TEMI {MINE} Episode 16

TEMI {MINE} Episode 1

TEMI {MINE} Episode 16


An aplomb smile frolicked around Dami’s face as he swerved along the tarred road in a Honda Lexus 330. Davido “Fans Me” wafting out from the speaker system in the vehicle made his head mimed with indocile. He felt ontop of the world as he claxoned the horn of the vehicle repeatedly like a piano tunner.

To him now everything seemed to be getting better, at least he was no longer a carter of yestyday and a vagabond that sauntered about with no where to call a home. He now has a home where he resides and reposes. Also gotten a piddling job to handle his bills, his favourite job actually. He was now a driver.

Thanks to his new boss, Mr Tunde Ogunyemi who has been so emollient and salving enough not to querry his nomadic lifestyle. Unlike the others he had tried applying for the job with but was later rebuffed because they couldnt risk employing a clochard.

He met his new boss Tunde one night after spending a week receiving treatment from Dr. Banji. That night, he was on his usual hunt for where to slumber when he saw a guy of same range with him looking depressed. The depression written on him as he paced around made him walked up to him.

“Oga hope no problem” Dami asked with concerned.

“Ah broo, na my car ooh..,i no know wetin do am. I don try wetin i know but e be like say e no won gree work” Tunde anwered pointing to a well parked Toyota Camry with bonnet opened

“Ohh sorri oh, if u no mind seh i fit come check am .. ”

Tunde looked at him with disdain eyes before he finally responded “Wetin you fit do”? Seeing someone who dressed up like a miscreant totally put him off.

“Just give me chance make i try my luck” Dami voiced with confident.

“OK oo” Tunde surrendered. And that was the begining of their relationship.

Tunde later asked how Dami have an idea on how he was able to fix the ride without much hassle, Dami explained how he was a driver and had driven that type of car for more than a year. So he was used to fixing minor faults that developed in vehicles.

Tunde thanked Dami singly before offering to take him to wherever he was going, but later Dami declined bluntly since he knew there was no where to go.
Tunde not willing to surrender, persuaded him to let him offer a lift because it was dangerous to roam along the road at the dead of the night as there was possiblity of being transversed by some sorts of hooligans or cruel fellows predating over the night.

It was after all the suation from Tunde that Dami explained he never had a place called home, and reason it happened. Everything thing that happened between him, Eliza and her mother was uncovered by Dami to Tunde.

Tunde felt pity and asked him to hop into his car. The next morning brought Dami goodies from Tunde . Tunde got him an apartment in his duplex and also offered him a position of a driver. Tunde explained he could have done more that, probably offering him a worthy position in his company if Dami had had enough formal eductaion to merit it, but all the same he promised to him to be benignant in his pay.

Dami grinned to himself once again as the reality of who he was no beset him, there was no more going farmished for days, something that pushed him to being a petty thief, no more sleeping where the horde of insects greeted him everynights…


“As long as you love me.. We could be starving ..we could be homeless ..we could be broke …” That was the song playing now, his ducky song he specially importuned Eliza to for her ringtone.
The song now seemed to shimmer gloominess in his mind, as the thought of where and what could be happening to Eliza since the day he was nobbled.

“Well i believe fate is at work, if fate wants us back, then we will sure be back in each other’s arm” Dami muttered to himself assuredly.

Dami checked his time, it was 4pm. He sighed. He was late, he knew his boss was not an agressive type or belligerent someone, but he needed to keep to their time. He checked a compartment in the vehicle he was steering, he took a look at the well packaged 24carat diamond ring. He nodded his head in confirmation that it was save.

His boss had sent him to help him get the ring after he couldnt find the one he bought the previous week. He had explained to him that he would be proposing to his girlfriend today, the love of his life.

Dami too was dying hard to know the lucky girl, for the past one month he started working with him, he had noticed how serious his boss was whenever his so called girl was concerned. He knew he truly loved whoever he called his girlfriend, and that at myriad of times made him remember he has some he shares his heart with too and maybe one day after all the tussle, he will go back to claim what belongs to him.

Dami’s claxoning had the opulence tall gate being rammed opened by a brusk man. The man looked too short and could easily be passed for a dwarf or nanus.

Dami alighted from the Honder after he parked it savely in the garage. He opened the compartment to collect the diamond ring he kept there.

“Egbon Sunday, oga nko”? Dami threw question at the peremptory short man who was still finding it gruelling closing back the gate.

“Oga nbe nu ile” he answered with typical Oyo dialect amidst his ongoing fuss with the gate.

Dami who was in haste to quickly delivered his message to his boss didnt even wait for his respond. He was late already, he has seen the fleets cars plausibly to his boss’closest friends designing the massive compound.
His boss had called them to witness how he would propose to his longtime girlfriend.

His eyes veered around the luxurus cars parked as he scurried down to the siting room. A Toyota camry caught his attention as he movied hurriedly, but he never bothered to check it out. ” Hell No! it cant be Eliza’s car” he thought.

He finally got to the doorway to the sitting room. He receded from bumping into the concilated atmosphere of the room. So he stood there, brought out his hankie to wipe off the limpid liquid pouring from his already dowsed face.

Then he peeked at the room through the keyhole to ascertain the total number of of guests in there. He swallowed hard at what he saw. He couldnt count, there were countless of people in the sitting room. Some where dancing with there lovers, some where discusing, every where was just resonant with liveliness.

“Hope he was not late” he thought

He made to enter but was stopped by applauds emananting from the room, accompanied after a while by his boss’voice. He thought to enter but it seemed he was now enjoying the eavesdropping.

“Ladies and gentle men, i know all of us are aware of what is going to happen here tonight except for one soul, and it happens to be the reason for this assemblage.
Well there was this lady i cherish most in my life, as a matter of fact i cherish it more than my own life. Though i cant deny have made her cry, have hurt her countless of time, have treated her like a nobody, we broke up and we eventually make up. Now, she is the only reason why i am breathing in this oxygen, in short she is the air i breath, she is my oxygen. Now friends, kindly tell me how i am supposed to breathe without an oxgen ? Tell me how i am supposed breathe with no air ?”

Dami quivered with emotion as those words fell off his boss mouth, he had forgoten the ring he was holding was now useless. The words he heard brought the memories he had with Eliza, the love of his life. The words sporadically aroused the complaisance to go back to his ex madam house and claim back the love of his life. He never felt the awe that had made him stave off her madam’s wrath. He blamed himself for relinquishing Eliza.. “Poor baby girl will be hurt pretty bad” he thought

“I wish to share your pain with you, i wish to carry your cross with you, your happiness will be my joy, your sadness will be sorrow, i am willing to to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me little angel”? Tunde threw the question at the girl he knelt for, holding a box containing a diam

Nikky: hello sweet heart.
Me: (aaaarhhg) hi samuel, how are you doing?
Nikky: what the hell are you saying? Its me, Nikky.
Me: your car broke down again?
Nikky: are you crazy? Well i called to inform you that our daughter is
now with me.
Me: i’m really sorry sam, i don’t know of any
mechanic….okay..catcha…take care of your baby, car i mean, bye.
I hung up immediately, wow i pulled up that act without thinking? I
think i’d be a good actor!
Me: (changing the topic) that was samuel…. I can’t stop imagining
walking down the aisle with you, in this church, on our wedding day.
Ella: (dragging me to the alter) lets give it a practice.
Me: yeah!!!
We walked to the alter, i held her both hands while she closed her eyes.
Me: from the day i met you, everything about me became special, know
why? ‘coz you’ar very very special.
I was scared i’d loose you to our little misunderstanding.
I was scared i’d go to the grave missing you but fate proved me wrong.
We’ar meant to be Ella.
I love you beyond measure, my love for you is deeper than the ocean
waters, it towers like the mountains, i love love you!
Ella: (smiling) i love you more Isaiah.
You taught me the language of love, in you i found true happiness,
peace and joy.
Your name is and would forever be engraved in my heart, nothing can
wipe it, except if my heart stops beating.
I don’t know what to say ‘coz there is only one word left in my word
bank, which is “love” i love you honey.
With that, she opened her eyes.
We hugged tightly for ‘hours’ you know that feeling you get when you
find that important thing you thought you’d lost? Ahah that was what i
was feeling.
The moment was more than magical, i can’t find words to qualify it.
We got locked in a hot kiss!
(in the church?! Well who cares???)
we quickly disengaged when we heard someone clearing his rough throat.
The priest!!! I knew ‘coz he was clad in his priestly wear.
Ella: er…hi….sorry priest.
Priest: its nothing, i understand that kinda feeling.
Me: (hahaha you do? Too bad you can’t get married *tongue out*) uhm
sire, do you mind blessing us?
Priest: no i don’t…lets pray….
Me: just a sec.
I held Ella’s left hand and removed the engagement ring from her finger.
Me: this ring symbolizes the love i have for you.
This may not be the perfect time, and i know we may still go through
alot (NIKKY!!!) look at this ring, see how round it is?
So it if for us….we may go through tought times but good news is our
love would never reach its breaking point.
I love you…..
Priest: remain blessed.
We left the church happily.
Me: hang on, how did you know i was here?
Ella: i actually came to your house unfortunately you weren’t home.
A neighbour told me she saw you walking into st. Michael church.
Me: (smiling) wanna go home?
Ella: yup, i have some articles to write.
Me: lets take you home.
I flagged down a cab and we hopped in.

I came back home feeling overwhelmed, i’ve never been this happy.
I wasn’t in planet earth anymore. The thought of having Ella back and
even re-proposing to her before a priest all got me crazy!
I thanked Isabella for her help, we also had a mini party, of drinks
and loud musics.
Trust Isai, she drank to stupor!!!!
At around 11pm, i retired to bed, leaving Isai to battle with her
bottle of drinks.
I laid on the bed feeling marvelous, i almost forgot about Nikky and
her ‘child’ not until she reminded me devilishly with a devilish text
message, asking to meet in her house tomorrow.
Hope shes not being cunny?
Why can’t she let me be?
I finally resolved to go, ‘coz i want to tell her my mind, its gonna
be hard but truth is i don’t love her!!!!!

Eliza looked pretty and luscious as she patiently anticipated Tunde’s visit that afternoon. She had taken time to apply a luxurous make up and appearance that made her dazzled enough to quench a raging tempest. Well, it was so obvious that she initinially got dressed like that to counterbalance Tunde’s deperdit proposal to her four days ago.

She had made up her mind to accept Tunde’s proposal this time, at least to compesate him for all he had been through because of her, moreso all he would still go through.

Her mother took time to explicate and gave her numberless reasons to make her prefer Tunde to Dami. According to her, Tunde already had middling knowledge of her predicament, yet out of true love he was willing to sacrifice his future to be with her. She threw questions at Eliza what she though would be Dami’s reaction if it happened to be the one aware of her barreness.

Eliza thought over her mother’s maternally advise, she knew all what her mother said to her was free of any petite deception and was not due to the hatred she has for Dami. Everything she said was a bitter truth.

She had also decided to quell whatever love she had for Dami and move on with Tunde. Yes, she never loved Tunde that much, she never felt any redolence or whatsoever for him, she only saw him as the only fort or fortress to hide her aridity. Her barreness in the future. She would try to grow enough love for Tunde as days went by.

She still found it hard to believe that Dami, the main rootage of her misfortune, the one that proclaimed love even at the face of death for her had outright dumped her for another lady at face of just a bantam billows that occured to him.

She had always envisaged how life with Dami would be after she relegated all her inheritance, inherited affluents to him. She had kept the intention secret from him while they were together because she wanted to be sure if truly the love he has for her was genuine and not base on the wealth in her possession. And now she had confirmed that he was nothing than a cheater.

“Pon pon” the doorbell buzzed out jerking Eliza off her thought.

“Honey ..check who is at the door” Busayo’s voice rang out from the kitchen.

“Aiit mom” Eliza replied, rising from the sofa she had been for ages before neaten her tousled dress. A sign of anxiousness.

“Who is that” she voiced out as she plodded towards the door to get it open for their guest.

“It is me Tunde” the visitor responded. Leaving with Eliza with a familiar smile.

TEMI {MINE} Episode 16

He moved briskly as his leg could carry him, the way he glided down the slopy route that led to his destination made it seemed he was strong enough and also acquired an Usain Bolt speed. But No, he was not strong, he felt fatigue, but just couldnt decipher if it was from his famished state or due to the strenght he propelled to his journey.

Dami met with Dr Banji again, a day after he was fired by his boss. He purposely accosted him to unravel the mystery behind Racheal, the lady who saved him and the same time thought she ruined his relationship, also reported to be dead.

Dr Banji didn’t help him much though, the reticence doctor always remained taciturn whenever Racheal issue was brought up. And like previous time, he didn’t say much, but he gave him lead to follow. Dr Banji gave him a description of someone he believed knew Racheal well. Dami didnt believe him at first, because the name he gave him and the description matched with the person he least expected to know Racheal, but the Dr Banji had insisted he wouldnt say anything more.

Dami didnt know what next to do if he eventually ravel out the mystery, but at least he would be out of his ignorance state and probably bring him back to the love of his life, Eliza.

Dami continued his journey to haunt the person Dr Banji described to him, he had gotten to his house but was told by a familiar short man at his gate that he went to visit his dearest. Hearing that, Dami had pegged his conclusion to only one place the the dearest would be. And nothing was stopping him to there.

Dami entered the compound stealtly unoticed by the risibly black gatekeeper. He remembered Kofi with his pesky and comic behaviour. His rememberace had smiles planted on his face.

“Only God knows where is he ? He should be at the his cubicle now, or probably he was sent an errand shaa” Dami thought as he proceeded to inside.

He scanned the enviroment as he plodded to the siting room, he expected to see someone to impede him in the compound, but he found none. The compound was free and silent.

He reached the entrance to the siting room and was about to squelch the doorknob when the gravity of what he was about to do struck him. “Hope he wouldnt get killed ?” He remembered the threat Eliza threw at him the other day. He heaved a sigh before proceeding to peek at the room through the keyhole. His usuall style of eavesdropping.

“plss Marry Me Eliza Badejo” Dami heard Tunde said to Eliza again. He caught Eliza faint smile, as she knodded her head in approval and was about to say “Yes” when Dami opened the door facing three figures, Tunde kneeling down, Eliza and Busayo his ex-madam in the room.

“Ohh Not Again” Dami heard the voice came out from one of the figure in the room but couldnt decipher who exactly said it.

He turned facing Eliza who was already gasping for words to say

“Eliza before you kill me like you promised, permit me to quiz out somethings from your fiance” Dami said pointing to Tunde who already wore a grounch look like bee about to stink. If he had a revolver, he would probably have shot Dami straight in his forehead for disrupting him the second time.

“So Mr Tunde Ogunyemi” Dami faced him now with an audacious look. “Kindly tell me who Racheal is to you”

Tunde’s red eyeball turned back to originalness while his deadly look disappeared instantly.

“Whi whi which Racheal” he managed to asked.

“Racheal Fatoyinbo” Dami voiced out leaving Tunde mouth wide opened.


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5 years ago

Am confused oo

Enny pat
Enny pat
5 years ago

Pls opra.. dis episode is confusing and compilcated. Pls go Tru it and re-post it pls

Ubom, Glory
Ubom, Glory
5 years ago

Is this the end of Temi (Episode 16)?
Or is there a continuation?
This story is far from finished oooooh.

J flex
J flex
5 years ago

I like the story so much that I keep checking ur blog almost every hour. But I’m not happy with the way it taking too long to post the story. At least three episodes a day is not bad. Mrng, noon and night. Pls do something abt it.

5 years ago
Reply to  J flex

Pls kindly bear with me!
Been on the road since morning…
will post immediately i get home..thanks

5 years ago
