Real Suspect Episode 28 Guess Who?


Real Suspect Episode 28

”Why is this girl always rushing in and out. Such a decent girl, I want to help her get a decent and less stressful job” Mr. G said to herself
”She could just kill herself one day and slump and die” Mr. G added holding his hands on his waist
”Mtchheew” He hissed and began to walk into his apartment. As he was walking in, the gate opened and he thought it was Natasha, so he rusehed out again
”Musa!! Musa!” He called the gateman
”Yes Oga” Musa replied
”Who is that?” He asked
”Eerh.. Na one man, he said he is Natasha’s Brother, that she told him to come today” Musa said
”Ehee.. But she went out” Mr. G said and the young responsible looking young man walked closer to them
”Good day Sir” He greeted
”Good day” Mr. G said and looked at him
”You said you are Natasha’s brother” Mr. G asked
”Yes Sir, she said I should come to see him” He said
”Ehee.. And what is your name?” Mr. G asked and Musa left them
”Kelvin Sir” He answered
”Kelvin, alright” Mr. G said
”Please, can you show me her room her” Kelving requested
”But she is not around” Mr. G said
”I will wait for her Sir, she knows I am coming today” Kelvin said
”Alright, if you say so” Mr. G said and pointed at Natasha’s apartment
”Thank you Sir” Kelvin said and responsibly walked towards the door
”Hmm.. Very responsible and respectful” Mr. G said and walked into his apartment.
”That’s all I can say, the next thing I heard was Clara’s scream. But seriously my mind never caught up again with the boy as I forgot about him totally” Mr. G concluded and the officers starred at him
”Can you recognize the face of the boy if you see him?” Richard asked
”Well Officers, I don’t have a good memory, I really can’t” Mr. G said
”Gosh!!” Richard exclaimed
”Hope there is no problem?” Mr. G asked
”Sir, are you the only person that saw him?” Delight asked
”No.. No.. The gate man, Musa saw him also” Mr. G said and Richard rushed up
”Why are you in a hurry?” Mr. G asked
”Nothing Sir. Thank you for you time Sir. We appreciate” Richard said and left immediately
”Why is he in a hurry?” Mr. G asked Delight
”Nothing Sir. You know this work is not easy” Delight said smiling
”I understand my dear. Won’t you stay and have something to drink” Mr. G offered
”Thank you Sir” Delight said and rushed out to meet Richard
”Richard.. Richard..” Delight called running towards him and Richard stopped immediately
”Sorry Sir. Inspector, forgive my manners” Delight said looking sorry
”It’s alright. I am not angry” Richard said and Delight smiled
”This is getting closer to the end but harder” Richard said as they walked towards the gate.. As they were walking to the gate, Richards phone ran and he picked it up
”Hello Sir” Richard said
”I want to see you in my Office now!!” The Commissioner said
”But Sir, we..” Richard tried to said
”I don’t want to hear anything, I give you 5 minutes to be here now!!” The commissioner said with a harsh voice and Delight looked at Richard with the WE ARE IN TROUBLE eyes. Ricnhard hung up the call and angrily walked out of the gate not calling Musa again. He quickly rushed into his car and ignited the engine. Seeing the mood of Richard, Delight rushed and entered the car and Richard drove off immediately with a high speed..
”Richard!! Richard!!!” The commissioner began
”What are you trying to insinuate!!” The commissioner said hitting his hand on the table standing up. Richard and Delight stood like ice blocks in front of him
”The President is on my neck!! The press are on me for results of the incident!” The Commissioner barked harshly.
”Take this!” The commissioner said hading a letter to Richard
”What is it Sir?” Richard asked in a low tone
”How dare you ask me questions?!” The commissioner barked and Richard collected the letter
”In there is a threat letter from the government to demote me if I can’t complete the investigation with 48 hours from now!” The commissioner said to the Officers
”What??!!!” The Officers exclaimed at the same time looking directly at the commissioner
”Yes of course. Open it and see for yourself” The commissioner said
”Now, I give you 24 hours to complete this investigation or ele??!! You will face my wrath. Now get out of my site!” The commissioner barked and ordered them out immediately
”Thank you Sir” They said
”Get out!!” He barked again and they left..
”What the hell is all this??!!” The commissioner asked himself and sat down angrily..

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