Please Break My Heart E40 – 41 by Tomi Adesina

PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 - 12 by Tomi Adesina

Please Break My Heart E40 by Tomi Adesina

Things might not be completely awkward between Dora and me but I could say it wouldn’t be easy, especially now that she would be marrying the man I love. Yes, I said it, I love Jacob. Maybe our close ties had made me too blinded to it, but immediately I saw the ring, I knew I would die if he married Dora. She stole him from me. Several thoughts flooded my mind as I watched Dora and Jake whisper to themselves in the garden. I watched from the kitchen. I felt a light tap.

                                “You don’t have to torture yourself.” KP said, handing me a glass of wine.

                I sighed. “How are you coping?” he was Dora’s ex and he seemed to be getting along just fine. “Kolapo, you are really a strong man.” I said, nudging his arm.

                                “You love Jake, right?” he asked. “Not as a friend, but as a Man?” he asked.

                I blushed. “I have always seen Jake as a man since we were teenagers. But, maybe, I have not seen him as my Man.”

                                “What do you mean?” he asked, getting a seat. “Darlene, from what I have gathered about you, you strike me as a lady who wants a perfect man. Truly, Jake is a perfect man. How come you haven’t seen it?”

                I scoffed. “KP, Jake stole your girlfriend, and now they are going to get married, why are you bringing up a dead issue.”

                Kolapo blinked and swallowed. “It’s difficult to accept the fact that the woman I love is going to be with someone else, but at the same time, this is the man that you truly love. I know you might think you love Dare because he fits your perfect description of the man in the fairy tale book, he is tall, handsome, sophisticated and an arrogant charmer, but really, can you go on without Jacob?”

                                “Dare loves me.” I replied, quietly.

                Kolapo nodded. “How do you know?”

                                “He said so; Jake has never said he loved me as a woman, as his woman. It’s just been friends for him, and I don’t want to be the fool who sees him differently.”

                KP smiled. “But you already see him differently.”

                I clasped my hand in my laps. “What difference does it make? He will marry Dora, and maybe Dare would ask me to marry him, and I would too. It seems like I got more than what I wanted, all I wanted was a heartbreak from Dare because I hurt Paul so much, and maybe then I won’t feel guilty being happy with Jacob, but it’s like I am going to get a heart wreck. ”

                                “Would you be happy?”

                I nodded. “Dare still has his moments.”

                                “Wow! You are willing to be with a guy who has his moments, but not willing to fight for a man you love.”

                                “Jake doesn’t love me!” I yelled. “Let it be.” I said and walked out bumping into Dare. He bowed his head and walked away. “Dare… Dare….” I called after him.

                He stopped and turned sharply. “What?”

                                “What did you hear?”

                He scoffed. “Nothing.” He turned away. “Nothing I didn’t already know.” He added and walked away.


                Dora stared at Jake. “There’s a slight chance that Chidi Obi would send for me soon. He is over impressed with the blog. He even believes that I dedicated it to him.”

                Jake scoffed. “Idiot.”

                                “I am a bit concerned with the fact that Dare’s Uncle is an associate of Chidi and he looked at me as suspicious. He might run a check on me.”

                Jake nodded. “It’s all been covered up. There’s a record for Sandra Jite. I think we just have to keep tabs on his movements. Speaking of which, I should call Philip to know if he has discovered anything.” He said, fetching his phone.

                                “How’s your heart, Jake?” she asked, staring at him lovingly.

                Jake blinked. “I’d rather not talk about that for now.” He replied and dialed Philip. “What’s up, man?”

                                “I am sorry, should have called. Chidi Obi is going by road, the court has ordered that he doesn’t leave town, so he would be going by road. At least, records won’t have any idea of his movement.”

                Jake nodded. “That’s alright. When do they head out?”

                                “Tomorrow, I guess. But I guess it would be very early in the morning, he sent someone to the Bank for him. The Banks don’t operate on Saturdays. So how are we going to tail him?”

                Jake sighed. “Come home first. We would decide how to make the trip, speaking of which, I would have to go to the Bank to get some money for the trip.” He said and hung up.

                Dora cleared her throat. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

                                “Can’t it wait? I need to withdraw a huge sum, so I don’t want the bank queue on me.”

                She probed him. “Why not just use the ATM tomorrow?”

                                “I’d rather do that now.”

                She closed her eyes and opened them. “Darlene saw the ring.”

                                “What? How did she see it?” he asked, livid in anger.

                She sighed. “It dropped.”


                I sat at the pool beside Dare.

                                “So I just have my moments?” he asked.

                I sighed. “Dare, I didn’t mean it that way.”

                He smiled. “Why are you trying to comfort me? Just spill it.” He said, nudging me in the waist.

                                “You are really boring!” I said.

                He scoffed. “You are really mean! I give you just one minute to say what you really think of me and you blurt out so violently.”

                                “But you said I could spill. Dare, do you really love me?”

                He sighed and relaxed his body. “I have said it to you before, haven’t I?”

                I nodded.

                                “The question is do you love me?”

                I blinked. “I am not sure of my feelings. Sometimes I think I can’t go a day without you, other times, I know I can’t go a day without Jake.”

                Dare took a deep sigh. “That’s all I needed to hear. It’s Jacob, right? Why then do I think you see everything you want in me?”

                                “You are right. You meet my description of a perfect man. Paul was too sweet, I guess I preferred the more mean person, I wanted a man who would make me feel hurt, I guess I got all that from you.”

                Dare stared at me. “Did you like me so that you could get heartbroken? Wait….are you saying you fancied me because you felt I won’t love you back, and that you would feel the same way Paul felt?”

                I bowed my head down.

                                “You are unbelievable, Darlene Williams.”

                I sighed and turned my face away. “I fell in love with you, Darlene.” he said, holding my hand. “Everything you did, the way you spoke back at me, the way you stared at me, yelled at me, everything you did was perfect to me.”

                                “Dare, I am messed up. I think I love Jake. When I am not with him, I feel like my world is over, his absence is my weakness, I don’t want to go on without him.”

                Dare’s hand slowly slipped away from mine. “Then why are you not with him? Why is it Dora?”

                                “He doesn’t love me. He only sees me as his friend.” I replied, and wiped a tear from my eyes.

                Dare sighed and turned away.


                                “Have something to eat.”

                Sameer put his head on the table. “I am not hungry. I just want to die.”

                                “What if you have the option of running away?”

                Sameer looked at Nurse Caro. “That would never happen.”

                                “I can help you, but you need to eat first, you need your strength to run.” She said.

                Sameer picked up the spoon and forced the Rice into his mouth. “Why are you helping me? I haven’t forgotten a thing yet.”

                Caro blinked. “Sameer, every time I give you an injection to forget, I give an antidote.” She whispered. “I can’t bring myself to turning another person into a vegetable.”        

                                “What do you mean?”

                She raised her head to avoid the tears in her eyes from falling. “You are not the first man to be hidden here during a court proceeding. I usually take them out with injections, it always turn out bad. I need you to pretend so that I am not discovered.”

                Sameer nodded. “Okay.”

                There was a knock on the door. “Is he eating?” Akume called.

                                “Of course. How long can a weakling hold?” Caro replied and opened the door. “He is slowly beginning to lose his memory, he even said, he didn’t know who you are.”

                Akume laughed wickedly. “That’s good news. Chidi Obi would be pleased. Our income from this job is huge. Oil is involved.” He said, smiling.

                Sameer rushed his food. The thought of escape made him stronger; he wanted to be ready when the time came. Who wouldn’t?


                Philip stared at us. “There’s a plan. I have thought that enough hands are needed on this job. There would be enough men watching wherever Chidi Obi has Sameer, so it would be wise if we all went.”

                Jake cut in. “What are you saying, Man? Let the ladies stay behind. We would follow him.”

                                “Forget about the gender, they are useful for us.” Philip retorted.

                Jake rose to his feet. “Hey! You are a Policeman and I guess it has eroded your thoughts; these ladies are not members of your force. They are not cops.”

                                “Calm down Jacob, at least give us the option of deciding for ourselves.” Dora interrupted.

                Kolapo sighed. “I agree with Philip, let’s forget about the gender, I think we need them, probably they would handle the driving while we invade wherever it is, or maybe they would get us back up or something.

                I took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s all go. What vehicle would accommodate the six of us?”

                                “And Sameer, when we find him?” Dare chipped in.

                I smiled faintly. “Let’s take the Nissan Quest Space bus.” I suggested.

                                “The keys? Time to go and fuel it.” Kolapo said.

                I left for the kitchen and got the key from the rack and handed it to Kolapo. “Let’s go Dare; we’ll buy extra tyres too.” Kolapo said, heading out.

                Dare stood up and joined him. “Later folks.”

                                “I have to head home to pack a bag.” Philip said. “I’ll join them for a ride.”

                Jake also rose to his feet and grabbed his car keys, “I would be going over to Chidi Obi’s. We have to monitor the situation there.” He said walking out. I was left alone with Dora.

                                “I suggest we pack too, so that we could all go over there by midnight.” She said, heading for the stairs.

                I nodded. “I’ll be back soon. There’s somewhere I have to be at.” I said and walked out.


                Kunle Williams pressed his weight firmly against the door. “If you continue like this, you are not going to get better, dear.”

                The Doctor stared at him. “Kunle, we’ve been friends for a while, and I think you are doing the right thing by attending to her.” He said staring at his patient. “But this is something you should have done a long time ago; unfortunately, the person who needs your attention is Darlene.”

                Sir Williams sighed. “Do you think I don’t know? I feel bad that I can’t be with my daughter, even though I didn’t expect her to knock Subomi out, but I should have at least been there to witness the moment. Darlene is probably devastated now and she doesn’t even want to talk to me.”

                                “Then go to your daughter. Look, you already brought my patient, let me take care of her, you don’t have to put Darlene at the receiving end of your past mistakes. Remember, the truth would be revealed soon and you don’t want your daughter to completely shut you out when she knows about her.” He said, looking at the patient.

                Sir Williams took his seat. “I have to tell Darlene the truth, but I am scared that if after Wednesday when the final verdict is passed on the Chidi Obi saga and Darlene loses, I might not be able to tell her.”

                                “Kunle, you made those mistakes after your wife died, but you can’t deny Darlene the truth else she would never forgive you if she found out on her own.”

                                “So you are suggesting that I tell her?”

                He nodded. “Yes, she deserves to know. And she needs you more than ever. Your connections are needed to find her witness. You should go back home.”

                                “But I can’t leave her here. Everything she went through was because of me, if I had acted like a man from the beginning, all these wouldn’t have happened. I will be here till she’s completely fine.” He said staring at the Patient’s bed.


                I walked into the church and took my seat at the back pew. “Dear God, I know I am not worthy of your presence, just few days ago, I ran off thinking I could handle it, but God, I am devastated, not only because people don’t know the truth, but because I have failed. Please forgive me if I didn’t trust you enough.” I sniffled a bit. “God, I want you to please make a way for us, we want to tail Chidi Obi, please grant us the wisdom needed.” I paused to catch my breath, “Father, I also want you to help me sort out my emotions in Christ name, Amen.”

                                “Darlene Williams, how are you?” Pastor Ben asked with a smile.

                I returned the smile. “I have been holding up fine.”

                                “I hope you do remember that it’s not over yet.”

                I nodded in agreement. “Yes Pastor, I have faith.”

                                “I will be praying for you.” he said.

                I smiled. “Thank you Pastor.”

                Pastor Ben smiled. “I have teenagers class to take later on, it’s a special, do you want to come to look around?”

                                “I would have loved to, but I have to leave town tonight, so I am very busy, I am so sorry.”

                He nodded. “It’s okay. All would be well; I strongly believe that the time is now.” He said, standing up. I also rose to my feet. “God be with you, child.” He said and walked away.

                I had a genuine smile on my face as he called me ‘Child’. I took a deep breath and I felt relaxed. My phone rang. “Hey Jake, what’s up?”

                                “I think we have to double up. Chidi Obi is leaving by midnight, I guess some things arose there.” He said and hung up.


                Akume and Obaro untied Sameer. “What are we going to do now, Nurse Caro?”

                                “We have to get him to a hospital. He is burning hot, and he is of no use if he falls recklessly ill.” She replied.

                Akume sighed. “The boss said we shouldn’t move him out of this place. I suggest you go and get him some medicine, the hospital would ask questions we can’t answer and it could get to the Police, and you know what would happen if the police discovers this.”

                Caro stared at Sameer. “What then do you suggest we do? Remember, he has forgotten so many things, we just have to take him to the hospital and give him a new identity.”

                                “He is Arabian. How do we disguise that? The country knows that Darlene Williams claimed that her witness is Arabian.”

                Caro scoffed. “Is this the only Arabian man in Nigeria? You guys should quit being sissies and let’s take care of this man. If his nerves become damaged, he won’t be able to lift a finger not to talk of signing the deeds. Look, we would keep a close watch on him and all would be fine.”

                                “I don’t think it’s wise to take him out of here, Chidi Obi instructed that he shouldn’t be taken away, and that’s why he would even be leaving Lagos tonight, let’s just be patient guys. It won’t hurt if he gets worse, we could die by Chidi’s gun; remember what happened to our buddy, Bruno. The Boss killed him without hesitating.

                After Obaro’s persuasion, he walked out with Akume. Caro hissed as she stared at Sameer. “Plan A failed. We would bring up something else.”

                Sameer sighed. “I hope we do soon. I know that after Wednesday, they may just use any means to have the signature.”

                                “I will keep trying. If this is the only good I do before I die, I would make sure that you show up in court on Wednesday.” She said and left.


                                “Could Sameer be dead?” I asked as I dropped my bag in the trunk.

                Jake sighed. “Don’t be a pessimist; let’s just hope he is still alive.”

                Kolapo got behind the wheel. “Okay people, let’s go.”   We all got into the space bus and the security man shut the gate after us. Philip took his seat in front beside Kolapo. Jake and Dora shared the next row, while Dare and I took the back seat.

                Kolapo pulled up in front of Chidi Obi’s house. “We are right in time.” He said as the gate opened and Chidi Obi tucked his head out to give the final instruction to the security man.

                                “Follow closely. Not too fast and not too slow, but once we are on the high way, be super fast. We could lose him.” Philip ordered.

                Kolapo smiled. “Yes boss!” As soon as Chidi Obi’s Range Rover moved, Dora took a picture of the car’s registration number.

                                “Just in case we lose him, we have a car to follow.” She said triumphantly.

                Kolapo did well to keep a distance from Chidi Obi’s car, but he ensured that we weren’t lost on the high way. My phone rang.

                                “Hello.” I said.

                                “Hi D. how are you feeling?”

                It was Dad. “I am okay.” I replied.

                                “Where are you, it’s a bit windy.”

                I scoffed. “What do you care? Anyway, I am on my way out.”

                                “That’s good. I can see you are shaking it off really fast.”

                I sighed. “Is that why you called, Dad?”

                                “Yes…and just to know how you’re faring.”

                I nodded. “Okay, I have to hang up now. Bye.” I said and hung up.

                                “You don’t have to be so cold to the old man.” Dare said.

                I stared at him. “Really? What kind of a father abandons his daughter on important events in her life?”

                                “Maybe he had something really urgent to attend to.” He suggested,

                I nodded. “Like what? You should have an idea; after all, you went to the Bahamas.”

                Dare scoffed. “The Bahamas is a big place; I don’t necessarily have to bump into your Dad to do my business.”

                                “Look Dare, I don’t want to argue with you, okay?”

                Kolapo suddenly pulled up. “I think the tyre on my side is flat.”

                                “No way, Man.” I said.

                KP grinned. “Yes way, Man.” He opened the door and headed for the trunk. “Come out everyone.”

                We all got down and watched KP and Philip change the Car tyres.

                                “Time to get back on the road,” KP announced as soon as they were through with changing the tyres.

                I sighed as I took my seat. “How do we catch up now?” I asked.

                                “There’s this thing called GPS…come across it?” Philip said with a grin. “We actually fixed one to that Range Rover. We work hard you know.” He added.

                We tailed the car comfortably now. “Could we have a holiday like this where we would do a road trip without having to tail anyone? We would stop at road side canteens and eat and sleep at the motels and we would have so much fun.” Dora said, resting her head on Jake’s shoulder.

                                “Quit dreaming!” I said. At that moment, I wished that Kolapo was more like me and that he would swerve the car so that she could take her head off Jake. My face was burning with some jealousy. I turned my face away. Dare held my hand and smiled. “Thank you.” I whispered and made his arm my solace.

                We finally arrived at the hotel where Chidi Obi had lodged. We waited about for about 20 minutes in the car before Kolapo and Philip left for the hotel. Jake jumped at the steering. Kolapo and Philip would be lodging in the same hotel with Chidi Obi to monitor him. We headed for another hotel which was just ten minutes away by car.


                                “Are you trying to get Darlene jealous?” Dare asked as he dropped his bag on the bed.

                Jake scoffed. “Why would I do that?”

                                “I know you are probably thinking that you can make Darlene get jealous with Dora, but I want you to know that you are only going to hurt yourself.” He replied, slipping into his pajamas.

                Jake sighed. “I am not making her jealous. If she is jealous, then maybe she probably sees me differently from the best friends that we used to be, which would make me happier.”

                                “Jake, I have to be honest with you. I think you are right for Darlene, you are everything she really needs.”

                Jake stared at him. “And you? Are you giving up so easily?”

                                “I have never really been a competitor. Naturally, I go for what I want. I wanted Darlene, she was tough, exciting, but even if I was to give her my heart, she would never give me hers. I think she like me for the Charisma, Appearance and of course,” he paused to smile. “My good looks.”

                Jake scoffed. “You really are full of yourself.”

                                “Look here Jacob; there are some things that a man must do to appear as a man. It’s not all about the love. Sometimes, you have to act like a man.” He said, tapping his shoulder.

                Dare jumped on the bed. “Don’t think too much, try to sleep. We have to rise early.” Jake sighed and changed into his Pajamas.


                                “So when are you guys getting married?” I asked.

                Dora flipped over her shoulder. “As soon as this case is over.” She said with a smile.

                I nodded and turned off the light. “Is Jacob happy?”

                Dora rolled her eyes. “I am good in the kitchen, good in bed.” I swallowed. She continued. “Why won’t he be happy?”

                                “Jake slept with you?” I asked.

                She nodded. “Come on, I am the WOMAN he is going to marry, and he is no wood, he has to appreciate the good things of life.”

                                “SHUT UP!”

                She smiled. “Of course. Sweet Dreams, sister. Although I strongly doubt that you would have sweet dreams.”

                I smiled and hit her with the pillow. “You thief!”

                                “You never said you loved Jacob, you said you were ‘best friends forever’” she said with a grin. “We can always share that.”

                I rolled my eyes. “Why haven’t I killed you yet, Dora?”

                                “Because you love me.” she replied, with her tongue out.

                I stared at her hard. “Just one question, how did you manage to get rid of Kolapo from your feelings?”

                                “That’s a special secret.”

Please Break My Heart E40 - 41 by Tomi Adesina

Please Break My Heart E41 by Tomi Adesina

Chidi Obi’s Range Rover pulled up in front of ‘CHIDI TYRES WAREHOUSE.’ Philip and Kolapo hid around the fence far away from the security guards.

                                “This must be where they are keeping Sameer. Wise choice.” Philip said and sent a message to Darlene.

                Kolapo sighed. “So what do we do now?”

                                “We can’t take any action now; it’s like going into a death trap. I suggest we go back and come up with a plan on how to take down this warehouse.”

                Kolapo nodded. “I hope Sameer is fine.”

                                “We can find that out.”

                Kolapo and Philip waited for some minutes to see if anyone would come out of the warehouse, but no one did. “I suggest we take our leave now. We have to come up with a plan.” Philip whispered.

                                “Hey…bend down.” Kolapo said as the warehouse gate opened. Chidi Obi came out with Nurse Caro.

                Chidi Obi cleared his throat. “Caro, I am paying you to take care of the man, not to come up with suggestions. I don’t want him leaving for the hospital. It is as simple as that.”

                                “Boss, I understand. But, this man is gravely ill and could die at any time if he doesn’t get proper medical attention, that’s why I suggested that we take him to the hospital and watch him carefully.” She replied.

                Chidi Obi snarled angrily. “No hospital!” he hissed. “Now run along and get all that he needs for proper medical attention, I gave you my card, right? Use it well.” He instructed and returned into the warehouse.

                Caro hissed. “Foolish man.” She said and walked along the path.

                                “Let’s follow her.” Kolapo said and they walked slowly behind Caro until they got to the highway.

                Philip grabbed her. “Hey.”

                                “What do you want from me? I already said told the boss that I would go get him drugs.”

                Kolapo shook his head. “You are such a fool, aren’t you? Blurting out information like that, not knowing if we are the police. Anyway, get into the car.” He instructed.

                Philip grabbed her and put her into the car while Kolapo drove.

                                “My name is Philip, and we don’t intend to hurt you, but if you don’t cooperate with us, you may leave us no choice.”

                She nodded. “What do you want?”

                                “The Arab man, Sameer. Is he really sick like you told Chidi Obi?”

                She shook her head in disagreement. “No, I am trying to get him out of there.”

                                “Well…in that case, you have to help us. We also want to get Sameer out, so how do you think you can help us.”

                Kolapo stared at her from the mirror “You are safe. Talk.”

                                “I can give you the description of what the warehouse looks like on the inside and the room where they have Sameer guarded. There are about ten guards in all in the warehouse, so it might be difficult to take him out unnoticed.”

                Philip nodded. “Hmm…so, we have to prepare to kill if we have to, KP.”

                                “Of course man, we just have to draw up a proper plan. Hey, you are the nurse, right?” he asked. Caro nodded. “What drugs have you given to him?”

                She bowed her head. “They are meant to make him forget everything, but I also inject the antidote so that his memory isn’t faded. Sameer is aware.”

                                “Where are you going to get him drugs?”

                She raised her head. “It’s a Pharmacy not too far from here. Just take the right turn.” She said.

                Philip grabbed her phone and dialed his number on it. “We would keep in touch with you on our plans, we promise not to hurt your old father, just cooperate with us.”

                                “Please don’t tell my father about this job, please.” She begged.

                Kolapo pulled up some meters away from the Pharmacy. “Thank you, Caro. Don’t call if anything comes up, just send a message.” He said. She nodded and left.

                KP stared at Philip. “How did you know about her father?”

                                “I just took a wild guess.” He said, grinning.

                KP grinned and drove off.


                                “So you found the Nurse that treats Sameer?” I asked as we ate breakfast.

                Philip nodded. “Yes, she would help us. The place is heavily guarded and it is a warehouse.”

                                “When can we strike?” Jake asked.

                Dare smiled. “The later the better.”

                                “I don’t follow.” I said.

                Dare sat up. “I suggest we move him out of there on Tuesday night, so that nothing is noticed before the court case. It would be a huge shock to Subomi and co.” he said with a smile. “Payback.”

                                “How do we deal with the guards?” Dora asked.

                Philip took a deep breath. “KP and I can use guns, and if anyone is ready to join us, we would kill if we have to.”

                                “Hey man, we don’t want blood on our hands. We are not cops like you.” Jake interrupted.

                I smiled. “Jake, why are you scared of killing all of a sudden? It’s not like you haven’t killed before.”

                                “I haven’t killed human beings.”

                Philip nodded. “It’s okay. I have a few friends in the police district there. I would talk to them to help us.”

                                “We would ensure that there’s no contact between Chidi Obi’s men and Chidi and if there would be, we would intercept it on their behalf, so that they don’t smell a thing.” Dare added.

                Jake clapped his hand. “Smart plan guys, now we have to watch over the warehouse. You never can tell.”


                Jake pulled up fences away from the warehouse. “Here we are.”

                We were taking turns to watch the warehouse and it was Jake and I first. “Hmmm…hopefully we find things worthy.” I said as I adjusted by baseball hat.

                Jake smiled. “You look good in that hat.” He said, hitting it.

                I smiled. I knew I had to straighten things with Jake, so I took the lead. “Jake, why did I have to find out from Dora about your marriage? I mean we are very close, you should have told me.”

                He scoffed. “She’s your sister.” I nodded. “Are you happy for us?”

                I nodded. “Of course. Anything that makes you happy makes me happy.”

                                “Thanks D.”

                I took a deep breath. “So when are you going to do the proposal, as in the official proposal?”

                                “Immediately after the court case, I would love to have a rehearsal with you first so that I could be sure of whatever I am going to say to her.”

                I nodded my head. “Just the environment perfect, I would love to see your proposal.”

                We stared at the gate waiting for any movements from the warehouse, but there seemed to none. There was silence in the car.

                                “Darlene, I got a job.” Jake said, breaking the silence.

                I stared at him. “What job?” I said, almost laughing.

                He smiled. “Someone hired me to draw up a plan for his building, so I am more like a contact architect.”

                I smiled, obviously bemused. “That’s fantastic.” I said, hugging him. “So how did you get the contract?”

                                “Well, Dora introduced me to the man, and the he had me do a few sketches on the spot, thankfully, I haven’t lost my touch, so it went well.”

I nodded. “So, for how long have you hidden this from me?” I asked.

                “It’s not been too long, I wanted to be sure that I was doing the job right, before telling you a thing. I have my first earned paycheck. I have another Job after this case is over too.”

I smiled. “Jacob, that’s good to know. Now, you are a salary earner.”    


                Dare’s phone rang. “Hello Dad.”

                                “Where are you, Son?” he asked.

                Dare moved away from the window and took his seat. “I am on a holiday.”

                                “Holiday? Dare, how could you walk out on what you have labored to build because of a woman?”

                Dare sighed. “Darlene is not just any woman. Darlene Williams has been a pillar to the Firm, and it’s a shame that you allow Uncle Femi to influence you so much.”

                                “Don’t speak about your Uncle like that. He has the Firm’s best interest at heart; he works tirelessly to ensure that we attain a proper standard.” He said. “Thanks to the mess that Williams’ daughter made, we would have had our name smeared if not for your Uncle who issued a public statement in our defense.”

                Dare scoffed. “That’s enough, Father. You and Uncle Femi can go ahead and ruin the Firm, I am not coming back.”

                                “What do you mean by that, Dare? I won’t have you talk bad about my brother.”

                Dare hissed. “Father, Uncle Femi is the reason you divorced my mother, he is the reason you are in the shadows of Sir Kunle Williams, he is the reason why Darlene is out of the Firm and he is the reason why your Firm, would Crumble.” Dare said and hung up.

                Dora walked in. “You really gave it to your old man, Dare. Are things that bad?”

                                “Look Dora, it’s not a big deal. It’s something that I should have said to him a long time ago. Just bottled it up too long.” He replied and fetched himself a drink from the Fridge. “You care?”

                She shook her head. “No, thank you.” she replied as she took her seat.

                Dare and Dora refused to say a word to each other and then the silence was broken together. “Do you love…” they said, and laughed.

                                “You go first.” Dare said, laughing.

                Dora smiled. “Do you love Darlene?”

                Dare took a deep breath and smiled. “Yes, I do.”

                                “Define your feelings for her.” She said, smiling.

                Dare chuckled. “I really can’t explain it, all I know is that she made me better, and she definitely is the woman that makes me happy.”

                                “Happy? What if her happiness lies with someone else?” she asked.

                He nodded. “Then, I would give her up.”

                                “That easy? You won’t even fight for her?”

                He smiled. “I may be in love with her, but as long as she won’t be happy with me, what’s the essence of keeping her?”

                Dora looked at him carefully. “Really?”

                                “Yes, and that leads to my own question. Do you love Jacob?”

                Dora blinked. “I can’t discuss that with you.”

                Dare scoffed. “I just told you about my feelings for Darlene. Why won’t you say about yours?”

                                “It’s a bit complicated.”

                Dare adjusted in his chair. “Face it like a grown-up. If you love the guy, admit it. If not, leave him alone, and let him be with Darlene.”


                Chidi Obi sank in his chair and dialed Femi Ade-Cole. “Femi, Sameer is sick.”

                                “You can’t take him to the hospital; you know what would happen, Chidi.”

                Chidi sighed. “Femi, but if he dies, he is of no use to us.”

                                “Hey, I don’t care what you do, but I must have my 40% on the land stake intact.”

                                “But he has to sign the documents before we can claim the property, for now, the property is in a serious contention, if he becomes worse, he might die.”

                Femi hissed. “CHIDI, force him to sign then, cut off his legs or pull out his eyes, make him SIGN!”

                                “Femi, when you talk like that, it scares me. Anyway, how is Williams’ daughter doing? Has she been to the court of recent?”

                Femi laughed. “That little loser is buried indoors, and from what I gathered from a few sources, she might be joining her Father outside the country soon. Probably after Wednesday, but she has conceded defeat.”

                                “How do you know?”

                Femi sighed. “I have my sources. Now finish your own end of the deal, and if you have to kill that Arab man, do it.”

                                “Bye Femi.” Chidi said, hanging up.

                Chidi rang Caro up. “Caro, how much effect have those injections had yet?”

                                “Sameer is about to forget everything, but he still has vague memories.”

                He sighed. “How many more days would he need before he is totally zapped out. I need us to make him sign; I believe that once he has forgotten all, he won’t hesitate to sign.”

                                “Erm…with the way that the drugs have been administered, he can only lose everything by Next week Saturday.”

                He snarled. “WHAT??? That’s too far, the case is on Wednesday. Can’t you increase the dosage?”

                                “No boss. If the dosage is increased, he would die. And our mission won’t be accomplished.”

                He sighed. “I would get back to you, but I would make sure that he signs before I return to Lagos on Monday.”


                                                                                                                       MONDAY (10:30pm)

                       “You have to sign else we would wipe your whole family out.” Chidi Obi shouted. “And of course, you would still sign when we have killed them.”

                Sameer gasped for air. “I WON’T SIGN.”

                Akume hit him with a log of wood on the back.

                                “AARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sameer let out a loud scream.

                Chidi Obi held his head up. “Would you sign?”


                Chidi took a deep breath. “Cut off his legs.”

                                “Boss, there would be no need for that.” Caro interrupted. “I swear to make him sign; we have to be careful not to provoke him. He would never sign with Torture. I have better means.”

                Chidi Obi sighed. “Can I trust your methods?

                                “Have I ever failed?”

                Chidi Obi took a deep breath. “Alright then. Erm…I would take some of the boys with me back to Lagos, we need to keep an eye on Williams’ daughter.”

                                “Sir, how many would you need?” Akume asked.

                Chidi shrugged. “Four would be fine, so you guys would be six here.” He said, and approached the door. “I would keep in touch with you frequently. Thanks Caro.” He said and walked out. Akume and Obaro walked out after him.

                Caro lifted Sameer’s blood stained face. “I am so sorry.”

                                “We have to hurry, Caro. It’s almost Wednesday.”

                She nodded. “There’s a big plan, we need more patience.”

                Akume and Obaro returned. “The Boss is heading for Lagos now. So we are going to be here, trying to get this idiot to sign.” Akume announced.

                                “Were you deaf? I told the Boss that I would use my own means to get Sameer to sign. I don’t need intruders.”

                Obaro stared at her. “Do you now have special powers that would make Sameer sign?”

                                “You are so daft. It is called the Power of seduction.”

                Akume and Obaro laughed. “Seduction?” Obaro asked. “Even if I am a foolish man, a man like Sameer, in his state can never fall for you.”

                Caro loosened her button a bit. “Really? I think Sameer is into me?”

                Akume cleared his throat. “Erm…Obaro, let the lady do her job. I think she’s really going to make him sign.”

                They headed for the door and Caro accompanied them. Akume turned sharply. “Erm…Caro, do you think we can get some special treatment too?” he said, smiling sheepishly.

                                “Of course boys…you just have to be good and let me use my means to get those papers signed.”

                Akume clapped his hand. “Yes her majesty. Get out, Obaro.” He said and they walked out.

                Caro stared at Sameer. “First we have to get you cleaned up.” She said and started to dress his wounds.


                                                                                                                                TUESDAY (11:30PM)

                                “All units check in.” Philip called over the radio.

                I watched from the Laptop in the Police vehicle. Philip had arranged some policemen to accompany us to the warehouse. My crossed my fingers as I watched Jake and Kolapo take out two guards from behind with sleeping injections on their necks. Dare and a Police man immediately tied them up and dumped them aside.

                                “Four more.” Philip announced and drummed on the warehouse door.


                Akume hissed. “Didn’t I tell those fools to get enough water and food for watching over the warehouse? What do they want now?” he said, standing up.

                Obaro shrugged. “Never mind, I will tell Bozzo to check. Bozzo! Bozzo!”

                Bozzo rushed in. “Yes Boss.”

                                “Check what those two fools want. Tonight is our night with Nurse Caro and they are about to ruin it.” He ordered. Bozzo nodded and disappeared.

                Nurse Caro walked into their room and unbuttoned her gown.

                Akume cleared his throat. “Erm…Caro, please go easy on us.”

                                “Of course.” She replied, with a sly grin. “Gents, please come together, we would have a threesome.”

                Obaro nodded. “Perfecto! It means we get to share together, not Akume going ahead of me. Oh Lord…have mercy.”

                Caro smiled and flung the door open. “We are going to need so much air. Someone might die.”

                                “Definitely, Obaro.” Akume said, grinning. “I am a power horse.”

                She nodded. “Let’s see who the power horse in the both of you is” she said.

                                “Start Caro…please Start.” Akume said.

                She smiled. “Patience boys…patience.”

                                “I am losing it. You can’t keep scintillating us and telling us to have patience.”

                Caro looked over her shoulder but there was no sign of Kolapo or Philip yet, she knew she had to delay them the more. “I am wearing perfect lingerie. Do you mind a lap dance?” she said, fetching a chair.

                                “Anything….” Akume said letting out some air. “Just give it to me.”

                Akume and Obaro drooled over Caro as they watched her strip to her Lingerie. Gunshots went off.

                                “What’s that? Obaro asked, jumping to his feet.

                                “It’s nothing. The hunters are probably gunning down animals.” Caro said, immediately.

                Akume nodded. “Ya…sure, Eh….Caro…I am coming for you now…” he said, rushing over to her.

                                “GET DOWN EVERYBODY!” Philip shouted as he rushed in with the Policemen.

                Akume and Obaro laid flat and Caro also did. The policemen cuffed the three of them.

                Philip opened the door to the room where Sameer was kept hostage. “Sameer?”

                                “Yes. Is it Wednesday, yet?” he asked.

                Philip smiled. “We’ll get you out of here now.”

                I waited anxiously for the warehouse door to open. And yes it did…Jake and Dare were helping Sameer out and the Policemen pushed Akume and Obaro out with Caro.

                                “Hey, give me the girl.” Philip said, and put Caro into a separate vehicle.

                Akume shouted. “She’s with us. She’s not innocent.”

                Philip nodded. “I know. I want to complete what you guys never did.” He said, and winked at them.

                Philip ensured that all of Chidi Obi’s men were loaded into the Police trucks and then he walked over to the Policemen. “Thanks guys. We would head for the district in Lagos. I have the phones of Chidi’s main men, we would ensure that there’s no contact and that if there would be, we would be speaking as Akume and Obaro.”

                                “Its okay, Philip. You have got your hands on a big case. Congrats man. We would get these ones locked up for sure, and the big fishes would join soon.”

                Philip smiled and watched the truck move.

                Caro was now dressed.  “You are one hot Policeman, I won’t mind flirting with you.” she said, as Philip approached. “I guess my work is done here.”

                                “I have one favour to ask, Could you please come with us, as another witness?” he asked.

                Caro’s face fell. “I can’t. I don’t want to walk into my own trap.”

                                “I would ensure you don’t go to jail.” He said, holding her hand.

                She shook her head. “I am sorry.” She said, and walked away.

                I could feel Caro’s fear and Pain. She had done everything for her sick old father and now she was scared of losing him. If he knew that she committed such horrendous crimes or that she went to jail, the old man would be devastated.

                                “Philip…do you think she would go to jail?” I asked as Philip as he approached the Car.

                He nodded. “You are a lawyer, you should know better. She has big crimes, she would be charged as an accomplice. She might just get minimal.”

                                “If we pull strings, right?” I asked.

                He shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s a bit cold out here, let’s get going.” He said, and hopped into the front seat with Kolapo. I took my seat with Sameer.

                                “I am sorry, Darlene.” he said

                I smiled. “I am the one who is sorry. I should have taken care of you.”

                                “Must Caro go to jail? She really helped me.” he asked. “She even treated my wounds.” He said.

                Sameer looked awful. I bet he was worse before he was treated. I let Sameer sleep off on my lap. I couldn’t wait for noon.


                Toni showed me Sameer and me a grey suit. “This should fit him perfectly.”

                                “Thank you.” he said.

                                “The bathroom is right around the corner, do hurry up.” She said, looking at her wristwatch “8:45am”

            I sighed and took my seat. “Toni, now I understand what it is to be in this game.”

                                “You really have some nerves going to fetch Sameer by yourselves. You guys should form a detective team. You guys did well.”

                I smiled. “Thank you. I have some bad news though.” I said. Toni straightened up in her seat. “Jake is going to marry Dora.”

                                “What? That’s impossible!”

                I nodded. “It is. After all, Paul married Marie in less than 2 weeks, I guess.” I said, smiling.

                                “How are you holding up about that?”

                I took a deep breath. “I am devastated. I even saw the ring. I can describe it in my sleep.”

                Toni reached out for me and hugged me tightly. “It’s okay, honey. Maybe, you just deserve this for being so indecisive.” We both laughed and tears started to flow from my eyes. “It’s okay, love.”


…to be continued
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5 years ago

This has to be most captivating story I must confess
I’ll give it a159/100

5 years ago

wow love every episode so far

Williams p
Williams p
5 years ago

I don’t know what to say yet but I think the story isn’t complete. I can’t find the final episode yet I wonder.

5 years ago

Abeg the suspense is too much ooo, kudos to you dear.