THE HUNTER by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu
Episode 2
When Rita came into their house, Chinwe felt she had found a friend and confidant. Rita was always helping the couple with one thing or the other considering Chinwe’s condition. Ben felt relieved as Rita was always there to help his wife. Ben was then beginning to see Rita’s coming as a blessing in disguise. Chinwe was also beginning to see that Rita’s coming into her home was a blessing to her at that moment as her first pregnancy was taking a toll on her.
Gradually, Rita took over the cooking in the couple’s home, she cooked, cleaned, and washed. The couple blesses God every day for the blessing of Rita but then something began to happen, Chinwe suddenly began to hate her husband.
At first, she thought it was the effect of the pregnancy on her, her husband who also felt the pregnancy was taking a toll on her understood and accepted all that she did to him but a last straw broke Carmel’s back.
Ben had just come back from work one evening and was greatly famished, he went into the bathroom to freshen up and await the arrival of a delicious meal when he received the shock of his life, his wife stood before him with a bowl of hot water with a threat to pour it on him. Ben was at first lost for words but later began to plead with his wife not to bath him with hot water but she was bent on carrying out her plan.
Ben stood up, pushed the water away from her, and then gave her a slap to reset her brain, that was his thought as he had had enough of her nonsense. He had seen many pregnant women who exhibited funny characters but none had tried to kill their husbands. Shocked that her husband could lay hands on her, Chinwe launched at her husband and engaged him in physical combat.
Ben could not understand what was happening, his wife was fighting him with a strength of a man. She pushed him to the ground and was hitting him with all her strength, Ben could see blood gushing out of his lips and nose. Knowing that if nothing was done on time, Chinwe would beat him to death, Ben gathered all his strength and pushed her away from him. Before they knew what was happening, Chinwe landed on the floor with her stomach hitting the bedroom table. It was a great fall and Chinwe began to bleed immediately.
Seeing what had happened, Ben carried his wife into the car and drove her to the nearest hospital. The first hospital seeing the level of damage done to the pregnancy referred the couple to another hospital. It was the third hospital that accepted them and by the time, Chinwe would be admitted, the baby had died inside the womb.
Chinwe was operated and the dead fetus was brought out of her. When Chinwe regained consciousness, she was enraged, she blamed her husband for killing her baby, she blamed him for choosing to kill her baby instead of enduring all she did to him. Ben chose to keep quiet because the death of his unborn baby got to him. Without thinking twice, Chinwe informed her parent who got her husband locked up in police custody without bothering to hear his side of the story.
Mrs. Amadi, Chinwe’s mother didn’t hesitate to have her son-in-law locked up as she had never been in support of their marriage. Her daughter was a very beautiful and intelligent young lady who had suitors coming for her from far and near but she chose to go for a man who was just struggling to survive with the claim that it was God’s will for her. Ohhh, Mrs. Amadi was so disappointed, she thought her daughter would go for her richest suitor but she went for the poorest of them all.
Mrs. Amadi wasted no time in making her daughter see reasons why marriage to Ben was a mistake, she advised her daughter to sue Ben in court, file for a divorce and get half of the little things he had.
Ben on the other hand felt he was dreaming, he was surprised Chinwe could get him arrested and even think of taking him to court when she was the architect of all that ever happened. He never had the intention of pushing her away, he only wanted to free himself from her grip so that she won’t end up killing him.
He was an orphan with no family members so, no one could come to bail him out of their custody. His parent died when he was six leaving him with his Uncle who managed to train him to secondary school level before dying in a plane crash. Life was hard for Ben as he suffered to see himself through school just to get to enjoy life.
To be continued.
Been very sick but I bless God for His divine healing.
Interesting. Chinwe’s mother took a wrong approach to the matter, because she doesn’t like Ben. I hope it’s not that Chinwe is under a spell? And I think it’s the handiwork of Rita.
How is your health now? Thank God for the healing