Please Break My Heart E44 by Tomi Adesina

PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 - 12 by Tomi Adesina

Please Break My Heart E44 by Tomi Adesina

“My name is Darlene Martin-0je. I am a Lawyer and Mother. Happily married to the sweetest and kindest man in the world, Jake, my Lover and best friend. Jake and I have been friends since we were toddlers and I couldn’t have asked for anything better when my first love told me to marry him. Now I am his wife. We have our bundle of trouble (I meant our kids), David (5) and his baby sister, Wunmi (2). We celebrated her birthday only last month. We live in our home here in Lagos, Nigeria. This house was designed by my love, Jacob. Although Jake argues that I am clueless about houses, I think my touch was necessary to make this place ‘divine’.
Our closest friends are Dora and her husband, Kolapo. They are newlyweds, only six months. Within our families, we have so much fun. We have been on vacations together twice – the Obudu Cattle ranch (Nigeria), (We were invited to Obudu Cattle ranch, by my ex-boyfriend, Paul and his wife, Marie. Marie is a really sweet woman. She made us Chicken sauce and she says she’s really indebted to me for breaking up with Paul, well, what can I say?). They looked happy together, and have made a home for themselves. They have a kid; his name is Joshua (6).
Our second vacation together was at Snowbird ski and Summer Resort in Utah. All Jake’s idea! He wanted to have fun and he made us feel the torture, he and Kolapo ended up liking it, didn’t seem like a bad idea after all.
All these trips, we of course, had to exclude Dad and Reina. They are having a happy marriage. They preferred trips to Dubai and Kansas; they recently bought a country home at Kansas. Reina Williams is pregnant, so Dora and I would be having a step brother soon. The Doctors say the baby is going to be healthy. What won’t they say to have more money? (No apologies)
“Mom! Mommy!!! Mom” Ah…yes! That deafening noise! David is a pain!
I closed the Laptop and turned towards him. “What is it, my prince?” I asked, ruffling his hair.
            “Dad says we are gonna be late.” He said, pulling my dress. “Uncle Dare is gonna be mad, hurry mom.”
I sighed. “I got it, honey. Go and tell your dad to hurry up.” I said, sending him back. David scampered off back upstairs. I watched him as he raced the stairs, young and full of energy. That was the trick that Jake and I played between David. We had fun tossing him around. I applied my lip gloss carefully.
Jake showed up. “Really, Darlene?” Jake said with a questioning look. I wasn’t in my shoe yet. “You are so not ready, we are gonna be late.” He said, staring at his wristwatch.
David grumbled. “I can’t be late.”
I stared at his Neck Tie. “Jake, that tie doesn’t match.” I sighed and walked past him. “Let me pick you another.” I said, pulling him along.
            “It does match; D…you just want me to be the last at dressing up.” He said, as I pulled him.
                        “We gather here today for the Holy Matrimony between Dare Ade-Cole and Jane Martin-Oje. It is a thing of great joy that these two have decided to leave their father’s houses and become man and wife.”
            Ah…yes, I skipped on the juicy detail, right? Dare and Jake’s sister, Jane, hooked up at my wedding. Strange though, but it took them almost six years to get married. Come to think of it, how could they take so long?
                        “Congratulations, Jane.” I said, hugging her. “You are marrying a fantastic man.”
            She smiled. “I know. Thank you.”
            Dare joined us. “Hey David, how are you, big man?” he said, ruffling his hair.
                        “Hey…don’t do that!” David whined, looking around cautiously.
            Dare widened his eye. “Why?”
            David looked around. “You would make me look like a baby.”
                        “But you are a baby.” Dare protested.
            David turned sharply. “I am not! I am 5. Wunmi is a baby, she is 2. And there are girls here!”
            Dare burst into a mocking laugh. “What are you teaching this kid, Jake?”
            Jake raised his hand in the air. “Not me man, these kids grow too fast.” He replied.
            Gideon smirked. “I would know.” He said, holding his son proudly. “This Gent here said to me that he would not have me call him baby in public.” We all laughed.
Toni stared at Wunmi. “She is adorable.” She said. “Gideon, I wish you were as cute as Jake or Dare, I hope you don’t affect our daughter’s gene when she’s born.” She said. The mood got all hilarious.
            “Oh…really? You should be glad I married you.” he replied. “No man would want to share a bed with you, of course, your size.” He shot back.
Toni and Gideon were fond of taking swipes at one another. “I lost three pounds already.” She replied, with a grin.
            “Come on guys.” Dare said, separating them. “You miss him a lot, Toni, you know.”
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t miss him.” She said. “Come here, Benedict.” She said, holding her son.
            We all went for the couples dance. I was glad to get on the dance floor once. We all partied but it couldn’t go late as the newlywed had to go to Paris for their Honeymoon, and of course some of us had kids to cater to. And when you have a kid like David who would sing with the kids’ choir group in Church on Sunday, you have to hurry. David was soon complaining about being tired.
“We are back from the wedding. Well, Dare got married to Jake’s sister today. It was a beautiful day, I am happy for the couple. I wish them the best. Reina missed the wedding, said she had cramps. And when Reina misses, Dad is absent too.
Our story is never complete without information on Caro…well Caroline James would be released from Jail tomorrow, best day of her life, I guess. Her nursing license was revoked, feel really sad for her.
She has said that she would be going to Malaysia with Philip after her release; they want to start a new life there, happy for them.
    The ‘Big fishes’ are still behind bars –   Chidi Obi and Femi Ade-Cole. Mr. Ayodeji Ade-Cole is trying to win Olamide Ojo’s heart back, I hope he succeeds. But I bet he is gonna have a hard time with Olamide Ojo; she really wants to just live free. Love to her was over, she made a mistake that she would never forget and has paid for times over. She just wanted to have fun.
On my wedding day, she had said. ‘Darlene, I am happy for your choice. There’s nothing better when you are in love, I am glad you found the one that you couldn’t go on without.’
Well, most of my life story, you know it. Thankfully, Paul isn’t mad at me anymore; I guess I mentioned that we even spent vacation together.
Less I forget, George came home for the wedding, he had been all over the world in the last years. He made a real show at Dare’s wedding in his Army uniform, I mean, why would anyone wear that to a friend’s wedding? David did mention that he was a bit terrified on seeing Uncle Gideon’s uniform.
The reason behind the ‘Please Break My Heart’ plea? As Darlene Williams, I was tough, rough around the edges and strong willed. I had a strong desire for success and there was no room for love. I dabbled into a relationship when my father said he didn’t see any reasonable man wanting to settle down with a ‘bull-head’ of a woman. Could you blame me for dating Paul? He was always around the corner. And I had to show that I could settle down. My relationship with Paul was out of ignorance, it made me think I had a heart of steel. When Paul was hurt, I felt responsible and this made me seek getting my ‘heart broken’. I had never had one before. (*sighs*…to my daughter, I hope you never do this stupid thing I did.)
                                                                                                                                                                  Falling in love with Dare was the plan; he appeared to me like a man that won’t love me back. (Lesson #1: Never Never Assume) I judged his heart too fast, and he even won my first kiss, more like he stole it, but I kissed back, so for that moment, I would agree that I ‘fell’ for Dare. Dare opened my eyes to ‘love’, although it wasn’t going to be him.
The truth is, I loved a lot of things about Dare, his height, face, his style, sophistication and everything that would make me feel ‘represented’. Who won’t love a Debonair? And just like Paul had told me in his letter, ‘Dare was my fantasy, but not my prince.’ My Prince had always been Jake, though he didn’t appear Sophisticated, Elegant and all. He was all that in his heart.
Love for me, is with Jake. I know that some feel I would be better off with Dare, like my step-mother Reina thinks. Truth is, we are all entitled to our opinions, but I am in love with my husband every day, I can’t ask for anything else. Together we have two wonderful kids, Everything here is beautiful.
The real is truth is this… ‘Love is beautiful.’
I love you, Jacob.
Signing out, Mrs. Darlene Martin-Oje (World’s hottest lawyer-momJ)
I closed the laptop asDavid raced into the study. “Mommy…Daddy is pulling faces at me.” I turned round to see Jake with a mask on his face. “See…”
                        “Give me my baby, Jake.” I said, taking Wunmi from his arms. I pulled the mask off and dropped it on the table.
            David hid behind me. “Mommy! Let’s go to bed. It’s Sunday tomorrow. I don’t want to be late.” He rattled. “If I am late, Bolu would lead the song and he would make fun of me.”
            I heaved a huge sigh. “I know, baby.” I said. I rose to my feet and reached one hand out to David. I was carrying Wunmi on the other hand.
                        “Give me Wunmi” Jake said, reaching out for Wunmi. “I am helping out.” He said, with a smile.
            I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you take David?” Jake stuck his tongue out. “Lazy man.”
            He smiled. “He’s too troublesome. I can’t handle him.” He replied and quickly collected Wunmi. “Have fun, honey. Let’s race upstairs. The Loser tucks the kids in” he said, and ran upstairs.
           “Jake, you cheat!” I shouted. Jake was fond of that game, loser tucks the kid in, and he would always dash off with Wunmi who won’t give him any problem when taking her in.
            David stuck his tongue out. “You lose, Mommy. You tuck us in, again!”
                I dragged my ‘bundle of trouble’ along. David really was it. Wunmi had never been a trouble to tuck in; she slept most of the time. And tonight, wasn’t an exception. She was sleeping. But David…Oh no…David. He won’t just sleep.
            After several tuck in and out, I rubbed his hair and smiled at him. “Have I ever told you that you look good?”
            He frowned slightly. “Mom, the last time you said I was cuter than Dad.” He folded his hand. “Now you are saying ‘good’.”
            I smiled. “Don’t be jealous, David. Okay, you are cuter than your Dad.” I said, kissing his forehead.
            He flashed a smile at me. “Yes, that what I want to hear.”
                        “Wow! This is the last time you would hear me say that then.” I said, adjusting his pillow.
            He frowned. “No!”
                        “Yes!” I said, drawing the curtains. “Keep them closed.” I said, staring at the curtains. “I don’t want you to catch a cold.”
            After several pleas and face-makings, David was slowly starting to fall asleep. I turned off his light and approached the door.
                        “Mom.” He called softly.
            I turned round. “Hey baby, what is it?”
                        “I never want you to beat Dad in ‘who is going to tuck baby to sleep’ race.” He said, yawning. “I always want you to put me to bed.”
            I smiled. “Goodnight, my love.” I said, and closed the door gently. Jake was standing outside.
                        “Don’t mind that chap. I could still beat you guys with my eyes closed.” He said, leaning against the door. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. Jake pulled me back swiftly and pinned me against the door gently and our lips locked. “Aren’t you being mean, Mom? Kissing the kids goodnight and ignoring your big baby?” he said with a sensual smile.
            I stared at him and smiled. “Should I also put you to bed?” I asked.
            He stared at me. “Most definitely. “



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5 years ago

Tomi you are indeed blessed
More wisdom, and more grace

5 years ago

Wow. I really enyoed the story

5 years ago

It end beautifully. Thks more ink to ur pen Tomi Adesina n 20pradre forward ever n backward never 4life ICJN. Amen

5 years ago

Great work

5 years ago

Lovely story. Thanks for the writeup

5 years ago

Nice one Tomi, more wisdom to write more. I really enjoyed reading d store.

5 years ago

Nice one Tomi, more wisdom to write more. I really enjoyed reading d storly.

5 years ago

Lovely story Tomi, more grace, thanks Opradre.

5 years ago

More grace to u

Dinma Faith
Dinma Faith
5 years ago

I love the way you keep your readers glued till they finish up your stories Tomi Adeshina… You lead us on and dash our hopes with lots of romance and satire … Thank you for this story… It’s my best for the month of January (***I hope since January hasn’t ended yet*** winks)…. Tijani thumbs up for putting out lovely stories that keeps us glued to our fones till past midnight… Eseun gaaaan… Love is indeed a beautiful if we don’t mix it up with other feelings…

5 years ago

Tomi Adeshina, I love u. Great story, more grace

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What a wonderful story. I couldn’t get off the story untill i finished. Thank you for the great piece✌✌

5 years ago

Great story,Tomi Adeshina. Had to make sure i finished it.More Grace

5 years ago

Lovely story
I really enjoyed it
God bless you

5 years ago

Great story by Tom Adesina. I love the twist of events and the fact that Darlene married the man she loves…Thanks a bunch for this story.

5 years ago

I really enjoyed this story…..twas worth reading

5 years ago

I enjoyed every part of it my favorite writer

5 years ago

Beautiful story. Thanks a bunch for the story.

5 years ago

What happened to Daniel at the end… Lovely story there.

5 years ago

Thanks Tomi for this wonderful piece. I love your write-ups.The power of love.
And thanks to Opradre for bringing this wonderful piece to us.

4 years ago

This story is… permit me to use “DELICIOUS”

4 years ago

Oh my Oh my
This story is something out of the ordinary……
I just love it

Thanks TOMI for this mind-blowing piece…
Thank you OPRADRE

4 years ago

Lovely story.. BTW what is Daniels story?

4 years ago

Lovely stories Tomi. God bless you real good. Thanks a lot. Cheers.

4 years ago

I’m awed you write so well Tomi
I really love this story
One of the best I’ve read so far
More ink to your pen?

4 years ago

I think I am going to name my daughter ‘Tomi’. You are just too good. Love you loads. Your stories are so interesting that one would want to finish it. May God continue to increase you in knowledge

4 years ago

I think I am going to name my daughter ‘Tomi’. You are just too good. Love you loads. Your stories are so interesting that one would want to finish it. May God continue to increase you in knowledge

4 years ago

Thanks for the story…. I really enjoyed it…n also learnt a lot
“Go for the one u can’t live without”

4 years ago

I really enjoyed it and gained a lot from it. The story looks very real….nice one,u kept me glued till the end

Deborah str
Deborah str
4 years ago

Nice story. Tomi God bless u

Adeyemo Funmilayo
Adeyemo Funmilayo
4 years ago

Great story!!! Thumbs up Tomi Adeshina

4 years ago

I really enjoy the story. Thanks to Tomi Adesina

2 years ago

Thanks dear
I am grateful
I do like stories that reverence God and @dsame time being unpredictable
Thanks alot