PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 – 12 by Tomi Adesina

PLEASE BREAK MY HEART E11 - 12 by Tomi Adesina


“Fond memories, right?” Dare asked Toni as we ate. She gave a sheepish smile. I flashed at her in annoyance. How could they be talking of fond memories when I had no idea of what their discussion was about. Toni would not bulge.

                                “Except, that we are replacing a face here,” she replied.

                                “For our sakes, I wouldn’t call it replacing, more of changing.” He said.

                ‘How is replacing different from changing?’ I thought. My salad was going cold as I drummed my fork effortlessly on the plate. It was not responsible for any of my problems yet I could genuinely dish my anger out on the plate.

                                “I hope you don’t feel lost, we were just catching up on old memories.” Dare said, as if he had read my thoughts. I scoffed. ‘Why were they acting as though they did not work in the same office, or as if they were just meeting for the first time?’ I had no idea of what they were discussing and what they should have done was to save their discussion for later, maybe in the car when I could distract myself with my Blackberry. Reaching for my phone now will seem inappropriate; it is called lunch, not talk time!

                                “Not lost!” I replied, almost too sharply. Toni immediately cleared her throat to cover up what could have been likened to a ‘jealous housewife reaction’ if noticed by other customers. “I meant, I am not lost, something caught my throat,” I lied.

                                “Sorry about that. You have barely touched your salad, do you want to re-order?” Dare asked.

                If Salad could be cold on my tongue, I wondered what wouldn’t be at this junction. “No, thank you.” I replied.

                                “Toni and I used to frequent this place with Reina when she still worked with us.” He said, sipping his wine. “She loves very classy environments, I won’t be surprised to find her here,” he added. I remained mute. “Are you sure you don’t want to re-order?” he asked, staring at me.

                I smiled as I swallowed some salad. That felt like a bitter pill to swallow. “I am fine, you see.” Who was I trying to convince? I guess more of myself. I snapped out of my thoughts and sipped my wine. “When is my first practice session?” I asked.

                                “You are quite eager about getting into our playground.” He replied. “It will take a while, after the annual meeting this Friday, we will look into the date.” That meant good news for me. “Do you guys mind visiting the park with me?” he asked.

                ‘Now he feels like running and he needs company,’ I thought. I looked at Toni, who had no objection as she flashed a smile. “It’s okay by me.” The rest of the lunch was a bit quiet, except for the occasional, ‘hope you aren’t offended with my presence?’ question asked by Dare. I remained mute. I did not give any answer to Dare’s questions. A smile was enough.

                We strolled into the central park. I walked by Toni’s side putting her in the middle, I did not want to walk beside Dare. “I will just sit over there while you get on tracks.” I said, approaching a bench.

“Who said anything about me running?” he asked.

                I shrugged. “You don’t have to.”

                                “I brought us here to see you run,” he replied, staring at me.

                                “Yeah…right!” I drew a dry hiss and sat on a bench. Dare left with Toni. ‘Who does he think he is’ I asked myself. ‘This isn’t the office and he can’t be dishing out orders to me. If he misses Reina so much, he could send for her to amuse him by running round the park, but certainly not me!’ I said aloud.

                Dare returned with Toni and some clothes. “Here you go dear, just change in the bathroom over there,” he said, pointing at the bathroom on the far left. “Hurry, those ladies are waiting for you,” he waved at some ladies who waved back.

“You can’t be serious.” I replied.

                                “It’s just for the fun,” Toni said.

                                “Fun? I think you should enter for the contest Toni.” I replied, standing up. “I am sorry that you both wasted your time going to get me clothes, but I am not interested in a race”

                Dare sighed. “It’s fine Darlene. I was just pulling your legs anyways,” he replied.

                                “Thanks for the scare.” I replied, clutching my bag to my arm.

                                “You are such a chicken Darlene,” Toni said. “I can’t believe that you are scared of the crowd here,” she added quickly.

                I scoffed. “I am only being cautious, not scared” I replied. “Well, I suppose we are done here.”

                                “Apparently, since you refused to partake in a challenge, we have nothing else to do here; we will be heading back to the office.” He replied. “I will go and get the car.” He added and left.

                I flashed at Toni in annoyance. “What were you thinking?” I asked.

                                “It’s not that much of a big deal Darlene; we just wanted you to compete with the other women in the race. I felt that you will do well in the race.” She replied, smiling.

                                “Really? And you didn’t figure that you would fare better in the race? If Dare wants amusement, there are better ways to get it, not through me!” I replied.

                Toni shook her head. “It’s all over now, you can calm down. You look worked up. I think you were more scared of not impressing Dare than not getting on the tracks.” She added with a smile.

                                “Come on Toni, I have no reason to impress him.” I replied, with my eyebrows raised. “Here comes Dare.” I said, as I sighted him. “Shall we?”

                The journey to the office continued with Dare and Toni chattering about high school days, especially the Prom event, with Dare likening himself to a Prince on that night. I forced myself to listen to my I-Pod as I struggled with making selections from Owl City to Adele, they would play low, and I was still interested in listening to Dare and Toni. I was the first to hop out of the car when we arrived at the office.

                                “Darlene, a postman came here looking for you at lunch.” My secretary said, as I approached her. “He left this note for you.” She stretched out a paper to me.

                                “Thanks Bola.” I replied, and walked into my office.

                I opened the note slowly. “Let’s see who we have here.”  I raced to the address. It came from Bahamas. “Jake is such a kid. What happened to emails?” I said aloud. Since it was from Jake, I could read it on my way home. I folded it and dropped it in my bag. I turned on my laptop and started reading law tips. I had to prepare for my practise session. I called an Events House to book a meeting with them after work; Dora’s coming out party had to be planned. I would have had Jake plan it if he was available, but due to his absence, I had to plan it.


                I was glad when the clock struck 5pm. I had to catch the bus at Broad Street. I hurried to the elevator.

                                “Darlene, can you spare a minute?” Dare said as he stuck his head out of his door.

                ‘You have to be kidding me,’ I thought. “Yes Boss.” I replied and left for his office.

                                “Sorry to delay you but I need you to take a look at a few files for me.”

                I placed my bag on a seat. “Where are the files?”

                                “I am sorry I lied, I need to talk to you.” He said, looking worried.


“Is there a problem?” I asked, taking my seat.

                Dare sighed. “I need a favour from you.” He said. “I won’t like you to refuse me this one”

                                “It depends on what you want from me.”

                He cleared his throat. “I want you to go out with me tonight, I am meeting up with some friends tonight, and I want you to accompany me.”

                I let out a horrid laugh. “Dare, what do take me for?” I asked.

                                “I don’t understand your question.”

                I sighed. “You entered me for a competition unannounced earlier today, and now you want me to accompany you to see your friends. Don’t you think you are taking me for granted?”

                                “Do you feel offended by my actions?”

                                “Of course!”

                He shook his head. “It was not my intention.” He replied. “You may leave.”

                I stood up and reached from the door. “What do you want from me?” I asked.

                                “Your friendship.” He replied.

                I smiled. “You have it.” I opened the door.

                                “Will you go out with me tonight? To a movie? I will cancel with my friends.” He asked.

                                “Why will you cancel with your friends for me?”

                He stood up and approached me. “They have been friends forever, they will understand. So, will you?”


                                “I will pick you by 7.”

                                “See you later,” I replied, and left.

                What was I thinking? Agreeing to go to the movies with Dare on a Monday night implied lateness to work on Tuesday. I joined the bus and left for home. I had to cancel my apartment earlier scheduled with the Events House. I was lost in thoughts on the bus that I did not hear a man calling at me to move to the next seat.


                                “I am so sorry.” I said as I moved over to the next seat. He took his seat and smiled at me.

                                “Darlene, right?”

                I stared at him and then realised that it was Daniel from my driving school. “Oh, how are you Daniel?”

                                “Why did you stand me up?”

                I bit my lips. “What a nice way to respond to a greeting. Anyways, I was busy.”

                                “But we agreed on going out.”

                I smiled. “I never agreed. I was wise enough not to give any concrete answer on that, you assumed.”

                                “Whatever, it’s in the past now.” He replied, with a smile. “Can we hang out this weekend?”

                I rolled my eyeballs. “Unfortunately, I am busy at work this weekend.” I then paused and realised the need to put Daniel in his place. “And just so we are clear, you are my teacher and I do not appreciate your unnecessary warming up to me.”

                He inhaled deeply. “Fine by me, I will stick to my role henceforth.”

                                “Thank you.” I said carelessly.

                Daniel said nothing to me as the journey continued. I could guess that he could not wait for the bus to stop. We dropped off at our stop. Daniel maintained a courteous approach and let me off the bus first.

                                “Have a good night.” He said, walking away.

                                “You too.” I called back.

Dora stood up as soon as I walked in. “I have been waiting for you forever.”

                                “Hi. How was your day?” she asked, holding out a muffin. “I baked it for you.”

                I collected it and took a bite. “This is good. Are there anymore?” I asked, taking my seat.

                                “Yes, I had the luxury of baking some after work today.”

                I smiled. “Thanks Dora.”

                                “I got some news for you. I spoke with a detective earlier in the day, and he said that if we can give concrete information on Paul, they would get to work as soon as possible.”

                I sighed. “Thanks for everything Dora, I am very grateful.”

                                “What are sisters for? I will do anything to help you. If you can drop the details with me before going to work tomorrow, I will stop at the Police Station.”

                                “Thanks Dora.” I replied and left for my room.

                I flung my closet open and started my search for a dress to wear out with Dare. I choose a polka dotted short gown and hurried into the bathroom. i hoped that Dare would make it for 7 sharp, as I have not been a fan of late nights. I applied my lip-gloss coolly as I checked my wristwatch for what I hoped would be the last time.

                                “Knock knock,” Dora said as she walked in.

                                “Hi” I replied adjusting my powder.

                                “There is a guy named Dare here for you.” She cleared her throat. “You look good sis.” She added.

                I smiled. “Thanks Dora. Tell Dad that I might be in a bit late tonight.” I said, grabbing my purse.

                                “I sure will.” She replied with a grin.

                I hurried downstairs to meet Dare.

                                “You look hot.” He said, staring at me.

                I looked at myself with a grimace. ‘What was ‘hot’ about the appearance?’ I thought. I smiled politely. “Thank you.”

                                “Shall we?” he asked.

                                “Yes Please.” I replied, leading the way.

                Dare started the engine. “Where do you want to go?”

                                “You are the one taking me out, so I am with you.”

                                “What do you say we drive into the night till we have nowhere else to go in Lagos?”

                I popped my eyeballs. “That sounds adventurous, but I say NO! It’s ridiculous, especially on a Monday night, more of irresponsible.”

                                “I am the boss, remember?” he said, smiling. “I call the shots at Ade-Cole, so if we are drooling into the night, no one can bother us, if you want to.”

                I smiled. “I will pass on your offer. Make another choice, there are lots of places to go to on a Monday night, maybe we see a movie.”

                                “Alright, we are off to the movies.”

                I left to get some pop corn and drinks as Dare joined the queue to get us tickets.

                                “I got us tickets to see The Hunger games” Dare said approaching.

                                “Sounds like fun.”

                                “It would be fun, haven’t you seen the adverts? It is awesome! The movie is a complete sell out, I was lucky to grab these tickets.” He said, flashing the tickets in my face.

                                “Let’s go then.”

                After two hours, we were through with the movie.

                                “Thanks Dare, I wasn’t disappointed.”

                He smiled. “You are welcome.” He took a quick glance at his wristwatch. “We have to get to the town square before it is 10.” He said.


                                “At around that time, there is always a street dance at that end, and the kids are totally awesome, you need to see it.”

“Okay.” I replied, dumbly.


                                “We are going to run because Cars can’t go through this route,” he said. Dare grabbed my hand and before I could say Jack Robinson, we were already running. A teeming crowd running from the east and west joined us. It seemed as though everyone knew that it was time to run towards the town square.

                Dare was all jumpy as he grooved to the music as the dance competition went on. He was lost in the dance competition that he did not see me wander off into the streets. I wanted to get a drink badly as my throat was all-dry. CLOSED tags were on almost all stores in the street. I was in dire need of a drink and it looked almost impossible to get any. The road was dark and lonely ahead, so I decided to turn back. I was grabbed at the arm. I yelled.

                                “Why are you making so much noise?”

                I turned round as I released myself. “Why are you stalking me Daniel?” I asked.

                                “I was just fortunate to be in the environment and I saw you leaving the dance ground so I thought that I should follow you.” He replied. “Why were you wandering?”

                I looked at him carefully. “I don’t like you being everywhere around me.”

                                “This is Lagos. It is a free City, I can be anywhere I choose to be.” He replied.

                Daniel scared me. It was dark and lonely and I felt that I was standing before a nightmare. “I’ll just go back to the ground.” I replied.

                He held me back. “Wait!” He held my hand so tightly that it hurt.

                                “Leave me alone Daniel.”


                                “The lady told you to leave her alone.” A voice said from the dark.

                The scene terrified me the more. The next thing I heard was a blow landing heavily on Daniel. He crashed to the ground.

                                “Are you alright Darlene?”

                                “Yes I am.” I replied, with my voice all shaky.

                                “Why did you leave the town square? It is not safe for you to be wandering all by yourself.” He then turned to Daniel. “Who is this riff-raff?”

                I sighed. Daniel was struggling to get up from the ground. He must have felt a serious impact from the blow Daniel gave him. “He is my teacher from a driving school.”

                                “This is no teacher.” Dare replied, kicking Daniel hard in the belly.

                                “Please Dare, let him be. I am fine now, let’s just go.” I begged.

                Dare was more interested in Daniel than in my plea as he struck him hard to the ground.

                                “Hold it up there! This is the Police, your hands right behind your head.”



“Wonderful end to your evening, right?” Dad asked, as he signed my bail papers. I collected my wristwatch and purse from the Police officer. “I also signed bail for the thug who helped you in attacking an innocent man.”

                I laughed. “That is my boss. He is no thug Dad, and your so-called innocent man is a stalker. He has been following me all around and if not for Dare’s timely intervention, I might be dead.”

                                “I see. So, Ade-Cole’s boy was your Jackie Chan out there.”

                Dare came out with a police officer. He was handed his wallet and other properties. “Thank you Sir.” He said to my Dad.

                                “You are welcome Ade-Cole.”

                                “You guys have to report here tomorrow around 10 in the morning to file a formal report against your so-called stalker.” The Police Chief said.

                Dad dropped Dare off at his house before we left for ours.

                                “Hope you weren’t mistreated at the station?” Dora asked as we walked in.

                                “They acted nice.” I replied slumping into the sofa.

                                “Go to your room Dora, I have to talk to your step sister.” Dad ordered.

                                “Sister.” I corrected.

                Dad smiled. “Nice to hear that from you Darlene, Please go to your room Dora.”  Dora pecked Dad and I and left for her room. Dad sighed and I guessed that it could only mean trouble. His sermons might just be too much for me to bear.

                                “Dad please, I don’t want you scolding me on this issue. Daniel is the stalker and Dare was just helping out.”

                                “It didn’t seem like that to the Police; else, you both wouldn’t have been locked up. Listen Darlene, I understand that Daniel might be into you.” He paused and cleared his throat. “But I don’t think he is a stalker, I got him a job at Badmus because I have known him as a good kid.”

                                “Do you believe Daniel over me?” I asked feeling offended.

                                “Don’t take it that way honey, but I know Daniel can never hurt you, he won’t dare it.”

                                “Why do you trust him so much? Is he also your kid, maybe my step brother?” I yelled.

                Dad sighed as he sunk into the sofa. “Are you ever going to accept Dora?”

                                “How does this involve Dora? Dad, you trust a man that has been stalking me, how am I sure that he doesn’t mean a lot to you?” I asked, raising my voice.

                                “I think you should keep your voice low, I am not dissuading you from pressing charges against him if you want to, I just think that you should be patient. Those meetings might have been mere coincidences like Daniel explained, and it’s not like he has forced himself on you.”

                                “Stop it Dad!” I yelled. “If you want to protect him, you can. I am taking him to court and that is final!” I retorted and left for my room.

                I stopped at the Police Station early the next day.

                                “Would you like us to take this case to the court?” The DPO asked.

                                “Yes. I want a restraining order on him. The best way is to go to Court.” I replied.

 “What if you are not granted your request?” he asked.

                                “I’ll push for it. I don’t want that man anywhere around me.”

                                “You are a lawyer, it shouldn’t be that difficult.” He replied, smiling.

                I bumped into Daniel on my way out of the DPO’s office. “Look at who we have here.” I said stepping aside.

                                “Are you taking me to Court?” he asked.

                                “I have no business with you Daniel. You have shown that you are very unpredictable and I can’t stand you, so please leave me alone.”

                Daniel shook his head. “You don’t get it, do you?” he paused. “This world is not all about you, I wasn’t stalking you. I thought it was unsafe for you to walk alone into the night and so I tried to follow you, I was at the dance, like every other person.”

                I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me. I am not comfortable with your presence, and I have to put a stop to you. You grabbed me by the arm, which was rude.”

                                “I didn’t want you wandering off again. That hood is filled with thugs who would do anything to feed their belly.” He replied.

                                “There is no point discussing this Daniel, Excuse me.” I replied and left.

                Dare told me that I could skip work today, so I took the time to visit the Events House for Dora’s coming out party. We agreed on the decorators to visit our house during the weekend to plan for its arrangement. I had it fast at the Events House, so I took the opportunity to search for a new driving school. If I was to avoid Daniel, I had to close all possible avenues of us ever meeting again.

                                “When do you want to start your lessons ma’am?” Mr Tobi asked. Mr Tobi owned the driving school. I intended to continue my driving lessons with him.

 “I wouldn’t mind having it every Friday, and probably, some Saturdays.” I replied.

                                “That’s fine by me. Do you want to start this week?”

                                “No, I will be busy this week, but from next week, I will be starting my lessons.”

                We finalized arrangements for my driving lessons. Mr Tobi’s driving School was quite a distance from home, but that is one of the few sacrifices to pay to escape Daniel. It was lonely at home when I returned, so I took the time to tidy up my speech for the Annual Meetings. It was a huge relief for me when Kolapo drove in with Dora.

                                “Hey Darlene.” He called.

                                “Hi KP, How was work today?”   I asked. I rose to hug Dora. “Hey sis”

                Dora sipped my drink and sat down. “I have huge news for you.”

                                “I’ll be in the living room.” Kolapo said leaving for the house.

                                “What is it?”

                Dora sat upright. “The detective has been able to track Paul’s initial location when he left his house. Paul did not go to Obudu like you thought, he left Nigeria.”

                                “I guess we can say that he is safe?”                    

                                “I don’t know if I can agree with you totally. The other issue is that Paul is in the Bahamas. That is, if your descriptions were accurate.”

                                “Of Course they were, but what I don’t understand is what Paul is doing in the Bahamas? Or could he be with Jake?” I thought aloud. Suddenly, I remembered the letter that I received from work thinking that it was from Jake. “I’ll be right back!” I said and dashed into the house. I turned my bag over and searched for the letter. ‘It has to be somewhere’ I thought. I finally found the letter and left for the compound.

                                “What is that in your hand?” Dora asked.

                                “I received this letter from the Bahamas yesterday, I didn’t open it as I thought that he would be from Jake, but I can’t be so sure that it is from Jake .” I replied, opening the letter carefully.

                                “Hurry sis, what does it say?” she asked.



                                “I would not be surprised if you are just reading this letter 2 to 3 days after getting it. It shows that you are still the Darlene that I have always known, always jumping into conclusions, the letter is from ME, not Jake. I would like to ask a favour from you. Do not hate Jake for bringing me to the Bahamas. I know you are shocked to read that Jake took me to the Bahamas, but he knows what to do for a friend, well, not really friends.

                                I apologize for the show that I put up with the gun and all. I was clueless and scared of loosing you. I apologize once again, and I hope that you forgive me.

                                Breaking up with you has been hard, but I am moving on fine. It has been slow, but I am determined to put you aside and move on. I know that it would be impossible to forget you. Before you hear the last of me, permit me to tell you all that I was not able to say when we last met.

                                I never lied to you when I said I love you. I have always loved you since the first day I set my eyes on you, but I cannot say that I will always love you because I intend to move on, just as I know you have. Darlene, you were very special to me. You were my first special girl. You are nothing like every other girl I know, and that is why I will always respect you. You are the woman that every man wants, but not every part of you is what a man wants. You do not always have to be so FORTHRIGHT. From the first day we started our relationship, you were so straight with me that ‘you never loved me’, you did not have to put it that way. Not every man can cope with your being so forthright. I could not, and I am sorry.

                                Darlene, you never TRIED to love me. You did not appreciate my love; I worked hard towards making myself a man worthy of you, but you were not ready to see him. Darlene, not every man can be exactly the type of man that you want, but you could have made me better, I was willing to try. U never was.

                                D, about that guy you brought to my place, your boss, right? Look, I know that he is exactly your type-Elegant, and a perfect debonair, but I think I am going to be the first to slam the relationship before it happens, he will never make you happy. Love is everywhere around you, be open to it.

Okay, I am done writing you, I still miss you, and I had a nice time with Jacob to be honest, he enrolled me here for a retreat in order to help me ‘find myself.

                                Darlene, you are a perfect woman for any man, maybe, I am not just the perfect man for you. However, I believe that I deserve better. I will find someone else when the time is right and move on properly.

                                Once again, don’t forget all that I have said. I may not be the perfect advisor, but I don’t think that your boss will ever make you happy. He might be your fantasy but he is not your Prince.


                I sighed. I read the letter for the second time, but this time, not aloud. Dora patted me on the back and left to join Kolapo in the house. I folded the letter and placed it carefully beside me. My Juice was now cold and it almost felt impossible to take another gulp. Paul’s words were more scratchy than scary. At first, I thought that he might have carried out his threats and committed suicide, but thanks to Jake, Paul is aiming at moving forward and even admonishing me on my next relationship. He even feels that Dare might be my next!


I almost couldn’t hear Dora call until she tapped me. “Hey, I am sorry. Is there a problem?”

                                “Are you so sure of Jake’s safety? Paul could be dangerous.” She said, taking her seat.

                                “Jake will be fine. If he took Paul with him to the Bahamas, he must be aware of his actions. I am only curious as to why Jake didn’t tell me, he would never hide a thing from me.”

                                “Here is a first” she shrugged.

                Dora was right. There is always a first time, but I never had imagined that Jake would hide a thing like this from me. “Yes.” I replied coolly.

                                “Let’s imagine that both are safe. What do you intend to do about Daniel?” I stared at her. “The stalker”

“He claims he is no stalker.”

                                “They never tell. Why is he everywhere? Coincidence?”

                                “I really don’t know, but I will get a restraining order, I won’t be taking any chances with that guy. By the way, Does KP work at Williams too?”

                Dora raised her eyebrows. “No. Why do you ask?”

                                “He is always bringing you home, so I thought you guys might work together, and you know, I have never really asked him where he works.”

                                “I think you guys should chat a little, he is inside and bored. Do you mind keeping him company?”

                                “I am a bit stressed out now, maybe some other time.” I replied, standing.

                                “Really? Are you going to deny my boyfriend the opportunity of having a chat with you? Don’t be mean sis, it won’t take forever, you know.”


                Kolapo smiled. “How are you today?”

                                “Good. And you?” I replied casually.

                                “Fine.” He cleared his throat. “I am happy to learn that you are getting along well with Dora. She’s a good girl”

                I smiled. “I know that. I am also pleased to have a good relationship with her.”

                                “So, how is law going for you?”

                                “I am at the initials, so I can’t say that I have really started the court cases and all, but I am doing pretty fine.” I sprawled out into the sofa. I was exhausted, and with this interview with KP, I might just get more exhausted.

                Kolapo stared at me for a while and said. “I think you are naturally boring.” My eyes popped open like a shotgun. “Do you have any fun at all? Anything spontaneous about you?”

                                “I do have fun, but only when necessary, I try to keep the balance.” I replied.

                                “Necessary doesn’t imply that you strike a balance, it sounds like only 5% of your life. I think you should hang out with me on maybe one or two occasions, I bet you will have fun.”

                                “I do have fun.” I argued. “Only yesterday night, I was at the movies, and then at the Central Town square. I do have fun.” I insisted.

                                “Who are you trying to convince? Me? Or yourself?”

                KP was right. I was trying to convince myself. Fun isn’t for me, or is it? I sighed, and diverted from our discussion. “Where do you work?”

                                “I run a beauty parlour.”

                                “Seriously?” I asked, looking surprised.

                He winked. “Yes. ‘KP’s Place’ is the name. You will get every treatment to bring life to the body and soul.”

                                 “KP’s place? I have heard of it in South Africa. When was it established?”

                                “Yes. It’s been for over two years. I have the head office in Johannesburg; I just started the Lagos Outfit six months ago.” He replied, handing me a business card.

                                “I will definitely check it out.” I said.

                                “If you can come to my Beauty Parlour, you will get a fabulous treatment and then we could hang out a little. We could do that this weekend.”

“I am very busy this weekend, maybe some other time, but we will fix an appropriate date for that.”

                I left Kolapo in the Living room and left for my bedroom. “I have missed you.” I said, slumping into my bed. All I could think about was sleeping. I sprawled out on the bed without eve taking off my clothes. I could sleep in shoes in this condition. My phone buzzed. It was a message from Jake.

                                “I am in Nigeria.” It read.


…to be continued

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5 years ago

I can never overemphasise that this is my favourite go to anytime.
The story is interesting

5 years ago

Still on the surface

5 years ago

Very very interesting….☑️