THE DRAGON TWINS Final Episode 13 – Authoress Favour Story

THE DRAGON TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story

(He’s A Merman)
Written By Authoress Favour Story

Episode 13

🧞 Twirly 🧞

You don’t have to cry because it would all be history soon, and I would tell you not to ever doubt the trust of your mate and friend. They are all you have here, they are trust worthy,” she said and I sighed heavily. “Are you ready to meet the mermaid and merman creator, and to start your mission to save Pacific kingdom from the hands of the evil king?” she questioned and I stared at her for a while not knowing what to say or do.

I could feel a knot tied on my throat and I gulped down the lump which had form on my throat. I looked at her face with so much determination, and with that I said what I had always wanted to say. I said what I had always wished to do. “Yes I’m ready,” I stated and she nodded before stretching her hand and we both were teleported out of the place.

Soon we appeared in a place we can call a heaven but this one was different because it was filled with water. There was water above us that had form like clouds on the ocean, and what amazes me is that it looks like rainbow. The clouds were intoxicating and I didn’t know when I started salivating. “Get a grip of yourself,” I heard the voice of Liray which jolted me out of my thoughts.

“Welcome, Twirly. You are here for me to brief you about the mission which you are about to embark on. You should know that I can kill him with a snap of my hand but too bad I can’t interfere in this since I’m not a mortal like you. I don’t like interfering in merman problems but It seems I have to step in but it would be through you” i heard a voice said and I saw Liray bowed her head and her head could be seen in the same height with her knees.

I stared around the place unconcerned about it. I was trying to figure out where the voice from but I feel a force pulling my knees to the ground and I felt myself bowing involuntarily to the person with the voice. “You should learn how to bow to your elders and creator,” I heard a voice said beside me and I turned my head to the direction wanting to know who owns the voice but I couldn’t find it.

“You should know that if you fail to get the job done then I will find another person” the voice said and I could feel fear run down my spine. “liray I can see that you have trained him well within a short period of time and I’m glad for that. You would be allowed to be he’s guardian who lives in helim as a golden tail Mermaid,” I heard the voice added and i stared around the place in shock but my head couldn’t be lifted.

“Thank, you. I really appreciate” Liray stated excitedly and I stared at her in shock not knowing what to say.
I’m glad this has to happen. “She only train people but your case is different, you should follow what she has to say” I heard the voice said and I nodded.

Here I was sitted on a chair while ruminizing over what had happened in the last few days. I couldn’t believe that my life had taken a great turn within weeks. I was glad when I came to find out that Maria and Arielle didn’t betray me but instead they help Liray with training me.

I had never believe that there would be a day which something like this would happen but it happen.

I could feel my mind growing restless all of a sudden and I knew that something wasn’t all right. I knew that something was definitely wrong but I have no idea if what it is, and with that I walked out of the room ready to inform Arielle and Maria about it but I was happy when I got there and I found out that they were also on thier way to my room and they had a restless look plastered on thier faces.

I knew that something was wrong and that set me off edge, and I wanted to know what had happened but I don’t want to read their minds without thier consent. “What’s happening?” I asked with my voice filled with panic, and I stared at them wanting to exact the answer from them directly from their mind.

I have been warned by Liray who told me not to use my powers on other unless when needed and if it was to be urgent. I knew that Arielle and Maria won’t be happy if they were to find out that they were compelled by me.

I stared at Arielle whose body was stiffed and it softened immediately she saw her mate diamond who happens to be Maria’s brother, and they have been trying to make thier mate bond flourish. He also have a worried look on he’s face and i couldn’t help but wonder what made them to be afraid. I knew that whatever it is that made them this afraid then I should get ready to be afraid also.

“It’s skruel, he is here. He wants you dead, and if care isn’t taken then you would be dead soon and I don’t want that to happen” Maria said with a deep pause and it looks like she was contemplating on what to do.

“You need to leave right now, I know you aren’t ready to face him now and you would need to train harder, you need to leave now” Arielle completed and I stared at the both of them in shock.

“No!! I can’t do that. I will stay and fight. There is nothing to be afraid of moreover Liray is with me, I would stay and fight that evil man who abducted the Pacific and made them prisoners. I would make him pay for all this,” I shouted while staring at thier faces hoping that they allow me but they didn’t.

They eventually forced me to leave and it pained me dearly that I leave at a crucial time.

I stared at them complementing on what to do but I knew that I have to go. “Okay, take care of yourselves” I muttered to them and they nodded before I left. I swam away from the palace and I was at the gate of the kingdom, sorry I meant the back gate of the kingdom not the main gate.

I stopped walking and I walked back to the place where I left the others. I knew that it is now my chance to end this once and for all and Liray was also supporting me. I walked back to the place where I left them.

I could hear groans of people and no one’s needs to tell me that it was the sound coming from both parties and I doubt that they were all prepared. I knew for sure that they weren’t because they thought that I would be the one laying the attack on them tomorrow. All the people in this kingdom knew about this and I knew that someone must have relayed the message to the enemies.

I planned on finding out who the person is. I knew that whosoever the person is the person would pay with his life. I teleported to the war front and I sighted skruel, and I was able to recognize him through Liray. I sighted him holding Maria by her neck which I also felt the pains within me, but i tried hard to suppress it and with that I sent waves of water to him hoping that he alters his grip on her. I stared at him angrily when I noticed that he was not moved by that and it got me angry.

I charged forward towards the person and I punched him angrily and I was able to get to him because I teleported. I grabbed the person by his neck and I threw bum away. His body stopped mid-water and he returned back like a boomerang.

I bent low escaping him but he keep on coming back and I knew that I have to do something and that was because anytime I dodge him he would kill the warriors before returning back. “Twirly! What are you doing here? Don’t I tell you to leave” Maria yelled at me and I was about replying her when I heard a whiff sound.

I bent low to escape and when i see that someone I can’t evade it and I tried teleporting away. I felt something pierced into my chest and I glanced at it to noticed that it was the evil skruel. He had his hand burried into my stomach, and I could feel life seeping out of me slowly.

I sighed heavily and bitterly knowing that there was nothing I can do to stop anything. I knew that I should have not let that happen. I had let Maria to cloud my thoughts which made me loose concentration on what was happening. I smiled while staring at Maria with a weak smile on my face. I knew I was going to miss her.

I felt bad that I couldn’t complete the task given to me by the mermaid creator.

I could feel everything turn black and suddenly I remembered the words of the mermaid and merman creator. The mermaid creator told me that I would loose control over my body the moment I die, and that Liray would take over my body and complete my unfinished task. I was also told that I will not be able to see a thing that she does but I can hear what is going on.

I could feel myself loosing conscious and I knew that it would be up to Liray who will decide if she was going to release me after completing the task. The mermaid creator had told me that it’s 10% chance of surviving and that she wouldn’t want to release me just like that.

“Twirly, are you alright” I heard the voice of Maria and my heart leapt with joy but it was soon crushed into nothingness when I remembered what would happen. I knew that I might not be able to see him again. I could hear sounds of somebody being shoved out of the way and no one need to tell me that it was Liray’s doing.

I shut myself from hearing what she was doing because I knew that it was Maria that she shoved out of the way. I was angry with her but I knew that there was nothing I can do about it since I caused it by myself.

After what seems like hours and different yelps I could hear the sound of joy and no one need to tell me that we won.

I could feel myself being transported into a place and I could tell that it was the mermaid creator who had summoned me because of the atmosphere. “Welcome back, son. It’s a painful thing that you lost the fight but it’s a good thing that I have a backup, I don’t know if Liray would give you access to your body. It’s up to her” I heard the voice of the mermaid creator.


It has been three years since the Pacific have been set free, and Liray had given Twirly back her access to he's body a month after the incident. Twirly was able to find he's twin brother and after all what had happened they were together. The Pacific who were killed were mourned for a week. He's twin brother Twirly happens to have a crush on the princess and they are mates also so he was crowned the king because there was no other person than the princess who came from the royal family.

The gave birth to two kids each, a boy and a girl. They were both sent to the human world to experience human life.


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1 year ago

Nice well
Then again you didn’t tell us the ordeal with his foster parents