THE CURSED LANTERN Episode 17 By Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu

THE CURSED LANTERN (When the gods are silent) - Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu

THE CURSED LANTERN Episode 17 By Okafor Erasmus Ugochukwu

The princess leaned on the wall of her hut while looking out to the sky. She was mute and indecisive. She didn’t even know what was right or wrong anymore. She was so disturbed thinking that she may have made a mistake by believing Osinachukwu who was being accused of misleading the entire ten kingdoms. She had to stay away from her father and the entire people that were meant to be around her. Her life became so complicated and overladen with melancholy; even her mother that was meant to be by her side distanced her at the moment. She didn’t know if she made the right call or was too gullible to have believed the prophecy of the granddaughter of the woman of the lantern.

More pregnant women continued to be in prolonged labor; strange rashes and boils began to appear on the bodies of the entire newborn babies. Those boils were so painful that it got the people wondering about the kind of plague that visited them. It was most surprising that the entire rivers that provided the sources of water for the people turned into blood.

The people clamored for help but none came.

It became obvious that the gods were still angry at the people while no solution came forth. The silence of the gods began to make the people feel so uncomfortable. The sealed lips of the supernatural beings even made most chief priests seem powerless. The problem lingered to the point that Atakataagboo, the chief priest in one of the villages in Achina kingdom cursed the gods and resigned as a chief priest. His lips became sealed that he couldn’t open his mouth anymore. The people of Achina then realized that the gods just inflicted pain on him as a way of paying him back for cursing them. The incident made the people know that the gods were still somewhere watching but deliberately sealed their lips.

King Onwuatuelo felt so embarrassed as he tossed around in his obi. He kept thinking about how he assembled different village Kings just for them to be entertained. His royal apparel swept the ground as he moved up and down in deep thoughts. Inside of him, he still felt that something was missing but couldn’t just explain what happened. He felt like confronting his daughter because she may know where the most wanted maiden disappeared to. He jettisoned that idea because he felt that there was still hope. He needed to meet Osinachukwu; not to kill her but to be more convinced that there was still hope for the ten villages.

As king Onwuatuelo continued to wallow in sadness, the princess who came to see him became more disturbed because of the state she met her father. She was determined to go and look for both Osinachukwu and Amandi. No one knew where Amandi was but it was popularly believed that the maiden abducted him after deceiving the people.

The princess didn’t have to confide in anyone so that she wouldn’t be discouraged from what she planned to do. She simply sneaked out in that hot noon ensuring that the guards and the maidservants were busy and never noticed her departure. She left incognito dressed casually like a commoner. She found her way straight to Ozioma’s house because she knew that it was the best place to start searching for Amandi. She believed that wherever Amandi was, Osinachukwu would be there too.

On getting to Ozioma’s house, she saw the widow and Ikem holding each other while crying to the gods to return Amandi to them. It became obvious to her that they knew nothing about Amandi’s whereabouts. She was greatly bothered about this. She wanted to go back but they already knew she was there, so she didn’t have to just leave.

Ozioma and Ikem genuflected before the princess but couldn’t talk. They looked so sad and were speechless.

Princess Ugegbe understood that look, so she went closer to cuddle them but the widow avoided that, even Ikem did too. The princess knew that something was wrong, so she had to say anything just to make them calm. Looking at their faces, she said: “All I wanted was to see these calamities end. We all want the same thing. Amandi has always been seeing visions of what is going on in this kingdom but no solution came. We all realized that he is the one that will provide a solution that would work for us all. I don’t know where I got it wrong, but I’m trying to help too. Did you see Amandi?”

Ozioma didn’t feel like replying to the princess but since she was the princess of the land, she had to yield. “This is about five market days since Amandi disappeared. If not for the fact that you allowed your handmaid to mislead you, we’d have still been here with Amandi. Ikem doesn’t allow me to sleep every night. I have spent much time trying to convince him that Amandi had to stay in the palace to complete his duty. He never for once believed me. He felt that you came to my house to take Amandi away just to be with you. I feel so sad already because I miss Amandi too,”

That last part got the princess both touched and jealous. She then understood that Ozioma was trying to make her know that she was in love with Amandi too. She felt so jealous but her pity for the poor widow outweighed her jealousy. She started shedding tears even when she tried to control them.

Ozioma was moved by pity, so she rushed to the princess and held her. “My princess, I never wanted to make you feel sad but Ikem wouldn’t allow me rest that’s why I said what I said. Please, forgive me,”

The princess couldn’t talk but felt heartbreak for a reason she couldn’t explain. She simply rested her head on Ozioma’s shoulders feeling as if they were two women married to one man but still at peace with each other. She didn’t even know what to say.

Ikem felt that the two women needed to sort things out so he got up, took his stick, and went out to chase the birds around.

“Why did he leave?” The princess asked looking confused and disturbed, “Did I make him do that?”

Ozioma felt so sad and went to a corner and sat while the princess followed. They both had things to talk about but none knew how to start. For a couple of minutes, they remained calm while seated next to each other but were mute.

As they kept watching Ikem play around with the birds known as Orafunwata, the princess cleared her throat as a way of announcing her readiness to start a talk.

“Go on, I am listening, my dear princess,” Ozioma said with a deep sense of enthusiasm even when she was afraid of whatever she wanted to say. “I am here to listen to you,”

The princess didn’t even know what to say. She felt that the widow was right because it was since she came into the life of Amandi that Ozioma and Ikem stopped enjoying his company as usual. She didn’t even know how to start apologizing but she still had to say something to make Ozioma feel better. She held her by the hand and said: “The going was smooth before I came into your lives,”

“No, it was because…”

“Wait, let me say my mind,” The princess interjected, “Please, allow me. Right now, do not see me like a princess but as a fellow lady with the same kind of feelings you have,”

Ozioma felt relieved and relaxed for that statement. She had wanted to talk to a fellow lady for a long time but Mmirimaraugo wasn’t always there due to her priestly work. She felt that it was her opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone willing to listen, especially since she’d promised to.

“I haven’t seen a princess as humble as you,” Ozioma began in a solemn tone, “I love you so much and have always admired you,”

“Seriously, you do?” The princess asked looking amazed.

Ozioma nodded affirmatively as she kept her gaze fixed at Ikem to ensure that the bird doesn’t take him away from her sight. “I have been in emotional torture for a very long time since I lost my husband. No one knows the true story; not even my younger sister. I have lived in this sadness for a long time. The only consolation I have is Ikem, even though I know I am going to lose him someday. Well, it’s already happening because he isn’t my son,”

The princess was shocked to hear that. Even in her wildest imagination, she never believed that it could be true. She didn’t know what to say but felt the sorrows of the widow. She had to cuddle her immediately and wept with her in solidarity.

“I don’t know if you need to go into the details,” Ugegbe said seeking clarification, “but if you don’t feel like, just know that Amandi is there for you,”

Ozioma didn’t understand that last part. She looked at the face of the princess and said: “I thought you’re in love with Amandi. Why are you saying that he is there for me?”

The princess smiled ruefully and said: “I have watched and observed you for a long time now. I noticed that you need him more than I do. I have the palace. I have my father, my mother, many guards, and many maidservants. They keep me company and make my life beautiful and…”

“If they do,” Ozioma cut in, “why do you always feel more relaxed sneaking out of the palace filled with these people? You do that just to see Amandi. Love is like a lantern and can’t be lit and hidden under the table,”

The princess was speechless because she didn’t know what to answer. She felt that Ozioma made sense so she couldn’t defend herself.

“In life,” the widow continued, “we have many people around us but still end up being lonely. Peace isn’t the absence of war. There could be no war but there is still no peace at all. If you don’t have any need for Amandi around you, why do you always feel more relaxed around him? I even know that you feel jealous because he sleeps in my hut. I also know that you must have been thinking that we’ve been having some romantic moments but it’s not true. Amandi is like a brother to me. He provided that company I craved for many years since my husband died. He is so loving, kind, and accommodating. But what I feel for him is more of a love that a sister would have for a brother. I sometimes feel something more but I have my reasons for not allowing that handshake to cross the elbow. I have a story,”

The princess couldn’t get it. She thought that Ozioma would take her time to tell her what she felt for Amandi but was getting a different response. What she needed was to allow Ozioma to have Amandi but what she was getting was the opposite. She was both happy and sad. At the moment, she was willing to allow the widow to have someone to keep her company but she didn’t have to conclude yet.

“I don’t know what to say,” Ugegbe said with dismay, “I am here to allow you to go with Amandi while I seek my destiny elsewhere. Why are you turning things around and making that quest difficult for me?”

“Because I know how you feel towards him,” Ozioma replied straightforwardly, “I know you’re uncomfortable with my closeness with him, especially staying together as cohabitants. You’re a princess, and can have anyone you wish…”

“But I’m here giving you the permission to go ahead while I leave him for you,” Ugegbe assured her, “True feelings don’t hide. I have seen what you feel, that’s why the bossy nature of royalty isn’t needed here. I mean this. Go on with Amandi. The best man is somewhere waiting for me, and I know that,”

Ozioma smiled and patted the princess’s back fondly. She loved what she heard but wasn’t ready for what the princess wanted her to do. “My younger sister is Ikem’s mother. My baby died after delivery,” Her mood changed at this point. The princess had to hold her for comfort, “One fateful night,” she went on, “I was asleep but was restless. My husband went out to have fun with his friends as usual. I had always told him to be careful about going out at night but he never cared to listen. He went out and had fun with his friends that night again. He came back drunk as usual. I felt so sad to have married a drunkard. He never showed me that part of him before our union as husband and wife. A few years into our marital lives, he began to show me that ugly part of him. I continued to endure but none worked for me. He always beats me whenever he is drunk. He always forces himself on me whenever we want to perform our conjugal duties. He made it so painful that I started developing that great fear for it. It was always a rape all night. I would cry and cry but no one heard me. Everyone thought that I was happy but I wasn’t. My husband was a nice man but drinking was the part that destroyed everything about him. Whenever he is sober, he’d be a loving father and husband. Whenever he’s drunk, a monster grows inside of him. When my younger sister was staying with us, my hubby never showed any sign of violence in him. He wasn’t even a drunkard then, but when Mmirimaraugo left, the devil started growing inside of him with time. I tried my best to stomach that pain, so I told no one; not even my sister knew about this. The trouble continued until the day he came back drunk and saw me taking care of Ikem who was very sick. He went to bed and began to snore. He didn’t even care about the sick baby. The cry of the sick child disturbed him and made him angry. He warned me to force the baby to stop crying but how was I to do that even when I’d done all I could. Out of anger after the last warning, he raised his hand and beat not just me but the helpless innocent baby. He kicked us outside and made me weep bitterly. The helpless child almost died because of that harshness. I couldn’t take it anymore. That was when I challenged him for the first time. I couldn’t bear the pains of seeing my child stream with tears amid his illness. I went out of the hut, stripped myself naked just to be bare before the supernatural beings. I raised the child to the sky and cried to the gods to intervene because I had no physical strength to fight my husband. I never knew that Ikem was the child of the gods. In an exceedingly short time, my husband started growling like a wolf and ended up eating sand before us. I pitied him and tried to help him out but nothing worked. He rushed into the bush and that was the last time I set my eyes on him. His dismembered body was later discovered in the bush. It was alleged that he was killed by wild animals. My pity for him transformed to hatred for men generally. That was why I never allowed any man to come close to me. I decided to raise my kid by myself without a man’s help. Celibate life was what I chose for myself. Since I started that, I began to know peace. It wasn’t even long when I realized that Ikem isn’t my biological son. That was when I felt that the only person I planned to make my company wasn’t even mine. That inner joy disappeared immediately. Even though Amandi came into my life and made me feel happy once again, I still don’t feel that connection to have him as a husband. I see the two of you being more connected. The human part of me always wished to have him. Sometimes I feel like touching him when we’re alone but that decision I took against men kept carrying me along until today. I succeeded in getting over the feelings; especially when I realized that you love him too. Seriously, I wish two of you marry someday. My greatest prayer is to see him succeed in liberating the Umunko kingdoms. This will make you get married to a hero,”

It was as if the tears that overtook Ozioma’s eyes dried and made her stronger. She was filled with courage and positivism other than regrets for pushing Amandi to the princess’s side. She wanted the princess to feel better, so she was happy seeing smiles on her face.

“I am speechless right now,” the princess murmured. She was tearful and felt pity for what the widow passed through, “I don’t know what to say about this sad story but I must say that you passed through hell. The worst man you’d marry is the one that beats his wife; especially if the wife isn’t the cause of the battery. Who on earth would see a woman as beautiful as you and raise his hands to beat her? If the man you married was your real man, the curse wouldn’t have gotten to him that much to have made him die like a lower animal. You wished I marry a hero. I’m saying the same for you. I wish two of us to marry heroes. I have come to take you as an elder sister. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. I will ensure that you smile, and I will keep making your life beautiful. What if you come to the palace with me? You won’t be a maid but my best friend. My father must surely grant my wish. I see you as a sister and not as someone who could work for me. Allow me to take you and Ikem to the palace. There are a lot of crickets there to be caught, so Ikem wouldn’t be bored. There are many rules in the palace, so no one has time for the crickets. Ikem would have many of them to enjoy with. Can my wish be granted?”

Ozioma shook her head disapprovingly making the princess know that her request wasn’t granted.

“So what else can I do to help?” Ugegbe asked seeking any way possible to help Ozioma out.

“Marry Amandi,” Ozioma reiterated to her bewilderment, “That’s what will make me happy. I see a perfect end between you and that brave man. He is strong both emotionally and physically,”

The princess blushed on hearing that. She was so happy to have had such a discussion with Ozioma. In an actual sense, she came to give up Amandi for the widow but ended up having him back; even when he was nowhere to be found yet. The princess cried out of happiness. She felt like a younger sister being treated so well by her elder sister. That sororal happiness made her pull Ozioma into a hug. She couldn’t explain how happy she was, but at that point, she was determined to make the widow a happy woman.

“I have heard what you said dear,” the princess said as she remained cuddled in Ozioma’s arms, “I have been running away from men as well before I met Amandi at Azummiri River. I can’t say if it was because of the way he defeated one of the Umudimkpa warriors that made me start having that affection for him. I grew around strong men, so I wouldn’t say it was because of the physical strength that drew me closer to him. At first, it was out of pity because I saw him as a cool handsome guy who needed someone to love him. But later, I discovered it was natural to love that surfaced the first time I set my eyes on him. Right now, I feel I’m not doing enough to help him achieve his dreams. That’s why I came here thinking he’s hiding in your hut. Even if he isn’t here, I thought you may know about his whereabouts. But coming here made it obvious to me that you knew nothing. Amandi can’t be found, even Osinachukwu too. People said he was taken away by Osinachukwu, making me feel bad for introducing her into his life. Ozioma, let’s find him,”

The widow was a bit happy that the princess was willing to work with her to find Amandi. She didn’t know the reply to give but at least felt the joy of having a fellow lady as a company. She was very happy to have lessened the burden in her heart by talking to someone about what had been bothering her for many years. She was hopeful that Amandi wasn’t abducted but was waiting for the right time according to the wishes of the gods.

“Where do we start?” Ozioma asked cluelessly. “Amandi disappeared since Osinachukwu did. I am very positive that the knowledge of the future that Osinachukwu had was real. The person to challenge Amandi isn’t found yet. Ikem told me the same. According to my son, Amandi is at Umundanda with Osinachukwu but he’s dying because of…”

“Dying, how?” the princess asked hurriedly feeling so restive. “What’s happening to him?” Looking towards the direction where Ikem was playing, she tried to go and meet him but Ozioma stopped her.

“Amandi is alive but very weak wherever he is,” Ozioma hinted, “but Ikem couldn’t see his exact location. According to him, he’s with a great healer who is healing him. The location is in a thick forest, so it may be impossible for us to locate there. If we choose to go to Umundanda, who will I leave Ikem with? This is almost my last day with him before he joins his parents. Very soon, they will come for him. He doesn’t belong here. He belongs with his biological parents,”

At the moment, tears couldn’t just stop flowing because the widow felt that the only thing that was a source of joy to her was being taken away. Her happiness eroded at the moment.

Princess Ugegbe held Ozioma to provide solace in her grief. She could understand what the widow was passing through. All Ugegbe wanted was to provide a solution to make her feel better.

“I can see you’re heartbroken and need company,” The princess said and held her by the nape, “As I have promised, I’ll make you stop feeling lonely. I have no sister, so I hope you’ll be the sister I never had. Just give me the chance to make you happy,”

“How can we find Amandi and Osinachukwu?” Ozioma asked feeling the need for the calamity ravaging the kingdoms to come to an end, “Let’s start from there and work like sisters. In the future when all these problems are solved, I believe that happiness would come back to me again somehow,”

The princess smiled agreeably to that. She knew that Ozioma was right, so she had to take the bold step than just wait to see the lost son and daughter back. “Let’s follow Ikem’s lead and find them. We can go to Umundanda if that can solve the problem. I am even tired of missing Amandi. I miss my handmaid too. I’m even in dire need of seeing the silence of the gods come to an end. Let’s know if Ikem can direct us. But where will you keep him? He can’t go with us for he is still a kid,”

Ozioma thought about it and smiled. “Ikem is stronger than two of us put together. He’s always the one that drives away fears from me whenever I am scared. He is like the husband that I don’t have. But all the same, he shouldn’t go with us but his prayers and blessings should. But where can I keep him?”

The princess placed her hand on her jaw as she hummed in thoughts trying to figure out a solution. “What if we take him to his mother?” She looked at Ozioma to know if she felt bad about it or not. “Okay, let’s take him to the palace because it’s the best place for him to be safe,”

“The palace?” Ozioma emphasized trying to take the princess’s mind to the consequence of doing that.

“Yes, the palace,” Ugegbe said and then thought about the implications, “But wait. I’m about to sneak out into a distant kingdom. Taking him to the palace would make them capture me. I am sure that they’re already looking for me. We need to leave as fast as we could. Soon, they’d all gather here. You may be in trouble for being an accomplice to my disappearance. I am bereft of ideas,”

Ozioma realized the urgency of the action they needed to take to be able to leave before the guards show up. She couldn’t think of a better option other than taking Ikem to Azummiri. After a couple of seconds as she tried to figure out what to do without finding any, she said: “Ikem will either go with us or I hand him over to his biological parents. I think that it is better I do so now that I have the time and chance. I just have to start a new life without him. If I allow his parents to come for him, I may be taken unawares, and it means I may not be able to endure the pains. Can we go now?”

“Ikem, Ikem!” the princess shouted to let the boy come and join them.

“Yes, my princess!” he replied and rushed towards them, “At your service, my princess,” he added and genuflected.

“I love you so much,” Ugegbe said to Ikem and cuddled him, “We need to leave this place now before the guards come for me. Let’s leave,”

Ozioma fought hard to avoid being emotional but she couldn’t just see herself living without Ikem. She looked away to avoid making her tears evident.

Ikem already knew that her mother’s mood wasn’t okay. He didn’t have to guess because he knew her so well. He simply went closer to her and cuddled her. “Let’s end this calamity first, nne. Other things will follow as the gods want,”

It was a short but very consoling statement from Ikem; making Ozioma feel strong again. She couldn’t be prouder of him, so she carried him up and cuddled him warmly.

“You’re indeed the son I never had,” Ozioma said with pride, “Let’s go in search of Amandi,”

Ikem was glad when he heard that. He smiled and said: “The guards are already coming, and they are close. There is no way we can escape them,” The ladies jittered while Ikem thought of an escape plan. When he reached a solution, he giggled. “Hide in the hut, let me confuse them,”

“And how do you plan to do that?” The princess asked seeking to be sure that the plan would work.

“Yes. We need to know. Remember we’re the adults here,” Ozioma reminded him.

“And I’m the ancestor here,” Ikem said jestingly. “They are a few steps away,”

Hearing the clanks in the bush, it was obvious to the princess and Ozioma that the guards were almost at the compound, so they rushed into the hut and hid under the wooden bed.

“What if they enter here?” Ugegbe whispered to Ozioma, “If I know the palace guards well, they must enter the hut to be sure,”

“Let’s obey Ikem,” Ozioma replied; even though she wasn’t sure, “I believe in whatever he comes up with. Remember he’s the ancestor here while we’re the elders,”

The women stifled their laughter to avoid being heard. They remained calm and listened as they heard the guards approaching.

Ikem was busy playing on the sand when the guards came to him. They were led by Udoka. Seeing Ikem, they were surprised that he was alone in the compound.

The guards were fully dressed in their clothes made from the skins of different wild animals; showing they were the warriors. They looked fierce and ready. Those who saw Amandi escaping with Osinachukwu were beginning to blame themselves for not acting by stopping them. They felt that the maiden must have used a spell to make them succumb to her charms. They believe that the girl abducted Amandi and took him to an unknown location. They felt that once Amandi was involved, Ozioma and her kid wouldn’t be left out. And if they were correct, the life of the princess was definitely in danger. They had to do anything possible to rescue the princess before Osinachukwu’s charms get to her too.

“Where is the princess?” Udoka hollered at Ikem, “And where is your mother?”

“They’re not here,” Ikem replied and continued playing, “why are you seeking the princess here. Isn’t she meant to be in the palace?”

Imo was infuriated by the reply. He tried to grab Ikem but the boy shifted back. “So you answer questions with questions?” he snarled, “For the last time, where are your mother and the princess? Some people spotted the princess coming into this compound, so do not deny it,”

Ikem simply took some sand and poured a handful of it on his palm. He started rubbing the sand in his palm and talking indistinctly to himself. As he did that, the guards were curious, so they waited; impatiently though.

After a while, Paraudo got mad at the boy and looked towards the hut.

“Why are we wasting time while we have the hut to check if they are hiding there?”

Ikem already knew that Paraudo would stop at nothing to see that the hut was thoroughly checked. He simply poured the sand away and closed his eyes.

The guards suddenly became still. He moved around them and ensured they weren’t moving. After that, he smiled and went into the hut. “Come out, my princess and my mother,” he said smilingly, “we can now go before they get back to reality,”

Ozioma and the princess came out from hiding and saw what happened. They were surprised to see the guards static. They were amazed thinking that the guards were just faking it, especially the princess who never had such an experience.

“What’s happening here?” The princess asked.

“He always tells me about that,” Ozioma said and started leaving, “we need to be fast to avoid being caught. Ikem will explain to you later,”

The princess used Ozioma’s cloth to cover herself to avoid being detected. She continued to stare at the guards as they ran out of the compound.

When they’d gone far, Ikem flung away the remaining sand with him and smiled. “They are released now,” he said as he leaped with joy, “Soon, they’d realize that I have disappeared from their presence, and that would baffle them all,”

The princess continued to move fast ahead to avoid being caught. She still chewed over what Ikem did to the guards. She kept looking at the boy on the sly to realize what happened.

Ozioma was amazed too but not as the princess. She simply held Ugegbe by the hand to make her feel relaxed. They continued to move fast until they got to Azummiri River. There was no one at the river because the entire river was bloody. At the other side of the river, they saw someone that looked exactly like Amandi trying to scoop some water from the bloody river.

They were shocked to see him, so they used the bridge to cross over. They tried to catch up with him but he disappeared before they got to his location.

“Did you see that?” The princess asked trying to be sure that she wasn’t hallucinating. “I saw someone now, and he looks like…”

“Amandi,” Ozioma said surprisingly, “I thought I was the only one that saw him,”

“But he just ran into the bush now,” Ikem said making the women know that he saw him too.

“Let’s go after him,” The princess said as they continued to rush into Azummiri kingdom.

They didn’t see him again. They were so surprised that Amandi was avoiding being seen.

“But what could be his reason for running?” Ozioma asked feeling tense.

“Maybe he wants us to follow him,” Ikem said and looked further into the bush but saw no one.

“But if he wanted us to see him, why is he hiding?” Ugegbe said feeling both sad and excited, “I want to see him again. Ikem, can you make whoever that is there to be still just as you did to the guards. With that, we can get to him,”

“That’d make sense,” Ozioma said with hope, “Please, my son. Can you do it again?”

Ikem didn’t answer them but continued to listen attentively to pick up any sound. As he concentrated, he heard some sound at one corner of the bush. “This side, please,” He said and started rushing towards the direction of the sound, “I already tried stopping the time but it’s not working on him,”

The ladies held each other out of fear because they didn’t know if the person they saw was the real Amandi or a ghost that wanted to lure them into danger.

“But I didn’t see you having any sand with you,” Ugegbe asked out of curiosity, “Or are you lying to your princess?”

“No, I am not,” he replied and continued the chase, “I must not use sand to achieve that. The only required tool is my mind,”

“Are you sure of this decision to follow him?” Ozioma asked feeling uneasy.

“That’s if we’re not going after a marauding beast thinking that he is Amandi,” The princess said fearfully and she ducked while moving.

“I can’t say, but my instinct never fails me,” Ikem said confidently and continued to follow the sound while the footsteps continued to move away from them. “I think this is Amandi that we’re following,” Ikem reassured the shivering women.

“I am afraid,” The princess confessed, “I think we should go back, please,” she added as she trembled in great fear.

“Me too,” Ozioma said as she gnashed her teeth in fear, “This is the first time I’m not feeling as if Ikem’s decision is right,” she confessed. “But I must obey his instincts,” she said to make the princess have hope.

The women held each other and moved behind Ikem as they continued to follow the sounds of the footsteps that moved ahead of them. At a point, the tall grasses allowed them to see through. They saw the person running ahead.

“This is Amandi but I can’t say why he is running away from us,” Ozioma said as they tried to catch up. “I just saw him now,”

“I feel like shouting his name,” The princess said as she took a sweeping look around, “but this place may be an evil forest because I can’t see any house around,”

“Exactly why I didn’t shout his name,” Ikem said as the chase continued.

They kept following the supposed Amandi until it was evening. They were famished and tired but the desire to know where Amandi was taking them got them energized.

Reaching Umundanda forest, the person continued until they stopped seeing him.

“Where are we?” Ozioma whispered to Ikem, “I wish you stopped at your mother’s place so that I wouldn’t be blamed for whatever happens to you,” Looking at the princess, she said: “My head must burn in the village square for luring you into this trouble. Can we go back now, please?”

They were all afraid and didn’t even know if they were to go forward or backward. They couldn’t fathom why Amandi avoided them even to have lured them into a thick forest. They were stuck at one location with indecision. They wanted to go back but couldn’t even trace their way back. They remained still and speechless.

After a while, Ikem continued to move as if he knew the direction he was heading.

The princess and Ozioma followed as fast as they could because they were so frightened. They continued to look back to ensure that no ghost was coming after them.

As they trudged towards a direction they couldn’t understand, they saw a light afar showing that there was a hut there.

They continued to move as fast as they could.

Getting closer, they saw some people around there, so they heaved a sigh of relief. “I think whoever we were following wanted to take us here,” Ikem said and continued to move to the hut.

When they got closer to the hut, they were surprised to see Chizorom looking like a lion in that animal’s skin. They tried to run but sighted Osinachukwu who was cooking by the corner.

“Who am I looking at?” the princess said and held others, “Seems that Osinachukwu sent a spirit that looks like Amandi to lure us to her direction. I guess she wants to kill us all,”

“I think we’re doomed,” Ozioma said whisperingly, “let’s run,”

As they tried to run, Osinachukwu noticed that some people were lurking in the dark. She screamed, making Chizorom rush after them with his weapons.

The three sojourners couldn’t outrun him so they stopped.

Chizorom came closer to them and saw them kneeling and trembling in fear. He didn’t know who they were, so she raised his machete to threaten them to say who they were.

“We’re from Oduma kingdom,” Ozioma said with shivers, “We came to look for Amandi. It seems he was captured because his abductor is in this compound. I guess you are an accomplice, so you should be ready to kill us all too. As for Amandi, we’re not leaving him behind,”

“Yes, we can’t leave Amandi,” The princess said and stood up, “If you still respect tradition, you should know that you’re standing before the princess of Oduma kingdom,”

Chizorom used the lantern he had with him to check their faces. “Who is the princess among you two?” he asked looking at the faces of the women.

“She’s the one,” Ozioma said pointing at Ugegbe. “She’s princess Ugegbe, the daughter of King Azuamailo of the great Oduma kingdom,”

Chizorom was amazed to hear that, so he bowed before the princess in reverence. “Long lives the princess of Oduma kingdom. “You’re all welcome to my humble home,” After saying that, he led the way while they followed him back to the hut.

On getting to the hut, they saw Amandi lying on the bed and resting. They smiled knowing full well that it was Amandi that led them to his location.

The princess couldn’t help but rush to him to embrace him but Osinachukwu stopped her.

“My princess,” Osinachukwu she said with a bow, “I have missed you a lot and I know you missed Amandi. But he’s under the care of this great healer that brought you here. Amandi isn’t fit for an embrace yet, but you can talk with him. The drugs that were given to him made him asleep. He’s been sleeping since morning. By tomorrow, he will be very fit even to face another lion,”

The princess was surprised because the last time he checked, Amandi led them to the forest. She couldn’t understand why Osinachukwu would say that he was asleep since morning.

“It was Amandi that we followed to this place,” Ozioma said looking more confused, “But the man lying here shouldn’t be that strong to have led us this far to this compound,”

“And what are those scars all over his body?” Ugegbe asked looking observantly all over Amandi’s body, “Osinachukwu,” she called gently looking at her handmaid.

“Yes, my princess,” The maiden answered and tried to stand but the princess signaled that she should remain seated.

“You said something about fighting a lion,” The princess said and gently touched Amandi’s scars one after the other, “Without any doubt, this is the claws of a wild animal but I doubt if a lion exists in this kingdom. I haven’t seen any yet,”

There was silence for a moment because Osinachukwu didn’t know how to start explaining. She simply looked at Chizorom expecting him to reply to the princess.

“Well, Osinachukwu and Amandi were attacked in the forest,” Chizorom entered, “A lion attacked them. But this strong warrior here defeated the lion and killed it. He is the second to kill a lion in this part of the world,” Chizorom went into the hut while everyone listening remained amazed and speechless. He came back with the skinned lion, “This is the lion, and it seems to be of the same size as the one I killed many years back. I thought no other person could kill a lion until I met Amandi,”

Ozioma was so proud of Amandi and Chizorom when she heard that. She was eager to see the face of the strong warrior but couldn’t see him.

“Don’t make effort to see his face,” Amandi said and opened his eyes.

The princess was so happy when she saw him talk. She didn’t know when she hugged him notwithstanding the warning. “I’m so happy to see you after some market days,” she said in ecstasy, “I thought you were dead or abducted by Osinachukwu as everyone thought,” Looking apologetically at Osinachukwu, she said: “My best friend, I am sorry that I used to think that it was a mistake I made by making the people believe in your prophecy. I even blamed myself for misleading the entire kingdom. That was why I started searching around to clean up my mess. But seeing you here gave me some hope. You’re in great hands and I can see that you’ll soon be married to a great warrior,”

Osinachukwu smiled as she blushed. “Well, my princess,” she said bashfully, “You don’t need to talk about marriage yet because nothing will make me leave Anazondu. He is the man I was betrothed to. You already know my story. Meanwhile, Chizorom has no affection for anyone. He’d lived in the forest all his life. He needs to start learning how to love,”

Seeing that Amandi was awake, Ikem went to him slowly and held his hand. He closed his eyes and opened them again. He then looked at Chizorom intently and frowned.

Amandi noticed how the boy looked at Chizorom. He wanted to ask questions but already knew that Ikem may have seen what most of them never saw.

“Who is he?” Chizorom asked openly directing the question to no one in particular, “There is something about this boy that I’m also trying to figure out. This boy is not an ordinary boy. In the spirit world, I see a wise old man with many talents and gifts from Chi ukwu (god),”

Everybody looked at each other because they knew that Chizorom was right.

“He is my son,” Ozioma said to Chizorom, “He’s like a son to me. He is someone we can’t explain anything about his gifts except that he is endowed by the gods. He is a son to a priestess, my younger sister,”

Ikem didn’t shift his glance from Chizorom. He kept shuddering as if there was something he saw in him that got him baffled. His gaze as Chizorom even got the bushman concerned.

“Can you talk to me, great man?” Chizorom said to Ikem and tried to touch him but the boy shifted away to avoid his touch, “What’s the problem, old man?” he asked trying to figure out what Ikem was reacting to.

“Allow him to be,” Amandi said to Chizorom, “The boy you see here isn’t an ordinary boy. He’s a moving deity. That’s all I can say,”

“Since we arrived here,” the princess entered, “Ikem never talked. But when Amandi woke up, he talked the first time,”

“Just as he never showed his gifts to anyone until Amandi showed up in Oduma kingdom,” Ozioma said. “Let’s allow him to have his time. He must surely tell us something if he’s still the son I groomed,”

Amandi was happy seeing the princess and others. He looked at Ozioma and smiled. He was just happy that the people he took as a family all gathered around him.

“He was nicknamed Obejiri because he can slice a man like onions,” Ikem said with his eyes closed, “His real name was Agbakpodikeizu. He died and reincarnated through Chizorom and Amandi. The fight will not take place in Oduma but on this ground were standing on. The entire kingdoms have desecrated their lands; therefore, the gods do not approve of a fight there. The only land spared is Umundanda because it’s the great father of all. Even though Umundanda has its shares of calamity, the particular spot we stand on is sacred because the man dwelling here is pure. Chizorom is the son of the gods. He has the same destiny as Amandi. Because of what life has prepared for Chizorom, he was taken far to this land where he settled. Assuming he was raised by humans, Amandi’s suffering in the hands of his uncle would have been a paradise compared to what Chizorom would pass through. If the fight takes place when the meeting of the stakeholders would be held in Oduma kingdom, the two lions wouldn’t survive. The calamity wouldn’t have ended. Even though Amandi appears weak, he is stronger than we think,”

Chizorom was surprised to hear that. His respect for the young boy knew no bounds at the instant. He felt that he just met the gods in form of a human. He knelt before him to worship him but Ikem prevented that.

“Please, allow me to worship you, my lord,” Chizorom said and insisted on idolizing the boy but Ikem didn’t allow that.

“Worship is for the gods,” Ikem maintained, “I am a mere human but just chosen by the gods. I know things that no one has ever told me about. I don’t know how it happens but it does. I am Ikemefuna (May my strength never get lost) but I am popularly known as Ikem,”

The princess and Ozioma didn’t understand anything about reincarnation. They knew that Ikem was talking of something he’d seen as vision. They were amazed listening to Ikem as he revealed some things they never knew about.

“How did you know about all these?” Asked Chizorom, “Even when you weren’t here when Mazi Nwokorocha gave us the narration,”

“Amazing child indeed,” Osinachukwu muttered looking bewildered.

Ikem smiled, went closer to Chizorom, and said: “I know more but I don’t need to reveal them because the gods never said I should,”

Chizorom had been eager to know more about his people over there at his village. He knew that Ikem could be of help, so he needed to ask some questions to get them revealed to him. He wanted to know how he arrived at the forest as a baby and what his growing up was like. Even as he was eager to know more, he couldn’t understand how he felt whenever he looked at Ozioma. He had a special interest in her without knowing why. He never had anything to do with any woman because he lived an isolated life. He felt that Ozioma was using charms on him, so he ran into his chamber and brought out his deity and placed it before them all. He needed to stop whatever charm that was making him have a special liking for the widow.

Everybody was confused as they looked at the piece of wood carved into an old man sitting and watching. They couldn’t understand why Chizorom did that as he continued to look at Ozioma.

The princess already understood what was going on, so she went closer to Ozioma and whispered: “Earlier today, I prayed to the gods that you and I would end up with strong warriors and heroes. I think it’s happening already,”

Ozioma’s feeling for Amandi died instantly when she saw Chizorom; that was why she was eager to see his face. She’d been a bit mousy and uncomfortable being around the stranger. She tried being a woman but the feeling kept coming. “I like him too,” she whispered back to the princess.

The two women smiled and kept their mouths shut.

“Take the deity back,” Ikem said and walked around the carved image, “I am nothing but a child, but take whatever I’ll tell you now, Mazi Chizorom. There is no charm in her but my mother here once told me that she wished to end up with a strong and handsome man. She told me that even after she’d vowed not to marry again. I already know that you’re strong. I would have loved to see your face but the hood of the animal you covered yourself with wouldn’t allow me to see your face. But you’re a very cute man from what I can understand,”

“We need to know who we saw that looked like Amandi,” The princess said trying to get the question off her chest, “It was the same person that led us here,”

“Amandi has been here, my princess,” Osinachukwu said convincingly, “but something has been confusing us all,”

“Yes, it has,” Chizorom cut in, “Amandi claims that Mazi Nwokorocha is one storyteller in Umudike. Can people be double? Maybe such is happening to Amandi too. But can people be two without knowing they are?” Chizorom was confused because he needed an answer too. He wouldn’t have taken the princess seriously if he never heard Amandi complaining of the same about Nwokorocha.

“For the fact that you had me in mind,” Amandi said trying to make them relax, “It’s possible that you saw someone but thought it was me,”

“Is that the same with Mazi Nwokorocha and the man in Umudike?” Chizorom asked trying to make Amandi know that he could be wrong.

Amandi couldn’t explain it. He suddenly began to feel that it was the gods that were playing pranks with human senses. He shook his head and smiled.

“When I was sleeping,” Amandi said trying to connect the dots, “I saw myself close to Azummiri River. I had another fight with Imo just as I did the first time. I won again. The princess came to give me an award for being the winner. As she was about to do that, the water began to overflow its bank. It later turned to blood and the children appeared again. Seeing the children made me afraid. I couldn’t run until the princess took me by the hand and ran away from them. That was when I opened my eyes. I was surprised to see the princess beside me. Maybe the dream of mine reflected in the reality and made you all see someone else to be me,”

“The things of the gods are always confusing,” Chizorom said and shook his head, “I suggest you stop making effort to understand them. I had wanted to ask Ikemefuna many questions but he may not be able to answer them. The best is for me to move ahead in life and ignore the things I can’t explain,”

Amandi felt like embracing Chizorom for making him understand that the gods are wiser than humans. “Thank you,” he said to Chizorom.

“I am glad that I saved you in the dream,” The princess said and held Amandi by the nape and made him stand, “I am here to save you again so that you’d be ready for the fight whenever it would be. But does it mean that it’s Chizorom that you’re to be contending with?”

Amandi nodded affirmatively and smiled.

“Then when will the fight take place?” Ozioma asked with eagerness.

“It’s taking place here and now,” Ikem said and collected the skinned lion from Chizorom and dropped it on Amandi’s body. Even though the animal skin was very heavy for him, he had to carry it, “The fight starts now, and nothing can stop it,”

It was like a joke but sudden strength overtook Amandi.

Chizorom helped Amandi to put on the skin of the lion for the fight to begin forthwith; that was the fight to determine the fate of many kingdoms.

As the fight was about to begin, Mazi Nwokorocha joined them. He was surprised by the new arrangement but didn’t have to stop it. Seeing the two warriors covered in the lion’s skin, he smiled and said: “The gods are watching, and they’re about to make their decision. No weapon is needed because the physical strength of the two lion killers is about to be tested. Let the fight begin,”


To be continued…

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2 years ago

Waiting for the next episode
I resume here every morning oo.
Well done author erasmus

Egunjobi Omolola
Egunjobi Omolola
2 years ago

Wow please next episode,Im eager to know the winner 😄😄😄

2 years ago

Wow, just wow..let the best man win the fight but am rooting for amandi

2 years ago

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