TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 13 – 14 Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 1 - Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

TEACHER NWACHUKWU (CRIMINAL LOVE) Episode 13 – Author Nath (Bright Daniel)

Heading: Doom Awaits (II)
An Avalon car sped into the compound of Mr Cliff and pulled over under one of the ornamental trees. An everage woman rushed out happily with a paper in her hand. She wore black cooperate with a plain trouser. On her feet were flat shoes. The speed in which she entered startled Mr Cliff who stood up from a cushion. That was his wife.

“Honey, what’s the problem?” he spread his hands.

“Honey, I’m two weeks pregnant!!”‘ she hugged him and handed the paper to him.

The man joyfully read the result, spaced into the ceiling like one in a deep thought. Observing that, the wife slowed down.

“Honey, why are you like this?” she asked him, holding his hands.

“Those kids” he whispered.

“What kids?”

Mr Cliff looked down at his wife. “Three kids, teenagers, came here with Sheriff yesterday pretending to be my children. I guess they were in some kind of trouble. Honey, I couldn’t reject them. One hugged me and called me father. I played along.” He paused, glanced at the ceiling again. “They brought this luck to this family. What if I had rejected them?”

“Is it that they don’t have parents?”

“They said they were orphans.”

The wife shook her head and embraced her husband.

“I wish to see them again” he concluded on her shoulder.
The sun went down for the day and it was the D-day for the mission. All the kids lined up at the basketball court like soldiers under training. Only Stephen was absent. For the pass several days, they only saw him during lessons and none was allowed to talk to him. Now they were set to go, he wasn’t present.

Ada occasionally glanced at Vivian who was standing beside her. She really looked unease. Vivian could see it.

“Ada, calm down. Nothing will happen to us.” She encouraged him.

“Is not that” Ada replied. “I feel like teacher is up to something on Stephen.”

“What do you mean?”

“Teacher is not stupid. Stephen’s face is known and reported missing in the city. There’s no way he can join us on this mission.”

“So the question is; where’s he sending him to?”

“That’s what scares me.”

Vivian glanced at her. Her love for Stephen was written all over her. Vivian noticed it then shook her head pitifully.

On the other hand inside the house, Stephen stood before teacher and the two gaurds well dressed.

“Why do I have this feelings that you’re sending me to my doom?” Stephen spoke up pitifully.

“Your father has sent many to their dooms. So it’s not a new thing. Though the essence of this mission is to expose him and his calibre and lock them up” Teacher replied.

The poor boy became sad. He could count the hours of his death. “Would you do me the favour of seeing my parents before I die?”

“Sure. that’s when you’ll be standing on you’re death.”

“Move!” the gaurds pushed him outside.

Stephen joined the orphans as all began to enter into the helicopter. The guards followed them. Only teacher remained in the house and at the love garden at large. He watched the kids from the door until they began to take off. The kids also stared at their teacher from the chopper, hoping to see him again. Immediately they flew out, teacher hurried to his room, opened his secret control room, sat down and put on all the devices. He hung an earphone on his two ears..
Day was getting dark when the chopper landed at the beach. Swiftly, the kids entered to an automobile, limo, that was already waiting for them. None of them said anything until they got to the gate of the building.

“All get down except Stephen.” One of the gaurds commanded.

“Why? Where are you taking him to?” Ada asked.

“Oruka, he has another mission to accomplish there.”

Ada and Vivian glanced at each other before leaving the limo as the last people.

“Ada” Stephen called on her.

The girl turned to see him shedding tears. “Stephen what’s it?”

“I’ve not really gotten the chance to appreciate you. Thank you, and I’m sorry for lying to you.”

Before Ada could reply, the door of the car closed and sped off. The kids passed the gate into the building to really see its beauty. A storey building painted white like a white house. Presence of swimming pool and flowers beautified it. Suddenly, all heard teacher’s voice on embedded ear transmitters which each of them had.

“Can you all hear me?” he had said on the transmitter.

“Yes, teacher” they responded.

“You have one hour to get out of that building with the device safe. Remember all i told you.”

“Yes, teacher.”

“Okay, good luck… and.. I love you all.”

The kids were surprise to hear that from their teacher.

“Teacher, where are they taking Stephen to?” Ada asked but he ignored her as they were walking into the building..

Stephen was taken into a lonely area, far from the main city. At gun point, the gaurds took him to a landmine. Stephen saw a line drawn before him and a hut building a few meters after the line.

“Cross the line” the gaurds commanded.

He glanced at them in tears then crossed the line.

“One more step, you’ll be blasted into pieces coz you’re standing on a landmine” one of the gaurds threw a phone to him. “The phone will turn on by itself at five minutes before one hour. Call your parents or the police at that moment” they zoom off..

Meanwhile, the kids had presented their tickets and entered into the building with flashy smile on their faces, looking handsome and beautiful. They were the only teenagers found there, others were big politicians. They could also see security men with guns standing at several doors as they were taken to their seats.

“Teacher, why am I seeing guns? I thought they know that no violence.” Murphy whispered through his transmitter, heard by others too.

“The guns are for the silence-room. You must not end up there, young man” teacher replied.

After taking a seat, Obi looked around but didn’t see Ada again. “Ada, can you hear me? Where are you?” he whispered to his transmitter but no response.

“Teacher, there’s a situation. Ada is nowhere to be found and i guess she’s not putting on her transmitter” Daniella reported.

“She’s an obstacle. Focus!” Teacher replied. The kids could hear his flipping fingers too. That statement alone sank Obi’s heart into his stomach. Hence, he became restless and loosed focus..
Ada could be seen entering a cab to Oruka, she traced Stephen to the landmine. Seeing him sweating and shedding tears, she called. “Stephen!” She began to run to him.

“Ada wait!!” Stephen shouted at her but it was already too late. She had crossed the line. “Don’t move an inch again!” Stephen held her.

“Why? What are you doing here?”

“We are standing on a landmine!”

“Landmine?” Ada looked down..
Thirty minutes later, the gaurds returned to teacher in the control room where he stepped out, looking at them.

“The plan is to attract police to the landmine five minutes before one hour for distraction in case something goes wrong at the die minutes. People will only focus on Stephen, but i believe Ada is with him there” he told them.


“She’s not with others. And you know what that means; if the phone should turn on and Stephen calls the police, seeing Ada there by sheriff will send other kids to their dooms too.” Teacher substantiated.

“Then call the mission off, sir”

“No, they must accomplish this mission no matter what” he concluded and returned back to the control room…



Episode 14



Written by author Nath.



Heading: Separation.



Cool music blasted through unseen speakers in the white house as it was called. Wealthy men rocked according to the bit with some young girls. The teengers took it upon themselves to serve drinks and rock with some men too especially the girls.

One could see  Daniella rocking a man in agbada like a whore. She wore fitted high hill over a short skirt. By raising her hands up to the bit, her armpit neatly exposed and attracted to the man. She turned her back on him, bent slightly downward to feel her buttocks on the man’s dick.

“This girl, you will kili me fah” the man had pleasurably confessed in his dialect.

Daniella smiled. Suddenly, she heard teacher’s voice through her transmitter.

“Now Is the time. You have twenty-five minutes to get out of there. Daniella, take the door by the right as if you want to use the rest-room.”

Daniella glanced at the door to see a security man with a gun standing at it. She turned to her rock-mate with very attractive smile. “Will be back.” she left according to instruction.

Teacher’s voice came again. “Judith, meet the security man at the door after Daniella enters.”

When Dave heard that, he became jealous, knowing very well what Judith might do with the security in other to distract him, using atmospheric love. Nevertheless, he watched her cat-walk to the security. She was on a plain trouser with a high hill too.

“Others should remain calm and nice.” Teacher concluded.

The sound of her shoes could not supersede the gentle bit from the unseen speakers as she walked closer to the security man, monitored by Dave who thought she would just start talking to the man, but she never did. She leaned against the wall beside the security, occasionally glancing at him like one giving someone a green light. Of course that distracted the man coz he couldn’t resist the look…

On the other hand, Daniella found herself in the rest-room to see urinary sinks and toilet doors.

“Teacher, I’m in” she said.

“Check the last corner, there’s an opening that leads to underground through a tunnel.” he replied.

“Underground?” Daniella repeated unbelievably. “Found it” she began to open the tunnel. The moment she finished and started climbing down the dark tunnel, she heard Murphy’s voice.

“Ella, your rock-mate is coming inside there.”

“Shit!” she hurried out and closed the tunnel like nothing happened before the man entered, adjusting his agbada.

“Hey, young girl, I couldn’t wait any longer.” he said but Daniella remained quiet, staring into his eyes. She could not only read his mind, but also brainwash him with her stare.

The man read the move then gently walked to her like a robot and began to kiss her.

“Ella, what’s going on?” Cynthia asked through her transmitter.

“Quiet!” Teacher rebuked her coz he had an idea what the girl was up to.

However, listening to the two, Daniella quit the kiss. “Wait, old man” she began. “You’ll do as i say; go upstairs and wait for me in one of the rooms.”

“Anything you want.” the man stupidly left.

Daniella exhaled. “He’s gone” she returned back to the tunnel. It’s base was hallow, dark and very quiet. She barely heard the sound of the music again. She put on a light. In the illumination of the place, she saw tiny shelves with key round the walls. “Teacher, I’m in.”

“Murphy, next to you” Teacher instructed then began to direct Daniella on which shelf she would see the device…

Murphy left the rocking place with cakes, plates of food and other goodies. He met two security men at the gate and presented those things to them.

“These are for us?” One of them asked surprisingly.

Murphy sat with them like long time friends. “You sound as if you’re not eligible to eat and drink such things.”

“We’re only but gatemen.”

“That’s the more reason you should be fed properly. That’s how governance should be. Government should look at the less privilege to feed them and show them more love.”

The men began to smile.

“I hope to see you become the president one day.” One of them said.

Murphy smiled. He brought out money and gave them in addendum. “Enjoy yourselves.” he stood up.

“This kid is very nice and lovely.” they whispered.

Murphy returned, adjusting his suit like a nigga. “Can I take a walk around the backyard?” he requested.

“You can take a walk around our brains. No problem.” they replied hilariously.

Murphy smiled attractively at them, adjusting his suit again then walked out. He knew they wouldn’t say no coz he had brainwashed them, using teacher’s inculcated knowledge on materialism for love.

Getting to the backyard, he saw a round metal used to cover a tunnel. He opened it. “I’m in, Ella” he said…



Back to the landmine, Stephen had explained to Ada how teacher planned to eliminate him. She couldn’t help but to shed tears with the boy.

“I never knew teacher could take someone’s life” Ada said in tears.

“Teacher isn’t who you people think he is. He’s evil and selfish. He doesn’t care about you guys. He’s only using you.” Stephen lamented generating silence. “Ada, why did you come?” he asked her.

“I don’t know, Stephen.” She swallowed hard. “I guess I’m stupid for disobeying teacher again because of you.”

Stephen said nothing.

“I loved you when I set my eyes on you.” She sniffed in tears and looked up at him. “I guess it doesn’t make sense anymore coz we gonna die anyways.”

“Ada..” Stephen wanted to say but interrupted by a beeping sound of the phone in his hands. It turned on as was told and he dialed Stephenie’s number instantly…



Meanwhile, Daniella hardly located the particular shelf, following teacher’s instructions. She could be seen opening one where she got another key then proceeded to another. Clitch, she opened it and found the device, indicating a green light.

“I’ve found it, teacher” she smiled, bringing it out like an egg of life. The device was handily portable but cannot enter a pocket.

“When the green light turns red, know that it has detected violence, hence you need to maintain peace at all time.” Teacher explained. “Cynthia and Vivian, make your move. Obi, its time to be funny. Make the audience laugh or smile at least. But you all have less than three minutes to leave the building.” he directed.

As Cynthia and Vivian were stepping out with more goodies, Obi picked up the microphone.

“Sorry for interrupting, we have to leave now before some big men would use their big stomach to push me down.” he jokingly said.

Everybody laughed.

However, the security man had dragged Judith into the same rest-room after being charmed by her smile and lovely eyes contact, forgetting that Daniella, who entered there had not come out.

Judith pushed him away, “How’s it doing you?” she asked him seductively.

“It’s doing me as if I want to release.” he stupidly replied with a smile.

Judith chuckled. “Love comes first before the release of anything.”

“I love you then.”

“No, this comes out according to the bit of your dick.”

Just then, Dave barged in. He had heard enough of their conversation through his transmitter. So he pulled Judith by the arm.

“Time to go.”

“You’re hurting me again, jealous boy.” She kept smiling.

All went out of the house, walking towards the gate except Obi who dropped the last joke.

“If I don’t keep this mic now and walk home, I might be swimming home. Ask me why?”

“Why?” the audience asked.

“Coz the big stomach of these big men might get busted.” he kept the Mic, allowing them to use their initiatives to know what he meant. Of course they undertood and laughed out hard even some security men.

Vivian and Cynthia chatted with the gatemen after giving them more things as a form of distraction and brainwashing. Therefore, they didn’t know when Murphy came out from the backyard with Daniella. Just then, police siren came from afar.

“Teacher, I guess we have a situation.” Dave said after passing the gate with Judith, waiting for others. “The police are on their way. But we’re out already.” he added.

Others came out at the moment to see the limousine already waiting for them.

“Enter quickly!” the driver told them.

Judith and Cynthia entered just to hear Ada’s voice on their transmitter likewise others who paused to listen to her before entering.

“Daniella, teacher wants to kill Stephen. He lied to us that no shedding of blood. It’s unfortunate that I’m going to die with him.”

Daniella looked at her fellow orphans.

“The police is approaching. Enter!!” the driver shouted, yet the kids hesitated.

“Ada, where are you?” Obi asked her.

“We’re on a landmine planted by teacher to kill Stephen.”

Obi glanced at others too.

“Teacher is that true?” Daniella asked their teacher. Meanwhile, the police siren became closer than initial.

“Those two will die, no matter what and its not my fault. So quit asking questions and enter into the car!” Teacher yelled.

“No, teacher” Daniella replied.

Murphy and Vivian glared at her as if to say: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?

“Why no, Ella?” Teacher asked.

“We’re not entering the limo or come back without you saving Stephen and Ada’s lives.” she replied.

“There’s no remedy for their death.”

“Then creat one.” Daniella disconnected her transmitter.

Daniella looked at the remaining persons. “Disconnect your transmitters.” She commanded.

“You must be crazy!” Murphy retorted.

“Teacher said no bloodshed but he wants to shed one! No matter Ada’s offense or Stephen’s, they don’t deserve to die!”

“And how’s that teacher’s fault!”

“I agree with Ella.” Obi disconnected, followed by Vivian. All waited for Murphy to do same but the boy slapped Daniella to take the device from her. In the process, his transmitter disconnected and the device began to indicate a red light after detecting the violence. Therefore they stop dragging.

Already, the driver had driven off with Judith and Cynthia, afraid to be caught by the police who were very close….



On the other hand, the man in agbada waited for Ella upstairs without seeing her. He returned to the rest-room but couldn’t find her.

“Where is that black girl?” he asked the security man.

“I guess they’re gone.” He replied. “But what bothers we is that I never saw her come out through this door.”

“You’re a fool!”

They surveyed the rest-room to see the tunnel not properly closed.

“Fuck, the device! Go after those kids now!” the man commanded the security who contacted others immediately. As they were rushing outside the gate, so as the police was approaching.

“What next?” Dave asked Daniella at the gate….



Meanwhile, teacher put off his transmitters too, reluctantly stepped out of the control room. He pressed a remote button which closed the room, hence it resembled a bookshelf. He walked to his bar where he took a drink. After a sip, he shouted in a loud voice and smashed the glass on the wall. He couldn’t believe the kids had such guts.

“How can you rescue people on a landmine?” he asked rhetorically….



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1 year ago

That’s almost impossible ,top bomb experts get injured when they attempt to disarm a landmine ,the kids are funny though but it a good way ,I love how they always stick with each other and help each other.