The Bodyguard Episode 21 – 22 by Tisa Phiri

The Bodyguard Episode 2 by tisa phiri

The Bodyguard Episode 21

Written by Tisa Phiri

…. Paula…

I looked outside the side window as I drove the car. I had to take on the journey and confront my so-called Brother. It had been months since I last discovered he existed.

My father insisted he would take it up and make sure George, the name he told me this brother was called was stopped. He tried following him up but he was no where to be seen.

I knew my father had somehow a soft spot for him, his intentions were not to really put him in prison. I noticed all he talked about was reprimanding him.

“Dad” I scolded him as he told me that.

“you mean that your son should live freely after what he has done? ” I asked furious that he wasn’t taking the issue as serious as he should.

“I know Paula” he responded..

” but understand he’s my son and the mother will be all alone. She depends on him, besides we are not really sure it was him who planned all this cause he denied it when i asked him.”

“Well dad, I see you have grown so fond of this your son and is willing to forgive him, for your own information I believe it was him and I don’t care if he is my half brother or not. He’s a criminal and will pay for killing the man I loved and making my life a living hell. so I will personally gather evidence and put him in prison!” I shouted leaving his study room before he could utter another word.

I had taken time to organise myself. I needed to be prepared for the worst. So here i am heading to chingola. I had become less scared since Ackim died. I made avenging his death my mission. I still missed him so much and for some reason didn’t want to accept he was dead. Everytime a man approached me I remembered his words.

“no man will ever make you feel the way I make you”

He was right, it was like he had put a curse on me and all I did was think of him. Just thoughts of him as I continued driving made me shed tears.

I wiped the tears as I approach the road block at the police check point. I was almost in Chingola.

“Good morning officer?” I greeted the policeman at the check point.

“Morning lady” he smiled at me. “going far ?” he asked leaning on my window..

“not really” I responded irritated he was trying to flirt with me.

“Am seeing a relative in Chingola” I added with a fake smile. He indicated for me to go on.

My heart pumped fast as I drove to river side an address I was given. I was told George and his mother lived there. I didn’t know what to expect or how to start explaining myself. I pushed back the urge to drive back.

“I can’t be afraid now” I whispered to myself.

” it’s now or never.” I assured myself as I walked looking for the address.

A boy of about 12 showed me the place I was looking for and I thanked him as I turned to the direction he was pointing at.

A short woman wearing a floral blouse and a black long skirt walked out of the flat at the end. I looked around the place, a three by three well built flat.

Indeed George was ungrateful I thought to myself. My father had built a good investment for him plus other monies given to him but he still wanted everything to himself. I felt a bit of jealousy.

I had been working for my father for over 8 years, but he had never given me a piece of land even though i knew I would inherit some of his wealthy, sometimes I wished I had lived my own life and did my own things especially designing which I loved so much.

I was brought back to my senses when The woman before me extended her hand to greet me.

“come on in.” she said with a smile ..

“Thank you mam” I said following her to the house. I made sure I dressed casually. A pair of jeans and a sleevelesss blouse which slightly showed off the black bra I was wearing inside and some cream white pumps.

I sat down on the couch taking in the brown furninture in the room matched with some white and brown curtains hanging on some side windows.

” am sorry mam I have not introduced myself, am Paula.” I couldn’t get to finish my introduction when she chirped in.

“I know who you are my dear” she nodded

“you are Benson’s daughter” she added.

“I have seen you before though not in person. Benson told us about you and have watched some of your presentations on the media for the mine.”

“Well then” I sighed not knowing whether to be glad or worried they knew so much about me.

“I came to see your son. I have something important to discuss with him” I added calmly.

“What about?” she asked almost sounding upset..

“you and your father have everything and you have always had what you always wanted but my poor George has lived in poverty. it’s not fair that he gets peanuts from him while you enjoy all his money.” She bursts out angrily.

I looked at her shocked. I had no idea the woman before me held such bitterness. It was more like she was waiting for me to show up and then pour her heart out.

“Yes,” she continued as I listened in quitely .

“He’s the first born he was supposed to be working in those positions you a woman is working and not you. look at you” she added raising her hand to point at my body..

“You look like a model from the magazine and driving expensive cars, but my son has to continue working like a slave. He thinks these flats will give him a life he deserves?..”

I couldn’t take her words anymore, she was getting to my nerves..

“Look here mam” I spoke up sternly.

” I didn’t come here for your sermons. I dont know what your issues with dad are and I don’t really care. I just learnt he had a son and honestly that’s none of my business.”

“Yes!” She stood up screaming like we were quarreling.

“it’s your business and I will not rest until my son gets what he wants!”

I could not get myself to answer her back when George walked in.

” wow wow! Guess who decided to grace us with her presence” he shouted clapping his hands scarstically.

“the might Paula! I gues your resurrected boyfriend told you about me huh?” he teased.

I stood straight facing him my temper rising

” you son of the devil! i screamed ignoring his mother. You killed Ackim and you dare make funny of me? you will pay for this you fool!” I scolded him angrly.

He laughed out making me feel like nothing.

“Don’t pretend with me You brat, your stupid bodygaurd dared to show his face here a week ago and you think I will buy the story of him being dead? Did he send you here huh? Did he?” He murmered close to my face..

I sat back down my strength drained.

“what? You mean, he… he came here?” I asked almost in a whisper.

The Bodyguard Episode 22

By Tisa Phiri


After some minutes of silence I looked at George and his mother they wore this look that gave me goose bumps.

George let a small smile

“well can you now tell me why you wanted to see?” he said his voice at high pitch making me startle a bit as I realised I had been dumbfounded for a while. Thinking of the posibilty of Ackim being alive really shocked me. I didn’t know weather to believe George’s statement or not.

It didn’t make sense for me.

“how possible is it that the man who claimed to love me was alive and still let me believe he was dead.” I thought to myself,

Without answering him I stood up. but before I could walk out George’s Mother quickly stood up.

“where do you think you are going ?” She asked challengingly..

“Excuse me, I need to go” I said calmly holding my phone I walked out without another word. I could feel my temper rising and I wasn’t ready to face them yet all I could think of was Ackim.

George rushed past me and as I opened the car door he stood before me and held his hand on the door.

“Hey you brat , let me warn you, am not going to rest until I get what belongs to me” he snapped in my face

“am older than you and deserve better you and me were born from the same father I too deserve more than the change he has been giving me.”

“Look here you jerk” l told him feeling irritated.

” that wealthy you think you deserve isn’t yours. I have worked hard to get my father’s investments this far and my mother left me a lot of money that is included in the businesses so you might as well forget it.”

He let a weaked smile,

” we will see” he said daring me.

“stop blocking my way George and if anything happens to me, i can promise you the law will catch up with you. I know about all your schemes, stay away from me.!” I shouted pushing him away.

I drove out furious, I knew that was bound to happen but what disturbed me the most was the news of Ackim.

“How could he do this to me ? ” I thought..

“he’s alive and couldn’t even make an effort to come to me.” I couldn’t understand why would he even forget me in such a short period.

Tears formed in my eyes as I drove. i had mourned him and now I have to live knowing he abandoned me.

I was lost in thoughts as I drove to join the main road without noticing a truck coming from the opposite direction.

” pooooh ! Poooooooh !” I heard the truck hooting. With a start I pressed the emergency brakes and my car stopped with tires screeching the truck missed my car with an inch as it swayed slightly.

I looked around in shock as people watched, others holding their heads..

I was so puzzled that I didn’t hear the driver of the truck shouting.

Opening the car door I stepped out..

“Hey lady you want to kill us this afternoon? can’t you watch were you are going!” he screamed.

“Am sorry ” I apologised…

I stood for another minute composing myself my heart was pumping so fast and I felt like it would come out of my chest.

Driving slowly, I parked at some hotel in Chingola town. I couldn’t get myself to drive to Solwezi. I called my father to let him know i wasn’t going back.

” am seeing a friend” I told him when he called to ask why I wasn’t going back.

I booked in a room later. Sitting on the bed, i cried aloud holding the pillow in my face to avoid being heard outside.

“Why won’t you see me Ackim?” I cried..

Later on I calm down…

“maybe he wants to fight and protect me behind my back I thought.” The thought comforted me and I felt relaxed, though it didn’t make much sense I still hoped he didn’t just abandon me.

In the evening I walked around the small town and got myself some clothings from some boutique. I needed some clothes to change into the following day.

Crossing over to some restaurant I sat and ate quitely as I browsed through some sites on my phone.

“Excuse me” I heard a voice call to me..

“hey !” I smilled at a girl standing next to me.

“You are so beautiful ” she told me with her lovely puppy eyes..

” I want you to be my uncle’s girlfriend” she said smilling widely.

“Well thank you sweety” I answered.

“what’s your name ? ” i asked looking at her..

“Maya” she said with a grinn.

“well how do you know your uncle will like me ? ” I asked..

I heard her mother call her before she could answer..

“come on Maya come eat your food and stop troubling that poor lady” she told her.

I looked at their direction it was a family of 4, including Maya .

“It’s okey mam” I told the woman.. “she’s a cheerful girl l like her.” Maya smiled at her mother.

“I know he will like you” she answered my question.

“he’s very handsome too” she added looking straight at me.

“Okay let’s do this sweety, when we meet again then l will definately become your aunty .” I laughed softly making her smile widely..

“we will meet again you will see she ” shrugged with so much enthusiasm and walked back to her table.

I glanced at them and couldn’t help admire the small family. It reminded me of my mother.

Thoughts of her almost made me shed tears. she was always there for me she put us all together and I knew if she was alive she could have made me feel at ease on the situations I was going through.

Over the years I had dedicated my life to help dad. He had requested me to help him when mom died. we both were still mourning and I couldn’t turn down his request. I felt he needed me close so I put aside my designing shop, hiring someone to help me run it.

Now that years had gone by l was now thinking of starting my life all over again. I felt like I had to live for myself too. I made a mental note to persue my dream and probably go back to Australia when all the drama was over and run my designing business.

I had obtained a first degree in management so I had enough knowledge to help run the business for my father. From the time we came to Zambia i had put my life on hold.

I felt bad a person like George would just think of wasting the things that he had never worked for. To him i was this spoiled girl who was just enjoying my father’s wealthy.

The following day, I drove back home. I went straight to the office. I had to get myself busy.

I was flipping through the files, when dad walked in.

“Paula, why didn’t you tell me you were going to face George..?” He asked standing in front of my table.

“Well dad, someone needs to do something unlike you am not going to let that fool get away with the crimes he’s commited” I told him straight up.

“Am more worried about you my daughter” he sighed sitting in the chair..

“No dad you have a soft spot for him and i will not let him kill us both while I fold my hands. remember he killed Ackim” I added..

Dad shook his head.

“Am sorry to tell you this but I had followed the police reports, there is a chance Ackim is alive ”

“What ?” I answered suprised.

Him confirming the news about Ackim puzzled me. I had not told him what George told me.

“Yes my dear,” he continued

“The reports show that there were no human remains in the car, but again there’s a possibility he died some place away from the accident scene. No wonder the people who picked you to the hospital didn’t find him.”

“Oh dad ..why didn’t you ever tell me? I mourned a man who is still alive.”

“I didn’t want to give you false hope my Paula. I saw the way you suffered, besides I don’t understand why he hasn’t come back after all this time. Maybe he is not alive after all” he told me calmly.

“He’s alive dad” I whispered.

“He has to be and he’s somewhere out there”

“Take it easy my Dear. let’s just be patient and see how it goes, otherwise I don’t want you confronting your brother. If he’s the one behind all this you will end up putting yourself in danger.” My father stated worried.

“Don’t worry dad, I can take care of myself.” I smiled at him before he could walk out.

I stood by the window as dad went out, looked outside and watched some mine vehicle move things from one point to another..

“Be alive my bodyguard” I whispered amid the noise coming from outside.

“Please come back to me.”



I was released from the police custody the following day with the help of Dr Mwaba’ s husband.

The fact that the police found the guy I shoot dead and the one that they captured alive both belonged to some gang they had been Hunting for years. All charges where dropped as the case was considered self defence.

I didn’t have an identification but thankfully the police in charge was a Friend to James, Dr Mwaba’s husband. He let me go after I explained the situation of my memory.

I was taken back home and the family wellcomed me with joy.

“I missed you uncle Will” Maya hugged me.

“gues what? ” She told me as she led me to the dinning table.

“Tell me dear am all ears” I smiled. The girl just had a way of making things seem easy. She made everyone smile and had that sense of serenity. The fact that I was always tolerant with her and paid attention to her talks, made her like me very much.

“Tell me Maya” I reminded her as we sat to eat. Dr Mwaba and Mwamba started laughing. I saw James shake his head too.

“What is it guys ? ” I asked surprised because everyone was smilling.

“Well Maya, tell him” Mwamba spoke up.

“Excuse me people give me a chance” she chuckled.

“ahaa ! now uncle let me explain,

Remember the other day we went for dinner ?” she started ,

“yeah clearly” I told her..

“how can I forget am just coming from the cells for killing a thief” I answered her..

“Sure..anyway that aside” she smiled.

” l have good news for you, we found this beautiful coloured woman at the restaurant , she’s gorgeous.”

“Mmmmmmh” I murmured with food in my mouth not really intrested in her story but I had to pretend I was listening.

“I asked her to be your girfriend uncle Will” she added

I was startled..

“what ?” I almost chocking with the food. I had not thought of that and I didn’t see it coming. since I came out of the hospital all l could think of was recovering my memory. I didn’t even know if I was married or had any relationship with a woman in my past.

Maya went on to praise my supposedly new found girlfriend.

“Promise you will like her uncle.” she said with pleading eyes.

“at least meet her and tell me if am lying ” she added while everyone broke down laughing.

“You are in for trouble my dear Will.” James told me as he poured some water in a glass cup.

I nodded my head.

“true l’m” I responded.

“So now does this beautiful woman know me ?” I asked her jokingly.

“Leave that to me, all you guys need is to meet each other” she said cheerfully.

“I know you will like each other.”

“Well then,” I told her.

” let’s see this wonder woman, maybe you can be the knife girl at our wedding” I teased as we all giggled happily.

To be continued


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