TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 6 – 8 Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 1 - Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

Heading: Desirable Lesson (III)
She stood in front of her teacher, wearing a mini skirt with a black spaghetti-hand top. Her thighs isn’t the only thing that freshly looks attractive at the moment, even her whole body. Though every woman in the love garden is unique and beautiful in their own way but Judith is mostly eye-catching, hence lovely and more attractive.

“Teacher, you said I should see you.” she repeated after noticing the man’s quietness.

The man cleared his throat. “Sit down” he pointed at his bed.

Judith became amazed. First, the man gave her an executive chair at the dinning table, now he’s telling her to seat on his bed in his bedroom! The girl was wondering.

“Judith?” the man brought her out from that thought.

“Sorry, teacher. What did you say?”

“I said you should have a seat.” He walked to a refrigerator, while the girl reluctantly sat at the edge of the bed. She looked at her thighs. Only then did she realize that she was improperly dressed to be alone with a man. She folded her legs. “Why am I even thinking about this? Teacher is like a father to us.” she was thinking but interrupted by teacher’s voice who stood before her with a cup of water and pills.

“Take this. It will relieve the pains.”

The girl looked up at him, took the glass cup of water and the man handed the medicine to her. Before she took it, she glanced at her teacher again. His eyes weren’t the only thing that looked down at her, even his bushy grey beards. Judith passed the medicine through her gullet with the help of the water, even teacher Nwachukwu heard the passing sound of the water.

Judith watched her teacher return the cup then came back and sat beside her with two wireless pad of a Play Station (PS). He handed one to her. The girl looked at it strangely.

“Teacher, what’s this for?” she asked.

“For fun.” He replied.

“I don’t know how to do this.”

“I’ll teach you.”

The girl let out a smile as her teacher pressed a remote button and a flat screeen television slowly whined down from the roof near the wall with a connected Play Station. Judith couldn’t believe her eyes! What she was seeing was a tip of an ice berg compare to more secret things inside that room like his secret control room. Sonner did the game boots and selected. It was a mortal combat. Judith kept smiling as teacher taught her the function of the various buttons on the pad.

A few minutes of playing the game, Judith became very free with him as if he was her biological father whom she hoped to see one day. She was really happy too, forgetting her initial punishment. To boom the happiness, teacher purposely let her win him in several combat.

On the last fight, teacher didn’t really want her to win anymore but the girl professionally used the pad. Their life readings on the television screen were at the same point about to finish. Judith persisted, her fingers on the buttons became louder and faster, likewise teacher’s.

“Gbuush! Gbuush! Gbuush!” Judith shouted as her fighter was kicking that of her teacher’s. Soon, a computerized voice said, “Finish him!”

“Yeah, finish him!” Judith repeated loudly and jumped up. “Daddy, I won you again!” she rejoiced, while teacher kept smiling. Suddenly, the girl realized what she called him then gradually became mute, staring at her teacher who returned the gaze. Of course he knew she called him that out of happiness. As the silence lingered, the computerized voice from the game said, “Brutality!” The game ended.

“I think I should go to my room now, teacher.” Judith said.

Teacher stood up. “I understand you, Judith.” The man began. “Happiness causes forgetfulness of sorrows and unknowingly utterance of indebt feelings.” He paused to see Judith blinking her eyes. “Yes, you won me again my daughter.” He added then the girl began to shed tears. She was moved emotionally, so she hurried to her teacher and hugged him, shedding tears uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry for lying to you, teacher” she cried.

“Is okay, dear” teacher kept sliding her hair. “If you get back to your room, I want you to park and stay with Vivian since you like that room more.” He added.

She disengaged from him. “Thank you, teacher.” She began to dry her tears, walking towards the door. Clutching the knob, teacher called her.


She turned.

“If your parents are still alive, I must help you find them, I promise.”

The girl smiled at him then finally left. Teacher walked to a bar where he poured a wine inside a glass cup, sipping it and smiling broadly.
Daniela watched Judith from the bed of their room, parking her belongings. She didn’t understand, so she asked her amicably.

“Why are you parking your cloths?”

“Teacher instructed me to stay with Vivian.” She replied without looking at her.

Daniela felt bad and sorry at the same time. Judith could read her mind that moment even though she wasn’t looking at her.

Daniela sat up. “Judith I know its because of me that..”

“Ella,” she interrupted, finally turned to her. “I don’t want you to feel bad or think that I’m your enemy. I’m just changing room, that’s all.”

Daniela exhaled, watching her until she finished parking. Walking to the door briskly, Daniela stood up and called her.


The girl turned.

“I’m sorry for everything.” She said.

“Is okay, Ella. Don’t be scared, I’m telling no one what happened between us.” She finally walked out to Vivian’s room who joyfully asked her.

“Babe, what did teacher do or say to you? You spent time in his room oh! I was even thinking of something else.”

“Really?” Judith smiled. “He made me happy and cry too.” she added.

Vivian dragged her to the bed. “Come and gist me! Wait, let me lock the door.” She rushed up, while Judith laughed at her Amebo charisma.
Teacher Nwachukwu met
Stephen for the last time. One of the guards followed him with a gun. He stood before the poor boy whom they had fed with dinner. His face could tell Stephen how serious he was as he stared at him talking.

“Yinka, you’re father is my enemy because he’s bad to the citizen of Kali.”

“How? So you think you’re the good man when you’re hiding in the middle of nowhere?” Stephen spoke out boldly, staring at him to.

“Soon you’ll see what I’m telling you if I hadn’t killed you by then. You’ll see that your father and other politicians are the cause of what is to come.” He stepped forward. “You’ll make a choice now. I won’t repeat myself; you’ll join us here and never see your family and love ones again or we kill you.”

“What?” Stephen exclaimed. He thought of his family as the only son and remembered his love, Stephanie, whom he will never see again? He shook his head.

“Why are you hiding from the main city?” he asked teacher who gestured at the guard to arm his gun at him.

“Pull the trigger at the count of three.” He instructed then began counting.

“Fine, I’ll join you!” Stephen made a choice.

“You’ll be on surveillance 24-7. Any attempt to escape you’ll be shot dead.” The man concluded.
All were present inside the classroom except Stephen. They wore same type of cloth, looking excited and serious too. Judith occasionally admired Dave from another seat.

Teacher Nwachukwu continued from where he stopped the previous day.

“Previously, I told you that love encompasses all things, you creat a silence atmosphere for heart communication to capture one’s mind as a distraction to steal. Now, we will talk about Materialism; how it enhances love, brainwashes the mind of a person for an easy access to steal too. Most men use materials to get a woman to bed. Why?”

Obi raised his hands up instantly. “Because women love materials.” He answered while the girls in the class glared at him.

“Pay attention!” the man flipped his fingers. “Bible emphasized on giving so much. Why do you think so?”

The classroom became quiet.

“If you don’t answer this question, all of you will sleep outside tonight!” Teacher assured them.

Tension wasn’t the only thing that rose among the students but fear and more seriousness too coz they knew their teacher doesn’t go back to his words. Suddenly, Murphy said, “Because giving brings love.”

“Good!” Teacher reinforced. “It does not only bring love but also peace. How? Because giving is a legal bribery. That’s why when you give and offend the receiver someday, he or she will not retaliate because of the gift you gave to him or her. Now, there will be peace. The receiver can go extra miles to cover your wrongs from others. That, now, shows love” he paused for that to assimilate into the minds of the students.

The man walked back to the board. “Inside the building I showed you, there is a room called ‘Silencer’. Anything done there cannot be heard outside”

“Even a gunshot?” Dave asked.

“Yes, and if any of you is taken there, you must not come out alive. It was built for violent execution because of the device that you must bring back here at the end of the day. That’s why you need to be smart, lovely but dangerous.” he concluded, while the kids fearfully stared at him. As the silence lingered, Stephen walked in through the door. Ada’s eyes was the first that caught him….

(Criminal Love)
Episode 7
Written by author Nath
Heading: Dead Hope.
Stephen did not only step into the classroom like a green horn but also like an amateur and a stranger he was in the love garden. All eyes went to him especially Ada who admired him. Stephen discovered that he was on the same dress with others in the classroom thereby recognizing his full acceptance in the secret family. But remembering that he won’t see his love ones again, was heart-breaking. What has he gotten himself into?

Nevertheless, teacher gestured at him to step forward which he gradually did, looking at all the orphans.

“His name is Stephen Yinka from the main city.” teacher introduced him.

“He has a last name?” Cynthia whispered rhetorically but Stephen heard her.

“Everybody has a last name, don’t you?” he spoke up boldly, while teacher stepped back when he saw that the young boy has taken the ground. So he monitored them from a corner and touching his beards as a source of inspiration.

However, the class had become quiet after Stephen challenged which got him a bit worried. But he continued, “Nobody falls from the sky. We are all products of sperm and ovum. Hence we have fathers and mothers. So why do you seem surprised about me having a last name?”

The orphans stared at him. No single noise was heard. None of them made a sound too not even a cough. Meanwhile, teacher’s hand had not left his grey beards.

“Stephen.” he broke the silence. The boy looked back at the teacher. “They don’t have last names because they are orphans.” The man said.

Stephen looked back at the class who were still staring at him emotionally.

“I disagree with you, teacher.” Stephen continued. “They have last names, just that they don’t know their last names.” he paused. He was beginning to sound like teacher to his fellow kids which generated more tranquillity in the classroom. Even teacher Nwachukwu couldn’t believe it!

“I have this ideology that nobody is an orphan.” Stephen continued. “That you grew up not knowing your father and mother doesn’t make you an orphan coz they might be out there somewhere. Unless you’re certain that your parents are dead, that’s when you can call yourself an orphan. But if you grew up not knowing where they are, my dear, you’re not an orphan and you have a last name. It’s just a matter of time for you to discover it if you really want to.” he concluded.

Cynthia, the fragile one began to shed tears but didn’t let anymore know by resting her head on her locker.

Teacher stepped forward. “Well spoken, Stephen.” he looked at the class. “Stephen received our signal. That’s how he traced us and wants to join us.” he turned to the boy, pointing at a noticeboard that hung on the wall behind him. “Read that notice aloud” he instructed.

Stephen turned. He narrowed his vision. “I swore to follow all commands by the teacher.
I must show love to others and never to love.” he glanced at teacher after reading the second line.

“It simply means that you must show love to these people but must not have relationship with any.” Teacher explained.

Stephen continued. “I swore to save my brothers and sisters in times of trouble.
Lastly, I must not kill.” he turned to the class again.

“Now, each of them will introduce themselves.” Teacher walked out, while the kids said their names one after the other.
The news of a missing boy went across Kali city on every media. Police was also up and doing. One could hear their siren all over the road.

Sadly, Stephanie took it upon herself to paste Stephen’s pictures on every street as he was tagged missing. She wore a fairy gown that danced along with the wind. She stopped at a tree beside a main road where she also pasted, admiring the picture herself, hoping to see her love again. She turned to a passer-by.

“Excuse me, have you seen this face anywhere?”

The lady shook her head and passed. Stephanie became disappointed. Not only did she love Stephan wholeheartedly, she was privileged to feel the reciprocation of the love regarding the boy’s wealthy family background compared to her lower class family.

On the other hand, Yinka could be found inside a building where he seated at a long table with people with the same prestige. At the end was the president. He has long white spotted beards with agbada and it’s cap likewise others. They were the government Nwachukwu was up against training his students for the mission.

“Mister president.” Yinka began through an executive microphone embedded round the table. “I guess Nwachukwu is still alive.”

Hearing that, others Murmured to one another as a sign that the name ‘Nwachukwu’ had triggered fear in them. Yinka continued.

“Why I said this is because my son is missing. His close school friend, Stephanie, has explained that he was enthusiastic to see a teacher whom he got his teaching signal about love in a different dimension. And we all know that Nwachukwu is the one with such ideology. So i believe he’s still alive and that’s where my son is. Though the police is working tirelessly to locate him.”

Another person spoke up. “What you have is not enough evidence that Nwachukwu is still alive coz anyone could have the same ideology.”

“Whether he’s still alive or not, we must find the teacher who captured Yinka son’s mind. Hence, kidnapped him.” the presidents concluded.

However, Margaret, a.k.a Magi, a sheriff of the country, with her men found Stephen’s bike inside a forest. She was black and average like a woman in her late forties. She spoke through her communicator on her shoulders.

“All unit heads up. We’ve found the boy’s motorcycle. I repeat, heads up!”

“Cupied, Sheriff” a voice replied.

The woman gestured at her men to soar every nook and cranny of the forest which they began professionally with guns and military uniform, tracing a vivid pathway which Stephen followed.
On the other hand, at the love garden, some of the kids were playing hand ball as usually except Stephen and Murphy who converse beside the basketball court. Ada wasn’t playing or outside. She could be seen at a window still admiring Stephen.

“So the purpose of this lesson about love is to invade a government house to bring something believed to be sensitive to violence?” Stephen asked Murphy.

“Yes” he replied.

“That’s going against the government. It’s not gonna be easy especially without weapons.”

“We trust our teacher.”

“Going against the government is like going against yourself. It’s suicide!”

Murphy kept quiet likewise the boy. They could hear the bouncing ball and shout of their fellow kids on the court. Stephen became sad when he remembered Stephenie. Murphy read his mood.

“What’s it?” he asked him.

“Her name is Stephanie. I love her so much. I believe she’s not at rest anywhere she is now, knowing that I’m missing.”

“She will soon believe that you’re dead.” a voice came from behind. Both turned to see teacher standing behind them, wondering how he got there. Yet, others at the court never stopped playing the ball…

Meanwhile, the police were approaching very fast. Their footsteps even seem to be heard by the resident of the love garden.

“What do you mean, teacher?” Stephen asked him.

“Sometimes the best way to stop your enemies from monitoring you is by making them think you’re dead.” he replied, while the two boys wondered what he was saying..

However, the police had approached to the building, a local bungalow precisely. They barged in to see nobody there. The sheriff noticed spills of blood on the ground. At another corner, she saw Stephen’s clothes which she slowly picked up. She became disappointed, looking at her men.

“I think the boy is dead.” She said. “These are his clothes” she turned to a table to see an empty plate of food and cup.

“Let’s take these plates and cup even a sample of this blood. We shall run a finger print to know who was here with him. Also to know if the blood is his.” one of the men suggested.

At the love garden, teacher walked to the front of the boys to avoid stressing their necks just to see him. From the window, Ada couldn’t help but to wonder what teacher was telling them.

“Stephen, are you aware we took one paint of your blood and served you a plate of food?” he asked then continued. “We made you touch the plate and the cup after my men discovered your bike before our territory. When you changed, we also took your clothes. They took the bike to another far distance, spilled the blood in a local house there and dropped other things. I believe the police will find them and take all those things for verifications. They’ll see that, those things are yours and conclude that you’ve been killed.”

Stephen stood up angrily with his eyes circulated with tears. “Tell me you’re kidding” the tears finally fell down. “Tell me you’re kidding, you freak!!” his voice attracted others from the court. They stopped playing while Ada ran out too. All watched as Stephen was hitting teacher, shouting and shedding tears until guards came and pulled him away.

Teacher adjusted his clothes, looked at his students who were already staring at him suspiciously, wondering what he did to the boy. Nevertheless, he began to walk inside.

“Your teacher is evil!” Stephen struggled in the hands of the guards. “He’s evil and wicked!” he added.

“Hey!” Murphy called on him. “Our teacher is not evil or wicked. He’s only smart.” he said to the hearing of everybody who concured with him immediately.
The police had run the test and fingerprint with the evidence of the clothes, they noticed it was for Stephen Yinka. Sheriff stood before the parents in their sitting room. In her hands were the boy’s clothes. The mother was already on tears when she saw the clothes.

“Sheriff, are you saying my son is dead?” Mr Yinka asked.

“Not certain but nobody can survive the quantity loss of blood we discovered there. Though, we won’t relent until we see an evidence of his death like his coupes.” The woman replied pitifully.

“Hey!!” Mrs Yinka exclaimed and collapsed on the cushion.

Stephanie locked herself inside her room when she heard the news, crying bitterly.

“Who killed my Stephen?” She laid on the floor, crying uncontrollably. The hope she had on seeing him died instantly….

(Criminal Love)
Episode 8
Written by author Nath.
Heading: Close Contact
At night fall, after being called evil and wicked, teacher began to walk around his room with a glass of wine in his hand, thinking deep and strategizing. His head became filled up, his eyes changed from normal colour to abnormal like a weed smoker. Suddenly, he shouted in a loud voice and smashed the glass on the wall. That act attracted his two guards to his room. They looked around to know why their master was shouting but didn’t see anything.

“Sir, are you okay?” One of them asked him.

Teacher didn’t respond rather gestured for the door to be closed. He faced the wall of the room while the guards waited for him to speak.

“Sir?” they called him again.

Teacher slowly turned. His eyes had become wetter and more red. “I act like a teacher to those kids but deep down inside me, I love them like a father.” he said.

The two guards looked at each other and back to their master.

“Sir, is that why you smashed your glass of cup and shouted?” One of them asked him.

“No” he stepped forward. “Why I reacted is because I know that I’m sending them to a mission that could take some of their lives.” he closely faced the guards. “I’m just wondering how I’ll bear it if I should lose any of them because I love them so much. However, they must embark on that mission. Those that called themselves government played me and I won’t stop until I see all of them crawling on the ground, begging me to deep my finger inside a body of water just to quench their thirst, even the president.

The guards didn’t know what to say for some minutes. Teacher turned back to the wall.

“Sir, we know you love the kids. Nothing will happen to them.” Another guard said.

“I just hope so” he replied without looking at them. The guards had no choice but to leave the room.
Judith wore only her pant, preparing to sleep. She could be viewed from behind standing at her wardrobe and pulling out her night gown. While Vivian came out from the bathroom half naked just to see a paper that was flung into the room through the base of the door. She glanced at Judith who didn’t notice.

“Judith,” she called her.

The girl turned from the wardrobe. Her breast wasn’t the only thing that looked at Vivian even her eyes. Her nipples were yet to totally formed.

“Someone dropped a note.” Vivian added. Just then, Judith’s eyes went to the door. Before she got there to pick it, Vivian had already done that. So she watched her unfold the paper and read thus: “Meet me at first kiss.. Dave.”

Vivian folded the paper to see Judith smiling. “At first kiss? Where is that?”

“It’s just after the basketball court, along the sloppy land.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to meet him.” Vivian walked towards the bed, while Judith stood at a spot, contemplating on her statement.

“You’re not meeting him.” Vivian added. Yet Judith said nothing as she stared at her. She wasn’t smiling again.

Vivian began to smile. “Kidding!” She exclaimed. “I know you love him and want to meet him. Who am I to tell you no?”

Judith smiled, hurried to the wardrobe, dressed up in a tight gown and rushed to the window. “Vivian?” she turned to her, “I don’t want to reason your matter now until I come back.” She jokingly added.

“As I’m looking through your heart, young girl, i don’t think you’ll come back with all your body intact.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Your oestrogen has activated; body don dey sweet you. You know what I mean.”

Both stared and chuckled before Judith finally left through the window.

Bright light shone from the building bulbs and limited at the basketball court. Judith didn’t want to follow the path where the light shone, she headed through a dark path like an amateur thief until she stopped at the edge of the slope. She narrowed her vision to see Dave sanding at its base.

“Dave?” She called with a very low voice.

The young boy looked up from the base. Reflection of light rays from energy bulbs that shone from the house couldn’t let him see his love properly. The rays made Judith appear like an angel in the eyes of the boy, so he supported his vision with her hand.

“Judith?” he called back.

The girl gradually walked down the slope, leaving the ray of light and becoming more visible to Dave until she stood before him, both smiling as if they won a lottery.

“What are you doing…”

Judith was interrupted by Dave who kissed her immediately, holding her two cheeks.

“I’m here to hunt.” he replied.

“Hunt?” Judith smiled.

“Yes,” Dave picked up a rabbit he had killed to Judith’s surprise. The girl screamed a little and fled to a distant.

“Dave, when did you become a hunter?” she asked from there.

Dave looked at the rabbit then turned to her. “Wait, are you scared of this?”


“You mean this.” he threw the animal at her. The young girl screamed again and ran away, while Dave laughed. He ran to her then hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry” he began to cares her hair. Meanwhile, Judith’s hands had rounded his waist, staring into his eyes. “I actually miss you.” he added, feeling her breast on his chest.

“Me too.” She replied with a bedroom voice. “Do you think teacher knows about us?” she added.

“I don’t care. All I care about is you.”

Both began to kiss but Judith quit.

“I don’t want to lose you in anyway, Dave?”

The boy rolled his eyes obnoxiously. “Why say that?”

“This mission teacher is sending us to, don’t you think it will take some of our lives?”

Dave thought for a while. “I trust teacher.”

“Teacher is not God.”

“Hey,” he placed a finger across her lips. “Nothing gonna happen to me. We all will be safe, okay?”

The girl nodded. They resumed the kiss that got them taking off their clothes and underwears. Judith’s heart accelerated when Dave was gradually putting her down naked. So she held him tightly as both reached the ground full naked like Adam and Eve…
Vivian heard a rusty noise from the window then sat up from the bed. She could see Judith trying to jump in. Generously, she went to give her a hand. Immediately, Judith entered, she stared at her suspiciously.

“What?” Judith asked her.

“I told you that you’d not come back intact.” Vivian folded her hands.

Judith ignored her as she walks towards the bathroom with a smile.

“Judith” Vivian stepped closer to her. “Did you do it?”

“Why are you asking me?” she returned the question.

Vivian didn’t say any other thing likewise her. They were just looking at each other until Judith nodded her head.

“Yes” she whispered snugly.

Vivian smiled. “Go freshen up then come and gist me on how it feels”

Judith giggled. “Amebo!” she entered into the bathroom..

Things you need to understand about the author of this story; he’s in his final year in the higher institution and currently writing his project, so he has a lot in his head and mostly busy. Yet, he squeezes 5 hours of his time, making sure he update you daily. So please, stop complaining and enjoy the story.

A story has a spirit, if you are not in that spirit, you won’t be able to deliver. Writing a story is seeing yourself in a different world. Is not something you do casually. Also, is not as if the author has a place he stored the story. No, each episode comes directly from his mind to you. So, please, bear with him and encourage him.

Thank you for your understanding.

In a milky caftan, his steps paved around the house as he was coming down from a staircase. He wore a black sunshed and covered himself like an Arab citizen. His beards gave him the appearance of a terrorist like Osama Bin Laden. That was teacher Nwachukwu.

He went to the boys’ room, knocked and opened instantly. Seeing him, Obi shouted, “Please, don’t kill me!”

“Obi, is me, teacher” teacher removed the eyeglasses.

“Aah, teacher, you look like a terrorist. A monkey terrorist.”

Teacher smiled likewise Murphy and Dave. Only Stephen didn’t look up from the bed where he laid face down.

“Dress up. We’re going to the main city for shopping and having fun at the beach.” Teacher instructed.

Joyfully, the boys rejoiced. Even Stephen sat up from the bed. Obi hugged his teacher tightly.

“Teacher, you’re the best! I can’t wait!” he rejoiced while teacher kept smiling.

Stephen wanted to rush into the bathroom but stopped by teacher who said, “You won’t be going with us, Stephen.”

“But why?” the poor boy asked.

Teacher kept quiet.

Suddenly, they heard the joyful noise of the girls too from their rooms whom the guards had informed also.

“We’re shopping today!!!” Ada’s voice came from their room.

When teacher left, Stephen secretly handed a piece of paper to Murphy.

“That’s my mom’s number. Use a public phone-boot to call her. Just tell her that I’m still alive.” he said.

“Sorry, I can’t do that.” Murphy rejected.

“Okay, let me give you Stephanie’s, please” he persisted.

Subsequently, the sound of an helicopter paved above the building and landed on the basketball court. The students ran out well dressed except Stephen who watched them through a window. Just then, Ada walked in thereby breaking Stephen’s concentration from the window.

“Where is Murphy? Why are you not dressed?” Ada asked him.

“Teacher excluded me.” Stephen walked to her. “I want you to help me…”

Surprisingly, Ada interrupted him by kissing him, leaving him dumbfounded too.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you something.” She wanted to walk out but Stephen called her back.

“Help me call this number when you get to the city. Tell her that I’m still alive.” he gave her the paper.

Ada glanced at the paper. “Who is she?”

“She’s my.. my… my sister, please.”

The girl didn’t say anything. She smiled at him and left.
The two body guards remained at home with Stephen while teacher followed the kids. First, they went to a large boutique where different kinds of cloths could be found. Teacher sat down at a place, watching television and drinking while the kids were testing and selecting different kinds of clothes, supervised by an agent.

Cynthia and Daniela shared a different path where they kept changing clothes to see the one that fits them most. There is a curtain that demarcated the change-room from outside where clothes are selected.

The two girls were inside dressing up. Cynthia went partially nude to put on another cloth while Daniela had already dressed, admiring the girls body. She looked at her own gown.

“Hope this is fine.” She called Cynthia’s attention.

“Yes, you look beautiful!” she complimented.

“Thanks” Daniela smiled. She could see how Cynthia struggled with hers. “Let me help you.” She faced her, pulling the gown from down to up. Getting to the chest region, she slowed down, staring at her breast under her bra. Even Cynthia became surprised.

“Daniela, what’s it?” she asked her.

The girl didn’t reply, rather looked up at her with lovely romantic eyes. She brought her face closer to her then began kissing her, while Cynthia seemed to be hypnotized as Daniela soared her lips.

Dave was passing through that path when an agent, flung the curtain open without the girls’ knowledge. The female agent wasn’t the only one that saw them, even Dave. She slowly closed the curtain back, while Dave left too.

Briskly, he met Judith and Vivain.

“I wanna have a talk with you privately.” he held Judith by the hand, almost like dragging her to a private place.

“Dave, what’s it? You’re hurting my arm!” Judith withdrew her arm.

“You told me Daniela isn’t a lesbian, didn’t you.” Dave’s angry voice sounded.

“I did”

“Then you lied to me coz I just caught her kissing Cynthia”

“Someone’s sexuality is non of your business, Dave.” She said as an afterthought.

“And who said is my business?! I’m only reacting because that may be the act that made you not to sleep in that room that night. That means she’s the cause of your punishment! True or false?”

Judith kept quiet.

Dave angrily wanted to walk out but she pulled him back.

“Where are you going now?” she asked him.

“I promised her that I’ll break one of her bones if I find out.” he finally walked out.

“Dave!” Judith ran after him. She caught him on the way again…

On the other hand, a young girl just walked inside the boutique too. She has no handbag, she looks like one in search of somebody. In her palm was only her cell phone. She stood beside Ada as she was stretching her neck.

Ada met a female worker at the moment. “Please, can you help me with your cell? Wanna call someone.”

The worker handed a phone to her.

“Thank you” After secretly typing the number, she dialled it. To her greatest surprise, the phone of the girl beside her rang! She turned to see the girl picking the call.

“Hello” the girl said.

Ada heard her voice through the phone then hung up the call swiftly, staring at her. “I guess she’s Stephen’s sister.” She thought. But truly, that was Stephenie in a close contact with the people that has her boyfriend…….


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