TECHNICAL VIRGIN Episode 41 – 50 by Precious Obialor Ukazim



Episode 41(unedited)

The kissing continued for about two minutes as his hand meandered through her soft human hair weavon down to her breast region, and she quickly unbuttoned her blouse to grant him easy access to her raw breast but as if something struck Kehinde, he suddenly quivered and moved back in fear.
“Shit!” He blurted out and moved farther from her, adjusting his belt and covering his face with his palms, his heart beating fast.
“Jumoke leave my office.” He said calmly trying hard to bring himself under control.
“Kenny, I’m sorry.” She said softly as she drew closer to him.
“I’ve heard you, please you can leave.” He said, turning his back on her. She came close to him and placed her hand on his shoulder from behind.
“Ke..nny… It’s in your eyes, you still love me as much as I do…” She was still talking when he turned in a rage and shouted.
“Leave!!!!” His voice was heard all over the place and fear gripped her.
“I said leave my office!!!!” He shouted repeatedly and in a minute, both the security and nurses barged into his office and ordered Jumoke out forcefully.
“Doc, hope you are alright?” A fair complexioned female nurse who had been crushing on him stayed behind and asked. He waved at her to leave the office without looking at her and she lazily dragged herself out feeling bad. He dropped into his chair, bent his head and tears began to pour out of his eyes.
“Ah! God! What did I just do?” He asked nobody but himself amidst tears.

Jumoke arrived home sad and dejected to meet her niece crying at the reading table and she rushed over to her.
“Bisi, what’s the problem? Why are you crying?” She asked Bisola who wasn’t expecting to see her by that time of the day.
“Nothing.” She replied and quickly wiped off her tears.
“You can’t tell me nothing whereas you are crying.”
“Aunty J, it’s my boyfriend.” Bisola said.
“What about your boyfriend?” She queried,a bit relieved.
“He’s threatening to leave me if I don’t have sex with him..” She broke down again crying leaving Jumoke more confused.
“So?” She asked the crying Bisola.
“Aunty, I don’t want to lose Frank!” She buried her teary face in her palms,then continued.

“And at the same time, I don’t want to lose my virginity” she cried louder and Jumoke held her closely to herself, on opening her mouth to talk, tears began to stream down her cheeks as she remembered that fateful Valentine evening, at Kehinde’s lodge off campus when he asked her to prove her love for him with so many promises to build a future with her. She remembered how she was bathed in her own blood right on Kehinde’s bed as he climbed down from over her body after defiling her and how she did not stop satisfying him with her body until that very day he called to tell her that he would no longer continue with the relationship. More hurting for her was the fact that she was now the one begging Kehinde not to leave her for another woman, even trying to go against her faith to get him back to herself. The incident at Kehinde’s office came afresh before her as she remembered how she was humiliated by the nurses and security men, how a particular female nurse called her a proustite that have come to seduce their handsome doctor.
She hugged Bisola very tightly and cried with her eyes closed.
“Bisi, even though I failed in the past, I won’t want you to repeat the same mistake with me.” She said, loosening from the tight hug and wiping her tears.
“Some nine years back, I was just like you. Innocent, a virgin and I held my head high with great confidence until I fell in love with Kenny. The relationship was a healthy one until he began to request that I prove my love for him, I refused but gave in due to his incessant request. I gave him my virginity, but not less than two years,he came up and announced that he had become born again and wouldn’t continue with the relationship anymore. Bisi, he kept avoiding me till we graduated and he vanished into thin air leaving no trace of his whereabout. I couldn’t love any other man because it seemed he left with a part of me, only for me to meet him few days ago and guess what he told me,
” I already have someone I am considering for marriage. This afternoon, he disgraced me in his office and ordered me out because we,..we..I didn’t know how it happened that we both couldn’t control ourselves and ended up kissing each other..” She said, breathed down and continued.

“Even after kissing me, he still ordered me out. I know it was wrong as Christians that we kissed but I didn’t plan it. I’m not a wayward girl, just that I couldn’t resist him standing very close to me.” She confessed
“He doesn’t want me anymore Bisi,not even sex would make him want to settle down with me. I gave my virginity to prove my love for him in vain. And that’s also applicable to you, giving him your body now would not stop him from leaving you tomorrow. If you do,you might end up being the one chasing after him later, trying to keep him while he divert his attention to another woman. Sex has never been a proof of love, if it is, prostitutes would be the best lovers in the world. Let Frank go if your body is the proof of love he needs, in fact, break up with him first before he breaks up with you and you won’t feel hurt much. Don’t let any man tamper with your pride as a woman if you must walk around with your head high. Your body is your pride, guide it jealously my dear…” She spoke at length with Bisola, then stood up.
“I regret that day, that very minute I spread my legs for Kenny to have his way. I curse that day, the day which I agreed to satisfy a man I love at the expense of my self value as a woman.” She muttered loudly looking into the space as Bisola stared at her speechlessly.

Seven nights later, Olori came out in the middle of the night and walked down to the river with his black spiritual messenger igomudu, (the spirit of madness) and stretched it forth into the air and began to make incantations
“Sade!! Sade!! Sade!!!” He shouted after making his incantations.
“Go!!!!” He shouted wickedly and finally the black messenger flew out of his hand and disappeared into thin air….

To be continued

Episode 42(unedited)

“Sister Sade, are you still sleeping? Wake up! Wake up! It’s time for our midnight chain prayer.” Kehinde said over the phone when Sade picked his call but was sleep talking over the phone. He had suggested they do a one week midnight chain prayer as one of their online Bible study action plan and that night was the seventh night.
“Hunmmm…brother Kehinde can we shift it to 2am? Am feeling very sleepy.” She said with sleepy eyes.
“No! no, Sister Sade. I had a terrible dream..” He said in a haste and the sleep in her eyes immediately gave way as she quickly sat up on the bed and held the phone closely to her ears.
“What’s the dream all about?” She queried anxiously.
“I can’t explain it right now, when we see,I will share it with you. There’s something strange in the air,I can’t explain it but we need to start our prayers now.” He said and she nodded her head with willingness.
“Okay, but you didn’t send me our prayer points for tonight” she replied and climbed down from the bed.
“We are following the leading of the Holy Spirit, I couldn’t get any prayer points for tonight. We shall start with worship songs and then pray in the Holy Ghost for as long as He gives us grace . Also, we would be praying over the phone this night, I want to hear your voice praying to be sure that you are not praying and sleeping at the same time.” He said sounding serious.
“Ah! Brother Kehinde, it will cost you much o.” she shouted over the phone.
“I’ve already counted the cost and also recharged my phone. So, Sinach, can you please lead us with worship songs?” He said smiling and she bursted into a loud laugh that almost woke Toyin up. She started up a worship song, one of Sinach’s songs which she knew was Kehinde’s favorite song and from there, they sang other songs before they finally entered into intensive three hours marathon tongue speaking that they didn’t know when the call ended. The aggression with which she prayer finally woke Toyin up and she climbed down the bed and knelt close to her mother muttering only what God knows as prayer.

The black messenger hovered over the air around the parsonage but the atmosphere became too hot for it to penetrate first because the prayer watch arm of the church were having their ‘power must change hands’ night prayer and mainly because the prime target was having an edge of fire surrounding her and her daughter. After wandering around fruitlessly, it diverted and visited Olori’s first daughter living in Lagos who was always sending money home for her father and stung her in the head. She woke up scratching her head and began to act strange and finally ran mad at the early hours of the morning.

The black messenger returned back to Olori with blood in its mouth indicating that it sucked an assigned victim and Olori laughed wickedly,then made more incantations to seal the madness.
At few minutes past 4am, Sade became very tired of praying and lay down and slept off very close to Toyin who had slept off after an hour of muttering her own prayers while Kehinde continued till 5am before concluding the prayer. Part of the desires in his heart that made him pray longer was his parents, he wanted God to touch their hearts to call him and approve his choice of whom to marry. After his prayers, he picked up his bible to study and midway into the study, he slept off with his head on the open bible which got squeezed up.

Olori’s son in-law called him to inform him of what was happening to his daughter and his heart dropped, he gave a loud scream and his wives ran into his room to know what was happening to him. They found him holding his chest painfully and had fallen to the floor in pain screaming his daughter’s name. He was pained because her first daughter was married to a very wealthy man and she was the secret behind all the money he threw around in the village as Olori. It was more hurting to him because he knew that any one stung by the black messenger can never be cured of the madness incurred.
“What happened to her?” His wives asked in unison as he kept repeating her daughter’s name over and over again. But he refused to answer them and after a long while, he instructed them to call his personal native doctor. The native doctor came and after observing his condition, suggested he be taken to the English doctors. He was rushed out to the village medical center where they referred them to another hospital in Akure because they couldn’t handle his case.
Olori’s daughter was as well taken to the psychiatric hospital but her condition got worse and some days later, she ran away without anyone’s notice and strayed faraway from the reach of her husband and relations in rags and dirty clothes.
Olori suffered a heart attack that affected and his blood pressure rose higher than normal resulting in partial stroke and he was confined to the hospital bed for months without any positive improvement. When he saw that all his money had been spent on hospital bill and drugs, and his daughter who used to send him money was no where to be found ,he took his own life by drinking a local rat poison.

Sade and Kehinde became very close so much that she confided in him before taking any decision regarding herself and Toyin her daughter. The church mummy used her position as the head pastor’s wife to get Sade a teaching job in the church’s primary school, but she couldn’t accept the offer until she got Kehinde’s approval.
“Hope you know you have become my mentor?” She told Kehinde over the phone without waiting to hear what he had to say.
“I don’t want to hide anything from you o. Mummy got me a teaching job in our church’s primary school. So, I want to inform you first before accepting it. Do you think I should pick it up?” She asked him.
“Wow! That’s good. I was just thinking of a possible job you can do!.” Kehinde replied excitedly at the other end,then continued.
“Well, I know the pay would be small but just take it up first while we trust God for a better job..” He said smiling, then continued.

“At least, you will start going out in the morning like others and not stay indoors alone.” He said teasingly and she laughed.
” Hey! Did I hear you say am your mentor?” He asked still laughing.
“Yes na, brother Kehinde am serious o. I have learnt a lot from you and I make less mistakes when I confide in you before taking decisions…” She was still talking and he cut in.
” My dear, we are friends and a friend ought to watch his friend’s back. That’s what am doing, watching our upcoming Sinach’s back. Mummy is already mentoring you.. ” he teased her.
“Stop joking, am serious brother Kehinde. Mummy is trying but she so busy, and I hardly have her to give me attention…’ She was trying to explain when the hungry Toyin called her attention to the food on fire which was burning and she excused herself and ended the call.

One day,during their monthly mountain joint prayer and one on one study, Kehinde was sharing his revelations from the scriptures sitting a little distant directly opposite Sade but while he was enjoying the insights from the scriptures and was sharing them with her, she was lost in thoughts admiring him and so couldn’t pick a word from every thing he said.
” Brother Kehinde is very handsome and kind too. Look at his pink lips and dimples. Gosh! I love him… But he won’t love me because am no longer attractive.” She was lost in thoughts and at a point, Kehinde noticed that she wasn’t concentrating so he paused but she did not know that he had stopped talking.
“Sister Sade! ” Kehinde called her and she jolted back.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked with concern but she nodded her head in the negative.
“Nothing.” She said and looked away from him praying in her heart that he should ask no further.
” Come’on ,talk to me. You weren’t here all the while I was talking. You were lost in some thoughts. What’s it?” He said and dropped the bible in his hand on a large stone nearby.
” brother Kehinde, I said nothing.” She maintained.
“Okay, if you say you were not thinking about anything, what was the last thing I said from the scriptures I was sharing with you?” He asked with displeasure written on his face.
“I can’t remember.” She said and maintained a bold face.
“You promised not to hide anything from me. Now, something is bothering you but you don’t want to talk about it..” He said feeling disturbed.
“Okay, maybe we should start going…” He said and picked up his bible and jotter.
“No! No, brother Kehinde. Please don’t ask me what I was thinking about, I’m ashamed of saying it before you and not necessarily that am hiding something from you. Am alright, I don’t have any physical challenge.” She explained and he understood with her from her facial expression.
“Since you are now ashamed of me, and cannot share your thoughts with me, start sharing your own revelations now because am done with mine.” He said and relaxed back, looking intently at her as she flipped through the bible to find the places she studied over the week. She lifted up her head and was about calling out the bible passages and her eyes came in contact with his fixed on her. She quickly blinked her eyes looked down feeling shy and began to call the bible passages carefully without looking up…

To be continued.

Episode 43(unedited

Because she was feeling shy, she stammered several times and repeated some words many times so much that Kehinde had to interrupt her.
“Sister Sade, this is not you. Your bible expositions the previous months were far better than this. Even if you can’t tell me what is bothering with your mouth, maybe I should excuse you so you send it to me through a text message.” He said feeling very bad but she still insisted that she can’t say it. He swallowed hard, took up that particular scripture she was muddling and began to expound it more to her.
“Yes! Brother Kehinde, that was exactly what I wrote down in my quiet time note while studying, I don’t know why i diverted from them today .Look at where I wrote them down here.” She shouted excitedly as she went over to show him her quiet time notes.
“Maybe my presence suddenly started intimidating you, but no problems. I don’t want to get angry today, but if this absent mindedness repeats itself again during any of our spiritual outings, I would definitely not be happy with you…” He said, sounding very mean.
They prayed and then sat down to talk about other things.
“I will be taking you to the studio tomorrow, but I won’t be able to stay there with you till you finish, but I will come and pick you up when you are through…” He informed her and she became sad.
“Brother Kehinde, you didn’t stay with me at the studio last week and that guy at the studio was busy misbehaving because you were not around. You promised to stay this week?” She murmured childishly and he started laughing.
“And who are you doing that face for?” He teased her but she refused to laugh.

“See, something came up that would demand my attention at the hospital tomorrow and you know health is involved here…” He was trying to explain when suddenly he noticed tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Really? Sister Sade it hasn’t gotten to that please. Okay, you know what would happen?” He asked rhetorically then continued.
“We would go by 9am and I would stay there with you to supervise everything till 11am before leaving. Is that okay by you?” He asked searching her eyes for an answer as he fought the urge to go wipe off the tears on her cheeks.
“Come’on, stop crying; we are in a public place and passersby will see you crying and start thinking am a wicked person.” He said forcing out a smile to suppress the hurt he was feeling inside.
“You need to see how that young man was frustrating me at the studio that day. He would just be telling me to twist my voice in a way that the songs will choke me and he was telling me that it’s superb. Brother Kehinde, these are songs I received under the inspirations of the Holy Spirit while studying the bible, during prayers and from the dreams and I don’t want anybody to add any artificiality into them. I want to sing them in the spirit not the way he wants and if you are around, you would not allow him to order me to do it his own way…” She explained bitterly.
“Really? And she didn’t bother to tell me all these things since last week only to come here today and be crying like one small baby.” He said teasingly, calculating in his mind how to combine the two things tomorrow.
” I love my job but I also need to stand by and encourage her now than ever..” He thought briefly then came up with an idea.
“I didn’t know Jasper was frustrating you o, but you ought to have told me this before now. You see, you are now beginning to hide things from me.” He said feigning annoyance.
“Ah! No oo brother Kehinde, there’s nothing there to hide; just that I decided to keep quiet since you promised be around this week..” She explained laughing.
“Alright. In that case, we would go to the studio by 2pm instead of the usual 9am. And you know what that means, our coming back may be around 6-7pm. So, you will have to bring Toyin along.” He said and she smiled in a way that gladdened his heart.

“I was thinking you should also get Toyin a home lesson teacher. She is a smart girl but her performance last term wasn’t a good one. You know the standard of education in the village where she first started school can’t be compared with the ones here in the city. Besides, many of her classmates have home teachers…” He said and she kept quiet.
“I guess you have traveled out in your mind again. Only God knows what you are thinking about.” He said getting worked up.
“It’s true, I was just thinking about what you were saying and nothing else. Maybe I should take up the home lessons for her, because my pay is not even enough for me let alone getting a lesson teacher that will come and charge me ten thousand naira. How much is my salary?..” She said and started laughing as he gazed at her in a funny way.
“Get one first. You won’t have all of that time to teach and guide her to do her assignments because you are starting up your masters program next year.” He said and she frowned at him. “Where is the money for all these things you are bringing up.?” She blurted out unknowingly.
“Well, Toyin is my friend and my gossip partner so,am taking up all her expenses. But for yours? We shall be trusting God to make provisions for you because, after your masters degree, you will pick up your PhD immediately…” He said with finality and began to park up his Bibles.
“I think we need to go now. I have clothes waiting at home for me to wash.” He said and she immediately spoke up.
“Brother Kehinde, thank you very much. I appreciate your love and care for me and Toyin..” She said feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
“Can we pray please?” He said in order to dispel her mood and immediately, he prayed briefly,then they shared in His grace and began to walk down.
“Brother Kehinde, can I come along and help in washing those dirty clothes?” She queried as they walked down side by side in the way.
“You never told me you also got a job in a drycleaning hub.” He teased her.
“Stop joking, I’m serious.” She sounding serious.
“Sisters don’t wash my clothes my dear. Besides, I don’t welcome female visitors anymore and you are already aware of that.” He said looking away from her.
“Brother Kehinde am I still a stranger to you? I thought…” She was trying to talk but interrupted her with another topic which made her to forget what she wanted to say. On their way home, he switched on his phone and many voice SMS entered, followed by Toyosi’s call. He ended the call and concentrated on the steering but she kept calling while Sade told him about a man in her branch church who lost his wife five years ago that was making advances at her.
“Brother Kehinde, pick your calls now.” She urged him when she saw how he repeatedly ended the calls.
“You advice me to answer calls while driving?” He said cunningly .
“But you used to answer my calls while driving.” She argued jokingly.
“That’s because it’s you. You are not every other persons.” He said, then continued.
“I beg continue with your story. So tell, do you want requite the affections?” He asked feeling a little bit jealous.
“I’m just telling you about it, I didn’t say I would requite anything jor.” She said feeling shy.
“But let assume the man proposes to marry you, will you accept to marry him?” He asked trying to know her mind but she kept quiet.
“That man is in his fifties brother Kehinde, though it’s my desire to get married ,i don’t want to have anything to do with old men after my past ordeal with Olori.” She said feeling sad.

“I’ve been praying seriously and trusting God for a life partner, at least a man who loves God and can also love me and Toyin unconditionally.” She added calmly without looking at him.
“It is well my dear, God will bring a man after his own heart for you. Just keep praying and trusting Him to perfect all that concerns you.” He replied then breathed down heavily and concentrated on the high way followed by a long silence. Within him, he was happy that at least she had begun to gain back her self-esteem but at the same time, he felt bad that he’s not been able to make his intention openly known to her because of his parents refusal to accept her . He began to regret telling them that Sade was a single mother in the first place.
Sade on her own part was feeling bad about the turn of things in her life.
” If only i had kept my body chaste, i wouldn’t be single by now, let alone being a single mother .” she thought in regrets.
“I hope you are not worried?” He broke the long silence as they were approaching the church bus stop where he would drop her off before going back to his own house.
“I’m worried brother Kehinde, I will be clocking 30 next month but there’s still no serious man taking interest in me for marriage.” She lamented in a way that broke him down internally.
“Sister Sade, I thought you said you have been praying and trusting God? If you are then calm down and wait on him to answer your prayers. You don’t pray and worry at the same time!” He said loudly getting angry with himself for everything.
“Alright. Ese gan” she thanked him and wiped off the tears that dropped down her cheeks before climbing down from the car.
That night, he couldn’t sleep and couldn’t pray at the same time, as he picked up his phone several times to call his father but will end up dropping it in defeat. As he was busy thinking of what next to do, his phone buzzed and a text message entered his phone.

“Brother Kehinde, I’m sorry to disturb you by this time of the night, but I don’t want to keep it to myself. I’m having a strong urge to have sex. Please pray for me, I don’t want to do anything stupid again.

From Sade” the text read and he…

To be continued.

Episode 44(unedited)

He began to dial her number immediately but she refused to pick up her calls, not knowing how he was feeling inside as his heart beat raced faster and faster. It seemed his room became too small for him and stood up pacing up and down from the bed room to the sitting room still dialing her number.
“Sade,please pick up your calls. Please pick your calls!” He said pleadingly as if she was there with him to hear him. He dialed her number for the up tenth time then started bombarding her phone with text messages.

Sade kept sobbing as she saw his calls but couldn’t receive them for fear and shame of being seen as a sexually loose person and she began to regret ever sending him the text in the first place.
“Brother Kehinde would start seeing me as a loosed woman now, I should have kept it to myself.” She was weeping but quickly wiped off the tears in her eyes when his text messages started pouring in.
In his first text, he pleaded with her not to do anything stupid, then explained to her that having sexual urge is a natural thing that happens to normal people whether a born again or not. He also explained that she is not a loosed woman because of the urges rather,it shows that she is a healthy woman because she can respond to stimulus. He explained further using his experience over the years with women as a gynaecologist to educate her more about the woman body then encouraged her by saying,
“I know you are a strong lady with a high level of self control and you can control the urges. You have been keeping your body all these years and you can’t afford to break that standard of chastity which is the reason why still relate with you because. Sade I want you to know that I love you, do not regret ever telling me how you felt because it doesn’t change how I see you.
With love and concern from your best friend Kenny..” The last text read and it sank deeply into her heart like a drop of cold water on a dry and thirsty land. A smile crossed her lips at the same time with tears of joy and by then, the urge had fizzled out without her notice.
“Thank you very much brother Kehinde. I’m sorry for not picking your calls, I feel better now. Once again, thank you.” She quickly replied and then switched off her phone and lay down on the bed closely to Toyin on her tummy.
Kehinde scratched his head thoughtfully as he read her text message over and over again then arrived at a decision to propose marriage to Sade and win her first to himself then wait for when his parents are ready to accept his choice of whom to marry.

Very early the next morning, he put a call across to the church mummy who was out of the state for a program and informed her of his plan to make his intention openly known to Sade and the woman started teasing him.
“Oh! Mr secret lover boy, so you finally want to come out openly from your hiding abi?” She said laughing hard over the phone.
” Mummy,please leave me o. I want to win her to myself as fast as possible before all these sharp sharp brothers in your church will snatch her away from me Jaree . he said and joined her laughing.
“That’s a good step my brother. Sade is a nice girl, it’s just that she fell victim of one of those temptations that are common to young people.. Well, why am even telling you these as if you were not there all along.” She said in a hurry, then asked immediately.
“What about your parents, have they finally approved your marriage plans with her?” She asked with a concern in her voice.
“Mummy, they haven’t o. But first thing first, let me even get Sade to accept me first. Am so certain that one day they will have no option than to dance to my own tune.” He said and forced out a dry smile.
“It’s well brother Kehinde, we shall join you in prayers..” She replied coldly and they bade each other good bye.

He entered the bathtub and had a good bath allowing the showers to gush out water continuously over his head as he sat down on the inside. His phone rang and he stretched out his hand and collected to check the caller, it was an international number so he quickly cleaned his head and on pressing the receive button,he heard his elder sister’s voice.
“Hello Kenny, bawoni?” She said in a hurry.
” Ah! Sister mi, am fine o. You’ve forgotten your only brother na.” He said smiling.
“Kenny forget that thing first, I was told momma is very sick. What are you doing about that?” She announced and he was taken aback at the information.
“Sick? Nobody informed me about that. Who gave you that information?” He replied looking confused.
“You mean you are in Nigeria and I get information about what happens to our parents more than you? When last did you visit home ?” She queried sounding offensive and he suddenly felt guilty for having not visited nor called his parents for over six months.
“Sister mi, that’s not necessary now. I will travel home first thing tomorrow morning to attend to her.”
“Tomorrow morning is too far, you have to get ready and go home today.” She said authoritatively and he started laughing.
“Soldier woman, you have not changed one bit. Stop commanding me o, am now a full grown up man.” He said still laughing.
“I’m not laughing with you yet,go and treat my mother first then call me so we can discuss about that your Sade of a girl you were talking about.” She said smiling at the other end.
“So it’s now you want to talk about her since over how many months? Go jor, you are not a good big sister.” He said and they both started laughing.
“You should know I don’t have problems with your choice of whom to marry, I just want you to be careful. You already have my half support till when you finish treating my mother.” She said jovially.
“Alright, let me see how it goes.” He said and they joked over other things then bade each other farewell.
Kehinde got to the office earlier than usual and attended to some pregnant women who were around, then put a call across to Sade and informed her about his mother’s condition and his plan to travel home to know the nature of the sickness and possibly start up a treatment on her if it’s within his ability.
“I will try and come back before 2pm so we can go to the studio.” He promised.
“No problems, just take your time. We can go to the studio next week” she said with concern, then continued.
“Greet her for me.” She said before ending the call.

Kehinde arrived home to meet his parents absence and was told that his mother had been rushed to the hospital in the same city he was coming back from.
“What’s happening?” He asked nobody but himself. Whatever will make the oba, his father to leave his throne must be a serious matter and their refusal to call him means that they must be seriously angry with him.
He quickly dialed his father’s number and he picked up immediately and gave him the name of the hospital they were. He knew his father does not have a strong heart and could easily be convinced but his mother had a soldier’s heart just like his elder sister who was based in the UK.
He drove on a high speed limit and arrived the general hospital where his mother was admitted and luckily, he knew the doctor in charge of her treatment. He inquired and was told the nature of the sickness then he breathed down, relieved that it wasn’t really a serious issue. He drove the oba to his house to freshen up and when he was thinking of what next to do and how to combine Sade’s studio show with his mother in the hospital and the oba in his house, an idea dropped in his mind.
He smiled and called Sade to council the studio show for that day.
“My mother is admitted at the general hospital here in the city with no one staying with her. Please can you to stay with her this weekend since there’s no school tomorrow and next.?” He said pleadingly over the phone and she agreed immediately without thinking about it the second time…

And I received some encouraging chats on messenger this morning that got me so excited to post another episode this evening.
God is touching hearts to put these stories on hard copies and am so excited about it to the glory of God.

To be continued


“I think we need to bring one of the maidens over to take care of your mother at the hospital because you may not have all the time to stay with her and duty demands that I return back to my seat ..” The oba explained carefully.
“Ah! There would be no need to bring any of them over, I have nurses working under me and trusted female friends who can stay with her till the time she would be discharged.” He replied almost immediately.
“You know she is a queen of a kingdom and her life shouldn’t be left at the mercy of just anybody. We are in dangerous times and…” The oba was still talking and he quickly cut in.
“My father, do not worry yourself about that. I know you don’t want to lose your sweetheart and I assure you that she would be left in safe hands.” He said convincingly and the oba believed him.
“Father,” Kehinde called him calmly with a sad face.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been calling nor visiting to know how you both are doing. I’m deeply sorry…” He said remorsefully and was trying to prostate on the Indian rug in his sitting room but the oba stopped him.
“Come’on my son, don’t do that.” He said in a hurry and asked him to sit down.
“You see, I’m equally guilty and my heart have not been at peace since the last time you left the palace in anger, and i have been longing to see you.” The oba began meekly and gently.
“I was studying my bible some few months ago and the Lord confronted me with a scripture, ‘ why do you call what God has blessed unclean?”. I also heard it loud and clear so I looked around thinking someone was reading it out for me but found no man. While I was trying to understand what the Lord was talking about, your thought came strongly to my heart and the last discussion we had in which I angrily told you that the woman you have chosen to marry is no longer sacred enough to be the next queen came flashing in my mind.” The oba continued.
” Who am I to call God’s handmaid imperfect? I asked God for mercy and have been willing to give you my blessings but when I related the matter to your mother, she stubbornly insisted that her son would not marry a second hand woman. You know how stubborn your mother can be most times, she threatened to kill herself if I approves your marriage and it’s a bad omen to my throne as a King of a kingdom. I have told the Lord who visited and confronted me to also visit her and convince her heart concerning His will for you in marriage. ” the oba explained and breathed down heavily.
“How is the young lady?” He asked this the surprise of Kehinde whose mouth was already opened in amazement of all that his father had said.
” She is fine.” He replied feeling elated.
“Don’t worry my son, your God whom you serve will settle you soon. Don’t be discouraged, am solidly behind you but let’s give your mother time to get convinced about the young lady.” The oba dropped more surprising words which got Kehinde so excited so much that he did not know when he jumped up to his feet and hugged his father so passionately.

“I’ve always known you to be a good man with a large heart towards humanity and apart from being my father, you are also a mentor to me. You didn’t give up on me those days when I suddenly became so stubborn and lived waywardly but continued to pray for my salvation until the day God arrested me. Since then, I have followed your steps, both in presenting every matter to God in prayers and in patiently waiting for the ripeness of time. You have inspired me more than you know father. Thank you once again for believing in me even on this matter…” Kehinde expressed himself almost in tears and his father pat his back shoulder.
“I will now leave you to observe some rest while I go back to the hospital with someone who would stay with your queen..” Kehinde said and led the oba to his own bed room instead of the guest room.

Kehinde picked Sade up from the parsonage under the pastor’s permission and they both drove down to the hospital leaving Toyin at the care of Bukola the Pastor’s daughter. Sade was still feeling shy and couldn’t look into his eyes after the last night text message and he laughed to himself as he held the steering.
“I can see that someone is still feeling shy.” He said in order to break the silence. her heart skipped and she immediately threw her face aside, looking out through the glass of the car at nothing in particular without saying a word.
“But wait a minute, You don’t used to be this shy in my presence, how did this whole shyness of a thing even started sef?” He asked jovially but she just sat down there beside him smiling from ear to ear without turning her face.
“Am still waiting for an answer.” He said even though he knew Sade would not answer him.
“She can’t even look into my eyes anymore.” He teased her further on driving into the hospital gate and then located a parking space very close to the private ward where his mother was given a bed.
“Sister Sade,” he called her calmly wanting to tell her what his mother likes and how to handle her while staying with his mother.
“Sir.” She answered still avoiding his eyes.
“Are you serious?” He said loudly with his eyes widely open.
“Has it gotten to that extent?” He asked when he saw how uncomfortable she was feeling when he called her name.
“What?” She summoned the courage to ask without expecting an answer because she already knew what he meant.
“Sister Sade, look at me.” He said but she stole a fast look at his broad chest and then looked away immediately. He bursted into a provocative laugh then called her again.
“I didn’t say you should look at my chest, I said look into my eyes.” He said smiling.
“Brother Kehinde, leave me alone jor!” She bursted out angrily, opened the car door and climbed down leaving Kehinde who was laughing so hard behind. She wondered why he was so happy even when his mother was lying sick in the hospital.
“It’s quite unusual. This is my first time of seeing him this happy for no just cause.” She thought within herself as they walked down side by side into the private ward.

They met his mother sleeping peacefully on the sick bed and on seeing her, Sade smiled.
“Brother Kehinde, your mother is so beautiful.” She said almost in a whisper in order to avoid waking her up.
“Really? Is she more beautiful than I am?” He said jokingly and she started laughing.
“Stay with her let me check on the doctor.” He said and walked out of the ward.
” No, I don’t want her to be discharged yet. Keep her here for more five days.” Kehinde objected when his doctor old friend said his mother would be discharged the next day since her health condition can be managed from home with drugs.
“Haba! Kenny what’s the matter?” Dr Iyk asked in surprise.
“See, I need your help Iyk man. My woman is presently with my mother in the ward right now. I need them both to stay together for a while so that my mother can know more about her because she has some doubts about whether she would make a good wife or not…” Kehinde explained, keeping the main reason out of the discussion.
” but, is any of them aware of this your plans?” Dr Iyk queried with a smile.
“Aware ke? Who wan tell them?” He said with a serious look and the doctor started laughing.
“Guy, you still have this your criminal sense o, born again have not changed that one.” Dr Iyk said amidst laughter.
” My brother if you leave these mothers, they will just confuse your life for you and work one girl into your life in the name of suggesting wife for you. I beg, it’s my wife we are talking about here o.” He said laughing along with him.
“Na true my guy . You know me and Chioma are no longer together na.” Dr Iyk said casually.
“Which Chioma? You mean your wife?” The surprised Kehinde asked.
“Yes my brother. That girl dealt with me o.” Dr Iyk said sadly,then continued.
“She lied to me that she was still a virgin and that we would not make out together till our wedding night only for me to find out on the said miserable wedding night that she was an express road through which many motorists have traveled…” He was still explaining when Kehinde bursted into laughter.
“Guy, so you were actually looking for a virgin to marry even after all the rough lives we were living back then?” Kehinde asked,laughing out loud.
” Is there any reasonable man who would not want to marry virgin? I beg stop laughing make I tell how this girl take deal with me and my family o” he said trying to act serious, then continued
“That was how Chioma played the player himself. She played me big time and I fell for it, and even left all my girlfriends,including Buky; that my girlfriend in medical school then faced only her. But, do you know what finally separated us? After the traditional marriage, this innocent looking church girl my mother pushed me to marry began to unveil her true nature. Her character changed and she became a torn on my parents flesh and started hanging out with one Owerri man because then I was still trying to find my footing financially. It was still my mother who insisted I must not marry a Yoruba girl then that came up and told me to divorce her or else she would kill herself. Guy, with all pleasure, I pushed the idiot out of my house…” Dr Iyk explained feeling hurt.

“I feel for you my brother. Though I would have suggested you give her time to change if …” Kehinde was talking and he quickly hushed him.
“Hey! Hey! Kenny forget that thing. She’s history as far as me and my family are concerned.” He said in anger. When he saw how hurt Iyk was, he scheduled another time with him to discuss better and they walked up together to the private ward. On seeing Sade,Dr Iyk and Kehinde exchanged glances with smiles.
“She is beautiful and looks natural too.” Doctor Iyk admired her.
” Guy, stop eyeing my woman.” Kehinde whispered jovially then they both started laughing and the queen woke up.
“My back!” The queen whined painfully on waking up and they all rushed over to her bedside but Kehinde and the queen already knew that the back pain was a the occasional crisis she used to have for over eight years. Once the crisis starts,the queen would wail and cry due to the unexplainable pains she feels on her shoulder down to her back and then spread down to her knees and joints which usually last for days.
The crisis started eight years ago when the queen woke up with a sharp pain on her shoulder and recounted how a masquerade pursued and gave her whips on the back in the dream. Since then, the pains comes and go and the royal family have tried all they could but couldn’t find a permanent solution for her occasional crisis. Kehinde himself had prayed tireless for her healing several times but the healing never came.

“Sade, please massage her body let’s get some pain reliever and inject her.” Kehinde said hurriedly and held Iyk out of the ward.
“Guy, don’t bother about the pains she’s feeling. It’s more of a spiritual attack and medicine have not been able to solve it for years now. Just help get some pain reliever and inject her for me..” Kehinde said with sadness in his eyes and Iyk entered the nurses cubicle to get them. He soon came out with a nurse following him and they all rushed into the ward where Sade was massaging the queen…

To be continued.

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