Shattered Dreams Episode 11 – 12

Shattered Dreams Episode 3

Shattered Dreams Episode 11 By Nissi Adeola

Silence stretched out like the third mainland bridge as almost everyone looked on with extreme horror written over their features. Even Alexander who has thrown the bomb hadn’t anticipated this level of stunned disbelief from people. It was as if they could not imagine her supporting Michael, even when it was obvious to all that she ‘was’ his girlfriend. For a complete minute, no one spoke a word.

“Well, I guess the winner is obvious and we can all go back to our various jobs”. Patricia was the one who spoke. She had an amused look on her face as she stared at everyone. John Coker seemed to have been robbed of oxygen. He looked pale and older than he initially looked when the meeting began. Patricia glanced at all the pale faces of the shareholders and noticed that they were similarly pale. Anita, who was writing the scores looked like the heaven was about to fall on her head. She stared at Alexa with something close to disbelief and disappointment written all over her.

This seemed particularly awkward to Patricia because she had checked the net for Michael’s performances as the head of ‘Tel’ before the gay scandal and she had seen that he was a good employer. If Pat expected someone to support Michael, it had been his assistant who always sang his praises. Patricia knew without a doubt that something was fishy especially with almost everyone against Michael.

Pat finally looked at Michael. He looked as unreadable as usual but she sensed a look of pain on his face and clenched jaw as he stared ahead, occasionally glancing at Alexa.

“You can’t be serious Miss Branson” John Coker finally got the voice to say.

“Why shouldn’t I be?” Alexa threw back. She knew that Michael had shattered her life but she would not stand back and watch this happen. Her parents did not teach her to engage in extramarital affairs and neither did they teach her to take vengeance. Since she had stupidly violated the first, she would not compound the problem by taking revenge in a fit of anger.

“I’m sorry, what I meant to say is, you can’t seriously entrust the future of this company into Michael’s hands”. John argued white faced.

“What assures me that you would be better?” Alexa questioned. “I have at least known Michael’s ability and he hasn’t made me regret the shares I have in this company.”

“But… But he is gay” Mr Robert said and Alexa cringed slightly.

“And what makes Mr John straight?” Pat chipped in calmly. “They are cousins, so if Mr Michael is gay, there is every possibility that Mr John here is also gay. It is probably a family trait”

“Nonsense” John bellowed, outraged.

“Now, even if Mr Michael here is gay, I still can’t see how that applies to the company. This is not a ‘straight sexuality promotion enterprise’, I am sure this company is into telecommunications. The disquiet would go after some weeks” Pat supplied.

“I would appreciate it if someone noticed my presence in this room” Michael said in a deep calm voice that sent silence into the room effortlessly. “I never knew I was hated so much in my own company; it must speak volume about my leadership abilities.”

Alexander watched as everyone seemed to squirm and she could not take it. It had been really difficult sitting in the same room with Michael, defending him even when he didn’t deserve it. She pushed her chair backwards and stood up. Michael’s eyes instantly shot to hers. She instantly answered the unspoken question. “I am done here, I need to leave” she already felt like crying. Michael called her name as she exited the conference room but she did not answer or stop. Michael instantly stood up and followed Alexa.

After about five seconds of silence, Pat stood up with a dry smile on her face. ” This day has been so interesting, don’t you all think?” No one answered her. “Do you know what seems funny? The fact that none of you voted for Michael Coker. And why were you all so surprised that he won?” She looked down at all of them, turning to John Coker. “Anyways, I am sure you were all just thinking about the future of the company, weren’t you?” Patricia said sweetly


Michael grabbed Alexa’s hand, effectively stopping her. Michael could not even explain what was going through him. The conspiracy in the conference room had been so obvious as they all connived to take the company which had been given to him by his dad. Michael had experienced shock when Alexa had given him her vote and even defended him. Michael had been taken to a place where he had never been before and right there, Michael felt what it would have been like if he had a mother. As she stood up, everyone faded and he just wanted to explain to her just how much he appreciated her. He would have been shattered if the company had been pulled out if his arms. It was the only thing that made sense in his life. When she had left the room, he decided to do what he had never done – he went after her.

“Please wait Alexa” Michael said.

Alexa turned like a robot. “What is it again? you have the company”

“I can’t thank you enough Alexa, I never knew you would support me” he said and swallowed.

She smiled bitterly. “I didn’t do it for you, I did it for my child. I can’t tell my child that I crushed his father’s life by giving his company to someone else”

Michael looked as pale and frozen as the pillar of salt. “What are you saying?” He croaked.

“Exactly what you heard, I am having your baby, but don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything, I can take care of myself because I surely have more than enough resources and I am absolutely not ready to be a second wife. How did you hide your marital status?” Alexander swallowed and looked at Michael’s white face. “I understand, I was just a beautiful face to hang around like a furniture” she turned and quickly entered the elevator.


“What?” Felicia’s voice rang out like a siren in her tastefully furnished sitting room. “How did this happen Sophia?” She bellowed and the ashes of the burning cigarette in her hand fell to the tiled floor. “I said it then that the identity of the last shareholder should be found out so that we won’t have to depend on probabilities.” Felicia paced in anger then froze. “What did you say Sophia? She is what? Oh no, the father of the thing in her tommy should better be someone else and not Michael because if it is, my snare would be worse than the devil’s. I swear it”


Alexa left the ‘Tel’ building and walked to the road. Her mind was so occupied that she took out her phone immediately it rang and picked it up without even looking at the caller’s name. “Hello”


“Dad?” She said with a gasp.

“Young woman, I want to see you in my office in the next thirty minutes and I mean it. Next time you conceive the stupid idea of running from home, be sensible enough to take your car with you. Thirty minutes”

He hung up before Alexa could say anything and her heart started racing as she flagged down a taxi. “Best Results”


Patricia saw Michael walking to his office and instantly followed him. He really seemed in a bad mood. All the times she saw him, he always kept his emotions carefully hidden but now, it was very obvious that he was furious. He entered his office and she entered and closed the door noiselessly without saying a thing. He went to stand, facing that massive glass behind his chair. It reminded her of the day she had barged into his office. She sat on the chair and waited. As Michael gazed at the world through the glass, Patricia felt that he loved standing there because viewing everything from up there made him feel on top of the world. After minutes silence and Patricia almost felt forgotten, Michael spoke. “What do you want?”

“How about an explanation of what you did to everyone to make them hate you so much?”

“Does it look like I know?” He growled.

“Hey, this is what I call ‘transfer of aggression’. Don’t sacrifice me because someone upset you”

Michael swallowed and turned. “I am sorry. Thanks for getting me out on bail, you really do have connections. And for your vote as well”

She smiled. “It is good we agree on something.” She murmured. “Care to talk about what Alexa did to make you so angry?”

“No. I would rather not”

She smiled. “I would still find out anyways”.

Michael smiled for the first time. “I don’t doubt that”

Patricia looked at him for some seconds then instantly stood up. “Well, I would be back tomorrow, I have an assignment remember? I would leave you to enjoy your victory”


Patricia stopped at the door and looked at him. “If you love Alexa, it is better you go after her. Believe me, you can’t find someone like her”


Alexander stopped at the door and stared at her dad. She did not have the courage to go him. “Would you stay there? Bransons don’t run from their problems, Alexa, stop this childishness” Richard scolded.

Alexa ran to her dad and held his legs with her head on his lap. “I am sorry dad, please forgive me”

For some time, Richard said nothing, then later, he raised her. “I won’t say anything until I have personally done the test. The pregnancy test”. Alexander swallowed.


After thirty minutes, Richard entered his office again and sat, looking betterthan he had when he left. “How did you know that you were pregnant?”

“I tested myself, I used the stick, two sticks.”

Richard nodded. “I don’t know what happened to the sticks you used, either they are fake or they were expired because this test result tells me that you are not pregnant”.


“No dad” Alexander chuckled stiffly. “You don’t understand, I am pregnant”.

Richard could finally relax for the first time in what seemed like ages. Since the devastating news of Alexander’s pregnancy had been harshly delivered, Richard hadn’t been himself. After two days and the news did not seem like a bomb anymore, Richard had been able to do some thinking.

Richard had been a doctor for about thirty years now and he could identify a pregnant woman by just looking at her. The main reason why the news of Alexa’s pregnancy had stunned him was because he hadn’t seen it coming. “You are not pregnant. This test confirms that”.

She gaped and seemed suddenly pale. “But… But that can’t be! I did the test, I missed my periods, how is this possible dad?” Alexa exclaimed.

Richard found this difficult because he was dealing with his daughter here. “OK, let me ask you: how long do you suppose the… erm pregnancy should be?”

“About…about two months or more, I suppose.”

Richard nodded. “Normally, if you were pregnant, you would have experienced some things. Have you experienced any dizziness at any point in time”

Alexa thought for a second. “No dad, none”

“What of vomiting or irritation?”

“No, I can’t remember the last time I vomited.” Alexa said, as her eyes widened.

“These are some signs of pregnancy Alexa, as for your absent period, I would have to do a checkup on you to see what the problem is. It could be an infection. But it could also be due to emotional stress. The body reacts to emotional turmoil which you go through and it might be the cause of this occurrence. Have you been having problems with Michael for a long time?”

This was a lot to take in. Alexa nodded, unable to speak. The fact that she might actually not be pregnant should make her extremely happy but instead, sadness filled Alexa much more than before. Richard stood from his seat and went over to his daughter. He had always felt that Michael had his guns set on giving Alexa immeasurable sadness but seeing it actually play out made Richard’s blood boil.  He bent and kissed her forehead. “I am sorry baby” he murmured.

Alexa blinked severally. “Why are you apologizing dad? I have gone against the ethics that you and mum taught me, I slept with Michael out of desperation, it was only once dad, but I am sorry.”

“I know that. Your mum and I went to your friend’s place in search of you but didn’t see you. She told us everything, including the fact that you have been placing your hand on your belly, trying to talk to your baby; I am sorry, this must be a shock” Richard said with a concerned look, sitting halfway on the table.

Tears slid from her eyes. “Oh dad” she sobbed. “Will I ever be happy?”

“Hush now” he murmured, trying to pacify her.

“I had thought this child would be my comfort since I can’t be with Michael but now I don’t even have a child. It was all in my head.” She cried. “I should be happy but I am not dad, I am shattered”

Alexa’s cried tore at her father’s heart painfully. “Its Ok baby, everything would be fine”


Michael sat in his office for a long time, without attending to people. All his appointments were rescheduled by his secretary. John Coker had been trying to see Michael ever since the meeting finished but Michael’s secretary would not allow him. after persisting for a long time, he did what everyone had been doing for some days now; he barged into the office.

The secretary ran after John Coker in fear. Immediately Michael’s door flung open, fury registered on his features. He glared at his secretary. “You are fired”

“Ah sir, I am sorry, it wasn’t my fault” she pleaded, going on her knees. “I could not stop him, he was forceful. Please sir”

“Get out of here” he roared and the girl vanished instantly. John swallowed because Michael had never been this visibly angry.  Michael faced John, still seated. “How may I help you?”

“I am sorry Michael” john began. “I know you must be angry at me but-”

“Angry? At you? No”Michael cut in. “I can’t waste such expensive emotion on you. You did not surprise me, not even a little bit. I knew you always wanted to be in my position, but you forget that this is my father’s company and it has been passed to me, so you have no right to claim what is not rightfully yours. Now, get out of my office before I conceive the idea of getting angry. You have never seen me get angry, it not such a pleasant sight”

John stared at Michael in amazement and confusion. “You amaze me Michael, why can’t you forgive me? After all, you have done worse things to me and I forgave you”

Michael swallowed. “Get out now” he ordered in a calmer voice and John hurried out.

Michael picked up his phone to make a phone call but saw a message on it, he read the message and swallowed.


Alexa, though trusting her dad, decided to go for another test in another hospital. This time, she wanted to be hundred percent sure of something in her life. After spending several minutes there, she got the same report she had received from her dad. Alexander willed herself not to cry as she made her way home. Instead of going home directly, she went straight to her mum’s complex. She feared seeing her mum and as she approached Belina’s office, her apprehension grew higher. Normally, she won’t wait for her mum’s secretary to announce her arrival first but now, Alexa waited at the reception.

In less than a minute, Alexa found herself walking into her mum’s office. She swallowed when the door closed behind her and she was faced with her mum. She raised her bowed head. “Can I please hold you mum?”

Belina wanted to cry as she pulled her only daughter into her arms. “Your dad just called me now, I am sorry sweetie”

“Forgive me mum, I have disappointed you”

“It is OK baby, no one is above mistake. Michael has put you through too much, you must not have anything to do with him again, do you understand?”

“Yes mum. I love you mum”

“Oh dear, I love you too”


Alexander got home about two hours later and was happy to be in her dad’s house. She fetched a glass of juice from the kitchen before going straight to her room. Her spirit was a bit lifted, because she had made up with her parents. She took a hot shower and left the bathtub when the water started turning cold. She wore a simple gown and climbed her bed to take a nap. She took out her phone and saw a message.

“Alexander, I am sorry for all the problems that I have put you through. It was not my intention. Please meet me tonight, 7pm at ‘Starlight’, we need to discuss. I promise that all your questions would be answered there. Michael”

Alexa read the message over and over again, hissing continuously. After she had calmed down, she vowed not to go. “Who does he think he is? If he wants to see me, he would come to me here” she said out loud.” She dropped the phone and covered herself with a blanket as the air conditioner blew. After fruitlessly trying to sleep, she eventually stood up, went to the wardrobe and searched for what to wear.


Felicia entered a hidden shop and went straight to a man who was seated at the far end. She walked with grace and, on reaching the guy, lowered herself to the chair opposite him. “You are welcome madam” he greeted.

“Do you have what I came for?”

The guy nodded and brought out a package in a brown envelope. Felicia took the brown envelope and felt what was inside with her fingers, without opening the envelope. She smiled, opened her bag and took out her phone. She started pressing some things. After about three minutes, the guy got an alert of three hundred thousand Naira. He smiled. “Thank you ma”

“Our agreement?”

“We never met ma”

“What is my name?”

“No idea ma”

“Good. Have a good life” Felicia said and left the shop.


Michael changed his clothes, gratefully doing away with the suit he had on earlier. Alexa had sent a message, asking him to meet her at Starlight to discuss the unborn baby and he obviously could not say no. He still could not understand what he was doing. It was clear that someone was seeking Michael Coker’s downfall but he could not place who it was, could not even come up with a name even if his life depended on it. And here was Alexa, innocent Alexa who was caught in the middle of all these drama. And now, to crown everything up, he was going to be a father!

Michael ran his hand through his bits of hair in total frustration. He never should have heeded her plea that day. Michael had known that it was a stupid idea immediately he decided to sleep with Alexa, but he had done it, why? To prove what?

Michael’s phone rang and he jumped at it when he saw the caller. “I have been calling you for ages, why haven’t you been picking my calls… Listen, I can’t keep doing this, this false pretense is not going anywhere… I am tired man, the best thing is to come out with the truth. Everyone is suffering from this, especially Alexa, she deserves to be told the truth so that she can move on in life”  the door to Michael’s sitting room opened and Michael watched Eric come in. “I would call you back” he murmured and hung up.

“Do, it is true, you are truly gay… Or I would say you do both because you slept with Alexander” Eric said.

Michael swallowed. He checked the time and grimaced. “I don’t have the time for this now, we would discuss this when I get back” Michael said. “I have to meet Alexa at Starlight in ten minutes.” Before Eric could say anything, Michael was out.


Alexa entered the sitting room, already dressed to meet Michael at Starlight. Starlight was a big hotel which also had a restaurant on its first floor. She promised herself to stay for just a few minutes, then leave. Her parents were not back yet so she quickly called her mum as she entered her car. “Hello mum… Yes mum, I am fine… Yes, I just wanted to tell you that Michael invited me for dinner at Starlight… I know that mum but he wants to explain everything, all I want to do is hear him out… OK mum, i promise I won’t get hurt again… Love you too mum” she hung up and drove out of the compound.


Felicia wore her knee length jeans shorts and next came a small red alter neck top. She wore red heels and smiled. Her make up was already done. She removed the gun from the brown big envelope and smiled. She ran her fingers over it, checked the bullets and smiled. She put the gun in her pocket and picked up the blue waist length jeans jacket on the bed and wore it, perfectly hiding the gun. She left the room with her purse, phone and car keys.

Felicia got outside and waited and in less than three minutes, her gateman opened the gate for Sophia. Sophia drove in, packed and locked the car immediately she came out.

“Dearest friend” Sophia greeted.

“Yes babe” the two ladies hugged. “We are behind time, are you ready?”

“Yeah” Sophia said.

Sophia smiled. “Great. Let’s end this tonight”. They entered Felicia’s car and drove to Starlight hotel.

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2 years ago

Ok the misery is abt to unvei good one