Please Break My Heart E28 – 29 by Tomi Adesina

PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 - 12 by Tomi Adesina

Please Break My Heart E28 by Tomi Adesina

Dora was sitting with Toni and Gideon when I returned. “Hi sis, having a good evening?” I asked, taking a seat.

                                “It couldn’t be better. Jake did a great job.” She said. She paused and swallowed. “Where is Jake?”

                I sighed. “He’s gone home.”

                                “Why? He didn’t even say he was leaving.”

                I rolled my eyes. “It was an emergency; he had to take KP home.”

                                “KP came?”

                Gideon and Toni gasped. “Isn’t KP your man?” they chorused.

                                “Ya…but he told me that he couldn’t make it, and it turns out he showed up without even letting me know.” She replied dumbly.

                I yanked Dora by the arm away from the table out of the crowd. “KP is your boyfriend and you are having a breach in your relationship, what effort are you doing to salvage it?”

                She threw her hand away furiously and pulled her hair back from her mouth. “KP and I are fine. I don’t know where he is getting his silly ideas from but we are fine. I’ll talk to him. I chose him because I love him.”

                                “I hope so.” I replied and started to walk away.

                She hissed. “Why are you concerned with our relationship? Or is it because of Jake?”

                I paused momentarily and rubbed my forehead. I had to think intelligently, I didn’t want Dora to think that Jake didn’t matter so much, when he did. “What does Jake have to do with this?”

                                “Kolapo thinks I am seeing Jake and I feel you are on KP’s side on this matter, or aren’t you?”

                I smiled and shrugged. “Jake is an adult, you are also an adult, you know what is best for you. I just think Kolapo is a good guy, and he doesn’t deserve to be pushed aside.”

                                “Is that all what concerns you? Are you not scared of losing Jake?”

                A fake smile lurked around my lips. “Why should I be? Jake is not my possession.” I smiled. “Let’s get party.”

                                “Darlene, are you jealous?” she asked seriously.

                I didn’t turn to face her. “I’ll be with Gideon and Toni.” I said and walked away.

                                “You guys were taking forever.” Gideon said, pouring himself a drink.

                Toni made the hand to the ear gesture. “Gideon says a lot of blabber….blabber”

                                “Honey, why do you love to humiliate me?” he asked with a smile.

                She smiled. “You are so adorable when you speak like that.”

They kissed and I admired the passion in it. They were young and so in love. Dora’s return to the table interrupted the kiss. Gideon cleared his throat.

                                “Hi Dora, Hope you are having a good evening.” He said, cleaning his collar. Toni’s lip-stick had stained it.

                Toni laughed. “Gideon, you are so silly honey. You think I love to humiliate you, but here you are smearing lip stick all over your shirt in a bid to clean it.”

                We all laughed.

                                “Can I share in the joke?”

                We turned to see Dare standing behind us. ‘Just what I needed to ruin my evening’

                                “Hi Dare” Toni said.      

                He smiled and took his seat. “Toni, good to see you tonight” He said. He turned towards Gideon. “Hey Man, how are you doing?” he said, offering his hand.

                                “Good. Good food, Good music, Good beer and a Good wife. Of course, I am doing good.” He replied taking the handshake.

                Dare smiled at Dora. “Congratulations, you are looking beautiful tonight.”

                She smiled courteously. “Thank you Dare, you look smart.”

                He nodded in appreciation and took a deep breath. “Darlene, good evening”

                                “I am no monster.” I replied with a smile. “Good evening, Dare.” I said and left the table for the house.

                Dare caught up with me on my way to the house. “Darlene…erm…ah….” He sighed and tried to compose himself. “Darlene, you look beautiful tonight.”

                                “Is that what you chased me down here for?”

                He frowned slightly. “A ‘thank you’ won’t hurt.” He replied.

                                “Thank you.” I said hastily. In my heart, I was in no hurry.

                He sighed. “I am done here.” He said and walked away.

                I refrained from almost calling his name. I left for my room and started to read some journals for the case against Chidi Obi. It was late into midnight before I retired to bed. I punched my pillows hard as I struggled to find some sleep, still I couldn’t. I tried to play some Enya music on my deck but it wasn’t working tonight. So I decided to take a walk to the kitchen. Maybe I could resume my eating disorder like when I was still a lonely teenager. I had battled with my emotions as a teenager. I did a lot of thinking on my own and it made me mature so early.

                Grandma had said to me one day, “Ya growing too fast. You need to slow down kiddo, and live with your mates.”

                I had resulted into eating so much after bedtime, it had helped my loneliness. I opened the fridge and fetched a loaf of bread and a jar of Jam. I had almost gotten to half of the loaf when I stated to doze in the kitchen.

                                “Do you miss your Mom?”

                I raised my head almost immediately. “What did you say?” I asked, staring at Dora’s mother.

“I meant, when you saw me taking Dora up the podium, did you miss your mother?”

                I sighed and put the bread back into the fridge. “I don’t have to discuss this with you.”

                She scoffed. “Who else could you talk to?”

                                “I didn’t have a mother for 24 years, why would I need one now?”

                She smiled cautiously. “You are just like Danielle.” She said, and turned away.

                                “Excuse me? How did you know my mother’s name?” I asked, abruptly.

                She smirked. “My bad! I almost forgot you are a lawyer, how dare I put your detective skills to test?”

                                “Woman, how do you know my mother?” I asked aggressively.

                She smiled. “I like this position where you are. Danielle always got aggressive; it won’t help you against Subomi.”

                                “Are you now stalking my life?”

                She took her seat. “The case against Subomi is public, everyone knows. I am not one to stalk lives; you already had ‘Daniel the psycho’ around you for long.”

                                “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” I yelled.

                She shook her head in disagreement. “Take it easy young lady; you would soon start swearing when you take on Bankole. You need to persevere, Profession up against Passion.”

                                “Get out of here.”

                She smiled. “Am I in your head, Darlene?”

                I had few drops of perspiration gathering on my forehead. I could feel hot sweat trickle down my back. “I don’t want to see you again. How do you know my mother?”

                                “I don’t have to lie to you. I have always liked your Dad, Dora was the emergence of a one night stand to him, but to me, it was something I had all planned in my head. I had envisioned my life with him for a very long time.” She replied, fetching an apple from the fruit bowl.

                I snarled. “You wanted my mom’s life! I always knew something about Dora was wrong, now it’s all clear, and to think I love that girl. I will make you both pay for coming into our lives.”

                                “Forget about Dora. The tiny idiot is innocent, she was so excited to know that you were her step-sister, she has so much respect for you, don’t lose it on my account.” She hurried and paused. “Darlene, I always wanted your mom’s life and I won’t lie about that. I got a child, that was fair, but I never got Williams’s love, that was bad.”

                I broke down in tears.

                                “Cry harder, that’s the only way to get it all out. Fight for justice, you really want to hit me, what is restraining you?”

                I yelled louder.

                                “Composure Darlene, Composure. That’s all you need against Subomi.”

                I screamed out in fear and crawled up near the sink. I was trembling now. “Leave me alone….” I yelled out in fear.

                                “Subomi won’t leave you alone, he is gonna fight till he tears you apart, you are a rookie and he’ll prove it before the whole world. A rookie can’t beat a pro, you will be a testimony to that fact.”

                I cried harder. “I’ll beat Subomi.” I said weakly.

                                “I didn’t hear you. Is the fire of determination burning right in you?”

                I cried out. “I’ll beat Subomi.”

                                “I see fear, frail and anger. Give me the passion that beat Jumoke Bankole, show me the Darlene Williams who breezed through almighty Professor Dean’s class at Harvard University. Show me the Darlene who puts aside her emotions and fights like a real winner. Give me the attitude of a winner!!!” she yelled furiously.


                She hugged me tightly. “You’ll be fine by God’s grace.”

                I woke up in my bed with Dad by my side. As soon as I saw Dora’s mother, I jumped up in fear. “She’s dangerous. She hypnotized me.” I shouted out.

                                “For all the right reasons.” She said, raising the curtains.

                Dad stared at me. “Will she be fine?” he asked.

                                “She will.” She replied.

                I stared at them. “What is going on here?”

                                “She is a psychologist. I want you to be in the right frame of mind before you take on Subomi.”

                I gasped. “So you knew she was hurting me? Dad, she always wanted my mom’s life. She made you sleep with her.”

                He nodded in agreement. “She told me all that too. Let’s put it aside and get you together.”

                                “Why are you interested in the case now?”

                He shrugged. “My fiancée made me understand how badly I have treated you. She has been talking to me and now I understand that I have been a bad father to you, so I just felt that this is the least I can do.”

                I stared at Dora’s mother and she smiled. Was she expecting a thank-you for giving me my father’s attention? “So do you think I am stable to take on Subomi?” I asked.

                                “Not yet, but I feel fire in you. You have a burning desire that can’t be quenched. If you attack Subomi without respect, you will do fine.”

                I nodded and grabbed my bathing suit. “I have to finalize my driving lessons today. I will see you all later.” I said, and stepped into the bathroom.


  “You are welcome to church.” An Usher greeted as I stepped into the ‘House of God’.

Pastor Ben, the church parishioner was standing in the alley. He greeted me with a warm smile. “Hello Darlene”

                “You age slowly Pastor Ben.” I said full of commendation.

He nodded, ruffling his grey beards. “It’s the lord’s doing.” He smiled. “I hear your step sister had her coming out yesterday.”

                “Yes Pastor. And I’d rather you call her my sister.” I replied with my tongue out.

He smiled. “I always knew you would be this tough. Accepting a step sister as a ‘sister’ is tough.” He said, patting me on the shoulder. He stared hard ahead of me with a great deal of surprise in his eyes. “I see you brought a ‘lost sheep’ along.”

I turned round to see Jake. He was wearing grey pants, pink checked shirt and a black shoe. Jake looked funny trying to dress official, his shirt had made a mess of everything.  “Happy Sunday Pastor, I hope I still fit into ‘God’s society’.” He said, with his hands in his pockets.

Pastor Ben was all smiles. “You are always welcome into ‘God’s society’; this is the only place you won’t be rejected.” He reached for Jake and hugged him. “I have missed you son.”

                “Me too, the church is all different. It’s been how many years since I last came here.” He said. They walked over to the instruments. “The Organ is all rusty.”

Pastor Ben. “No one has played her in a while. She’s been here for years; we thought we would keep her as an antique.” He blew some dust away from the Organ’s Top with his mouth. “A church antique will do, right?”

Jake dusted the Organ and tapped the chords gently. “They still come out good.”

                “You remind me of when you were fifteen Jake; you were so zealous for Christ. You would be here as early as six in the morning to play the Organ. Where did those years go?” Pastor Ben asked with a questioning look. I had tried to stay close to them as they talked.

I watched as Jake bowed his head. He rose it, but not without tears in them. I was tempted to run to him. “It feels good to be back, Pastor Ben.”

The tension between Jake and Pastor Ben pricked me so I stepped out for some air. I took a walk round the church. Children rushed into their classes for the Sunday school and adults strolled into the main auditorium. I took a quick peek into the church and Pastor Ben and Jake were no longer at the Organ. They had probably left for the parish office.

I took my seat beside an elderly woman. Typically, as a youth, you dread seating beside an elderly Nigerian woman during a church service or any function that has a mixed audience in ages. I ‘technically’ regretted my choice to seat beside Mama Adeoti, one of the elderly women in the church. I had known her since I was a kid. She was the chief ‘Mrs. Nosy’ then; no information could pass without her noticing it. She criticized the lady who led the Praises and Worship; she said her skirt was too tight and that her rhythmic movements were to appease the congregation.

I then said to her. “But Mama Adeoti, Lucy is wearing a robe. It is to reduce the effect of what you are saying.”

She hissed. “Lucy is Lucifer’s daughter. Her skirt is too tight, and I can notice, FINAL.” She adjusted her half-mooned spectacles and peered further into the church. Mama Adeoti made me wonder if we weren’t committing more sin by talking about people’s dresses than ‘catching the sermon’.

She shifted grounds to attacking Jake. “That honey Jake has changed. He used to wear suspender jeans when he was a kid, now I know he has a striped boxer under his pants.” I felt very uncomfortable. “And those biceps are too big, ‘Omo buruku’ she said in Yoruba, an indigenous Nigerian language meaning ‘Bad Child’. “I can see through his shirt. He should wear shirt sizes like Bishop Olu.”

                “BISHOP OLU???” I asked with a questioning gaze. Bishop Olu wore XXXL shirt. That man has his own seat in the church; Jake could kill Mama Adeoti for that!

She snorted. “And then his hair is too full. He should have a clean cut; else I will be doing that for him with Veet removal cream.”

                “VEET???” I had had enough. I prayed earnestly for the service to come to a close as Mama Adeoti continued taking swipes at everyone including Pastor Ben.

She nudged me in the waist when she noticed I was trying to ignore her. “Doesn’t Pastor Ben know he is getting old? He still wears fitted shirts. Last evangelism, he wore a Lacrosse Polo. My grandson isn’t allowed to wear Lacrosse yet.” She shoved her hand up. “We all need Jesus.”

                “You sure are right!” I said with a relief thinking she had halted her sermon and would give me room to listen to Pastor Ben preach.

She smiled revealing her broken teeth. “Glad to have touched your life.”

Yeah right! After Pastor Ben’s sermon which I struggled to listen to, no thanks to Mama Adeoti, I joined him outside the church.

                “You were heavily distracted by Mama Adeoti today. You should choose your seat properly next time.” He said.

I nodded. He waved to some members as they exited the church.

                “So how is the case against Chidi Obi coming? The whole community is rooting for you to land that man behind bars, maybe justice can get served.”

Chidi Obi had been involved in many illegal take-overs in the country. If not for being a clergy man, Pastor Ben might have led a riot against Chidi Obi in the event of an old people’s home donated by the church which Chidi Obi had bought several years ago and converted to a Strip Club. The Church didn’t have enough funds to put up a resistance to Chidi Obi, and it really hurt Pastor Ben who was a youth Pastor at that time.

                “I am optimistic, but everything seems to be going for Subomi. He has a very vast resume; I might have to wait some more years to top that.”

Pastor Ben snapped. “Never mind, you’ve got God on your side, if you believe in him and learn to love and trust him more. Maybe you should come around more often.”

I rolled my eyes. Pastor Ben was trying to lure me to church. “I am a busy lady.”

                “Too busy to serve God? Darlene, you might be beautiful, smart and a hot prospect, but without God, my dear, you are a waste.”

WASTE!!! Now, that did hurt! Pastor Ben just ridiculed my standings. Humble pie swallowed! “I’ll see you around Pastor Ben.”

                “Speaking of which, there is a youth camp around the corner, I was thinking of inviting you to speak to some aspirants, they are really looking forward to having you minister to their lives, in the best way you can.” He said.

I shrugged. “I’ll look at my schedule as soon as I get the invite. I have a busy week ahead, I am up against Subomi on Wednesday, and I have to take my leave now.” I said hastily.

                “God be with you child. All the best”

I nodded in agreement. “Later sir”

I joined Jake close to the car park. “Brother Jacob” I teased softly.

                “Sister Darlene” he replied laughing.

I stared at him carefully. “Did you really come to church today? That’s a miracle.”

He nodded. “I needed to talk to God.”

                “You can always do that in your room. Anyways, I appreciate your effort towards Dora’s coming out. It was special.”

He smiled. “It was the least I could do.”

 “Hope you didn’t hit KP?” I asked, with a smile.

He shrugged. “I didn’t have a reason to, except that the guy has a wrong impression about me, I like him.” He opened the door of his car. “Let’s go.”

                “I don’t want to go in your car.”

He looked surprised. “Why is that?” he asked.

                “We came separately. I suggest we return in like.”

He maintained the look. “Darlene, you are beginning to surprise me these days in your actions and words. What is the big deal if I drop you home? You never seemed to mind.”

                “Oh well, things change Jacob.”

Jake sighed. “Okay, do you mind if I give you a ride?” he asked.

                “Gotcha! Look at your face, Jake. I was just kidding you.”

He sighed and opened the door. “Okay then.” I got into the car and he closed the door after me. “Your joke was flat.” He started.  “So, how’s the case against Subomi coming?” he asked as he started the engine.

                “Slowly, but surely”

He smiled and drove off. “How about your driving lessons?”

                “Cetris paribus, I will be fit to carry a learner’s tag by tomorrow.” I replied, proudly. My smile was a large one.

Jake laughed sarcastically.

                “Every artist was first an apprentice!” I retorted sharply, as I got the notion that Jake was trying to mock me.

He nodded. “I know that. It’s just that this apprentice seems to me like an expert in every other thing. Do you really want to use a learner’s tag?”

                “Of course, I am a learner and I will use it until I am a professional. I intend to drive to the court on Wednesday.”

Jake laughed. “You are such a joke! I guess you want to fail that case before you step up to Subomi.” He replied. I was surprised at his comment so I shot at him. “First, you WILL arrive late because you will be busy driving with a manual preset in your head from your driving school.” He continued. He swerved past a truck swiftly. “That’s something you won’t be able to do yet.” He said, sticking his tongue out at me. “Second, that will be social suicide; you don’t want the press seeing an ‘L’ tag behind your ride.”

  “What do I care about the press? I am only bothered about getting to the court late. I might leave the office two hours earlier.”

Jake laughed harder. “If I get you right, you are gonna be driving for 2 hours for a 30-45 minutes journey. Darlene, swallow your pride and ask me to chauffeur you, I don’t charge much.” He said, revealing his teeth.

I wore a grimace. “Dare might drop me off.”

                “Oh really, I see you guys are really getting close. Is he less offensive now?”

I nodded in agreement. “Yes, he is a changed man.” ‘Changed man?’ Did I just say that?

                “Good for you. That will make your work much easier.” He said, as he turned into my street.

He parked in front of the gate and opened the car door for me. “Here you go madam. I’ll call you later.” He said.

Jake appeared not to care too much about me saying that Dare might be taking me to the court house. That bothered me. He dropped me off and didn’t even suggest wanting to come in and that seemed totally unlike Jacob. I could place a bet now that something was under the rocks between him and Dora.

                “Jake…erm…um….it’s okay. Later.”

He smiled. “Darlene, you don’t stutter with me. What’s up?”

                “Nothing, I am just a bit tired. Thanks for dropping me home.”

He jumped into the car. “I’ll see you later then.”

Was that all? “Won’t you say ‘hello’ to Dora?” I asked dumbly. First sign of obvious jealousy!

Jake grinned as though he had ‘got me’. “We talk all the time. I’ll call her.” He replied and drove off.

                                “We talk all the time. I’ll call her” I mimicked as I pressed the bell.


Please Break My Heart E29 by Tomi Adesina

KP and Dora were having lunch in the garden. They looked happy. At least, that’s what I think I saw. “Did you guys go to church?” I asked as I approached them.                                 “We did. Please join us for lunch.” KP offered.                 I smiled faintly. “I have a lot to do. Have fun guys.” I replied. Dora didn’t say a word as she returned to her lunch.  “Hi Dora”                                 “Hi sis.” She replied quietly.                 I probed her with my look. “Are you alright?”                                 “Yes, I am good” she replied with a quick nod.                 I shrugged and walked away. I immediately turned on my laptop and sent a message to the manager of the hotel where I intended to lodge Sameer. In the spirit of Muslim festive season, Sameer had insisted in wearing his turban into the country. I was trying to hide him from Chidi Obi’s guys. He wouldn’t bulge.                 He had said on our conversation on Skype. “Insha Allah, I will be in this Turban.” He said, displaying his Red and White Turban.                                 “It’s for your safety, Sameer.” I pleaded.                 He smiled. “If I die because of this, it’s for a good cause. Barka da Sallah”                 A staunch Muslim faithful can’t be unnerved.  I immediately dialed Tom Frost, the American that owned the exquisite ‘Emerald Hotels and Suites’ he had been a friend of the family for a while now. So I had asked him for a favour to bring Sameer in from Dubai from his trip as an escort. Sameer was dressed like a Muslim lady as he had insisted that he wanted his Turban on.                 Fifteen minutes later, Tom’s call came in. “Emerald Hotels Check! Suite 105.”       “Copy.” I replied and cut the call. I was a bit skeptical about Sameer’s safety. I didn’t want his location compromised. I was going to meet up with them at the hotel in about an hour. I trusted Tom Frost to be a good host, but I wanted to see Sameer. I called a cab to pick me up.                 I arrived at the hotel in about 45 minutes and went up to Suite 501. Tom Frost had told me the Suite in reverse as 105 just in case we had a situation.                                 “Darlene Williams.” Sameer said as I stepped in with Tom Frost. “Good friend Tom here has been helpful.” He said, smiling at Tom.                 We ordered a bottle of champagne as we started our discussion. “How was your flight?”                                 “Swift. Thanks for the first class treatment.”                 I smiled. “You are welcome. All I want is for the truth to be told.”                                 “Obi is a bad man. He robbed Mr. Davis and I want to see him pay for his crimes.”                 We spoke at length before I decided to leave the hotel. “Please I want you to stay safe Sameer. No wanderings and please do your prayers indoors. After Wednesday, you’ll be free to return to Dubai.”                                 “Thanks a lot, Darlene.” He said. “I’ll be careful.” He added.                 I left for the bar where Mr. Davis was waiting.                                 “How is the witness?” he asked.                 I took a seat. “He is in good spirits. I advise we stay away from this hotel till the case is over; I don’t want us traced to Sameer. He is our only lifeline.”                                 “In that case, I suggest we take our leave. I am scared of my grand daughter’s life being in danger.” He said, standing up. “I just want my family safe.”                 I could understand Mr. Davis’s plight. Dotun and Wura had a baby girl, any crook would go after the weak link and probably have the child kidnapped or harmed. “Why don’t you fly them out?”                                 “I already made arrangements for them to love the country tomorrow, but I am concerned, there’s a lot of hours from tonight till tomorrow for Obi to strike.” He said as we strolled out. “How tight is Sameer’s security?”                 I rubbed my chin. “A guy is sharing his suite; two guys are staying opposite his Suite. I have some guys opposite the hotel watching from a distance. There’s a standby get-away vehicle just in case we get compromised.” I continued as I briefed him on the security details.                                 “Safe to say, Sameer is well guarded.”                 I nodded in agreement. “I have the best guys in the country guarding him. Just keep your family safe, Sameer will be fine, Insha Allah.” We chuckled softly and approached his Car. Gunshots went off immediately from the pent suite of the hotel. Tunji Davis and I ducked quickly behind his car as we tried to hide. I stared at the shattered blood stain glass and it could only mean one thing, Sameer had been killed. Now we had to take cover. Tunji Davis and I tried to get into the car and he sped off. “We are been chased, Mr. Davis.” I bleated.                 He took a quick peek through his mirror. “Reach for the glove box and get my gun. That should distract them a bit, I guess.”                 I tried reaching for the gun. “Here” I pointed it at him.                                 “Shoot at them”                 I shook my head in disagreement. “I don’t know how to use a gun.” I begged.                                 “Oh my God.” He sighed. “Please dial Dotun and tell him to vacate the house as soon as possible.”                 I immediately delivered the message to Mr. Davis’s son. Oil money is no joke! People kill for Oil. I sent a distress call to the police and tried calling my Dad.                                 “What is it, Darlene?” he asked desperately.                                 “Dad, we are being chased by some assassins.” I cried into the receiver.                                 “Your location.”                 I immediately provided him with the location and dropped the call. I slid over to the back seat and watched the vehicles chasing us frantically. Mr. Davis maintained a speed of 200km/hr and above and he was doing fine.                 Two vehicles were soon catching up and then we received a call from the police instructing us to lead them into an ambush. We drove right into the lonely dark street where the police men were in waiting and then turned off the engine. The vehicles stopped behind us. I said the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ repeatedly as some men approached Mr. Davis car from the parked vehicles.                 Mr. Davis smiled. “It was nice working with you.”                 I smiled back boldly. Gunshots went off bodies dropped like Dead birds that were hunted down. After there was calm, there was a light tap on the window.                                 “It’s the police here. You can come out.”                 We remained in the car and didn’t unlock it. If they were police indeed, there had to be a proof. My phone vibrated. I had put it on the vibrating mode immediately the chase started. Dad was calling.                                 “It is the Police honey, you guys can come out.”                 I wasn’t convinced. “How can you be so sure?”                                 “I just got a call from them that you are refusing to step out of the car.” He replied. I stared through the tinted glass and saw Police officers surrounding the vehicle and some taking notes of the killed men.                 Mr. Davis held his rifle boldly and pushed the door open. He shot into the air and the Police scrambled to the floor. I joined him outside staring at dead bodies of the assassins who chased us.                                 “Hi Darlene.” One of the police officers said.                 I turned to see his face. “Hey, I remember you. Officer Philip, right?”                 He nodded with a smile. “Ya. How’s Jake Behaving?”                                 “He’s been good since community service.”                 He raised an eyebrow. “For real? That guy doesn’t seem to me like one to change from his ways. He is a trouble shooter.”                 We both laughed. We were escorted home in the Police Van by Officer Philip. We dropped Mr. Davis off first, luckily, Dotun and his family had fled instantly on his Dad’s order. They had a chopper on their pent house so fleeing wasn’t a big deal for them.                 I rushed into Dad’s arm as soon as I got down from the truck. “It’s okay my angel, this is just a few of the slight things you might face as a lawyer.”                 I released myself from the hug. “Dad???”                 He smiled. “Of course D, what did you expect? We are talking about Oil here, that’s a demon on its own. So much money is involved baby.”                 I frowned.                                 “Okay, I am sorry. Are you alright?”                 I nodded. “Yes I am. Thanks Dad.” Jake pulled up in his car and rushed to me. “Are you okay?”                                 “How did you hear about it?”                 He hissed and hugged me. “What do you care?” Jake and I left for the house while Dad spoke to the Policemen. Dora was waiting in the hallway.                                 “Darlene!” she said ecstatically and hugged me. “You had me scared to death.”                 ‘Yeah yeah…perfect chance to have my life in total, Jake would be all yours if I had died’ I thought. I released myself from the hug. “I am fine now. I need to take a shower.” I said, leaving for the stairs.                                 “I will make you something to drink.”                 I shrugged. “I don’t think I want anything.”                                 “Come on D, you need to take something.” She urged.                 I rolled my eyes. “I am too terrified to eat.” I replied.                                 “Darlene, you need something.” Jake said.                 I raise my hand up in defeat. “Fine.” I said and left for my room.                 I knelt down and offered a prayer to God for keeping me alive. I then put a call through to Tom’s phone. It went to the answering machine. “Sameer…” I murmured softly and broke down in tears. I had grown fond of my Arabian Witness. I loved his faith, will and strength and now he was no more. I remember him saying that if he died for this cause, it would be noble. How more noble could a man be? I thought.   There was a light knock on my door. I opened it and saw Dare standing before me. I hugged him tightly.                                 “I am sorry.” He said, as he wiped my tears.                                 “I was so scared.” I confessed to him.                 Jake cleared his throat as he placed a glass of juice on the table. He had brought Dare upstairs and was standing behind Dare when I hugged him. “I’ll be in the kitchen.” He said, and closed the door after him.                 I led Dare to a seat. He cleared his throat and started, “Sameer is…”                                 “Don’t bother.” I said, sniffling.                 He took a deep breath. “Sameer is in my house.”                 I widened my eyes and smiled with so much joy. “Are you sure?”                 He nodded smiling. “Yes, Tom brought him over. They killed some guys and had to flee, luckily, they called the Firm and I picked them up.”                 I hugged Dare again. “Thank you” I whispered.                                 “Darlene, I love you and I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said. I slowly released myself from the hug and cleared my throat. “Could you please pass the juice?” I requested.                 Dare nodded and passed the glass of juice. “I’ll be downstairs.” He said and left for the door.                                 “Dare.” I called. He paused as he held the door knob. “Please don’t go.” He stared at me. “At least not now, I am a bit scared. Everything freaks me out now.”                 He sighed and took his seat. I stayed close to him and leaned on his shoulder into the night.. _____ By Tomi Adesina What a Sunday! Well, it’s Monday now. I had slept off on Dare’s Shoulder. I turned off the alarm. It had been buzzing since 5am, but I remained in bed until 6am. After my experience last night with those Assassins, I wouldn’t be maimed for sleeping till 8am. Should I?                 I grabbed my laptop and hurried for the kitchen. I was desperate to eat. Noodles, Oats, or Bread? I had to make a choice. I grabbed the Oats and immediately made a meal. 7:45AM!!! Now Dare would have my head for his own breakfast. I hurried downstairs and flung the gate open.                                 “Hi D.” Jake said, as I stepped out.                 I smiled. My Guardian Angel. “What are you doing here?” I asked.                                                                                                                                   “Waiting for you.”                 I raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me? You don’t always have to wait for me.”                                 “I can’t let you walk the streets on your own. Come in.” he said, opening the door.                 I stared at him till he gestured to the car. “Come on Darlene. It’s me, your Jake. You are safe.” I smiled and stepped in.                                 “Thank you.” I said as he started the engine.                 I hurried into the elevator. It was already 9am. I had arrived late for work. I ignored Bola’s greetings and dropped my bag in the office.                                 “There’s a conference meeting.” She managed to say as I rushed towards the conference room.                 Dare was in the meeting with all the board members, this time, Mr. Ayodeji Ade-Cole was in attendance. “Good morning sirs.” I said as I pushed the door open. The board room was silent as they all stared at me. Dare was giving a presentation as I walked in.                                 “I am so sorry.” I said, clumsily.                 Dare rubbed his hair to indicate that I had my hair a bit ruffled. I immediately adjusted my hair and slid into a seat. “Where were we?” I asked indicating that the meeting continued. Mr. Ayodeji Ade-Cole cleared his throat. “Ms. Williams, this is totally unacceptable! You can’t stroll in for a board meeting at 9am and you know that this concerns the court case on Wednesday. I am not happy.”                                 “Ahem!” Dare stuttered into the discussion. “Dad, erm…”                 Mr. Ayodeji Ade-Cole shot at Dare. “No DAD, its Sir!”                                 “I am sorry Sir, but, Ms. Williams here has been through a lot in the last 24 hours, she was chased by gun men and I fear it is relating to this case, so we might excuse her lateness a bit.” Dare said.                 There was a lot of murmuring among the board members. Dare’s Dad beckoned to him and then Dare came over to me. “Please step outside, I’ll send for you.”                 I nodded and exited the board room. I leaned against the door and took a deep breath. I just hoped that the board members might be a bit considerate. Dare joined me outside almost immediately.                                 “What did they say?” I asked.                 He took my hand and smiled. “Everything is okay.” He took me by the hand and we walked into the board room. He ushered me to a seat.                                 “I am sorry.” I apologized again.                 Mr. Ayodeji smiled. “Its fine Ms. Williams, I am sorry too.” The board meeting continued for the next hour and then all the members left the room leaving Dare and I. “Thanks for standing up for me.”                 He smiled at walked over to me. “Darlene, even if I didn’t do that for you, you would still find your way around them.” He said, taking my hand with a smile.                                 “Now what does that mean?” I asked, smiling in a sheepish manner.                 He looked at me with a great deal of seriousness. “You are a charmer.” The next few moments felt sensual in my stomach.                                 “Ahem! I’ll say you said so.” I said, leaving for the door.                                 “Why do you keep running away from the truth?” he asked, taking a seat.                 I paused and held the door handle. “What truth, Dare?”                                 “I know you care about me.”                 I smirked. “In your dreams.”                                 “That’s a start.” He said with a corny laughter.                 I shook my head and opened the door. Reina stood before me.                                 “We meet again.” She said with a cynical laugh.                 I rolled my eyes and tried to step out of the way but she stood in my way.                                 “Not too fast, I thought I told you to leave Ade-Cole Firm.” She started.                 I hissed. “I thought I would never see you again too.” I said.                 Dare joined us at the door. “Easy ladies, can we talk about this inside and not start up anything here.” He said ushering Reina and I into the board room.                                 “What do you want here, Reina?” Dare asked.                 She stared at him and smiled. “Baby, you know I come around anytime I feel like it.”                                 “Baby, you know I come around anytime I feel like it.” I mimicked sounding like a cartoon character.                 Reina covered her mouth in some sort of mocking laugh. “Did Ade-Cole’s Firm executive just sound like that?” she said as she laughed. “Honey, you need to grow up.” She said, laughing at me.                                 “I thought she sounded cute.” Dare said, defending me.                 Reina scoffed. “Baby, I am not surprised you are taking her side, it’s your first approach towards getting any girl you want, then you get her pregnant and then you kill her kid.” She said and wiped a tear from her eye.                 JEEZ!!! Reina is the world’s biggest hypocrite! Now she was set on making Dare feel bad.                 Dare raised his eye up. “Reina, I thought we have passed this issue on Tobi’s death.”

“Really? Every night I sleep and think of my son. He would still be alive if you had been a man and done what a man should do.” She shouted angrily.                 I stood up. “I think I should leave.”                 Reina laughed. “Oh please Darlene, you have to stay and know the kind of man you are going to be working and sleeping with, Slut.”                                 “I beg your pardon.” I said. NO ONE DARES THE WILLIAMS IN ME!                 Reina smiled. “The man you are going to be working AND sleeping with, SLUT!” she emphasized. She didn’t have to finish her line before I hit her in a school girl’s way – A SLAP!                 Reina rubbed her cheek. “That really hurt, Ms. Williams.” She said, as she took a seat. “But I am not gonna react, because I am classy and you are thrash.”                                 “Really?”                 Dare held his head. “STOP THIS!”                                 “You stop it Dare, this is your girlfriend or wife or whatever coming to the office to harass me, I am just a staff, is this also office policy?” I raged in anger.                 Dare stared at me and then smiled. “You care Darlene, you just called her my wife, and it shows that you care.”                                 “Why are men so dumb?” I asked as I cursed in Spanish.                 Reina swallowed. “Dare, are you really gonna end up with this girl?”                 Dare took his seat. “Reina, it’s not your business and I think you have overstayed.”                                 “It is my business! We shared a child together, Dare. I am concerned for you. This kid is rude.” She said, staring at me.                 I officially brand Reina a ‘Psycho’. She just called me a ‘KID’                                 “Reina, I won’t have you talk to Darlene in that manner.” Dare replied.                 She laughed and fetched her whisky from her bag.                                 “Reina, classy women don’t carry whisky around.” I said.                 She nodded as she gulped. “Dare is responsible for everything. Ever since Tobi left us, Dare became a monster, he stopped seeing me .” She said, as she drank. She choked slightly and continued. “This guy is not a man.”                 Dare bowed his head. “I thought you went for a reformation. Nothing has changed, Reina.”                 She laughed. “So you were expecting a change from a woman you destroyed.”                 I stared at them, not sure if it was pity or spite in my eyes. They both needed to sort themselves out. Dare stared at me. “She’s drunk.” He said.                 I smiled. “For all the right reasons, I guess.” He scoffed and stared at Reina. “Reina, this is a board room, not some brothel downtown, so if you don’t mind, stop drinking.” She laughed. “Now, you want me to stop drinking. You used to like me drink, you said I was hotter when I drank. Why are you making me look bad before Cinderella here?” She said, staring at me. “Or are you not Cinderella?” she asked, laughing.                 “This is not looking good. Do I call a Doctor?” I asked. She let out a loud laugh and threw the can towards my direction. I dodged it swiftly and avoided a scar on my face. “You are lucky, Cinderella. Are you trying to say I am insane?” she said, stuttering.      “It’s obvious that you are a bit on the down side and you need to get help as soon as possible.” Dare said as he approached her. She held her hair and screamed. “I don’t need any help. All I need is Tobi, my son, our son!” she said, and sobbed gently.                 “Tobi is dead, and he’s not coming back to us. Please understand that Reina. You can’t keep flogging yourself over this.” He said, and hugged her. She held on to him tightly. “Please don’t let me go, Dare. Marry me please; I want you in my life. I will die if you leave me, please baby.” She said, and kissed his neck. This is officially a psycho case. Dare has his hand full with Reina, probably he’ll forget about whatever love he claims to feel for me. Reina needed help, not Dare’s love. If she claimed that Dare hurt her so much, I couldn’t understand why she wanted him so bad.                 “Dare is mine. He is mine…go away Cinderella.” She said. I smiled faintly and headed for the door.                 “Darlene, you know Dare and I made our son in this board room and on this floor, this might just be our second baby. The rebirth of Tobi” I was disgusted. There was an awful grimace on my face as I stared at them. Dare angrily pushed her away. “I have had enough!” he yelled. “Tobi was not even MY SON!” …to be continued

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