Please Break My Heart E32 by Tomi Adesina
I stopped at a gift shop to pick up something for Jake. It’s his birthday anyways.
“What kind of a man is he?” the shop attendant asked as we walked through the men’s section.
I stopped to think. Did she expect me to tell her about his personality? “What are you? Some sort of pixie? My telling you about him doesn’t automatically tell you what to give me for him.” I replied.
“But it could help.” She replied politely and with a smile.
What is it with all these polite people? I thought. Dora came to me in a subtle form and now she is practically tearing my world apart ‘politely’. “I will help myself.”
She bowed courteously and walked over to another customer. After some minutes of sight-seeing, I settled for some TM shirts, Pants and Neck Ties. I got a shoe to match. You don’t want to know how much they cost me. Whatever the case might be, my credit card is capable. My gift might seem weird to Jake as I was sure that they weren’t his types of wears, but there wasn’t any harm in trying.
I got off the bus at Jake’s stop and took a stroll into the street. The door to Jake’s flat was open, so I helped myself inside. ‘A better way to surprise him’ I thought. I headed for the bedroom, I would just leave the clothes there and head home and then he would have to come and see me. That way, I won’t have to apologize for being rude to him earlier in the day. As I ascended the stairs, I heard chuckles from the bedroom.
I stopped abruptly and tried to listen to the voices. I heard Jacob’s voice clearly, but I couldn’t hear who the other person was, but it was a female’s. As I tip-toed towards the door, I saw Jake engage in a fun-filled, laughter abundant pillow fight with Dora Williams. My hands shivered cold. I returned to the living room and dropped the gift on his cushion with a birthday card and left.
I walked all the way home thinking about Jake and Dora. Dora had succeeded in taking everything from me, or am I thinking of Jake as my property? The streets were lonely and cold. I felt alone. I leaned against a side bench for support before I finally took my seat. Why was I feeling hurt about seeing Jake and Dora together? I mean, if you can’t love the boy, leave him alone. Or wait, do I love him?
Songs streamed into my thoughts and I had a tough time filtering them. It was as though I was waging a war with my heart. The only solution was to use my I-pod. I was in no mood to listen to sad music, so I played ‘Blink 182’. Kicking back rock, right? Unfortunately, I was playing, ‘I Miss you’.
Thoughts from high school strayed into my heart. Jake had promised me during our Valedictory Service that he would be there for me always, those weren’t exactly his terms. He had said, “Darlene, I will always be there IF YOU NEED ME.” And I had always needed him and I still do, but at the moment, it seemed as though Dora was dear to his heart.
My phone buzzed and a message popped up. It was from Kolapo. It read, “Dora and I broke up, we need to talk.”
“Oh my God!”
Did Dora have to do this to Kolapo? I dialed him back almost immediately.
“Darlene, I want her back.” He said as soon as he picked.
I closed my eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek. “KP, I am sorry.”
“I don’t want the sorry, Darlene. I just want her.”
I sighed. “Where are you?”
“At the beauty parlour.” He replied.
I nodded. “Give me one hour.” I replied and hung up. I walked home in the next twenty minutes. As I hurried into the house, I almost pushed Dad aside.
“I am sorry, Sir.”
He stopped and adjusted his glasses. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
“There’s this place I have to be.” I replied.
He raised an eyebrow. “Jake’s birthday?” he asked. Great! Even Dad remembered Jake’s birthday. “I sent him a message earlier today.”
“Nice of you, Dad!” I replied and hurried up the stairs.
I had a hurried shower and slipped into a jean trouser, polo shirt and an All-star shoe. Time to loosen up and put my driving skills to test. I picked the keys to Dad’s Range Rover sport and started the car. I rode on a 40km/hr out of the estate and when I finally got on the road, I kept to one lane and at the same driving speed. I watched the speedometer religiously as I tried to keep my eyes on the road too.
“Get off the road, Kid!” “U no fit drive?” Insults were hurled at me as I tried to switch lanes. I focused on the steering and didn’t reply the insults. “And you dey drive SUV? The insults continued in Pidgin English, Local languages and all sort. I could care less. I had to start from somewhere. Now more than ever, I was set on driving to the court house on Wednesday.
I heaved a sigh of relief as I pulled up at KP’s Place. He was waiting outside. He probably didn’t know that I was the one in the car; maybe he would have come to meet me. I got down from the car and approached him.
“Wow! You now drive?” he asked staring at the car. ‘Why do people always ask obvious questions?’ I thought. I agree to have spent forty-five minutes in getting to KP’s beauty parlour rather than the normal fifteen minutes, and that puts me in the black book of Lagos city riders.
I nodded in agreement. “Well, it’s a start for me.” As a learner with a name to protect, you should drive at night like I just did. It will help avoid the gaze from people, but if you have a tinted glass like me, you won’t be bothered. We strolled into the beauty parlour. “Beautiful place here.” I said as we walked in.
“Thank you.” he replied, and beckoned at a steward as we took our seat. “What would you have?” he asked. “I’ll be ordering from Mama Cass. It’s just next block.”
Yes, I was desperate to eat! Seeing Jake and Dora had upped my appetite. Today, I would do ‘non-Nigerian’. “Maybe Ham and some roast.” I replied.
“I’ll have the same.” He said to the steward and handed him some cash. “I hope I didn’t cause you much trouble.” He said.
I smiled. “Not at all, we all have problems.” I replied.
He nodded and then started. “Dora ended things with me today.”
“What happened?” I asked.
He wiped his forehead. “We were supposed to have lunch together today; I sent her a text to remind her.” He paused and swallowed. “She didn’t reply, so I had lunch alone, later in the evening I called her and then she said she would be coming over to see me.” He paused to probably catch his breath and say the real deal. “When she got here she said, ‘I am not sure of my feelings anymore, I think we should take a break.’”
COLD!!! How could Dora be so cold??? “I am sorry, Kolapo.” I said. There were cold chills running down my spines. Everything had to be COLD.
The steward returned and handed us the food packs. I was hungry. I opened my pack and started to eat. I hoped for my sake that my ‘eating disorder’ was returning. The Doctors back then told my Dad that I was an emotionally disturbed kid when I had started eating too much. Grandma thought I had a large appetite. I reckon with Grandma.
“I was so shocked. I couldn’t say that I didn’t see it coming but it was all too sudden.” He continued. “I was giving her time to arrange her feelings. We have been together for years now, and it’s been the most magical feeling to me. Dora’s been everything to me.” I listened to Kolapo rattle on about his feelings for Dora and it was obvious that the dude was hurt. Back in high school, I used to be the counselor for most girls when their relationship suffered. I guess my calling was playing again.
Kolapo looked shattered. He finished his food before I could say Jack! On a second thought, the eating disorder might be real for some people. I had to come up with something. “Let’s take a walk.” I suggested.
He nodded and we walked into the night. “The stars come out pretty in the night.”
I laughed. “Of course KP, that’s the only time they come out.” We both chuckled and sat on the grass. I was about to play the psychologist on him. To be honest, I needed help too.
“Do you love Jake?” he asked.
OKAY!!! I guess I was being ‘called to bar’. In this love court, you have to be ‘not-forthright’; I won’t call anything a lie. “Excuse me?” I asked. I wanted to be sure that I heard him right.
“I know you heard me right. Are you in love with Jacob?” he asked.
I took a deep breath. “You do know that Jake and I are friends and that’s all between us. I do not love him.” I said, trying to sound blunt.
“Then you won’t be having many problems with Dora. I think that’s the man she loves.”
HERE COMES TROUBLE!!! Even Kolapo could feel it. I sighed. “Please be patient with her, KP. She just needs to realize herself.”
“I always knew Jake was trouble. From the first day that she told me about him with so much joy in her eyes, I was scared.”
The obvious reality! “Kolapo, you need to calm down. Probably, you guys need time. Maybe after a while, you can try again.”
“You don’t believe that, do you? Once a girl says she needs a break, it’s officially over!” he replied.
I shrugged. “KP, you may be right, but at the same time, maybe we should pay some importance to English. ‘WE SHOULD TAKE A BREAK…literally meant PAUSE…not STOP.’”
“Darlene, even you do not believe what you just said.” He said, sprawling out on the grass. I sprawled out too on the grass. “Darlene, there’s so much about Dora and I that I can’t believe we are falling apart. No one else loved me, it was just Dora.”
I listened as he continued about how he met Dora and how they became close friends and from there they realized themselves and then something ‘magical’ started. Those were his terms. Kolapo went on and on about the ‘magical’ feeling of love and for once I listened to a man talk about what he felt for a woman. It sounded beautiful. Dare had written me something from his heart too, but I swear that if I had this atmosphere with Dare and he could say the nicest words, I would be his that night.
I shifted against Kolapo. “Do you mind reading the stars?”
“I don’t understand.”
I smiled. “Stare at that star far away,” I started, as I pointed to a star afar off. It wasn’t in the clusters. “Even if you are that ‘star’ adrift in nothingness, your spark isn’t worthless, somewhere, somehow, somebody is thankful for your light.”
“Wow! That’s some word.” He said, with a smile.
I nodded. “Glad to see you smile. Someone loves you, Kolapo.”
“And you too, Darlene.”
I nodded with a smile. “That I am sure of.”
We chuckled. “You are quite confident of that.” He said, nudging me in the waist.
“I think you should just be patient with her. Dora would definitely come around.”
He shrugged. “I hope. When a lady sets her eyes on another man, she may never come around and if she eventually does, it might be too late.” He said. “I may be hooked.”
“Won’t you wait on her?”
“I will try, but sometimes, some things are meant to happen. Maybe Jake is for Dora. Maybe I will find someone else. Maybe I have just loved and lost!” He said, staring at me.
Kolapo’s words, especially the ‘Maybe Jake is for Dora’ made my heart pound. Was I ready to lose Jacob? Maybe we had been fooling ourselves about being BFF – Best Friends Forever! Or not? Maybe it was time to let go of the friendship and let him experience love.
Please Break My Heart E33 by Tomi Adesina
Finally! The highly anticipated Season 2 of the Award Winning Romance/ Action thriller “Tarasha” has started. Click HERE to read
By Tomi Adesina
The lights came on as soon as I opened the door to my room. “Ta-da!!! The Lord said, let there be awesomeness and here I am” Dora said as she curtsied. I hissed and sank into my bed.
“What brings you here?” I asked, taking off my snickers. I hurled the shoe towards the door, and the jeans soon joined it as I slipped into my Bum short. Don’t ask about the size of my Bum, I am a figure 8, or hour glass like they say…so you can guess what the backside is like.
Dora joined me on the bed. “It’s been a while since we had a tête-à-tête.” She was right! Our closeness had suffered a great deal and as far as I am concerned, she only made it worse. I stared at her as she smiled. What a smile! Enough to fool anyone like me, I fell for it once, and I won’t. I stood up from the bed and approached the door.
“I am a little bit tired. I have work to do tonight.” I said, holding the door knob.
She stared at me with concern. “Chill sis…are you kicking me out?”
I laughed. “Literally, NO. I am holding my door knob and suggesting that if it is not a great deal of trouble, you should stand up from that bed, take a maximum of 7 steps and…” I paused to catch my breath. “Get OUT!”
She obeyed.
I slammed the door hard and returned to my bed. I started my rehearsals. It was hard to concentrate as there was so much noise coming from outside. Drags, screeches and shattering! “Can we have it quiet here?” I yelled. How sorry I was for calling for some quiet…A very uncharacteristic thing in Sir. Williams’ house then happened. LOUD MUSIC!!! Rock to be precise. Dad could kill if he heard anyone blasting music so loud. I jumped out of my room and the distraction just had to be from Dora’s room.
I drummed heavily on the door. “Dora!!!”
“Leave me alone.” She had turned down to reply me and then she hit it again.
I fumbled with the door knob. A maid soon joined me upstairs. “Is there any problem, Ms. Williams?” she asked.
“Isn’t it obvious?” I asked, eyeballing her. “Just get me one of the security guys to bring down this door.” I ordered.
She nodded and left.
“I am going to bring this door down and pull you by your hair to the zoo!” I ranted as I kicked the door angrily.
The door knob turned gently and I walked in. “What the heck is your problem, Dora Williams?” I asked as I stared into the room. The chairs were scattered, she had broken a portion of the mirror and her bed was unmade. She sat before the mirror and painted her nails.
I scoffed. “Are you throwing tantrums? I think you are too old to throw tantrums, and I hope you are not ignorant of the fact that this Sir. Williams’ house, you have to live by the rules here.”
Now I had given her room to laugh with the ‘Sir Williams’ house’ talk. She caught her breath after a wild laugh. “You know the problem with you, Sis? You grew up with too many rules! You are stoic and you don’t appreciate the good things around you. Open the window and feel alive!” she yelled.
I stared at her confusingly. “How does that correlate with the issue on ground? I can’t relate, Dora.”
“Darlene…you think everyone hates you! I am a huge fan of you, I adore you, but you don’t even care about me. Do you even know what’s going on in my life? I had to end things with KP today, I wanted to talk to you about it, but you sent me out of your room.” She sniffed a bit and cleaned her eyes.
I didn’t know what to believe. Was I supposed to hug her and find out her problem? The pure case of reverse psychology! Dora deserved an Oscar for this act. “Am I supposed to feel sorry for you that you broke up with Kolapo because you want Jake?”
She looked stunned. At least, that’s what her look portrayed to me. “Don’t play innocent with me, Dora.” I scoffed and gathered some scattered clothes from the floor. I dumped them on the bed.
“Darlene, I can’t believe that you could think that I would break up with Kolapo for Jake.”
I continued tidying the room as she rattled on. ‘Show-me-something-about-life’ “Dora!” I shouted abruptly. “Enough of all this façade, It isn’t working with me, Honey.”
She dried her eyes. “Things weren’t working fine between Kolapo and I. He accuses me of having an affair with Jacob, and I can’t believe you are taking his side too.”
I rolled my eyes. “Dora, take care of yourself, I just hope you know what you are doing.” I said and headed for the door. A dart hit the door and I stopped abruptly.
“What?” I yelled as I faced her.
She sobbed. “Darlene, I won’t have you think of me in that way. I love Kolapo and I miss us. We have both changed!”
I laughed. “Dora, isn’t your mom a psychologist? I think you should see her.”
“At least, that’s someone you will NEVER have!”
I swallowed hard and walked out closing the door gently. I left for the kitchen and gently poured myself a cup of grape juice. “You really hit that well, Dora.” I said, talking to myself. I fought back the tears welling in my eyes as I drank. “First, you took my father, now it’s Jake, and to cap up a brilliant display, you remind me that I have no mother.” I continued, as I talked to myself. In a matter of minutes, I had downed the whole content of the Juice bottle.
I left for the garden. Dad was also in the garden, he was surfing the internet. “Is the server in the house down?” I asked, taking my seat.
“Not at all, I just wanted a break from all the noise that Dora was making. I am chatting with Shodipo and so we are having this important discussion, I don’t want to be distracted.” He replied.
I nodded.
“Why is she causing so much noise?” he asked.
I shrugged. “Dad, she’s your daughter, you could ask her.” I replied.
He sighed. “I thought we were past this issue, love. Why are you finding it so hard to accept Dora?” he said, placing his Tab on the side table.
“I have no problems with her; I just think that you should ask her such questions yourself, you know it will mean more to her when you do that.” I said, trying not to sound spiteful.
He smiled. “I am proud of you, honey. You learnt the ropes pretty fast. Do you think I believe you?” he relaxed in his chair and sipped his wine. “Is she taking Jacob from you?”
“Dad???” I asked, as I sipped his wine.
He nodded with a wide grin. “There’s a weird blush on your face.” He said.
“Blacks don’t blush!” I replied, dropping the glass.
He nodded. “I think I have heard that sh*t before from your generation. A girl in love is a girl in love, simple!”
“DAD!!! I am not in love with Jake.”
He smiled. “You can talk about it with me. I am very much experienced in this field, you know.”
I raised an eyebrow.

“Of course.” He said, as he chuckled. “Look, no disrespect to my loving wife, Danielle wasn’t the woman I loved.”
I found myself smiling mischievously. “Was it Olamide Ojo by any chance?”
Dad probed me. “Have you gone detective on my life?” he smiled and then bowed his head and raised it. “Yes, I loved Olamide.”
“Give me the full gist, Pa.” I said, tickling him.
We laughed out loud. “You haven’t called me ‘Pa’ in years, nor have you tickled me. I miss us, Darlene.” I rushed into his arms. The smell of Dad’s cologne hadn’t changed. Dad still had the same Cologne like when I was a little girl and when we were still friends. Adulthood robs you of a lot.
Dad smiled and ruffled his beard gently. “For years, I have lived a sad man’s life, and it was because I chose ‘Classy and Sophisticated over Love’. My blood bled for Olamide, but Danielle was just pitch perfect. She made me look good, my Dad was proud of me when I brought her home.” He paused to re-fill his glass. “Dad loved the way she held her glass, crossed her legs, her etiquettes displayed made one proud. Her smile was for everyone. Danielle was divine!” he sipped and sighed. “I loved her personality.”
I swallowed. “And Olamide?”
Dad smiled. He flushed, bit his lip and smiled again. “That was the woman I loved.” He took a deep breath. “She wasn’t perfect. She wasn’t classy, but she was simple. She loved to have fun. There was this time she made me go Mountain Climbing with her. Olamide was so adventurous.” He rubbed his forehead and continued. “She had always been in love with me, but the way I always rattled about Danielle’s class and all made Olamide propose that she talk to Danielle for me. I loved the idea. I would look good in the Magazines and all with Danielle.” Dad shifted his weight against the chair. “When I started dating Danielle, my friendship with Olamide slowly started to suffer and then I knew that I would miss her, but not as I did. We eventually broke ties completely.”
“Do you still love her?” I asked. Dad stared at the skies and smiled. “Come on Dad, it’s never too late. If you love a woman, you can fight for it. It’s never too late.”
He sighed. “Things have changed between us. Olamide is probably hooked with some guy in the Bahamas now or maybe just bashing cars in Vegas.”
I laughed. “Ho-ho Dad!!! She’s probably too old for that now. Maybe some twenty years ago, she could have been that way, but now everything is different.”
“If you say so, but I don’t think she’ll ever let go of that part. She was always happy.”
I took a deep breath. “Ms. Olamide is in Nigeria.”
He jerked up. “Really? Are you sure about that?”
“Yes Dad. I met her at Dare’s place.”
“Ade-Cole’s boy?”
I nodded.
“Oh well…do you have her contact or anything?”
I shrugged. “I can get it from Dare for you.”
“Never mind.”
I sat up. “Why Dad? Dare is not responsible for this. It’s between you and Ayodeji Ade-Cole, not his son.”
“Exactly my point.” He said as he cleared his throat. “That is why I won’t get her contact from him. I will just send Shodipo a text, I am sure he will have a link.”
I sighed. Old dogs do tricks!
“Back to you Darlene, are you in love with Jake?”
“Dad, I like Jake. I don’t think love is involved.”
He scoffed. “Even though I am not in your heart, I can tell that you are not honest with yourself, or maybe you are yet to realize it.”
“Dad…I am sure.” I said, winking at him.
He smiled. “Do you know what it feels like not to be with the man you love in the end?”
“Come on Dad…I’ll be fine. Jake isn’t the man I love.” I replied, standing up.
He nodded as he rose to his feet. “Have you ever given time for the thought to know what you are doing with Jacob?”
“We are best friends.”
He smiled. “Honey, that’s interesting. Anyway, we would have dinner with the Shodipo’s by weekend. Wole wants to introduce his new business to the family.”
I rolled my eyes. “Do we have to attend it? I mean it has nothing to do with me.”
“Darlene, you know it’s only normal that you attend these functions. You are a Williams.” He said and left.
I stared at him as he walked away. He had left his Tab behind. I tapped the screen lightly and then saw his last e-mail. ‘TWO TICKETS BOOKED FOR A FLIGHT TO BAHAMAS.’ I enlarged the mail. Flight due for Wednesday and My court case starts on Wednesday. Was Dad running away because he was scared that I would lose the case? And if he was, who would be accompanying him on that trip?
“Young lady, that’s my stuff!” Dad said from behind as I tried to check the booking details.
The use of reverse psychology! It wasn’t only Dora who knew how to play the game. “Are you running away to avoid my court case, Dad?”
“That isn’t the case, honey. You were going through my mail. That’s improper.” He said, snatching his ipad from me. “I am not avoiding your case.”
I scoffed. “You don’t think I am capable, right?” I shouted angrily.
“If you would just tame that temper of yours honey, you might stand a chance against Subomi. It’s barely two days away.”
I hissed. “Dad, for a moment, I thought you and I had bonded again like before and we were going to be friends again, but now all I see is a bitter old man who has lost once and is not going to face the present.”
“Easy does it…young lady” Dad said, stepping backward. I raised my voice. “Calm down, Darlene Williams!” he yelled.
I scoffed. “Make me! This is the beginning of my career and it is throwing my father’s fears before me. I won’t allow your fears derail me.”
“I fear for you, Darlene.” he said.
I nodded. “I am not afraid. I am angry!” I said, storming into the house.
“Sometimes that fear is necessary, child.” He called after me.
…to be continued