TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 3 – Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 1 - Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 3 – Author Nath (Bright Daniel)
Heading: Desirable Lesson (II)
The students stood on a straight queue still on night wears without footwears as their teacher waited for Judith’s response.

Early morning wind rattled branches of trees within the garden, giving glory to God for another day. The students could feel it as it kept flying their clothes sideways. One could see the inner wear of the girls through their night gowns. Their nipples punctured through the gowns too coz they had no bra on.

Teacher Nwachukwu stepped closer to Judith, broke the silence saying, “Where did you sleep last night, Judith?”

The girl who was standing beside Vivian replied scarily, “I slept in my room, teacher”

The man remained mute for a while, gazing at the girl. He knew she was lying to him, yet he ignored her to the white board behind him where a large building was drawn. One of the security guards handed a long stick to him as a pointer. Another lesson commenced.

“Everybody close your eyes” he stepped forward with the stick. The kids did as he said expecting to hear another thing from his mouth but didn’t. Close to two minutes, no human sound was heard except birds. Only then did they not only feel the early morning wind very well but also heard it’s buzzing sound. Some suddenly thought they were flying in the air like birds of the sky. It was one of the best feelings they had ever had. Nwachukwu could see it on Obi’s smiling face which also triggered him to smile too. They had concluded within their minds that teacher Nwachukwu had left them until they heard his footsteps, walking closer to them.

“Open your eyes.” He instructed.

They did as he said.

“You’re a boy, the best way to express your feelings to a girl is not by saying it but by saying it.”

The students became confused once again, gradually glancing at one another. None of them wanted to think that their teacher could be insane again coz he knows how to turn a silly question to a smart unimaginable answer. He can make a trash to become a throne.

Some even started wondering the relationship between his statement and what he told them to do initially before the lesson commenced. There was no comparison at all which set more confusion in their medulla oblongata.

“Teacher, pity us. Why do you like re-arranging our brain? You play puzzle with it, making us look for a way to put them back in shape.” Obi boldly broke the silence. “How on earth can you say something by not saying it?” he concluded.

“There are several ways!” he flipped his fingers. “Apart from verbally, you speak with your eyes and heart. But for you to speak with these two things, it requires one thing. Who can tell me?”

“Love” Cynthia replied.

“No, the love is already there. You just want to express your feelings to someone with your heart or eyes. Something must be present. Think!” he flipped his fingers again.

The students didn’t know. Even the teacher could see it in their faces. Therefore he had no choice but to continue by asking another provocative question.

“Did you hear or feel the wind better when you closed your eyes?”

“Yes, teacher.” They responded.


“Because it was quiet.” Vivian answered.

“Silent atmosphere!!” The man rushed the board, writing it above the image. He turned back to them. “Silence is a factor that enhences non varbal communication! It is then you can read someone’s mind by looking into his eyes.” he paused. Only then did the student comprehend the relationship between his statement and the initial set-induction.

“You creat a quiet atmosphere which is lovely when you want to express your feelings. Look into his or her eyes in the process to really capture her feelings. At that moment, nothing really matters to her anymore but to know what lies in your own mind too. That’s when lovers kiss and have other sexual act, but on this issue, that’s when you steal!” he concluded.

Obi began to clap surprisingly. “I’ll like to be like you when I grow up, teacher.”

Others chuckled at his words.

Teacher Nwachukwu gave a side cheek smile as he returned to the board.

“Look at this image.” he pointed at it with the pointer. “It’s one of the reasons why I teach you what i teach you. It’s own by the government, and inside of this house lies something that belongs to me. You’ll go in there and bring it to me.”

“You mean steal it?” Daniela asked.

“Yes, with love.”

“With love?” Murphy needed more explanation likewise others.

The man stepped closer to them. “Yes, Murphy, with love not guns or violence.”

“Why?” Dave asked.

“Because that thing inside that house that belongs to me is sensitive to violence or any kind of pandemonium. It will auto-crash if it detects violence.” He paused to see the kids wondering. “It is why I teach you everything you need to know about love. Though in a different dimension.”

Obi stepped forward. “Teacher, this is to say that people in that building won’t attack us violently too.”

“Yes. Inside the house is a whole new world with very very smart securities. That’s why you need to be smart too.”

“When are we going?”

“Anytime i know you’re ready.” he waited for further questions. When he didn’t get one, he said, “That’s all for today. You may go inside except Judith who will stand erect without shaking till 9 o’clock in the night. No food, no water and no leaving her spot.” he walked out.

Dave looked at Judith immediately, already feeling her pains or the one she’ll pass through. All reluctantly entered inside, leaving the poor girl standing outside alone.

Hours later, Dave angrily averted his eyes from a window where he kept looking at Judith. “She didn’t sleep here. Where else could she had slept if not her room and why?” he spoke up to Murphy and Obi, but none replied.

“I think I should go beg teacher to forgive her.” He suggested.

“If you do that, teacher will know that you love her and you know it’s restricted.” Obi smartly objected.

“Then I must ask Daniela what she did to Judith that made her not to sleep in the room with her.” Dave angrily left the room.

“He’s gonna cause problem.” Obi told Murphy.

“The question is; how did teacher know that Judith didn’t sleep in her room?” he asked rhetorically. ….


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