THE HUNTER Episode 1 – Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

THE HUNTER - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

THE HUNTER Episode 1 – Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Chinwe was busy staring at her wedding picture which was hung on the wall and rubbing her protruded stomach when her cell phone rang, she picked it up from the dining table where she left it some minutes ago and discovered it was from her sweetheart. She smiled sheepishly as she picked up ready to listen to whatever her sweetheart was ready to say.

Chinwe: Hello, handsome!

Ben: How are you, beautiful?

Chinwe: I am doing great and you?

Ben: How is my little Princess doing? Hope she is kicking.

Chinwe: You have come again oooo, who told you I am carrying a girl?

Ben: I know because I desire a baby girl who would be as beautiful as my Chinwe.

Chinwe: Come on, you sugar-coated man.

Ben: Lolz, So, I called for a reason.

Chinwe: Okay, I am all ears

Ben: Our Pastor called me this morning and said the church has a great need. I thought it was a financial need but he made me realize that a lady in the church needs shelter till she is able to get a job and secure her apartment.

Chinwe: So, how do we come in here?

Ben: Babe, he wants us to accommodate her till she gets a job and secures her apartment, I promised to discuss this with you and get back to him. What do you think?

Chinwe: Babe, I am afraid oooo, our agreement during courtship was never to bring a stranger into our home not even our family member. I don’t think this is a good idea, tell the pastor we can’t do it.

Ben: but he is a man of God and he would have seen if she would be dangerous. Moreover, he spoke well of her. Please, let’s not close the door of our house to a stranger.

Chinwe: Hmmm, okay ooooo

Ben: can you help prepare the guest room?

Chinwe: so fast?

Ben: Pastor said she is stranded and she needs the accommodation as soon as possible

Chinwe: They should give us time to process this jare, we are still trying to understand one another, bringing in a stranger will look somehow.

Ben: I understand you sweet but we don’t know who we will render help to and our desired financial help will come.

Chinwe: hmmm, alright oooo. I will see what I can do.

Ben: thanks my love, I love your understanding spirit. Don’t worry, I will get you enough suya while coming home this evening.

Chinwe: Okay oo

Rita was deeply happy when the Pastor informed her that a newlywed had accepted to accommodate her, she appreciated the Pastor and promised to be of good behavior and never disappoint him.


To be continued.

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