The Heart Of An Assassin 2


(Defend My Past)
All Rights Reserved


Linda was engulved with what she was reading from the book that she didn’t know when Dave walked in. Dave was surprised at how scattered the sitting room was as the content of Linda’s bag scattered all over the place. Dave looked at Linda and saw that her mind wasn’t with her at all

”What are you reading..” Dave asked and Linda looked up immediately, threw away the book in her hand and hurriedly hugged Dave

”Are you alright?? Did anything happen to you. Do you have any bad thoughts?” Linda asked these quiestions and more simultaneously and Dave was surprised

”Take it easy Sis, did I tell you that there is anything wrong with me?? You are the one I should be asking that question” Dave said and Linda looked around the Sitting room

”You mean I did all this?” lInda asked

”You didn’t know?” Dave relied with a question and the both starrd at each other..


”Babe, you really need to seek for the guide of the Police” Bella said to Cynthia as they sat in Cynthia’s sititng room with fruit juice in their hands

”What can they do?? They couldn’t even save my Parents from one man” Cynthia said

”Baby Girl, that was then, now they are doulbled even tripled.. I fear you live at risk ooh, even me now I’m shiverring for no one to come in here now and harm us ooh” Bella said

”I understand my dear, but I don’t think I need them, I am fine” Cynthia said

”If you no longer feel comfortable meeting me here in my house we can be meeting at the bar then” Cynthia said and just then Bella’s phone rang

”Excuse me” She seeked permission and brought out her phone, from the look of her face, Cynthia already know what she was going to say

”I got to go darling.. It’s an emergency” Bella said and Cynthia looked at her

”You really need to stop this your dirty job, you might hurt yourself one day” Cynthia adviced

”Your parents left a hell of Mansion for you Babe, but mine didn’t.. I have to survive Pretty angel. And again, you are missing the fun out there” Bella said and banged the door behind her which made Cynthia exhale heavily

”I really pity her but she wouldn’t listen” Cynthia said and went to pick up her own glass of juice when she heard a knock on the door. Her mind flew but returned at peace when she heard the voice of her gateman

”Madam, na Musa” Musa the gateman said and walked in

”Good afternoon Madam” He greeted and Cynthia paid attention to him

”Yes, Musa.. Is there any problem?” She asked and Musa stood at a pace

”Madam, since I come here to replace the other Musa wey die.. Madam, I no like the things wey I dey observe Madam” Musa said

”And what are you observing Musa?” Cynthia asked

”I no fit explain Madam but I go advice you make you carry money travel outside this country” Musa said

”And what will you be doing if I travel?” Cynthia asked

”Madam, I no care about myself, I just dey worry about you Madam.. Na beg I dey beg Madam, I no wan loose you Madam, you dey good to me and I no go like see bad thing do you Madam” Musa said and his words touched Cynthia

”It’s alright Musa, nothing will happen to me. God is by my side” Cynthia said and Musa nodded his head insatisfactorily

”But Mada…” Musaa tried to say but Cynthia interrupted

”It’s alright Musa, just pray to Allah for me” Cynthia said and Musa left Murmuring..

”Hmmmm..” Cynthia exhaled being short of words as she relaxed her back on the chair she was sitting on


Bella who already rushed out to answer the phone call she got, entered a taxi and dropped by a well know bar in the city. She alighted from the taxi and walked majestically towards the gate of the bar. Before she could get to the gate of the bar, Sir Whyte, one of Chief Williams thugs held her

”My Boss wants to speak with you..” Sir whyte said and Bella starred at him

”What for?” She asked trying to snub him but Patronizer joined in and Bella respected the guns they had in their hands and followed them to one corner of the bar

”Take it easy with her” Prof. Michael said

”So sorry if they hurt you my dear” Chief Williams added with caps covering their faces

”What sort of nonsense is this?” Bella ranting her mouth trying to show how embarrasses she was

”It’s alright” Prof. Michael said

”You don’t know me and you don’t have to” He added

”I have a job for you” Prof. Michael said and lifted up his face looking deep into the eyes of Bella..



A large highly incomprehensive noise was heard all over the place. Chiefs, Senators, Governors and men of great influence in the country were all seen in the Conference hall, Abuja murmuring and talking to each other in an unorganized manner. This lasted for some time but not until Lady Rukayat, the PA to the Late President stood up and made a loud hit on the table

”Please Ladies and Gentlemen, we all are here to tackle a serious matter and not to murmur or fight each other here” Lady Rukayat said

”The matter at hand is so important that it should be handled with great care” She added and the arena became quiet

”I would like us to keep it calm and delibrate on the way forward” She concluded and sat down

”Thank You My Lady” Alhaji Dankaki the Minister for defence said

”Minister, you shouldn’t be saying anything in this meeting and you know that” Chief Godwin interrupted Alhaji Dankaki

”And why should that be?” Alhaji asked

”What have you done since the death of our President. Absolutely nothing..!! It’s been over a month and some days now, but yet no clue about the rascal that has been doing all this let alone taking them behind bars!” Chief Godwin said

”I support you chief” Alhaji Maharaja said still pointing his words at Alhaji Dankaki

”Who knows, the killer might be with us here looking for the next person to kill.. I am no longer comfortable in this country with that killer still lurking around” He said and sat down

”And what do you expect me to do?? Kill myself or begin a juju work to find the killer?” Alhaji Dankaki asked rudely

”My men are into it tirelessly.. Day and Night, they have doubled their working time. They are trying their best and we all know that!” Alhaji Dankaki defended himself

”Well, I think doubling is not enough, triple it or even 5 times better than this.. This is leading us nowhere.. And we all know that we can’t trust anyone anymore till this case is brought to the Supreme court!” Lady Ifeoma added and Alhaji Dankaki ran out of words and sat down not saying anything.

”It’s alright everybody” First Lady Aisha said walking into the conference hall. Immediately, everybody stood up and greeted her. Chief Wlliams was shocked seeing her but he comported himself.

”Good day everyone” Lady Aisha greeted

”The death of my husband shouldn’t bring a cohesion in this place. I knew how united we all were before I left for the United states. Like I heard, others have been dying also before my husband” Lady Aisha began

”We shouldn’t sit here and battle ourselves, the Minister of Defence is doing his best. It is now left for all of Us join him in this plight” She added and looked around

”I am pleased still seeing you all again” She said and sat down

”Greeting my Lady” Everybody echoed

”We should move over to the main matter” Lady Rukayat said

”The Next election is in 3 weeks from now and we can’t give other countries the impression that we have no President, lest they wage war against us.. But on that we can’t commence the election in the Absence of Mr. President and the Vice President. What are we going to do about it” Lady Rukayat threw up the matter and immediately Lady Aisha stood up

”We don’t have to waste much time on this” She said

”According to the Constitution, after the President is his wife. Thank God I am still alive” She said

”The same constitution recommended the children of the President and Vice to take over if they are of age, but as we all know, I couldn’t bear a child for my Husband and that is why I invited Miss Cynthia Wilson” She said and Cynthia walked into the Conference hall to the surprise of Everyone. The Anger of Chief Williams boiled up immediately

”This is total nonsense!! Absolute Nonsense” Chief Williams said immediately with the support of some people

”How can a Lady be part of the election. Not even a well grown Lady but a Girl!!” Chief Williams asked angrily

”Kindly sit down Chief Williams” Lady Aisha said and Cynthia walked up to her

”The Constitution never spoke against women being Leaders, if it did, quote me wrong” Lady Aisha said with a Loud voice and everybody kept quiet

”Now, this is my conclusion with no allowed Objection” Lady Aisha said looked at everybody

”The Presidential election will hold!! Anyone whow wants to be part of the Presidential election should pass through me and should be ready to compete with Miss Cynthia. This is my word.” Lady Aisha said and walked out with Cynthia

”All Dismissed” Lady Rukayat dismissed the meeting and murmuring began. Angrily, Chief Williams walked out of the meeting hall..


”How have you been my dear?” Lady Aisha asked Cynthia as they entered the car in the escort of a large number of armed men

”It hasn’t been easy my Lady” Cynthia replied and they drove out..

Story continues…

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Abu Aisha Morenikeji
Abu Aisha Morenikeji
5 years ago

I hope Cynthia know the reason for her father’s death.