THE KING’S BRIDE Chapter 19 – Bella writes

THE KING'S BRIDE Chapter 1 by Bella writes

❤️THE ❤️
👑 KING’S 👑
(A maid in her world 👗 A queen in his world 👸)
☀️(When two people from two different world meet) 🌕
Written by Bella writes 🙃🙃🙃
Chapter 19✌️✌️✌️
Mitchell POV
I sat in the plane, Safely tucked behind the seat belt and being watched over by two of his guard while he sat at the front dealing with some documents

I was still angry at him for bringing me here by force, Can’t he just understand that I was trying to stay far away from him, Why is he doing his best to bring us close, I thought starring at him

“Would you like anything my lady”The air hostess asked starring down at me

“Am fine, I don’t need anything”I replied starring out of the window

How could mother have lied to bring me to him? Why does he want me to be with him? I thought as I kept on starring at the back of his head.

At least he should give me his attention, Not to leave me all alone while he worked

All my life have always been ignored by the people I love, Would he also avoid me too,I thought sadly.

I stared out of the window and saw the sky, This is the first time am getting on a plane and though I try not to let it show, I feel scared.

I clutched the chair tightly and closed my eyes, Willing myself not to be scared.

Just then I felt someone hands on mine and when I opened them it was to find Luis beside me

“Not much of a flyer right?”he asked gently and I nodded slowly

“This is my first time and am really scared”I replied

“Don’t be! Am here with you”He replied still holding unto my hand

I turned and he gave me a smile, That made me feel safe and cared for and it brought tears to my face.

Wanting to hide it, I put my head on his shoulder while he held my hand tightly.

“What’s wrong?”He asked noticing that I suddenly look different

“Have always been alone Luis, No one to care for me, To worry about me, To comfort me whenever am scared but with you it’s been different, You worrying about me knowing that am not the real Mitchell makes me feel happy, Thanks for being here for me”I said closing my eyes gently.

I heard him sigh and his soothing hands left mine to hug me close and I went willingly into his arms

At least this is the only way I can be close to him, If he doesn’t know that I love him and he treats me like a friend then I can certainly enjoy being held in his arms, A friend is at least entitled to that, I thought as I snuggled closer.

I didn’t know that I had dozed off but when I woke up, it was to find myself in the plane cabin and I wasn’t alone

Luis slept beside me and at first I was surprised about it, I wanted to get up immediately but I stopped myself.

Even in his sleep, He is still so handsome, I thought as I stared at him

Why did I have to fall for him? Why didn’t my heart just love some one else? I might love him but he can never be mine because he belongs to someone else.

He made that clear from the very beginning but this stupid heart had to fall for him.

Have always thought of myself immune to love, Each time I see couples, I get jealous and wonder some time who and what the man I fall for might look like and now I know.

Apart from being so very handsome, He is also a kind and generous person.

At least he has been kind to me, Offering to help me even knowing that I didn’t belong in his world.

I checked the time and saw that it was already the evening,I wanted to get up and wake him up too but I find that sleeping beside him feels so great

He muttered some thing and smiled gently before going to sleep

I felt my heart pounding fast, It just had to take a smile from him to make my heart race .

Suddenly something came on my mind and while I thought it to being a pervert, My heart urged me to do it.

This will be the only chance I get to do it, I thought

I sat up straight and stared at him and then as gently as ever, I bent and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek

“I can’t resist because you are so cute”I whispered gently and then I got out of the bed and went to eat some thing before the plane landed.

I was eating some fruits when he came out of the room

On seeing him I remembered what I did and I blushed furiously.

“I see hunger woke you from the bed right?”he asked as he came to seat beside me

“Sorry if I started eating without you but you were sleeping so peacefully and I didn’t want to wake you up”I said

“Don’t worry, The bed felt empty without you”he said taking a slice of my fruit to eat it

“I was saving that part for the last! Go and eat yours and leave mine alone”I said taking the tray away from him

“I never knew you could be this stingy”He said

“When it comes to food,I am very very stingy”I said and I didn’t know that I looked cute while talking that way.

“Well your going to have to share cause I can’t wait for my fruit tray to be ready” He said

“No way! Don’t you dare come near my tray”I said getting up

“You really are so stingy”He said as he tried to take the tray from my hand

“No Luis,I mean it I will bite you, When it comes to my food, Am ready to protect it with my life”

“Oh really? Let’s see how you protect it”He said coming after me and I ran straight to the cabin,clutching the tray tightly

“You really are stingy”

“I told you so”I said as I kept on dogging him

“Just give it to me willingly’

“Never”I said smiling

“If you want my food tray, You will just have to catch me”I added as I moved to the other side of the bed

“Fine then” He said and climbed the bed and then came standing in front of me

“That was cheating Luis”I said laughing when I saw the method he used in catching me

“When it comes to food, I cheat a lot”He replied laughing back and I joined in too

“You know we both are similar in something”I said as I sobered a bit

“And what’s that?”

“Our love of food, Am someone who eats and eats without getting fat and am sure that you are too right?”I asked smiling

He didn’t reply and I stared at him only to see him starring at me,Looking so serious.

“I wondered when I would see that lovely smile of yours again and am glad that I saw it”He said gently touching my cheek

The smiled disappeared from my face and I stood starring at him, It was a moment of silence between us, I didn’t know why but I felt sure that he was going to kiss me,But he didnt, He removed his hand and moved away.

“I will just go and get my tray”he said and left the room

As soon as he left, I calmed my raging heart, He wouldn’t have want to kiss me right? I asked myself…… it’s just because he misses the real Mitchell, I thought gently

“it’s Mitchell he loves and not you, always put that in mind and you will be fine”I thought as I calmed my raging heart

I had a feeling that trip with him would certainly change things between us, I just hope it wouldn’t be something bad……..

love love love💞💞💞

Which I could have this love❤️❤️❤️

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