THE HUNTER by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu
Episode 3
Ben resorted to crying to God for mercy as at that point, only mercy could bring him out of police custody and God in His infinite mercy sent help to Him. Ben was asleep in the cell that evening when an officer came to inform him that he has been bailed. Shocked, Ben pinched himself thrice to see if it was real. After being led out of the cell, Ben discovered that his only friend was the one that came to bail him out, how his friend got to know was something Ben didn’t understand.
Femi took Ben to his place, took care of his wounds, and then explained to him that Chinwe upon returning from the hospital contacted her lawyer who prepared the divorce papers. Done with that, she sent Ben’s copy to his friend and urged Femi to advise Ben to sign the papers if he wants to experience peace in his life.
Ben wiped the tears from his face and explained the issue to his friend who was surprised at the whole scenario.
Femi: But you guys were so much in love, my babe once told me she admire the love between you two, what went wrong?
Ben: I don’t know too oooo, she just changed overnight. She use to be so respectful and submissive, she practically worshipped the ground I walked upon and every day, I bless God for giving me such a wonderful and homely woman.
Femi: hmmm, this is somehow
Ben: Will I blame the pregnancy? Does pregnancy make a woman go mad? Maybe, I never understood things that come with pregnancy
Femi: what are you going to do now? Will you sign the divorce papers?
Ben: of course, I will.
Femi: like you are willing to throw away your marriage??
Ben: what am I to do? My wife got me arrested and filed for a divorce. I should be the angry one, how can a pregnant woman engage in a fight? See, her parent is wealthy and highly connected, if I am to fight them, I won’t win.
Femi: this is so heartbreaking
Ben: Being their only daughter, they decided to please her when she insisted on getting married to me, it wasn’t as if they were in support of our relationship. I am an orphan, I have no one but God so, let me just go to the house, pick up my things and walk away after giving her the signed divorce papers. Her brother can decide to hire someone to kill me if I try to fight for this relationship. I can’t live in the house again because it was a wedding gift from her father.
Femi: it is well brother, I will not stop praying for you. Meanwhile, you can stay here as long as you want.
Ben: thank you for your help, I will rather ask my company for a transfer. I will be needing a relocation, I need to breathe fresh air.
Femi: I will miss you
Ben: we will always be in touch. Don’t worry, I will come around for your wedding.
Femi: Ben, can’t we do something??
Ben: never mind, Femi. I will scale through.
Femi and Ben engaged in a brotherly embrace, Ben let out his tears while Femi pats his back. Femi knew Ben was so heartbroken, he had been in the couple’s lives so, he knew how much Ben loved his life.
The following day, Ben signed the papers and took them to the house to hand them to Chinwe. Surprisingly, he met a gateman who wouldn’t let him in claiming that the madam of the house warned him not to allow a man called Ben into the house, he asked to see Rita thinking she would explain things to him but the gateman said no one bears Rita in the house. Ben gave the gateman the letter before walking away. Right there, he was determined to move on, it was painful because he had always felt he would grow old with his wife now ex-wife.
Celine was going through the files on her table according to her boss’s order. Her boss had decided to treat all the application letters the company had received so far. For months, they had been receiving application letters but since they had no vacant position, the letters were dumped somewhere not until someone was fired from the office.
To be continued.