Pinto The Jungle Girl – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Pinto The Jungle Girl - Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

Pinto The Jungle Girl – Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrites

My name is Pinto, I’m a jungle girl. I wasn’t born in the jungle, but life happened. Dad abandoned my little brother and I when Mom d!ed giving birth to him. So, my mother’s mother took us in, and raised us, but there was not enough money for her to enroll us in school. When I was 12 and my little brother Joe was just three, we relocated to the jungle with Lilo, Grandma’s horse when Grandma d!ed. That day was one of the saddest days of my life.

When Grandma was still alive and was building the house in the jungle, she would leave very early with Lilo and my little brother into the jungle, while I in turn would leave for the palace where I worked as a cleaner.

“Pinto, you should take today off and come help in the jungle” She would always say. But whenever I heard that, I would frown my face folding my arms.

“Why do we need a house in the jungle anyway? When we have a roof here over our heads? Are you planning on relocating to the jungle? Well, count me out cos I’m never ever going to stay in that wilderness” I once said to her out of @nger.

“Don’t be silly Pinto! I have told you countless times that, it is not safe out here. I have seen it severally in my dreams that we were one day attacked and rendered homeless. That shelter in the jungle was what saved us” She replied with eyes glued to mine.

“Well, be careful what you wish for, Grandma cos as for me, nobody is attacking us” I said walking out on her. She called severally but I ignored, her as I made my way out to the palace for the day’s routine not knowing that, the shelter in the jungle would one day become our home.

Well, one day, I went to the Palace as usual when we started to hear strange sounds coming from the village. The Palace was on a hilltop, so one of the guards peeped through one of the windows and he discovered that the village was being attacked. Town criers immediately swung into action, and guards trooped into the King’s chamber just to protect him and his family. And the rest of us, we were left to defend ourselves.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry following the back door, and then hid in the bushes behind the Palace. I was there thinking about Grandma, Joe, and Lilo. And for the first time, I now understood the reason Grandma was building the jungle house, and the dream she had. I knew they were going to be very safe cos Lilo is a very smart horse and can run for hours nonstop.

After a few minutes, the men arrived at the Palace. I heard their yells, asking the King to provide all the treasures in his possession. One of the armed men even came to the back of the Palace, looking around with his finger on the tr!gger. But I was there watching him with my heart almost popping out of my chest, squatting behind a tree and peeping through the bushes. He marched to and fro, and then returned to the Palace.

“Bring out the ancient diamond” I heard one of them say, yelling.

“I do not have it” The King replied yelling back.

And then, something that looked like a little ball landed directly before me in the bush from nowhere. I wanted picking it up, but I paused for a few minutes to see if anyone would come for it.

When no one did, I picked it up and discovered that it had a lock with a little key in the keyhole. I twisted the key unlocking it, and saw something with a ball shape as shiny as the stars in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I tore a part of my dress and then wrapped it around it, and found my way home through the bushes after like two hours of being there. But, as I approached home, there was this very thick smoke I saw coming from the village. I then found out that the men had burnt down the whole village.

“Nooo!!! I screamed, running home but our house had been completely razed. Everywhere was filled with smoke. I called Grandma, Joe, and Lilo but I found no one, not even our neighbors.

I ran around the burnt village in search of them with what I found still in my hand, cos I had this feeling that they were still alive. Some houses were still burning down, with properties and people in them.

“Grandma!!! ” I called again in tears, and then I started to hear Lilo’s voice. I paused, wiped my tears, and turned around. And there the naughty horse was, staring at me from afar.

I immediately let out a grin as soon as I saw him, and then ran to him.

“Lilo, where’s Grandma? ” I quizzed locking stares with him but all he did was twist his neck with a neigh, but I immediately understood him.

“Take me to them” I said and he turned swiftly, I ran after him.

We got to Grandma but, she had burned beyond recognition even though she was still alive, but Joe was fine. I screamed in tears holding her to my chest. I unwrapped what I found and then showed it to her. As soon as Lilo saw it, his jaw dropped in awe.

“Grandma, look, I found it in the bushes behind the Palace” I said.

She managed to open her eyes, and then looked at it.

“Wow! The ancient treasure… This diamond is over 700 years old… and… it’s been passed on by the royal family from generation to generation… Listen, Pinto… Take your brother and Lilo to the jungle house… it’s almost completed but you guys can stay there. This place isn’t safe” She managed to say.

I took a look at it again, and then at Grandma.

“You mean, this is a diamond? ” I asked, and Grandma gave a nod.

“Return it ” She said, and breathed her last breath. I wept, including Joe my little brother, and Lilo the horse. I had never seen a horse in tears before, Lilo was the first.

We left Grandma’s c0rpse there, while Joe and I climbed the horse, and then we left for the jungle. I was on the horse with tears dripping down my face and with the diamond in my hand, staring at it.

“I’m never going to return this” I muttered to myself…

To be continued…

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer.

OpraDre Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl Pinto The Jungle Girl

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1 year ago

Why wouldn’t she obey her Grandma last wish

Last edited 1 year ago by DinmaSweetie