THE DRAGON TWINS Episode 10 – Authoress Favour Story

THE DRAGON TWINS Episode 1 - Authoress Favour Story

(He’s A Merman)
Written By Authoress Favour Story

Episode 10

🧞 Twirly 🧞

I stared at the rays of light which I saw and i swam towards it instinctively with a deep frown on my face as I couldn’t bring myself to understand why I couldn’t control myself and i did all i could to gain control of my body but it was fruitless. I could feel a force attracting me to it and I couldn’t understand why it was like that.

Soon I swam closer to the place and I saw a trident came in view. I stared at the trident with a wide smile knowing I wasn’t played by Maria or Arielle but that soon changed when I noticed that the trident was changing color and that alone sent me off edge.

What the hell is happening today? Why is everything bad? Why can’t I just save the Pacific from the hands of the evil? Why can’t I just do everything now? Why can’t I just finish everything once and for all and get done with it. I don’t want a situation whereby I would be delayed. I hate being delayed and that was what was happening. I hate all that is happening recently. I hate to know that I haven’t save the Pacific now.

I thought that I would just get the trident wherever it is and go back to where I come from. I wanted to go back to my parents and I hoped they accept me back even though I knew it won’t happen but I was wishing that.

I wish that God would just save me from all this stress and let me get whatever I want done. I want all this to stop right now and I don’t know what to do. All this is causing me to have a migraine. I couldn’t understand why Arielle and Maria would want to betray me and even if they did what do they want to gain.

They might be working for the evil man and he might have wanted to kill. They might be evils.

I knew that I have to find a way out of here and I think that the trident might contains something that would help me out of here. I knew that I had to make something up to save myself and I’m ready to do anything. Aside that there was something calling unto me, there was something which was attracting me to it and I planned on finding out.

I tried swimming toward the trident which was changing color every second but there was something about the trident. Anytime the trident changed to gold it would stay for a while before changing and my thoughts will be that the trident is the golden trident which I was looking for if I hadn’t know a thing about it. Arielle doesn’t say a thing about that. She doesn’t tell me that the trident wasn’t like I had imagined.

She knew the trident more than I do but then I remembered that she had betrayed me then what would I do to stop that. I knew that she wouldn’t have tell me if it was the one so I don’t have a choice than to find out myself.

I mustered up the courage to touched it and the reaction I received from it makes my eyes widen. I stared at the trident with my eyes wide open. I couldn’t believe what just happened.

The trident changed color faster than before and I couldn’t help but be more confused about the trident. I couldn’t understand why it was changing color faster than before when I haven’t touched it. I tried removing my hands from it but it seems like my hands were glued to the trident. I felt like the trident was familiar to me. I looked around the place trying to find something which I could use in disengaging from the trident but none of them work.

I could feel a power surged in my body as I touched it, and it felt good but I wasn’t intoxicated by that because I knew it would be dangerous if it happens to be that it was one of their plots to get me here. I knew that since they got me here it might be their plots.

I could feel my veins popping up as I touched the trident and I felt my body glowing brightly, and I felt the sea waves blew. The water below and above me seems to be having a duel as they hitted their selves at intervals. I was scared that I had to scream with all my heart hoping that someone help me.

I felt a pang in my heart, and that was a pang of hatred and anger. I felt angry that Arielle and Maria had the gut to betray me. I felt sad because I haven’t gotten the chance to meet foster parents after what happened. I suddenly missed my foster parents as I couldn’t bare myself to die before seeing them. I still love them even though they rejected me. I still have the hope that they would accept me back someday. The powers jeep surging in that I was unable to stiffle my moan of pain.

“Help!!!” I screamed on top of my voice while trying to free myself from the trident hoping that someone would just pop out of nowhere and save me from all that was happening. My eyes windened in shock as I felt the trident enlarge in my hands, and to top it all it changed into a golden trident, and the trident was large that I had thought I wouldn’t be able to carry it but I surprisingly carried it.

My face morphed into a smile as I think of the possibilities of them not betraying me. I knew what to do if it happens that they betrayed me but first I need to get out of here first but I don’t know how to go about it.

I clenched on the trident which has now shrink back to it’s normal self. I looked around trying to find a way to get out of here. I don’t no how I will get to know that they weren’t betrayer’s and just like on a queue I felt a voice in my head.

“Silly boy, you are thinking of what to do instead of working on it. You should have look for a place to go but instead you stayed like a wall” I heard a voice said in my head and I looked around thinking I was hallucinating but there was no one here with me.

“You aren’t hallucinating, I’m Liray your mermaid ” I heard the same melodious voice sang. I was startled by the changes of voice, and that was because she had first used a firm voice while she used a melodious and calm way to talk to me.

“Where are you?” I asked looking around but I couldn’t find any other person apart from me.

“I’m in your head silly, can’t you differentiate between the two. I can’t believe you are the one chosen to be the blue tailed merman. You are so dumb” liray said and rollled my eyes at her reply.

“Close your eyes, and you will see me” Liray added after knowing I wasn’t convinced with what she just said.

“How the hell am I going to get out of here,” I asked her with a frown after knowing she was the only one I could talk to here and she might have known some hacks which I can use in getting out of here even though her excuse was lame.

“I can get you out of here but that mean you would visit the merman creator, are you up for it?” she asked and I took in a deep breath trying to brace myself for what is coming next. I couldn’t understand what would come of me if she get me there but I don’t care anymore about it since I was too desperate to leave here.

This place was giving me a eerie feeling with the place. I want to leave here because it felt suffocating, and I wasn’t able to use my grill to breath properly.

“You should have it in mind that you shouldn’t let your emotions get the better of you. You are about to get to the dangerous part of this, I hope you can be able to get your emotions at bay and after that I would proceed on the next step” she stared and I sighed heavily not knowing why all the things she was saying was necessary for getting out of here alive.

“I’m ready,” I said hastily with a deep frown on my face as all I ever wanted was to get out of here alive and that was what matters to me.

“Close your eyes,” I heard the voice said with a gleeful voice and one would sense that she was excited. I couldn’t understand why she was happy. It was like a long life wish come true but I didn’t care. All I care about at that moment is to leave there.

“Open, your eyes and tell me what you see,” I heard her voice said again I opened it to find out that I was in another place and there in front of me was a golden tailed mermaid. Her tails was glowing brightly and her skin glowed radiant. She had a gleeful smile plastered on her face.

“Is this the mermaid creator?” I asked as I stared at the mermaid who was in the middle of the garden with her body facing the sky.

“No silly, I’m Liray. I need to get control of your body before I would be able to take you to the mermaid and merman creator” she said and I stared at her with shock evident in my eyes.

I sighed heavily for the umpteenth time as I stared at Liray. I didn’t know what to do other than to let her take over my body. I felt my mouth go limb as I tried to say a word but I couldn’t. I felt the muscle in my mouth went limp and I stared at the mermaid in front of me who was just like a replica of me which I just noticed. I noticed that her tail didn’t stop glowing for a second and I got curious but I couldn’t say a word. I felt like I could trust her but my body is saying otherwise. I felt scared that would do something that I would regret later

“You can have the control over my body as long as you promise me not to something I will regret” I said and she burst out into laughter as I said that and I glared at her wondering why she is laughing.

“I won’t even try that,” she said sarcastically and I frowned while staring at her. I felt angry but I decided against it knowing she might not want to help me again if I make her angry and so I kept my mouth shut not wanting to say a thing that would make her angry.

“If you want me to take over your body then you have to come toward me, and I would do the same” she said and I sighed heavily while swimming toward her with my mind racing with different thoughts. I felt like I shouldn’t do this but I got no choice than to do this since I want to leave here as soon as I can and she is the way I can get out of here.

Soon I was close to her and as soon as she saw that she pushed me to where she was before and I fell on the floor with a groan. I stared at her and saw snurk evilly at me. My eyes widened in shock knowing I might have made a mistake by letting her get control over my body. I felt like I have been used by her.

I couldn’t feel the trident in my hands again and I was shocked when I raised my head up to see the trident in the hands of Liray who had a dark smile on her face. “What the hell do you just do,” I asked as I stared at her angrily. All I wanted to do at that moment was to attack her and made her regret ever taking the trident from me. I stared at her with a look of hurt not knowing what to do again. I should have known that she was also after the trident.

“Don’t be a fool, you are too dumb to be the legendary golden tailed merman. You are easily fooled by me,” she said and I felt my eyes grew with tears. I knew she wasn’t to be trusted. I knew I had to get back in control of my body. I don’t know how to do that.

Immediately you touched the golden trident and it colors keeps changing, you should have known that you’re truly the golden tailed merman and not a blue tailed merman,check your tail and see if is still the same color said Liray

I couldn’t understand what I can do. I then remembered that she took control over my body when she exchanged positions with me. I knew i can gain control of my body if I was in the same spot she was in right now.

“I should have known that your are nothing but a lair,” I shouted as I stared at her angrily and she smirked evilly. “You know the only problem you have is trusting easily. You trusted Arielle and Maria but what did they do to you, they betrayed you,” she replied while staring at me with a dangerous smile and i shifted back instinctively.

I couldn’t believe that she would have to remind me of those bad things which had happened to me. She reminds me of my betrayals. She knew what to use in taunting me. She was right I was no different from a kid who trust easily. I could remember why I’m no different from a kid.

A kid trust so easily. A kid would smile while being thrown up by a person. The smile was because the kid tested the person so much that he rely on him/her, and that’s exactly what I am. I trust so easily and I act irrationally. I should have think twice before letting her gain control of my body. She was nothing but a evil being.

I felt like there was something I’m not aware of. How was she able to have a golden tail. She wasn’t supposed to have it. I should have knew this was all a fake prophesy. I should have know I was betrayed by Arielle and Maria. I should have know that all the things about the Golden Tail and trident were all lies.

I can’t find a possible reason why this mermaid was a golden tailed mermaid. I was to be the only Golden tail mermaid alive. I was told by Arielle and Maria that I was not just any merman but the golden tailed merman. I should have knew that all this was how a normal mermaid should be.

I could remember an exact word which was said to me by Arielle the other day. She told me not to trust anyone including her. I should have knew that something was weird about that but I was too blind by her affection to know that she was nothing but a deceiving person. She deceived me into believing that she was a good person whereas she was a selfish person who was only looking for her own interest.

“Yes you are right, all this whole thing was planned by Arielle and Maria. They planned on sacrificing you to me to make their desires come true,” she said and I stared at her in shock. My lips were parted open as I stared at her with an unexplainable expression. I could feel the emotions swerving in me and I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I knew that this shouldn’t be true.

“They knew that you are the legendary Golden tailed merman, and they brought you here in exchange for power” the golden tailed mermaid said.

I couldn’t believe that they could be this cruel to do this. They are too cruel. Then it means all what I had dreaned about is true. They were telling the true about me. What they had said to me contains half truth and half lies. They lied to me that they were going to help me save the Pacific but instead they were against it. They all wanted me to suffer. They wanted me dead but they were only acting as if they were helping me.

“It seems all this aren’t clear to you. Arielle and Maria knew you would be coming that day, and they had both staged all this. They knew they compelled your parents into leaving you because of you being a merman. Your parents love you, I knew they might have lied to you saying that they weren’t your biological parents but they were, they were compelled to do that” Liray said with a dramatic pause and I stared at her like I just saw a ghost. I should have known that this was just a plot of them before.

“They were also compelled to leave you telling your they can’t be with you after finding out you are a merman. The truth is that they love you, they were not in their right senses. They still love you despite you being a merman” she added and I was in tears when she completed her words. I was soaked with tears as I stared at Liray with hatred in my eyes. Her words seems to plug deep into my heart. I couldn’t believe all this could happen but I had no choice any more.

I shouldn’t have believed Arielle in the first place. I trusted her so much but what did she use to repay me. She repaid with agony and pains. She made me go through hell in the hands of my parents. She made me more heartbroken but I should have known this was likely to happen. I would have averted all this but I was too blinded by love and friendship. I seems to trust Arielle so much to the extent of letting her bring me to this place. She was the one who staged all this and she should pay for that.

She should pay for humiliating me. “Arielle had never wanted to save the Pacific kingdom from the hands of the evil king. She was also one of those that nibbed the king. There was nothing like the king’s was attacked by his brother. Arielle was the insider that helped nibbed the king, she was the one who started all this. She was the one who killed the king and captured them all. She was the one who made the kingdom crumble down into ashes,”liray said with a deep smile plastered on her face as she twirled around happily. I knew she must be happy that she finally achieved her own aim.

Let me tell you one more Twirly. Arielle and Maria deceived you, they’re both merman like you but decided to change into a mermaid, just so you can fall in love with the both of them. So henceforth, refer them as he and not she. Maria is the prince of the siren kingdom.

😱😱 I know you are shocked with the sudden revelations, take a chill pill. I believe you will understand better.

Is there anyone who can predict this story??🙄

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1 year ago

You see that headache of a thing you talked about yesterday is now the thing is affecting me because the prediction is off balance for me 😂😂😂😂😂

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