THE HUNTER Episode 12 – Olowojesiku Deborah

THE HUNTER - Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

THE HUNTER by Olowojesiku Deborah Iyanu

Episode 12

It was my maid that told me all that I needed to know, she explained that I am married to Donald and immediately I remembered that he took me out to lunch and that was the end as everything went blank. I called my best friend who told me I fell in love with Donald after the lunch I had with him. My maid who understand things told me there was a probability that the food I ate was laced with love potions. I didn’t know when I screamed angrily, the doctor and nurses on duty ran to my ward to sedate me immediately thinking I was going crazy.

I felt used, cheated, and abused, my bright future was destroyed because I ate what I wasn’t supposed to eat. I woke up some hours later and ran away from the hospital. I went straight to my parent’s house and told them that I needed a divorce.

Trust my Dad, he vehemently refused with the claim that his friends would laugh him to scorn, I pleaded with my mom by explaining to her that Donald used a love potion on me but there was nothing she could do as no one goes against my Dad in our family, he was such a powerful man and I happen to be his favorite child.

I didn’t bother going to the hospital, I went home to face Donald, a new wave of anger rushed through me and I was ready to destroy anything that come face to face with me. I met Donald at home sipping wine, he looked at me and didn’t bother to ask what happened to the pregnancy. I went to his side, took the bottle of wine beside him, and broke it on the wall ready to stab him with it. Donald was shocked, he had never seen me that way, of course, I was like a wounded lion ready to devour. Without minding what the outcome would be, I stabbed Donald in the arm. Despite the wound being deep, he launched an attack on me. With his bleeding arm, he kept throwing punches at me, I refused to be his punching bag that day, I used all my strength to defend myself and returned the punches.

Donald became weak as a result of the bleeding arm and went out of the house probably to get himself treated. I could remember my maid and gateman watching Donald and I fight, pleading with us to stop the fight but then, my bitter self wanted to get revenge. After the fight, I went to have a warm bath and then, fell on my bed. I cried and cried till I had no strength in me, I kept challenging God and asking Him why He would let me fall into Donald’s trap after my years of serving Him diligently.

It was at that point the Holy Spirit began to speak to me, ohh, there was this joy in me the moment I heard His voice, I thought I would never hear that voice again. It was then the Holy Spirit began to remind me about how He warned me countless times, then, I remembered I had this nudging to stay far away from Donald, I had the same nudging not to go out to lunch with Donald and I also had the same nudging to pray over the food before eating it but I was carried away. The only thing I could do was to begin to ask God for mercy because I knew I messed up.

Getting pregnant for Donald wasn’t a good reason to get married to him but I was already into it and all I could do was to show him love to win him to Christ because that is the only way I could enjoy him. Donald came back home the following morning looking angry, I walked up to him and ask for forgiveness for fighting him but he didn’t even look me in the face. At that point, I decided to be a good wife hoping and praying that Donald encountered God one day and have a change of heart but the more I prayed for him and take good care of him, the more hardened and wicked he became. There was a day he poured hot egusi soup on me just because he felt it wasn’t like he wanted. Countless times, I wanted to walk out of the marriage but the Holy Spirit won’t let me. He kept on saying that good things will still come out of my marriage but it wasn’t looking like it.

After two years of enduring pain and torture from Donald, God began to fight for me. His girlfriend who he was supposed to marry ran away with all the money in his account and as if that was not enough, he lost the job that my Dad got him and for the first time, my Dad refused to help him salvage the situation. The one that hit me hard was the fact that he got infected with HIV.

To be continued.

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Ilyas Yetunde
Ilyas Yetunde
11 months ago

Wow! So much lessons to learn from this story