The Bodyguard Episode 10 – 11 by Tisa Phiri

The Bodyguard by Tisa Phiri Episode 1

The Bodyguard Episode 10

Written by Tisa Phiri

“Oh” i breathed out as I waited for the person to completely show himself. luckily the boy of about 10 years old walked with his hand rubbing his eyes, he didn’t see me. Quickly, I doged and stood at the back of the sitting room door. he slowly walked to what seemed like a convenient room. I sighed with relief as he closed the door behind him..

I waited for what seemed like forever for the boy to come out almost irritated the boy was wasting my time. I had to drag his father or whatever their relationship was before the entire house woke up..

My phone however gave me away, it’s loud tone filled the house at the moment the boy walked out. I struggled to turn it off and by the time i succeeded, the boy in the bathroom came out and screamed on top of his voice..

” Thief thief ! ” He screamed alarming the entire house. In seconds everyone was running out to the passage others in undies only.

The guy I followed came out holding a gun but I quickly pulled the boy and held a gun to his head .

“Drop it or i blow his head off.” I warned sternly the woman who seemed like his wife started shouting and crying as 5 other kids joined in the noise .

“Shut up! ” I shouted still holding the boy at gun point.

“you,” i said pointing at the guy.

“let’s go out ” I instructed letting him go ahead of me. I could see his facial expression that he was dying to fight back but the fear in the eyes of boy I was holding giving him no other choice. He slowly walked to the outside and I pushed back the boy, closed the door behind me with one hand pointing the gun at the guy I followed.

” to the car !” I shouted..

Instead, he charged at me. I was however faster than him so I hit him in his face with the gun, he fall back and realising I wasn’t going to kill him just yet. he came for me again, this time i shoot one bullet in the air and he froze.

I heard the kids screaming inside the house at the sound of the gun.

Mr Benson’s guys also ran to the house and they both grabbed the guy before me and dragged him to the car outside.After securing him with some ropes, we dumped him in the trunk and drove away.

I called Me Benson and instead of the lodge he directed me to one of his incomplete buildings.

” take him there and have the guys guard him. I want to be there as you talk to him tomorrow. You will go back to the lodge and rest..”

” Yes sir!” I answered sighing deeply.

Later after doing as told, I took the car keys from Simon and drove to the lodge leaving Simon and the guys to guard the thug. Instead of going direct to the room I sat at the small bar inside the lodge and ordered some beers. Since I was told I could order what ever I wanted, I didn’t have to worry about paying the bill.

I was there deep in thoughts as I drunk, that night’s activities just reminded me of how I had helped In the kidnapping and murder of some high government official who according to general Loko was getting in their way. For some reason, General Loko always used plural whenever he addressed us and sent us to do his dirty works he would always say ‘ we’..

Unfortunately I never got tbe chance to know the other people invoved in the deals he had.

I recalled how one day he made me and the other guys burn some thatched houses with people inside.

“Kill them all ! ” He ordered us

“or you die in their place, people in this area are dull and can’t use their brains to vote wisely, so I want you to kill them and burn their homes before voting time” he added holding a gun in our faces.

I remember reaching a certain house had saw a small boy hidden in the corner as th bodies of his dead parents lay in front of him. I looked around and when I saw no one was looking I went to the boy and lifted him to the bushes nearby. I quickly rushed to get his mother who i had noticed was still breathing. I tried saving her and when she was conscious, told her to hold her son and stay put until it was quite.

she murmured some blessings holding my hand and I quickly ran back to other soldiers.Thoughts like that always gave me sad feelings.

Looking at my phone i saw some missed calls from Paula, but i didnt call her back.

“she’s probably sleeping” i thougt to myself. It was past mid night. lifting the bottle, i poured half of it in my mouth, I looked at the TV mounted on the wall and I could barely make sense of the match being played, my mind was occupied.

I drunk some more and didn’t realise Shila was watching me from a distance. After an hour of drinking I slowly pushed the chair I sat on and staggered a little before I stood straight and headed to my room.

Going straight to the bed and as I unbuttoned my trousers I saw Shila standing in the corner with a short Skirt showing off her body contures.

“What are you doing here?” I askee almost in a whisper. I was drunk…

She just smilled and walked closer to me, pushed me down and sat on top of me without giving me a chance to say another word. she pulled out my t-shirt and started working her had hands on me. I tried to resist her but she made things difficult when she pulled down my jeans and squized my sacred man.

I lashed out and pushed her down going for her breasts, she smiled naughtly enticing me to go on.

With the period I had stayed without a woman, well, it came like a bonus for me. I went into her with full force and she responded with some kaonde moves sending me to some places I had not visited in 5 years.

I don’t know whether it was the beer or that girl was really good in bed but I was fully satisfied after I had calm. I fall asleep instantly….

The Bodyguard – Episode 11

By Tisa Phiri

I woke up the following morning and before I could open my eyes I felt my head pounding loudly. I had a serious headache. I sat up my eyes still closed, opening them, I saw a small note besides my pillow.

“I had a good time.. you are so sweet Ackim.. later.”

I shook my head and peeped in my sheets then I realised what I just did the previous night. I was so disapointed with myself.

“how stupid Ackim” I hit the wall.

“I was so wasted I couldn’t control myself? Damn ..! ”

I really felt disgusted I had sex with a woman I didn’t even know and the fact that I allowed a woman to come after me, instead of me hunting her pissed me off.

I quickly took a bath. It was almost 7 hours in the morning and I had an appointment with Mr Benson. I had to finish the night’s job and interrogate the guy I kidnapped. I was supposed to go earlier but now it was evident that wasnt possible. i was already late.

I wore the last pair of clothes Paula had bought me, a grey cargo pant and a muscle t-shirt. I didn’t like the way it outlined my upper features like I was in some kind of beauty contest but I had no time to worry about looks. I pulled on the black sneakers I had worn the previous day, took some water from the small fridge and headed out immediately.

I met one of the female workers coming to my room with a try of breakfast..

” i will pass that” I told her pointing at the food..

“maybe some other time.. ”

“But sir” she almost said something but i cut her short..

“not now dear, am running late” i told her without looking back..

Upon reaching Puala’s door, i stood to knock but dropped back my hand right back..

“maybe she’s still asleep” I thought to myself.

“I gues I will see her when I come back” I sighed walking ahead in the lit passage.

As I passed the reception I saw Shila talk with another worker. she wasn’t in her uniform and was holding a small hand bag. I guesed she had knocked off without paying attention to her I went outside and got in the car I was given the previous night.

Before I could start the ignition, Shila knocked on the window wearing a big stupid smile. Irritated, I pulled down the window..

“hey handsome!” She smiled..

“how is your morning? ”

“Am fine and I don’t have time to waste” I scolded without looking at her. I saw her frown from the corner of my eye.

“Oh so you are ignoring me after sleeping with me?” She asked in a low voice..

“you know what? whatever your name is am not playing your games. what happened last night was a mistake and it won’t happen again. I was drunk and you just had to take advantage of that so let me warn you, stay away from me and find a toy to play with..” i snapped.

She opened her mouth to say something but I started the car and drove out. I saw her hold her waist and watched the car as I drove away. I just had to put an end to the nonsense. knew such women were a danger to a man and I wasn’t ready to be caught up in silly issues. I looked at the wide road ahead of me and accelerated the car.

In 10 minutes I was at the unfinished building the guys I left guarding were no where to be seen as I got out of the vehicle. I rushed inside and my heart skipped when I found 2 dead bodies on the concer floor. looking around the place I tied the guy and it was empty only a rope placed on top of the chair I tied him too.

“What the hell is going on here?” I shouted loudly my echo going round the big house i was in. I hit the wall twice and blood come out of my left knuckles, adding to the frustration I already had that morning.

I heard some winning from outside and when I ran out the back yard I found Simon laying down the ground his legs with some deep cuts and a bullet wound in his right shoulder. He was so weak I feared he might die in my face.

I quickly lifted him and took him in the front.

“what happened here? ” I asked him.

“The guy manged somehow to get loose when all had dozed off. he shot at us, the two guys died instantly, but I somehow survived. i tried to escape but couldn’t. Before he left he cut me up in the legs and left me to bleed to death” he explained crying in agonising pain.

“How long was that Simon?” I asked him looking at my watch.

“About 30 minutes ago ”

“dammt ! that fool !” I screamed hitting the small stones on the ground.

“how could 3 men fail to handle a that guy ?” I shouted forgetting he was injured.

“you are all useless!” I addrd frustrated.

“Call Mr Benson and tell him what happened. let him send someone immediately to take you to the hospital” I instructed as i started the car engine .

I took off at a high speed leaving some tire prints on the wet ground. I had to get to that thug’s house before he escaped.

I parked in front of his gate with screeching tires my mind racing, everything seemed to be slow like time had stopped.

With a kick I opened the door and ran inside my gun pointed. searching all the rooms I found the house empty, he was gone and he took his entire family.

“uuuuhhhhuhuhuhh!” I scremed looking up the roof my blood raising causing me to sweat.

“s*** ! Where could he be?..”

In an instant I remebered Paula back at the lodge. she was unguarded..

“oh no.. !” i said running back to the car like a mad man.

In less than 10 minutes I was running inside the lodge screaming..

“Paula! Paula! Paula!” I shouted as all the people watched me, some guests came out of their rooms and looked out as i passed them they looked surprised. with A bang I opened her door and it flew wide open.

“Paula! Where are you?” I called heading to the bathroom when I noticed her bed as empty and un made. The bathroom was empty and I felt so weak.

“oh no!” I whispered holding my head with my gun still in my hand.

I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I had just failed my job. In fact I felt useless feeling disapointed with myself for getting so wasted the previous night and to top it lay with a strange woman I had no idea exactly who she was.

“Ackim What have you done?” I scolded myself hopelessly.

To be continued


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