see me you will always remember Mitchell who you love and I can never hate you Luis” At least not now that I know that I love you,I thought silently.

He turned towards me and held my hand,Starring at me,Making my heart flip over and over again

“Now listen to me,You and Mitchell are two different people,You two might have the same face but you are different and when I tell you that whenever you are with me,you don’t remind me of the real Mitchell then you should believe it”He said and I nodded gently

“That’s good then”He replied smiling at me.

I felt happy knowing that he wasn’t reminded of the woman he loved even if he is with me.

“You said this island belongs to you,So why are there a lot of people”I asked as we head towards the house on foot

His mansion was big and just by seeing it’s huge ness from afar I knew it was going to be worth seeing.

“I bought this island years ago and built this great mansion you are seeing in front of you,I had people flying in and out to clean the place and it wasn’t pleasing for me because I knew that money was being wasted.

So instead I hired a lot of workers and built them an house on the island so they could leave and also help me to clean the house.

There are some other people I had flown here to, Those people weren’t doing well with their lives,a lot of people had given up hope on them but I didn’t, I brought them here and set up a business for them and now they are doing great, They all have their job, good family and a we’ll set future,What more can they ask for”He said smiling

Knowing that Luis helped a lot of people made me feel so proud of him,It made me see him in another aspect.

“You must really love your people”I asked

“Yes I do love all of them And I want the best for them,It’s my duty as their king”He said giving me a smile.

We got to the mansion and stopped when we saw a lot of the people by the entrance waiting for us,They all had flowers with them too.

The guards which had been following us from behind came to surround both Luis and I wanting to protect us.

“Its okay,They only came to say hello”Luis said to the guards

“Welcome back your majesty”A man who was amongst them said and they all bowed

“You all should rise up,You are making me feel old”He said giving them a smile

“You can’t be old your majesty and even if you become old,You will still be a very handsome old king”An old lady said smiling at him

“Oh nanny Martha, you always win my heart by telling me these things”He said and went to hug the old lady

He greeted the rest,saying their names and greeting them all.

I smiled starring at the affectionate way he communicated with his people.

“And who is this lovely miss”a man asked and I remember him to John, Luis had addressed him that way before hugging him

Luis walked towards me and pulled me into his arms

“She is Mitchell,My bride to be”He said and everyone began to congratulate him

“Its so nice meeting all of you”I said smiling and they all returned the gesture

“Perhaps when we have both settled, A party will be held here and you all are invited”He said.

A while later I was led into the mansion and I couldn’t hold myself from starring at all its beauty.

“You must be tired Mitchell,Go with Grace and she will show you your room”He said and I nodded and went with the maid who had been introduced to us as Grace

As soon as I got to my room, I couldn’t help myself from saying a big wow

“If you need anything my lady, just ring the bell”Grace said and left the room

I went to stand at the balcony starring out at the sea.

It will feel so good to walk around the sea To feel the wind and also the water.

“Since Luis is busy why don’t i just take a walk”I thought as I left the room

The house was kind of big and I had a hard time finding my way.

When I finally saw Luis office, I was sure that the entrance wouldn’t be far from there

When I got to his office, I couldn’t stop myself from looking up at him.

What I saw there shocked me, There was Luis in the arms of a woman and they were kissing.

Feeling so heart broken, I went back to my room,closing the door softly.

Luis hadn’t changed one bit, Just because he didn’t love her doesn’t mean he couldn’t show her some respect.

He made it clear to me that he was In love with Mitchell but the first opportunity he gets,He cheats on her, He is such a creek, I thought

It hurts, it had hurt when I saw him with another lady.

I layed on the bed and cried silently and I didn’t know when I slept off

I woke up when I a soft knock on the door

“Who is it?”I called

“Its Grace My lady, I just want to let you know that his majesty is waiting for you downstairs, it’s Dinner time an …….”

“Tell him that am not coming,I have an headache”I lied

“Okay My lady” she replied and left

I tried to sleep again but I wasn’t able to because the door opened and he walked in

“What’s wrong? Grace told me that you have an head ache”He said moving close to me

I couldn’t bear him coming near me,I got up and moved away from him,Some thing which he noticed

“Yes I have a headache and if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to be alone”I said

“You need to see a doctor or better yet let me call the do…….”

“I said am fine !!! Just leave Luis”I yelled at him and he stared at me

“You don’t have an head ache right? You are angry at me? What did I do?”He asked

He had the nerve to ask,I thought feeling very angry

“Tell me what made you hate me in a few hours”

I couldn’t tell him, Couldn’t let him know that I felt so jealous when I saw him kissing that lady

“I dont want to talk Luis”I replied

He walked over to me and knelt in front of me holding my hand

“Tell me what happen?”He asked

Feeling so frustrated and angry, I pushed him away and ran outside

Some how i made it outside and I began running towards the sea.

I could hear Luis calling out behind me but I kept on running

I was about getting to the water when he pulled me back,Holding me tightly

“Let me go, Let me go”I yelled at him but his hold on me was strong

He turned me around and yelled at me “what is wrong with you,Just tell me”

“You really want to know right! Well I will tell you,You scumbag, You tell me you love her and That you have changed but the next thing I see you do is to kiss another girl”

“You saw the kiss?”he asked

“You are not even denying it, Yes I saw the kiss okay, I saw you holding her passionately and kissing her and it hurt Luis, It hurts a lot”I yelled at him

“What do you mean by that”

“I tried keeping it a secret but I don’t care anymore, I love you Luis, I love you so much that seeing you with that girl hurts me, I felt like dying”I said,crying

“You love me?”He questioned

“Yes I love you and I know that you can’t love me back because Your heart belongs to some one else or better yet your heart doesn’t belong to any one, You are a darn womaniser and you will keep on being one”I yelled at him, pushing him away.

He caught my arm and pulled me to him “let me go Luis, let me be on my own so I can find a way to ease this aching heart of mine”I said gently

“You don’t have to heal it and you don’t have to be on your own”

“Let me go Lu…….”I couldn’t finish my word because he kissed me

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