THE HUNTER Episode 18 – Olowojesiku Deborah

THE HUNTER - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

THE HUNTER by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Episode 18

Chinwe: Yes

Ben: for how long??

Chinwe: I realized I was pregnant three weeks ago but I was afraid to tell you because I don’t know how you would feel since we are still trying to work things out.

Ben: that shouldn’t have stopped you from telling me, you know?

Chinwe: (moved closer to him) Ben, I am sorry for everything that happened in the past. I am here now, I am ready to be the woman you need, I am ready to be a better wife. The Holy Spirit has been teaching me how to be a good wife and I promise never to cause you pain again…

Ben: (drew her closer to himself) It’s okay dear. I never stopped loving you, I was just scared that there would be a repetition of the past but I trust God to help us have a peaceful home. I have spoken to my lawyer about us wanting to re-unite again and he said we would need to come to his chambers next week.

Chinwe: wow! I am so happy but then, I am not going back home again, I want to be with you.

Ben: no, you can’t do that. You will come after our divorce papers have been nullified. We need to respect your parent no matter what, don’t worry, I will come to see your Dad and make our intention of getting back together known to him.

Chinwe: alright dear, I am willing to wait.

Ben: one more thing, please, stop fighting Mommy. If we want God to fight for us, we don’t need to help Him.

Chinwe: (fell into his arms) ohh! What a wonderful man God blessed me with! I thought you would be mad at her for doing this to you.

Ben: she isn’t the one doing all these, the devil who doesn’t want us to have a happy home is just using her. All would be alright very soon

Chinwe: thank you, darling.

Mrs. Amadi was mad at her husband for giving Ben his blessing and permission when he came to ask if he could marry Chinwe again. Mr. Amadi was so happy because he knew Ben was a good man and the fact that he had become a celebrity in the business world would be a blessing to his company. Mrs. Amadi tried to fight their coming together but she knew her husband’s words were final. Despite that, she came up with a plan to get Ben kidnapped, she then left the house to go inform Collins’s mother where she received the shock of her life.

Mrs. Igwe: Calm down, Collins, Chinwe is yours. Remember, once you get married to her, the next move is to poison her parent after you might work your way into her father’s company which is why you two will need to live in the family house.

Collins: Trust me, Mom. Once our plan has been executed, I will divorce her and marry my beautiful Adaobi

Mrs. Amadi was shocked when she heard her friend’s plan, she never knew Mrs. Igwe was her enemy. She simply turned back and went straight to Ben’s company to apologize to him. Immediately Ben saw her, he welcomed her greatly and accepted her apology with a warm embrace. Mrs. Amadi told him to come to take his wife home by the weekend as it wasn’t okay for a pregnant woman to be away from her husband.

Ben couldn’t control his happiness, he appreciated get greatly and broke the news to Chinwe who screamed immediately after she got the information. That was how Chinwe and Ben became husband and wife after years of separation.

A few months later, Ben woke up in the night to use the restroom when he saw his wife wringing in pain. As he inquired about what was wrong, he realized she had gone into labor. He picked up the bag containing the baby things and together, they went to their hospital. Chinwe was taken into the labor room immediately since she was fully dilated and after some minutes, she brought forth her first child.

Ben broke into songs of joy when the nurse handed him his son, he couldn’t stop kissing the cute baby boy. He appreciated his wife for going through the stress of pregnancy and surprised her with a car as a token of his appreciation. Chinwe was discharged the following day and life was great for the couple.


Ben: I have been doing some thinking lately…

Chinwe: (stood from the bed where she was and went to sit on her husband’s lap) Hmmm, tell me about it

Ben: just all we went through and God’s mercy

Chinwe: I am glad we are back together stronger and better. I love you, baby

Ben: I love you, too.

Mrs. Amadi who came for Omugo walked into the couple’s room with her sleeping grandson only to meet the couple engaged in romance.

Mrs. Amadi: Chimoo! What are these children doing? Are you trying to make another baby?

Chinwe: (stood up from Ben’s lap) Mom! You should have at least knocked on the door

Mrs. Amadi: I did but got no response

Ben: Mommy, we are sorry ma, we got carried away. Thanks for coming to our rescue ma.

Mrs. Amadi: this boy is too young to have a sibling abeg

Ben: alright Mommy

Mrs. Amadi walked out leaving the couple to themselves. Chinwe went back to her husband relaxing in his arms.

Chinwe: my mom is so dramatic

Ben: she is right ooooo

Chinwe: babe

Ben: yes, dear

Chinwe: I love you

Ben: I love you, more.



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